Rafael Saes 2bce18d240
Linux flutter upgrade (#1054)
* V4.8.1 v1.5.1 (#1038)

* Revert "Cw 397 chatwoot live support (#1011)"

This reverts commit af9b5ff10c.

* Add Version 4.8.1 configs

* Update macos build version [skip ci]

* Re add chatwoot (#1044)

* Revert "Revert "Cw 397 chatwoot live support (#1011)""

This reverts commit ecdc7baa2e.

* Re-add chatwoot
Change chatwoot base url

* Cw 396 additional themes (#962)

* fix: SectionStandardList using BuildContext as param

* refactor: deprecated backgroundColor -> colorScheme.background

* refactor: themeBase and current themes

* refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.color -> dialogTheme.backgroundColor

* refactor: gradient background

* refactor: text themes using the same color as primaryColor

* refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.color -> cardColor

* refactor: text themes using same dialogBackgroundColor

* refactor: scrollbarTheme

* refactor: create SyncIndicatorTheme

* refactor: SectionDivider

* refactor: base_page improvements and simplify

* refactor: collapsible_standart_list improvements

* refactor: accentTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> KeyboardTheme.keyboardBarColor

* refactor: create PinCodeTheme for accentTextTheme.bodyMedium

* refactor: create SupportPageTheme for accentTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor and fix cases that use it

* refactor: accentTextTheme.displayLarge.color -> disabledColor

* refactor: create ExchangePageTheme

* refactor: create DashboardPageTheme and use textColor

* refactor: create NewWalletTheme for accentTextTheme.displayMedium

* refactor: create BalancePageTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.backgroundColor

* refactor: create AddressTheme for accentTextTheme.displaySmall.color

* refactor: create IndicatorDotTheme

* refactor: create CakeMenuTheme

* refactor: create FilterTheme

* refactor: create WalletListTheme

* refactor: accentTextTheme.bodySmall.decorationColor -> InfoTheme.textColor

* refactor: accentTextTheme.titleLarge.backgroundColor -> PickerTheme.dividerColor

* refactor: primaryTextTheme.bodyLarge.backgroundColor -> AlertTheme.leftButtonTextColor

* refactor: primaryTextTheme.displayLarge.backgroundColor -> OrderTheme.iconColor

* refactor: create SendPageTheme

* fix: missing migrated styles

* refactor: primaryTextTheme.labelSmall.decorationColor -> PlaceholderTheme.color

* refactor: create TransactionTradeTheme

* refactor: create CakeTextTheme

* refactor: create AccountListTheme

* refactor: create ReceivePageTheme

* refactor: create QRCodeTheme

* refactor: move remaining items to CakeTextTheme and some missing fixes

* feat(display_settings): add new theme selector

* feat: additional themes

* fix: conflict error

* fix(lag): move colorScheme initialization to constructor

* feat: add backdropColor to alert and picker backdrop filters

* fix: merge fixes

* fix: send template page missing new colors

* fix: anonpay pages title and icon colors

* fix: merge fixes

* fix: unspent coins page

* fix: also fix exchange template

* fix: missing checkbox

* fix: fixes for high contrast theme

* Merge branch 'main' into CW-396-additional-themes

* fix: merge fixes

* fix: .gitignore and rm added files

* Fix review comments


Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>

* Flutter update (#1048)

* Update Flutter
Update packages

* Fix localization issues
Fix UI issues
Update old packages
Update workflow
Update how to build guide

* Additional UI fixes for merged conflicts

* Fix Ethereum network for anonpay invoice (#1051)

* build: migrate from wakelock to wakelock_plus

- plus is compatible with package_info_plus ^4.0.0
- plus has implemented Linux support

* fix: theme & support view model merge fixes


Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <>
2023-08-24 02:30:21 +03:00

169 lines
8 KiB

name: PR Test Build
branches: [ main ]
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
STORE_PASS: test@cake_wallet
KEY_PASS: test@cake_wallet
- name: Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space
run: |
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet
sudo rm -rf /opt/ghc
sudo rm -rf "/usr/local/share/boost"
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-java@v1
java-version: '8.x'
- name: Flutter action
uses: subosito/flutter-action@v1
flutter-version: '3.10.x'
channel: stable
- name: Install package dependencies
run: sudo apt-get install -y curl unzip automake build-essential file pkg-config git python libtool libtinfo5 cmake clang
- name: Execute Build and Setup Commands
run: |
sudo mkdir -p /opt/android
sudo chown $USER /opt/android
cd /opt/android
git clone --branch $GITHUB_HEAD_REF
cd cake_wallet/scripts/android/
source ./ cakewallet
- name: Cache Externals
id: cache-externals
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ hashFiles('**/', '**/') }}
- if: ${{ steps.cache-externals.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }}
name: Generate Externals
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet/scripts/android/
source ./ cakewallet
- name: Install Flutter dependencies
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
flutter pub get
- name: Generate KeyStore
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet/android/app
keytool -genkey -v -keystore key.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 -alias testKey -noprompt -dname "CN=CakeWallet, OU=CakeWallet, O=CakeWallet, L=Florida, S=America, C=USA" -storepass $STORE_PASS -keypass $KEY_PASS
- name: Generate key properties
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
flutter packages pub run tool/generate_android_key_properties.dart keyAlias=testKey storeFile=key.jks storePassword=$STORE_PASS keyPassword=$KEY_PASS
- name: Generate localization
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
flutter packages pub run tool/generate_localization.dart
- name: Build generated code
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
cd cw_core && flutter pub get && flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs && cd ..
cd cw_monero && flutter pub get && flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs && cd ..
cd cw_bitcoin && flutter pub get && flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs && cd ..
cd cw_haven && flutter pub get && flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs && cd ..
cd cw_ethereum && flutter pub get && flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs && cd ..
flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- name: Add secrets
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
touch lib/.secrets.g.dart
touch cw_ethereum/lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const salt = '${{ secrets.SALT }}';" > lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const keychainSalt = '${{ secrets.KEY_CHAIN_SALT }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const key = '${{ secrets.KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const walletSalt = '${{ secrets.WALLET_SALT }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const shortKey = '${{ secrets.SHORT_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const backupSalt = '${{ secrets.BACKUP_SALT }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const backupKeychainSalt = '${{ secrets.BACKUP_KEY_CHAIN_SALT }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const changeNowApiKey = '${{ secrets.CHANGE_NOW_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const changeNowApiKeyDesktop = '${{ secrets.CHANGE_NOW_API_KEY_DESKTOP }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const wyreSecretKey = '${{ secrets.WYRE_SECRET_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const wyreApiKey = '${{ secrets.WYRE_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const wyreAccountId = '${{ secrets.WYRE_ACCOUNT_ID }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const moonPayApiKey = '${{ secrets.MOON_PAY_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const moonPaySecretKey = '${{ secrets.MOON_PAY_SECRET_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const sideShiftAffiliateId = '${{ secrets.SIDE_SHIFT_AFFILIATE_ID }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const sideShiftApiKey = '${{ secrets.SIDE_SHIFT_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const simpleSwapApiKey = '${{ secrets.SIMPLE_SWAP_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const simpleSwapApiKeyDesktop = '${{ secrets.SIMPLE_SWAP_API_KEY_DESKTOP }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const onramperApiKey = '${{ secrets.ONRAMPER_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const anypayToken = '${{ secrets.ANY_PAY_TOKEN }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const ioniaClientId = '${{ secrets.IONIA_CLIENT_ID }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const twitterBearerToken = '${{ secrets.TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const trocadorApiKey = '${{ secrets.TROCADOR_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const trocadorExchangeMarkup = '${{ secrets.TROCADOR_EXCHANGE_MARKUP }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const anonPayReferralCode = '${{ secrets.ANON_PAY_REFERRAL_CODE }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const fiatApiKey = '${{ secrets.FIAT_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const payfuraApiKey = '${{ secrets.PAYFURA_API_KEY }}';" >> lib/.secrets.g.dart
echo "const etherScanApiKey = '${{ secrets.ETHER_SCAN_API_KEY }}';" >> cw_ethereum/lib/.secrets.g.dart
- name: Rename app
run: echo -e "id=com.cakewallet.test\nname=$GITHUB_HEAD_REF" > /opt/android/cake_wallet/android/
- name: Build
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
flutter build apk --release
# - name: Push to App Center
# run: |
# echo 'Installing App Center CLI tools'
# npm install -g appcenter-cli
# echo "Publishing test to App Center"
# appcenter distribute release \
# --group "Testers" \
# --file "/opt/android/cake_wallet/build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk" \
# --release-notes ${GITHUB_HEAD_REF} \
# --app Cake-Labs/Cake-Wallet \
# --token ${{ secrets.APP_CENTER_TOKEN }} \
# --quiet
- name: Rename apk file
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet/build/app/outputs/apk/release
mkdir test-apk
cp app-release.apk test-apk/$GITHUB_HEAD_REF.apk
- name: Upload Artifact
uses: kittaakos/upload-artifact-as-is@v0
path: /opt/android/cake_wallet/build/app/outputs/apk/release/test-apk/
- name: Send Test APK
continue-on-error: true
run: |
cd /opt/android/cake_wallet
var=$(curl --upload-file build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk$GITHUB_HEAD_REF.apk -H "Max-Days: 10")
curl ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEB_HOOK }} -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apk_link": "'"$var"'","ticket": "'"$GITHUB_HEAD_REF"'"}'