David Adegoke 3ad04227a4
test: Attempting automation for testing ()
* feat: Integration tests setup and tests for Disclaimer, Welcome and Setup Pin Code pages

* feat: Integration test flow from start to restoring a wallet successfully done

* test: Dashboard view test and linking to flow

* feat: Testing the Exchange flow section, selecting sending and receiving currencies

* test: Successfully create an exchange section

* feat: Implement flow up to sending section

* test: Complete Exchange flow

* fix dependency issue

* test: Final cleanups

* feat: Add CI to run automated integration tests withan android emulator

* feat: Adjust Automated integration test CI to run on ubuntu 20.04-a

* fix: Move integration test CI into PR test build CI

* ci: Add automated test ci which is a streamlined replica of pr test build ci

* ci: Re-add step to access branch name

* ci: Add KVM

* ci: Add filepath to trigger the test run from

* ci: Add required key

* ci: Add required key

* ci: Add missing secret key

* ci: Add missing secret key

* ci: Add nano secrets to workflow

* ci: Switch step to free space on runner

* ci: Remove timeout from workflow

* ci: Confirm impact that removing copy_monero_deps would have on entire workflow time

* ci: Update CI and temporarily remove cache related to emulator

* ci: Remove dynamic java version

* ci: Temporarily switch CI

* ci: Switch to 11.x jdk

* ci: Temporarily switch CI

* ci: Revert ubuntu version

* ci: Add more api levels

* ci: Add more target options

* ci: Settled on stable emulator matrix options

* ci: Add more target options

* ci: Modify flow

* ci: Streamline api levels to 28 and 29

* ci: One more trial

* ci: Switch to flutter drive

* ci: Reduce options

* ci: Remove haven from test

* ci: Check for solana in list

* ci: Adjust amounts and currencies for exchange flow

* ci: Set write response on failure to true

* ci: Split ci to funds and non funds related tests

* test: Test for Send flow scenario and minor restructuring for test folders and files

* chore: cleanup

* ci: Pause CI for now

* ci: Pause CI for now

* ci: Pause CI for now

* test: Restore wallets integration automated tests

* Fix: Add keys back to currency amount textfield widget

* fix: Switch variable name

* fix: remove automation for now

* tests: Automated tests for Create wallets flow

* tests: Further optimize common flows

* tests: Add missing await for call

* tests: Confirm Seeds Display Properly WIP

* tests: Confirm Seeds Display Correctly Automated Tests

* fix: Add missing pubspec params for bitcoin and bitcoin_cash

* feat: Automated Tests for Transaction History Flow

* fix: Add missing pubspec parameter

* feat: Automated Integration Tests for Transaction History flow

* test: Updating send page robot and also syncing branch with main

* test: Modifying tests to flow with wallet grouping implementation

* fix: Issue with transaction history test

* fix: Modifications to the PR and add automated confirmation for checking that all wallet types are restored or created correctly

* test: Attempting automation for testing

* test: Attempting automation for testing

* test: Print out working directory

* test: See if I can cut down time by removing the build step

* test: More logs

* test: Pubspec was not generated, checking if this fixes it

* test: Pubspec was not generated, checking if this fixes it

* test: Pubspec was not generated, checking if this fixes it

* test: Pubspec was not generated, checking if this fixes it

* test: Pubspec was not generated, checking if this fixes it

* test: Pubspec was not generated, checking if this fixes it

* test: Another trial

* test: Another trial

* test: Another trial

* test: Another trial

* test: Another trial

* test: Another trial

* fix: Adjust config file

* test: Add commands to generate files and set codebase up as new

* test: try another route

* test: try another route - 2

* test: try another route

* test: try another route - 2

* test: Uncomment KVM and optimizations-a

* test: Try with sudo permissions-a

* test: Try again

* test: Pause build and rename steps, see how faster it resolves

* test: Try using working directory

* test: Check details of current working directory

* test: Switch test run command from flutter drive to flutter test

* test: Adding secrets to CI workflow

* fix: add working directory to emulator and reactivate build step

* test: Add verbosity

* test: Check tat emulator is present and ready to connect

* test: Try a direct test to see if it'll trigger properly

* test: Try the flutter drive command

* test: Try uninstalling before running

* test: Create an aggregator test file as the entry point for all tests

* test: Try without awaiting each test

* test: Another trial at getting combined tests running

* test: Use a test runner script that'll be responsible for running all available integration tests

* test: Add command to make integration test runner file an executable

* test: Fix failing exchange flow test

* test: fix failing exchange flow test

* test: Fix issue with send flow test

* test: Fix issue with confirm seeds flow test

* test: Modify create and restore flows to reflect modified onboarding flow

* chore: Remove package declaration in AndroidManifestBase file to fix issue of it being deprecated

* test: Bump up flutter version

* fix: Add meld keys

* chore: Remove package name declarations from AndroidManifests

* better write close function definition
comment integration tests workflow for now


Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2024-12-13 21:45:41 +02:00

368 lines
11 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cake_wallet/core/execution_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/send/send_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/send/send_view_model_state.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/transaction_priority.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import '../components/common_test_cases.dart';
import '../components/common_test_constants.dart';
import 'auth_page_robot.dart';
class SendPageRobot {
SendPageRobot({required this.tester})
: commonTestCases = CommonTestCases(tester),
authPageRobot = AuthPageRobot(tester);
WidgetTester tester;
CommonTestCases commonTestCases;
AuthPageRobot authPageRobot;
Future<void> isSendPage() async {
await commonTestCases.isSpecificPage<SendPage>();
void hasTitle() {
void confirmViewComponentsDisplayProperly() {
SendPage sendPage = tester.widget(find.byType(SendPage));
final sendViewModel = sendPage.sendViewModel;
if (sendViewModel.hasMultipleTokens) {
if (!sendViewModel.isBatchSending) {
if (!sendViewModel.isFiatDisabled) {
if (sendViewModel.hasFees) {
if (sendViewModel.hasCoinControl) {
if (sendViewModel.hasCurrecyChanger) {
if (sendViewModel.sendTemplateViewModel.hasMultiRecipient) {
Future<void> selectReceiveCurrency(CryptoCurrency receiveCurrency) async {
final currencyPickerKey = 'send_page_currency_picker_button_key';
final currencyPickerDialogKey = 'send_page_currency_picker_dialog_button_key';
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey(currencyPickerKey);
SendPage sendPage = tester.widget(find.byType(SendPage));
final sendViewModel = sendPage.sendViewModel;
if (receiveCurrency == sendViewModel.selectedCryptoCurrency) {
await commonTestCases
await commonTestCases.enterText(receiveCurrency.title, 'search_bar_widget_key');
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey('picker_items_index_${receiveCurrency.fullName}_button_key');
Future<void> enterReceiveAddress(String receiveAddress) async {
await commonTestCases.enterText(receiveAddress, 'send_page_address_textfield_key');
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
Future<void> enterAmount(String amount) async {
await commonTestCases.enterText(amount, 'send_page_amount_textfield_key');
Future<void> selectTransactionPriority({TransactionPriority? priority}) async {
SendPage sendPage = tester.widget(find.byType(SendPage));
final sendViewModel = sendPage.sendViewModel;
if (!sendViewModel.hasFees || priority == null) return;
final transactionPriorityPickerKey = 'send_page_select_fee_priority_button_key';
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey(transactionPriorityPickerKey);
if (priority == sendViewModel.transactionPriority) {
await commonTestCases
await commonTestCases.dragUntilVisible(
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey('picker_items_index_${priority.title}_button_key');
Future<void> onSendButtonPressed() async {
tester.printToConsole('Pressing send');
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey(
shouldPumpAndSettle: false,
await _waitForSendTransactionCompletion();
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
Future<void> _waitForSendTransactionCompletion() async {
await tester.pump();
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
// Loop to wait for the async operation to complete
while (true) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
tester.printToConsole('Before _handleAuth');
await _handleAuthPage();
tester.printToConsole('After _handleAuth');
await tester.pump();
final sendPage = tester.widget<SendPage>(find.byType(SendPage));
final state = sendPage.sendViewModel.state;
await tester.pump();
bool isDone = state is ExecutedSuccessfullyState;
bool isFailed = state is FailureState;
tester.printToConsole('isDone: $isDone');
tester.printToConsole('isFailed: $isFailed');
if (isDone || isFailed) {
isDone ? 'Completer is done' : 'Completer is done though operation failed',
await tester.pump();
} else {
tester.printToConsole('Completer is not done');
await tester.pump();
await expectLater(completer.future, completes);
tester.printToConsole('Done confirming sending operation');
Future<void> _handleAuthPage() async {
tester.printToConsole('Inside _handleAuth');
await tester.pump();
tester.printToConsole('starting auth checks');
final authPage = authPageRobot.onAuthPage();
if (authPage) {
await tester.pump();
tester.printToConsole('Starting inner _handleAuth loop checks');
try {
await authPageRobot.enterPinCode(, pumpDuration: 500);
tester.printToConsole('Auth done');
await tester.pump();
tester.printToConsole('Auth pump done');
} catch (e) {
tester.printToConsole('Auth failed, retrying');
await tester.pump();
await tester.pump();
Future<void> handleSendResult() async {
await tester.pump();
tester.printToConsole('Inside handle function');
bool hasError = false;
hasError = await hasErrorWhileSending();
tester.printToConsole('Has an Error in the handle: $hasError');
int maxRetries = 20;
int retries = 0;
while (hasError && retries < maxRetries) {
tester.printToConsole('hasErrorInLoop: $hasError');
await tester.pump();
await onSendFailureDialogButtonPressed();
tester.printToConsole('Failure button tapped');
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
await onSendButtonPressed();
tester.printToConsole('Send button tapped');
hasError = await hasErrorWhileSending();
if (!hasError) {
tester.printToConsole('No error, proceeding with flow');
await tester.pump();
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
//* ------ On Sending Failure ------------
Future<bool> hasErrorWhileSending() async {
await tester.pump();
tester.printToConsole('Checking if there is an error');
final errorDialog = find.byKey(ValueKey('send_page_send_failure_dialog_button_key'));
bool hasError = errorDialog.tryEvaluate();
tester.printToConsole('Has error: $hasError');
return hasError;
Future<void> onSendFailureDialogButtonPressed() async {
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
tester.printToConsole('Send Button Failure Dialog Triggered');
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey('send_page_send_failure_dialog_button_key');
//* ------ On Sending Success ------------
Future<void> onSendButtonOnConfirmSendingDialogPressed() async {
tester.printToConsole('Inside confirm sending dialog: For sending');
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
await tester.pump();
final sendText = find.text(S.current.send).last;
bool hasText = sendText.tryEvaluate();
tester.printToConsole('Has Text: $hasText');
if (hasText) {
await commonTestCases.tapItemByFinder(sendText, shouldPumpAndSettle: false);
// Loop to wait for the operation to commit transaction
await _waitForCommitTransactionCompletion();
await tester.pump();
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime(seconds: 4);
} else {
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
await tester.pump();
Future<void> _waitForCommitTransactionCompletion() async {
final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>();
while (true) {
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
final sendPage = tester.widget<SendPage>(find.byType(SendPage));
final state = sendPage.sendViewModel.state;
bool isDone = state is TransactionCommitted;
bool isFailed = state is FailureState;
tester.printToConsole('isDone: $isDone');
tester.printToConsole('isFailed: $isFailed');
if (isDone || isFailed) {
isDone ? 'Completer is done' : 'Completer is done though operation failed',
await tester.pump();
} else {
tester.printToConsole('Completer is not done');
await tester.pump();
await expectLater(completer.future, completes);
tester.printToConsole('Done Committing Transaction');
Future<void> onCancelButtonOnConfirmSendingDialogPressed() async {
tester.printToConsole('Inside confirm sending dialog: For canceling');
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime(seconds: 4);
final cancelText = find.text(S.current.cancel);
bool hasText = cancelText.tryEvaluate();
if (hasText) {
await commonTestCases.tapItemByFinder(cancelText);
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime(seconds: 4);
//* ---- Add Contact Dialog On Send Successful Dialog -----
Future<void> onSentDialogPopUp() async {
SendPage sendPage = tester.widget(find.byType(SendPage));
final sendViewModel = sendPage.sendViewModel;
final newContactAddress = sendPage.newContactAddress ?? sendViewModel.newContactAddress();
if (newContactAddress != null) {
await _onAddContactButtonOnSentDialogPressed();
await commonTestCases.defaultSleepTime();
Future<void> _onAddContactButtonOnSentDialogPressed() async {
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey('send_page_sent_dialog_add_contact_button_key');
// ignore: unused_element
Future<void> _onIgnoreButtonOnSentDialogPressed() async {
await commonTestCases.tapItemByKey('send_page_sent_dialog_ignore_button_key');