mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 17:12:04 +00:00
411 lines
16 KiB
411 lines
16 KiB
"welcome" : "Welcome to",
"cake_wallet" : "Cake Wallet",
"first_wallet_text" : "Awesome wallet for Monero",
"please_make_selection" : "Please make selection below to create or recover your wallet.",
"create_new" : "Create New Wallet",
"restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet",
"accounts" : "Accounts",
"edit" : "Edit",
"account" : "Account",
"add" : "Add",
"address_book" : "Address Book",
"contact" : "Contact",
"please_select" : "Please select:",
"cancel" : "Cancel",
"ok" : "OK",
"contact_name" : "Contact Name",
"reset" : "Reset",
"save" : "Save",
"address_remove_contact" : "Remove contact",
"address_remove_content" : "Are you sure that you want to remove selected contact?",
"authenticated" : "Authenticated",
"authentication" : "Authentication",
"failed_authentication" : "Failed authentication. ${state_error}",
"wallet_menu" : "Menu",
"Blocks_remaining" : "${status} Blocks Remaining",
"please_try_to_connect_to_another_node" : "Please try to connect to another node",
"xmr_hidden" : "Hidden",
"xmr_available_balance" : "Available Balance",
"xmr_full_balance" : "Full Balance",
"send" : "Send",
"receive" : "Receive",
"transactions" : "Transactions",
"incoming" : "Incoming",
"outgoing" : "Outgoing",
"transactions_by_date" : "Transactions by date",
"trades" : "Trades",
"filters" : "Filter",
"today" : "Today",
"yesterday" : "Yesterday",
"received" : "Received",
"sent" : "Sent",
"pending" : " (pending)",
"rescan" : "Rescan",
"reconnect" : "Reconnect",
"wallets" : "Wallets",
"show_seed" : "Show seed",
"show_keys" : "Show seed/keys",
"address_book_menu" : "Address book",
"reconnection" : "Reconnection",
"reconnect_alert_text" : "Are you sure you want to reconnect?",
"exchange" : "Exchange",
"clear" : "Clear",
"refund_address" : "Refund address",
"change_exchange_provider" : "Change Exchange Provider",
"you_will_send" : "Convert from",
"you_will_get" : "Convert to",
"amount_is_guaranteed" : "IMPORTANT:\nIf you want to receive a guaranteed amount of BTC, please enter that amount in the BTC field. If you enter an XMR amount instead, then the BTC amount received is an estimate and can fluctuate depending on the rates.",
"amount_is_estimate" : "The receive amount is an estimate",
"powered_by" : "Powered by ${title}",
"error" : "Error",
"estimated" : "Estimated",
"min_value" : "Min: ${value} ${currency}",
"max_value" : "Max: ${value} ${currency}",
"change_currency" : "Change Currency",
"copy_id" : "Copy ID",
"exchange_result_write_down_trade_id" : "Please copy or write down the trade ID to continue.",
"trade_id" : "Trade ID:",
"copied_to_clipboard" : "Copied to Clipboard",
"saved_the_trade_id" : "I've saved the trade ID",
"fetching" : "Fetching",
"id" : "ID: ",
"amount" : "Amount: ",
"payment_id" : "Payment ID: ",
"status" : "Status: ",
"offer_expires_in" : "Offer expires in: ",
"trade_is_powered_by" : "This trade is powered by ${provider}",
"copy_address" : "Copy Address",
"exchange_result_confirm" : "By pressing confirm, you will be sending ${fetchingLabel} ${from} from your wallet called ${walletName} to the address shown below. Or you can send from your external wallet to the below address/QR code.\n\nPlease press confirm to continue or go back to change the amounts.",
"exchange_result_description" : "Please send ${fetchingLabel} ${from} to the address shown below.",
"exchange_result_write_down_ID" : "*Please copy or write down your ID shown above.",
"confirm" : "Confirm",
"confirm_sending" : "Confirm sending",
"commit_transaction_amount_fee" : "Commit transaction\nAmount: ${amount}\nFee: ${fee}",
"sending" : "Sending",
"transaction_sent" : "Transaction sent!",
"expired" : "Expired",
"time" : "${minutes}m ${seconds}s",
"send_xmr" : "Send XMR",
"exchange_new_template" : "New template",
"faq" : "FAQ",
"enter_your_pin" : "Enter your PIN",
"loading_your_wallet" : "Loading your wallet",
"new_wallet" : "New Wallet",
"wallet_name" : "Wallet name",
"continue_text" : "Continue",
"choose_wallet_currency" : "Please choose wallet currency:",
"node_new" : "New Node",
"node_address" : "Node Address",
"node_port" : "Node port",
"login" : "Login",
"password" : "Password",
"nodes" : "Nodes",
"node_reset_settings_title" : "Reset settings",
"nodes_list_reset_to_default_message" : "Are you sure that you want to reset settings to default?",
"change_current_node" : "Are you sure to change current node to ${node}?",
"change" : "Change",
"remove_node" : "Remove node",
"remove_node_message" : "Are you sure that you want to remove selected node?",
"remove" : "Remove",
"delete" : "Delete",
"add_new_node" : "Add new node",
"use" : "Switch to ",
"digit_pin" : "-digit PIN",
"share_address" : "Share address",
"receive_amount" : "Amount",
"subaddresses" : "Subaddresses",
"addresses" : "Addresses",
"scan_qr_code" : "Scan the QR code to get the address",
"rename" : "Rename",
"choose_account" : "Choose account",
"create_new_account" : "Create new account",
"accounts_subaddresses" : "Accounts and subaddresses",
"restore_restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet",
"restore_title_from_seed_keys" : "Restore from seed/keys",
"restore_description_from_seed_keys" : "Get back your wallet from seed/keys that you've saved to secure place",
"restore_next" : "Next",
"restore_title_from_backup" : "Restore from back-up",
"restore_description_from_backup" : "You can restore the whole Cake Wallet app from your back-up file",
"restore_seed_keys_restore" : "Seed/Keys Restore",
"restore_title_from_seed" : "Restore from seed",
"restore_description_from_seed" : "Restore your wallet from either the 25 word or 13 word combination code",
"restore_title_from_keys" : "Restore from keys",
"restore_description_from_keys" : "Restore your wallet from generated keystrokes saved from your private keys",
"restore_wallet_name" : "Wallet name",
"restore_address" : "Address",
"restore_view_key_private" : "View key (private)",
"restore_spend_key_private" : "Spend key (private)",
"restore_recover" : "Restore",
"restore_wallet_restore_description" : "Wallet restore description",
"restore_new_seed" : "New seed",
"restore_active_seed" : "Active seed",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_seed" : "Restore your wallet from 12 word combination code",
"restore_bitcoin_description_from_keys" : "Restore your wallet from generated WIF string from your private keys",
"restore_bitcoin_title_from_keys" : "Restore from WIF",
"restore_from_date_or_blockheight" : "Please enter a date a few days before you created this wallet. Or if you know the blockheight, please enter it instead",
"seed_reminder" : "Please write these down in case you lose or wipe your phone",
"seed_title" : "Seed",
"seed_share" : "Share seed",
"copy" : "Copy",
"seed_language_choose" : "Please choose seed language:",
"seed_choose" : "Choose seed language",
"seed_language_next" : "Next",
"seed_language_english" : "English",
"seed_language_chinese" : "Chinese",
"seed_language_dutch" : "Dutch",
"seed_language_german" : "German",
"seed_language_japanese" : "Japanese",
"seed_language_portuguese" : "Portuguese",
"seed_language_russian" : "Russian",
"seed_language_spanish" : "Spanish",
"send_title" : "Send",
"send_your_wallet" : "Your wallet",
"send_address" : "${cryptoCurrency} address",
"send_payment_id" : "Payment ID (optional)",
"all" : "ALL",
"send_error_minimum_value" : "Minimum value of amount is 0.01",
"send_error_currency" : "Currency can only contain numbers",
"send_estimated_fee" : "Estimated fee:",
"send_priority" : "Currently the fee is set at ${transactionPriority} priority.\nTransaction priority can be adjusted in the settings",
"send_creating_transaction" : "Creating transaction",
"send_templates" : "Templates",
"send_new" : "New",
"send_amount" : "Amount:",
"send_fee" : "Fee:",
"send_name" : "Name",
"send_got_it" : "Got it",
"send_sending" : "Sending...",
"send_success" : "Your Monero was successfully sent",
"settings_title" : "Settings",
"settings_nodes" : "Nodes",
"settings_current_node" : "Current node",
"settings_wallets" : "Wallets",
"settings_display_balance_as" : "Display balance as",
"settings_currency" : "Currency",
"settings_fee_priority" : "Fee priority",
"settings_save_recipient_address" : "Save recipient address",
"settings_personal" : "Personal",
"settings_change_pin" : "Change PIN",
"settings_change_language" : "Change language",
"settings_allow_biometrical_authentication" : "Allow biometrical authentication",
"settings_dark_mode" : "Dark mode",
"settings_transactions" : "Transactions",
"settings_trades" : "Trades",
"settings_display_on_dashboard_list" : "Display on dashboard list",
"settings_all" : "ALL",
"settings_only_trades" : "Only trades",
"settings_only_transactions" : "Only transactions",
"settings_none" : "None",
"settings_support" : "Support",
"settings_terms_and_conditions" : "Terms and conditions",
"pin_is_incorrect" : "PIN is incorrect",
"setup_pin" : "Setup PIN",
"enter_your_pin_again" : "Enter your pin again",
"setup_successful" : "Your PIN has been set up successfully!",
"wallet_keys" : "Wallet seed/keys",
"wallet_seed" : "Wallet seed",
"private_key" : "Private key",
"public_key" : "Public key",
"view_key_private" : "View key (private)",
"view_key_public" : "View key (public)",
"spend_key_private" : "Spend key (private)",
"spend_key_public" : "Spend key (public)",
"copied_key_to_clipboard" : "Copied ${key} to Clipboard",
"new_subaddress_title" : "New address",
"new_subaddress_label_name" : "Label name",
"new_subaddress_create" : "Create",
"subaddress_title" : "Subaddress list",
"trade_details_title" : "Trade Details",
"trade_details_id" : "ID",
"trade_details_state" : "State",
"trade_details_fetching" : "Fetching",
"trade_details_provider" : "Provider",
"trade_details_created_at" : "Created at",
"trade_details_pair" : "Pair",
"trade_details_copied" : "${title} copied to Clipboard",
"trade_history_title" : "Trade history",
"transaction_details_title" : "Transaction Details",
"transaction_details_transaction_id" : "Transaction ID",
"transaction_details_date" : "Date",
"transaction_details_height" : "Height",
"transaction_details_amount" : "Amount",
"transaction_details_copied" : "${title} copied to Clipboard",
"transaction_details_recipient_address" : "Recipient address",
"wallet_list_title" : "Monero Wallet",
"wallet_list_create_new_wallet" : "Create New Wallet",
"wallet_list_restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet",
"wallet_list_load_wallet" : "Load wallet",
"wallet_list_loading_wallet" : "Loading ${wallet_name} wallet",
"wallet_list_failed_to_load" : "Failed to load ${wallet_name} wallet. ${error}",
"wallet_list_removing_wallet" : "Removing ${wallet_name} wallet",
"wallet_list_failed_to_remove" : "Failed to remove ${wallet_name} wallet. ${error}",
"widgets_address" : "Address",
"widgets_restore_from_blockheight" : "Restore from blockheight",
"widgets_restore_from_date" : "Restore from date",
"widgets_or" : "or",
"widgets_seed" : "Seed",
"router_no_route" : "No route defined for ${name}",
"error_text_account_name" : "Account name can only contain letters, numbers\nand must be between 1 and 15 characters long",
"error_text_contact_name" : "Contact name can't contain ` , ' \" symbols\nand must be between 1 and 32 characters long",
"error_text_address" : "Wallet address must correspond to the type\nof cryptocurrency",
"error_text_node_address" : "Please enter a iPv4 address",
"error_text_node_port" : "Node port can only contain numbers between 0 and 65535",
"error_text_payment_id" : "Payment ID can only contain from 16 to 64 chars in hex",
"error_text_xmr" : "XMR value can't exceed available balance.\nThe number of fraction digits must be less or equal to 12",
"error_text_fiat" : "Value of amount can't exceed available balance.\nThe number of fraction digits must be less or equal to 2",
"error_text_subaddress_name" : "Subaddress name can't contain ` , ' \" symbols\nand must be between 1 and 20 characters long",
"error_text_amount" : "Amount can only contain numbers",
"error_text_wallet_name" : "Wallet name can only contain letters, numbers\nand must be between 1 and 15 characters long",
"error_text_keys" : "Wallet keys can only contain 64 chars in hex",
"error_text_crypto_currency" : "The number of fraction digits\nmust be less or equal to 12",
"error_text_minimal_limit" : "Trade for ${provider} is not created. Amount is less then minimal: ${min} ${currency}",
"error_text_maximum_limit" : "Trade for ${provider} is not created. Amount is more then maximum: ${max} ${currency}",
"error_text_limits_loading_failed" : "Trade for ${provider} is not created. Limits loading failed",
"error_text_template" : "Template name and address can't contain ` , ' \" symbols\nand must be between 1 and 106 characters long",
"auth_store_ban_timeout" : "ban_timeout",
"auth_store_banned_for" : "Banned for ",
"auth_store_banned_minutes" : " minutes",
"auth_store_incorrect_password" : "Wrong PIN",
"wallet_store_monero_wallet" : "Monero Wallet",
"wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length" : "Incorrect seed length",
"full_balance" : "Full Balance",
"available_balance" : "Available Balance",
"hidden_balance" : "Hidden Balance",
"sync_status_syncronizing" : "SYNCHRONIZING",
"sync_status_syncronized" : "SYNCHRONIZED",
"sync_status_not_connected" : "NOT CONNECTED",
"sync_status_starting_sync" : "STARTING SYNC",
"sync_status_failed_connect" : "FAILED CONNECT TO THE NODE",
"sync_status_connecting" : "CONNECTING",
"sync_status_connected" : "CONNECTED",
"transaction_priority_slow" : "Slow",
"transaction_priority_regular" : "Regular",
"transaction_priority_medium" : "Medium",
"transaction_priority_fast" : "Fast",
"transaction_priority_fastest" : "Fastest",
"trade_for_not_created" : "Trade for ${title} is not created.",
"trade_not_created" : "Trade not created.",
"trade_id_not_found" : "Trade ${tradeId} of ${title} not found.",
"trade_not_found" : "Trade not found.",
"trade_state_pending" : "Pending",
"trade_state_confirming" : "Confirming",
"trade_state_trading" : "Trading",
"trade_state_traded" : "Traded",
"trade_state_complete" : "Complete",
"trade_state_to_be_created" : "To be created",
"trade_state_unpaid" : "Unpaid",
"trade_state_underpaid" : "Underpaid",
"trade_state_paid_unconfirmed" : "Paid unconfirmed",
"trade_state_paid" : "Paid",
"trade_state_btc_sent" : "Btc sent",
"trade_state_timeout" : "Timeout",
"trade_state_created" : "Created",
"trade_state_finished" : "Finished",
"change_language" : "Change language",
"change_language_to" : "Change language to ${language}?",
"paste" : "Paste",
"restore_from_seed_placeholder" : "Please enter or paste your seed here",
"add_new_word" : "Add new word",
"incorrect_seed" : "The text entered is not valid.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan your fingerprint to authenticate",
"version" : "Version ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "XMR Recipient Detected",
"openalias_alert_content" : "You will be sending funds to\n${recipient_name}",
"card_address" : "Address:",
"buy" : "Buy",
"placeholder_transactions" : "Your transactions will be displayed here",
"placeholder_contacts" : "Your contacts will be displayed here",
"template" : "Template",
"confirm_delete_template" : "This action will delete this template. Do you wish to continue?",
"confirm_delete_wallet" : "This action will delete this wallet. Do you wish to continue?",
"picker_description" : "To choose ChangeNOW or MorphToken, please change your trading pair first",
"change_wallet_alert_title" : "Change current wallet",
"change_wallet_alert_content" : "Do you want to change current wallet to ${wallet_name}?",
"creating_new_wallet" : "Creating new wallet",
"creating_new_wallet_error" : "Error: ${description}",
"seed_alert_title" : "Attention",
"seed_alert_content" : "The seed is the only way to recover your wallet. Have you written it down?",
"seed_alert_back" : "Go back",
"seed_alert_yes" : "Yes, I have",
"exchange_sync_alert_content" : "Please wait until your wallet is synchronized"
} |