David Adegoke ae80fb3b55
CW-774: Enforce Seed Verification ()
* feat: Switch UI for seeds display

* feat: Add localization for disclaimer text

* fix: Modify color for warning on seeds screen

* Fix: Adjust UI styling for seed page

* chore: Revert podfile.lock

* Fix column colors

* Fix more colors

* Fix more colors and update strings

* feat: Enforce Seed Verification Implementation

* fix: Error extracting seed words in Japanese because of spacing type used

* fix: Modify styling for copy image button

* fix: Add back button to the seed page and adjust styling to seed verification question text

* Update seed verification image [skip ci]

* Update description text weight [skip ci]

* Make seed page wider

* Seed page changes


Co-authored-by: tuxpizza <>
Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <>
2024-12-14 02:55:49 +02:00

118 lines
3.2 KiB

import 'dart:math';
import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/feature_flag.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart';
part 'wallet_seed_view_model.g.dart';
class WalletSeedViewModel = WalletSeedViewModelBase with _$WalletSeedViewModel;
abstract class WalletSeedViewModelBase with Store {
WalletSeedViewModelBase(WalletBase wallet)
: name =,
seed = wallet.seed!,
currentOptions = ObservableList<String>(),
verificationIndices = ObservableList<int>() {
String name;
String seed;
/// The Regex split the words based on any whitespace character.
/// Either standard ASCII space (U+0020) or the full-width space character (U+3000) used by the Japanese.
List<String> get seedSplit => seed.split(RegExp(r'\s+'));
int get columnCount => seedSplit.length <= 16 ? 2 : 3;
double get columnAspectRatio => seedSplit.length <= 16 ? 1.8 : 2.8;
/// The indices of the seed to be verified.
ObservableList<int> verificationIndices;
/// The index of the word in verificationIndices being verified.
int currentStepIndex = 0;
/// The options to be displayed on the page for the current seed step.
/// The user has to choose from these.
ObservableList<String> currentOptions;
/// The number of words to be verified, linked to a Feature Flag so we can easily modify it.
int get verificationWordCount => FeatureFlag.verificationWordsCount;
/// Then number of wrong entries the user has selected;
/// Routes the view to the seed screen if it's up to two.
int wrongEntries = 0;
int get currentWordIndex => verificationIndices[currentStepIndex];
String get currentCorrectWord => seedSplit[currentWordIndex];
bool isVerificationComplete = false;
void setupSeedVerification() {
/// Generate the indices of the seeds to be verified.
/// Structured to be as random as possible.
void generateRandomIndices() {
final random = Random();
final indices = <int>[];
while (indices.length < verificationWordCount) {
final i = random.nextInt(seedSplit.length);
if (!indices.contains(i)) {
/// Generates the options for each index being verified.
void generateOptions() {
final correctWord = currentCorrectWord;
final incorrectWords = seedSplit.where((word) => word != correctWord).toList();
final options = [correctWord, ...incorrectWords.take(5)];
bool isChosenWordCorrect(String chosenWord) {
if (chosenWord == currentCorrectWord) {
wrongEntries = 0;
if (currentStepIndex + 1 < verificationWordCount) {
} else {
// All verification steps completed
isVerificationComplete = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;