Rafael Saes d4969633b0
Cw 426 replace trash and swipe with edit icons ()
* feat: Replace trash and swipe with edit icons on node list item

- replaces yellow Test button with red Delete node button with confirmation on the edit node page

* feat: make node indicator icons bigger (figma comment)

* feat: Replace trash and swipe with edit icons on wallet list page and create wallet_edit_page.dart

* fix: make delete buttons red

* fix: make wallet name wrap when it is too long

* refactor: improve logic & fix observer not refreshing

* fix: add string

* feat: remove the confirmation pop-up for switching between wallets

- which was another item on the jira issue

* fix: remove slideable widgets from node list

* feat: add edit button to currently selected node & disable deleting if selected

* fix: rename wallet also renames to new wallet files

* feat: make sure edits can't overlap existing names

* fix: improve rename flow, fix electrum transactions refresh & add delete old logic

* fix: also fix rename for monero & haven

* refactor: fix identations

* refactor: dont declare the current wallet twice

* refactor: missing

* fix: dont unnecessarily load the current wallet

* fix: remove unnecessary reaction

* feat: make save button disabled until the text is changed

* feat: make walletEditViewModel and make state useful for pending actions

* fix: add back reaction for desktop flow

* - Remove un-necessary code
- Format Edit page


Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <>
2023-07-13 02:20:11 +03:00

91 lines
4.6 KiB

class Routes {
static const welcome = '/welcome';
static const newWallet = '/new_wallet';
static const setupPin = '/setup_pin_code';
static const newWalletFromWelcome = '/new_wallet_from_welcome';
static const seed = '/seed';
static const restoreOptions = '/restore_options';
static const restoreWalletFromSeedKeys = '/restore_wallet_from_seeds_keys';
static const dashboard = '/dashboard';
static const send = '/send';
static const transactionDetails = '/transaction_info';
static const receive = '/receive';
static const newSubaddress = '/new_subaddress';
static const walletEdit = '/walletEdit';
static const disclaimer = '/disclaimer';
static const readDisclaimer = '/read_disclaimer';
static const seedLanguage = '/seed_language';
static const walletList = '/view_model.wallet_list';
static const auth = '/auth';
static const newNode = '/new_node_list';
static const login = '/login';
static const splash = '/splash';
static const accountCreation = '/account_new';
static const addressBook = '/address_book';
static const pickerAddressBook = '/picker_address_book';
static const addressBookAddContact = '/address_book_add_contact';
static const showKeys = '/show_keys';
static const exchangeConfirm = '/exchange_confirm';
static const tradeHistory = '/trade_history';
static const tradeDetails = '/trade_details';
static const exchangeFunds = '/exchange_funds';
static const exchangeTrade = '/exchange_trade';
static const restoreWalletFromSeedDetails = '/restore_from_seed_details';
static const exchange = '/exchange';
static const settings = '/settings';
static const desktop_settings_page = '/desktop_settings_page';
static const empty_no_route = '/empty_no_route';
static const unlock = '/auth_not_closable';
static const rescan = '/rescan';
static const faq = '/faq';
static const newWalletType = '/new_wallet_type';
static const sendTemplate = '/send_template';
static const exchangeTemplate = '/exchange_template';
static const restoreWalletType = '/restore_wallet_type';
static const restoreWallet = '/restore_wallet';
static const preSeed = '/pre_seed';
static const backup = '/backup';
static const editBackupPassword = '/edit_backup_passowrd';
static const restoreFromBackup = '/restore_from_backup';
static const support = '/support';
static const orderDetails = '/order_details';
static const preOrder = '/pre_order';
static const buyWebView = '/buy_web_view';
static const unspentCoinsList = '/unspent_coins_list';
static const unspentCoinsDetails = '/unspent_coins_details';
static const addressPage = '/address_page';
static const fullscreenQR = '/fullscreen_qr';
static const ioniaWelcomePage = '/cake_pay_welcome_page';
static const ioniaCreateAccountPage = '/cake_pay_create_account_page';
static const ioniaLoginPage = '/cake_pay_login_page';
static const ioniaManageCardsPage = '/manage_cards_page';
static const ioniaBuyGiftCardPage = '/buy_gift_card_page';
static const ioniaBuyGiftCardDetailPage = '/buy_gift_card_detail_page';
static const ioniaVerifyIoniaOtpPage = '/cake_pay_verify_otp_page';
static const ioniaDebitCardPage = '/debit_card_page';
static const ioniaActivateDebitCardPage = '/activate_debit_card_page';
static const ioniaAccountPage = 'ionia_account_page';
static const ioniaAccountCardsPage = 'ionia_account_cards_page';
static const ioniaCustomTipPage = 'ionia_custom_tip_page';
static const ioniaGiftCardDetailPage = '/ionia_gift_card_detail_page';
static const ioniaPaymentStatusPage = '/ionia_payment_status_page';
static const ioniaMoreOptionsPage = '/ionia_more_options_page';
static const ioniaCustomRedeemPage = '/ionia_custom_redeem_page';
static const webViewPage = '/web_view_page';
static const connectionSync = '/connection_sync_page';
static const securityBackupPage = '/security_and_backup_page';
static const privacyPage = '/privacy_page';
static const displaySettingsPage = '/display_settings_page';
static const otherSettingsPage = '/other_settings_page';
static const advancedPrivacySettings = '/advanced_privacy_settings';
static const sweepingWalletPage = '/sweeping_wallet_page';
static const anonPayInvoicePage = '/anon_pay_invoice_page';
static const anonPayReceivePage = '/anon_pay_receive_page';
static const anonPayDetailsPage = '/anon_pay_details_page';
static const desktop_actions = '/desktop_actions';
static const transactionsPage = '/transactions_page';
static const setup_2faPage = '/setup_2fa_page';
static const setup_2faQRPage = '/setup_2fa_qr_page';
static const totpAuthCodePage = '/totp_auth_code_page';
static const modify2FAPage = '/modify_2fa_page';