Matthew Fosse 4d5e3b7f0b save [wip]
2024-08-28 14:54:47 -04:00

315 lines
11 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:cake_wallet/bitcoin/bitcoin.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/core/wallet_loading_service.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/preferences_key.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/store/settings_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/device_info.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/feature_flag.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/settings/sync_mode.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/wallet_list/wallet_list_item.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/wallet_list/wallet_list_view_model.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_wallet.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_background_service/flutter_background_service.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:workmanager/workmanager.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/main.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/di.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
const moneroSyncTaskKey = "com.fotolockr.cakewallet.monero_sync_task";
const mwebSyncTaskKey = "com.fotolockr.cakewallet.mweb_sync_task";
void callbackDispatcher() {
Workmanager().executeTask((task, inputData) async {
try {
switch (task) {
case mwebSyncTaskKey:
/// The work manager runs on a separate isolate from the main flutter isolate.
/// thus we initialize app configs first; hive, getIt, etc...
await initializeAppConfigs();
final List<WalletListItem> ltcWallets = getIt
.where((element) => [WalletType.litecoin].contains(element.type))
if (ltcWallets.isEmpty) {
return Future.error("No ltc wallets found");
final walletLoadingService = getIt.get<WalletLoadingService>();
var wallet =
await walletLoadingService.load(ltcWallets.first.type,;
final url = Uri.parse("");
final response = await http.get(url);
if (response.statusCode == 200) {
print("Background task starting: ${response.body}");
} else {
print("Failed to post");
// await wallet.startSync();
// RpcClient _stub = bitcoin!.getMwebStub();
double syncStatus = 0.0;
Timer? _syncTimer;
// dynamic _stub = await bitcoin!.getMwebStub(wallet);
_syncTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 1500), (timer) async {
// if (syncStatus is FailedSyncStatus) return;
// TODO: use the proxy layer:
// final height = await (wallet as ElectrumWallet).electrumClient.getCurrentBlockChainTip() ?? 0;
final height = 2726590;
// final height = 0;
dynamic resp = await bitcoin!.getStatusRequest(wallet);
int blockHeaderHeight = resp.blockHeaderHeight as int;
int mwebHeaderHeight = resp.mwebHeaderHeight as int;
int mwebUtxosHeight = resp.mwebUtxosHeight as int;
print("blockHeaderHeight: $blockHeaderHeight");
print("mwebHeaderHeight: $mwebHeaderHeight");
print("mwebUtxosHeight: $mwebUtxosHeight");
if (blockHeaderHeight < height) {
syncStatus = blockHeaderHeight / height;
} else if (mwebHeaderHeight < height) {
syncStatus = mwebHeaderHeight / height;
} else if (mwebUtxosHeight < height) {
syncStatus = 0.999;
} else {
syncStatus = 1;
print("Sync status ${syncStatus}");
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
if (syncStatus == 1) {
print("sync done!");
if (i > 600) {
return Future.error("Synchronization Timed out");
case moneroSyncTaskKey:
/// The work manager runs on a separate isolate from the main flutter isolate.
/// thus we initialize app configs first; hive, getIt, etc...
await initializeAppConfigs();
final walletLoadingService = getIt.get<WalletLoadingService>();
final typeRaw = getIt.get<SharedPreferences>().getInt(PreferencesKey.currentWalletType);
WalletBase? wallet;
if (inputData!['sync_all'] as bool) {
/// get all Monero wallets of the user and sync them
final List<WalletListItem> moneroWallets = getIt
.where((element) => [WalletType.monero, WalletType.wownero].contains(element.type))
for (int i = 0; i < moneroWallets.length; i++) {
wallet =
await walletLoadingService.load(moneroWallets[i].type, moneroWallets[i].name);
final node = getIt.get<SettingsStore>().getCurrentNode(moneroWallets[i].type);
await wallet.connectToNode(node: node);
await wallet.startSync();
} else {
/// if the user chose to sync only active wallet
/// if the current wallet is monero; sync it only
if (typeRaw == WalletType.monero.index || typeRaw == WalletType.wownero.index) {
final name =
wallet = await walletLoadingService.load(WalletType.values[typeRaw!], name!);
final node = getIt.get<SettingsStore>().getCurrentNode(WalletType.values[typeRaw]);
await wallet.connectToNode(node: node);
await wallet.startSync();
if (wallet?.syncStatus.progress() == null) {
return Future.error("No Monero/Wownero wallet found");
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
if (wallet?.syncStatus.progress() == 1.0) {
if (i > 600) {
return Future.error("Synchronization Timed out");
return Future.value(true);
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
return Future.error(error);
Future<void> initializeService() async {
final service = FlutterBackgroundService();
await service.configure(
// iosConfiguration: IosConfiguration(
// autoStart: true,
// onForeground: onStart,
// onBackground: onIosBackground,
// ),
androidConfiguration: AndroidConfiguration(
autoStart: true,
onStart: onStart,
isForegroundMode: false,
autoStartOnBoot: true,
class BackgroundTasks {
void registerSyncTask({bool changeExisting = false}) async {
try {
bool hasMonero = getIt
.any((element) => element.type == WalletType.monero);
bool hasLitecoin = getIt
.any((element) => element.type == WalletType.litecoin);
/// if its not android nor ios, or the user has no monero wallets; exit
if (!DeviceInfo.instance.isMobile || (!hasMonero && !hasLitecoin)) {
final settingsStore = getIt.get<SettingsStore>();
final SyncMode syncMode = settingsStore.currentSyncMode;
final bool syncAll = settingsStore.currentSyncAll;
if (syncMode.type == SyncType.disabled || !FeatureFlag.isBackgroundSyncEnabled) {
// await service.configure(
// androidConfiguration: AndroidConfiguration(
// // this will be executed when app is in foreground or background in separated isolate
// onStart: onStart,
// // auto start service
// autoStart: true,
// isForegroundMode: true,
// notificationChannelId: notificationChannelId, // this must match with notification channel you created above.
// initialNotificationTitle: 'AWESOME SERVICE',
// initialNotificationContent: 'Initializing',
// foregroundServiceNotificationId: notificationId,
// );
// await Workmanager().initialize(
// callbackDispatcher,
// isInDebugMode: true,
// );
// final inputData = <String, dynamic>{"sync_all": syncAll};
// final constraints = Constraints(
// networkType:
// syncMode.type == SyncType.unobtrusive ? NetworkType.unmetered : NetworkType.connected,
// requiresBatteryNotLow: syncMode.type == SyncType.unobtrusive,
// requiresCharging: syncMode.type == SyncType.unobtrusive,
// requiresDeviceIdle: syncMode.type == SyncType.unobtrusive,
// );
// if (Platform.isIOS && syncMode.type == SyncType.unobtrusive) {
// // await Workmanager().registerOneOffTask(
// // moneroSyncTaskKey,
// // moneroSyncTaskKey,
// // initialDelay: syncMode.frequency,
// // existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy.replace,
// // inputData: inputData,
// // constraints: constraints,
// // );
// await Workmanager().registerOneOffTask(
// mwebSyncTaskKey,
// mwebSyncTaskKey,
// initialDelay: Duration(seconds: 30),
// existingWorkPolicy: ExistingWorkPolicy.replace,
// inputData: inputData,
// constraints: constraints,
// );
// return;
// }
// await Workmanager().registerPeriodicTask(
// moneroSyncTaskKey,
// moneroSyncTaskKey,
// initialDelay: syncMode.frequency,
// frequency: syncMode.frequency,
// existingWorkPolicy: changeExisting ? ExistingWorkPolicy.replace : ExistingWorkPolicy.keep,
// inputData: inputData,
// constraints: constraints,
// );
// await Workmanager().registerPeriodicTask(
// mwebSyncTaskKey,
// mwebSyncTaskKey,
// initialDelay: syncMode.frequency,
// frequency: syncMode.frequency,
// existingWorkPolicy: changeExisting ? ExistingWorkPolicy.replace : ExistingWorkPolicy.keep,
// inputData: inputData,
// constraints: constraints,
// );
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
void cancelSyncTask() {
try {
} catch (error, stackTrace) {
try {
} catch (error, stackTrace) {