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synced 2025-03-21 22:58:45 +00:00
* chore: Create cw_solana package and clean up files * feat: Add Solana Wallet - Create, Restore form seed, restore from Key, Restore from QR, Send, Receive, transaction history, spl tokens * fix: Make transactions file specific to solana only for solana transactions * chore: Revert inject app details script * fix: Fix issue with node and switch current node to main beta instead of testnet * fix: Fix merge conflicts and adjust migration version * fix: Fetch spl token error Signed-off-by: Blazebrain <davidadegoke16@gmail.com> * fix: Diplay and activate spl tokens bug * fix: Review and fixes * fix: reverted formatting for cryptocurrency class * fix: Review comments, split sending flow into signing and sending separately, fix issues * fix: Revert throwing unimplenented error * chore: Fix comment * chore: Fix comment * fix: Errors in flow * Update provider_types.dart [skip ci] * fix: Issues with solana wallet * Update solana_wallet.dart [skip ci] * fix: Review comments * fix: Date time config * fix: Revert bash script for app details * fix: Error with balance, displaying fees, fixing sent or received identifier bug, displaying token symbol with token transaction item in transactions list * fix: Issues with address validation when sending spl tokens and walletconnect initial setup * fix: Issues with sending, fetching transactions history, almost wrapping up walletconnect * fix: Adjust imports that would affect monerocom building successfully * fix: Refine transaction direction and continue work on walletconnect * feat: Display SPL token transfers in the transaction history and finally settle the transaction direction * fix: Delay in transactions history dispaly, show native token transactions first, then process spl token transactions * feat: Switch node and revert solana chain id to previous id * fix: Remove print statement * fix: Remove await for transactions, fetch all transaction histories instantly and adjust solana send success message * chore: Code refactoring and streamlined wallet type check for solana send success message * fix: Make timeout error for node silent and add spl token images --------- Signed-off-by: Blazebrain <davidadegoke16@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Omar Hatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
477 lines
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477 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:cw_solana/pending_solana_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cw_solana/solana_balance.dart';
import 'package:cw_solana/solana_transaction_model.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:solana/dto.dart';
import 'package:solana/encoder.dart';
import 'package:solana/solana.dart';
import '.secrets.g.dart' as secrets;
class SolanaWalletClient {
final httpClient = http.Client();
SolanaClient? _client;
bool connect(Node node) {
try {
Uri? rpcUri;
String webSocketUrl;
bool isModifiedNodeUri = false;
if (node.uriRaw == 'rpc.ankr.com') {
isModifiedNodeUri = true;
String ankrApiKey = secrets.ankrApiKey;
rpcUri = Uri.https(node.uriRaw, '/solana/$ankrApiKey');
webSocketUrl = 'wss://${node.uriRaw}/solana/ws/$ankrApiKey';
} else {
webSocketUrl = 'wss://${node.uriRaw}';
_client = SolanaClient(
rpcUrl: isModifiedNodeUri ? rpcUri! : node.uri,
websocketUrl: Uri.parse(webSocketUrl),
timeout: const Duration(minutes: 2),
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
Future<double> getBalance(String address) async {
try {
final balance = await _client!.rpcClient.getBalance(address);
final solBalance = balance.value / lamportsPerSol;
return solBalance;
} catch (_) {
return 0.0;
Future<ProgramAccountsResult?> getSPLTokenAccounts(String mintAddress, String publicKey) async {
try {
final tokenAccounts = await _client!.rpcClient.getTokenAccountsByOwner(
commitment: Commitment.confirmed,
encoding: Encoding.jsonParsed,
return tokenAccounts;
} catch (e) {
return null;
Future<SolanaBalance?> getSplTokenBalance(String mintAddress, String publicKey) async {
// Fetch the token accounts (a token can have multiple accounts for various uses)
final tokenAccounts = await getSPLTokenAccounts(mintAddress, publicKey);
// Handle scenario where there is no token account
if (tokenAccounts == null || tokenAccounts.value.isEmpty) {
return null;
// Sum the balances of all accounts with the specified mint address
double totalBalance = 0.0;
for (var programAccount in tokenAccounts.value) {
final tokenAmountResult =
await _client!.rpcClient.getTokenAccountBalance(programAccount.pubkey);
final balance = tokenAmountResult.value.uiAmountString;
final balanceAsDouble = double.tryParse(balance ?? '0.0') ?? 0.0;
totalBalance += balanceAsDouble;
return SolanaBalance(totalBalance);
Future<double> getGasForMessage(String message) async {
try {
final gasPrice = await _client!.rpcClient.getFeeForMessage(message) ?? 0;
final fee = gasPrice / lamportsPerSol;
return fee;
} catch (_) {
return 0;
/// Load the Address's transactions into the account
Future<List<SolanaTransactionModel>> fetchTransactions(
Ed25519HDPublicKey publicKey, {
String? splTokenSymbol,
int? splTokenDecimal,
}) async {
List<SolanaTransactionModel> transactions = [];
try {
final response = await _client!.rpcClient.getTransactionsList(
commitment: Commitment.confirmed,
limit: 1000,
for (final tx in response) {
if (tx.transaction is ParsedTransaction) {
final parsedTx = (tx.transaction as ParsedTransaction);
final message = parsedTx.message;
final fee = (tx.meta?.fee ?? 0) / lamportsPerSol;
for (final instruction in message.instructions) {
if (instruction is ParsedInstruction) {
system: (systemData) {
transfer: (transferData) {
ParsedSystemTransferInformation transfer = transferData.info;
bool isOutgoingTx = transfer.source == publicKey.toBase58();
double amount = transfer.lamports.toDouble() / lamportsPerSol;
id: parsedTx.signatures.first,
from: transfer.source,
to: transfer.destination,
amount: amount,
isOutgoingTx: isOutgoingTx,
blockTimeInInt: tx.blockTime!,
fee: fee,
programId: SystemProgram.programId,
tokenSymbol: 'SOL',
transferChecked: (_) {},
unsupported: (_) {},
splToken: (splTokenData) {
if (splTokenSymbol != null) {
transfer: (transferData) {
SplTokenTransferInfo transfer = transferData.info;
bool isOutgoingTx = transfer.source == publicKey.toBase58();
double amount = (double.tryParse(transfer.amount) ?? 0.0) /
pow(10, splTokenDecimal ?? 9);
id: parsedTx.signatures.first,
fee: fee,
from: transfer.source,
to: transfer.destination,
amount: amount,
isOutgoingTx: isOutgoingTx,
programId: TokenProgram.programId,
blockTimeInInt: tx.blockTime!,
tokenSymbol: splTokenSymbol,
transferChecked: (transferCheckedData) {
SplTokenTransferCheckedInfo transfer = transferCheckedData.info;
bool isOutgoingTx = transfer.source == publicKey.toBase58();
double amount =
double.tryParse(transfer.tokenAmount.uiAmountString ?? '0.0') ?? 0.0;
id: parsedTx.signatures.first,
fee: fee,
from: transfer.source,
to: transfer.destination,
amount: amount,
isOutgoingTx: isOutgoingTx,
programId: TokenProgram.programId,
blockTimeInInt: tx.blockTime!,
tokenSymbol: splTokenSymbol,
generic: (genericData) {},
memo: (_) {},
unsupported: (a) {},
return transactions;
} catch (err) {
return [];
Future<List<SolanaTransactionModel>> getSPLTokenTransfers(
String address,
String splTokenSymbol,
int splTokenDecimal,
Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair,
) async {
final tokenMint = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(address);
ProgramAccount? associatedTokenAccount;
try {
associatedTokenAccount = await _client!.getAssociatedTokenAccount(
mint: tokenMint,
owner: ownerKeypair.publicKey,
commitment: Commitment.confirmed,
} catch (_) {}
if (associatedTokenAccount == null) return [];
final accountPublicKey = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(associatedTokenAccount.pubkey);
final tokenTransactions = await fetchTransactions(
splTokenSymbol: splTokenSymbol,
splTokenDecimal: splTokenDecimal,
return tokenTransactions;
void stop() {}
SolanaClient? get getSolanaClient => _client;
Future<PendingSolanaTransaction> signSolanaTransaction({
required String tokenTitle,
required int tokenDecimals,
String? tokenMint,
required double inputAmount,
required String destinationAddress,
required Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair,
List<String> references = const [],
}) async {
const commitment = Commitment.finalized;
final latestBlockhash =
await _client!.rpcClient.getLatestBlockhash(commitment: commitment).value;
final recentBlockhash = RecentBlockhash(
blockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash,
feeCalculator: const FeeCalculator(
lamportsPerSignature: 500,
if (tokenTitle == CryptoCurrency.sol.title) {
final pendingNativeTokenTransaction = await _signNativeTokenTransaction(
tokenTitle: tokenTitle,
tokenDecimals: tokenDecimals,
inputAmount: inputAmount,
destinationAddress: destinationAddress,
ownerKeypair: ownerKeypair,
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash,
commitment: commitment,
return pendingNativeTokenTransaction;
} else {
final pendingSPLTokenTransaction = _signSPLTokenTransaction(
tokenTitle: tokenTitle,
tokenDecimals: tokenDecimals,
tokenMint: tokenMint!,
inputAmount: inputAmount,
destinationAddress: destinationAddress,
ownerKeypair: ownerKeypair,
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash,
commitment: commitment,
return pendingSPLTokenTransaction;
Future<PendingSolanaTransaction> _signNativeTokenTransaction({
required String tokenTitle,
required int tokenDecimals,
required double inputAmount,
required String destinationAddress,
required Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair,
required RecentBlockhash recentBlockhash,
required Commitment commitment,
}) async {
// Convert SOL to lamport
int lamports = (inputAmount * lamportsPerSol).toInt();
final instructions = [
fundingAccount: ownerKeypair.publicKey,
recipientAccount: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(destinationAddress),
lamports: lamports,
final message = Message(instructions: instructions);
final signers = [ownerKeypair];
final signedTx = await _signTransactionInternal(
message: message,
signers: signers,
commitment: commitment,
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash,
final fee = await _getFeeFromCompiledMessage(
sendTx() async => await sendTransaction(
signedTransaction: signedTx,
commitment: commitment,
final pendingTransaction = PendingSolanaTransaction(
amount: inputAmount,
signedTransaction: signedTx,
destinationAddress: destinationAddress,
sendTransaction: sendTx,
fee: fee,
return pendingTransaction;
Future<PendingSolanaTransaction> _signSPLTokenTransaction({
required String tokenTitle,
required int tokenDecimals,
required String tokenMint,
required double inputAmount,
required String destinationAddress,
required Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair,
required RecentBlockhash recentBlockhash,
required Commitment commitment,
}) async {
final destinationOwner = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(destinationAddress);
final mint = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(tokenMint);
ProgramAccount? associatedRecipientAccount;
ProgramAccount? associatedSenderAccount;
associatedRecipientAccount = await _client!.getAssociatedTokenAccount(
mint: mint,
owner: destinationOwner,
commitment: commitment,
associatedSenderAccount = await _client!.getAssociatedTokenAccount(
owner: ownerKeypair.publicKey,
mint: mint,
commitment: commitment,
// Throw an appropriate exception if the sender has no associated
// token account
if (associatedSenderAccount == null) {
throw NoAssociatedTokenAccountException(ownerKeypair.address, mint.toBase58());
try {
associatedRecipientAccount ??= await _client!.createAssociatedTokenAccount(
mint: mint,
owner: destinationOwner,
funder: ownerKeypair,
} catch (e) {
throw Exception(
'Error while creating an associated token account for the recipient: ${e.toString()}',
// Input by the user
final amount = (inputAmount * pow(10, tokenDecimals)).toInt();
final instruction = TokenInstruction.transfer(
source: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(associatedSenderAccount.pubkey),
destination: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(associatedRecipientAccount.pubkey),
owner: ownerKeypair.publicKey,
amount: amount,
final message = Message(instructions: [instruction]);
final signers = [ownerKeypair];
final signedTx = await _signTransactionInternal(
message: message,
signers: signers,
commitment: commitment,
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash,
final fee = await _getFeeFromCompiledMessage(
sendTx() async => await sendTransaction(
signedTransaction: signedTx,
commitment: commitment,
final pendingTransaction = PendingSolanaTransaction(
amount: inputAmount,
signedTransaction: signedTx,
destinationAddress: destinationAddress,
sendTransaction: sendTx,
fee: fee,
return pendingTransaction;
Future<double> _getFeeFromCompiledMessage(
Message message, RecentBlockhash recentBlockhash, Ed25519HDPublicKey feePayer) async {
final compile = message.compile(
recentBlockhash: recentBlockhash.blockhash,
feePayer: feePayer,
final base64Message = base64Encode(compile.toByteArray().toList());
final fee = await getGasForMessage(base64Message);
return fee;
Future<SignedTx> _signTransactionInternal({
required Message message,
required List<Ed25519HDKeyPair> signers,
required Commitment commitment,
required RecentBlockhash recentBlockhash,
}) async {
final signedTx = await signTransaction(recentBlockhash, message, signers);
return signedTx;
Future<String> sendTransaction({
required SignedTx signedTransaction,
required Commitment commitment,
}) async {
final signature = await _client!.rpcClient.sendTransaction(signedTransaction.encode());
_client!.waitForSignatureStatus(signature, status: commitment);
return signature;