mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 07:08:49 +00:00
Some checks are pending
Cache Dependencies / test (push) Waiting to run
* show extra id for xrp/xlm Stealth * extra id for xrp/xlm LetsExchange * extra id xrp/xml for Sideshift and Trocador * fix Exolix min amount issue * fix extra id ui
341 lines
11 KiB
341 lines
11 KiB
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:cake_wallet/.secrets.g.dart' as secrets;
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/exchange_provider_description.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/limits.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/provider/exchange_provider.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/trade.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/trade_request.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/trade_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/exchange/utils/currency_pairs_utils.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/utils/print_verbose.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart';
class TrocadorExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
TrocadorExchangeProvider({this.useTorOnly = false, this.providerStates = const {}})
: _lastUsedRateId = '',
_provider = [],
super(pairList: supportedPairs(_notSupported));
bool useTorOnly;
final Map<String, bool> providerStates;
static const List<String> availableProviders = [
static const List<CryptoCurrency> _notSupported = [
static const apiKey = secrets.trocadorApiKey;
static const onionApiAuthority = 'trocadorfyhlu27aefre5u7zri66gudtzdyelymftvr4yjwcxhfaqsid.onion';
static const clearNetAuthority = 'trocador.app';
static const markup = secrets.trocadorExchangeMarkup;
static const newRatePath = '/api/new_rate';
static const createTradePath = 'api/new_trade';
static const tradePath = 'api/trade';
static const coinPath = 'api/coin';
String _lastUsedRateId;
List<dynamic> _provider;
String get title => 'Trocador';
bool get isAvailable => true;
bool get isEnabled => true;
bool get supportsFixedRate => true;
bool get supportsOnionAddress => true;
ExchangeProviderDescription get description => ExchangeProviderDescription.trocador;
Future<bool> checkIsAvailable() async => true;
Future<Limits> fetchLimits(
{required CryptoCurrency from,
required CryptoCurrency to,
required bool isFixedRateMode}) async {
final params = {
'ticker': _normalizeCurrency(from),
'name': from.name,
final uri = await _getUri(coinPath, params);
final response = await get(uri, headers: {'API-Key': apiKey});
if (response.statusCode != 200)
throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}');
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as List<dynamic>;
if (responseJSON.isEmpty) throw Exception('No data');
final coinJson = responseJSON.first as Map<String, dynamic>;
return Limits(
min: coinJson['minimum'] as double,
max: coinJson['maximum'] as double,
Future<double> fetchRate(
{required CryptoCurrency from,
required CryptoCurrency to,
required double amount,
required bool isFixedRateMode,
required bool isReceiveAmount}) async {
try {
if (amount == 0) return 0.0;
final params = <String, String>{
'ticker_from': _normalizeCurrency(from),
'ticker_to': _normalizeCurrency(to),
'network_from': _networkFor(from),
'network_to': _networkFor(to),
if (!isFixedRateMode) 'amount_from': amount.toString(),
if (isFixedRateMode) 'amount_to': amount.toString(),
'payment': isFixedRateMode ? 'True' : 'False',
'min_kycrating': 'C',
'markup': markup,
final uri = await _getUri(newRatePath, params);
final response = await get(uri, headers: {'API-Key': apiKey});
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final fromAmount = double.parse(responseJSON['amount_from'].toString());
final toAmount = double.parse(responseJSON['amount_to'].toString());
final rateId = responseJSON['trade_id'] as String? ?? '';
var quotes = responseJSON['quotes']['quotes'] as List;
_provider = quotes.map((quote) => quote['provider']).toList();
if (rateId.isNotEmpty) _lastUsedRateId = rateId;
return isReceiveAmount ? (amount / fromAmount) : (toAmount / amount);
} catch (e) {
return 0.0;
Future<Trade> createTrade({
required TradeRequest request,
required bool isFixedRateMode,
required bool isSendAll,
}) async {
final params = {
'ticker_from': _normalizeCurrency(request.fromCurrency),
'ticker_to': _normalizeCurrency(request.toCurrency),
'network_from': _networkFor(request.fromCurrency),
'network_to': _networkFor(request.toCurrency),
'payment': isFixedRateMode ? 'True' : 'False',
'min_kycrating': 'C',
'markup': markup,
if (!isFixedRateMode) 'amount_from': request.fromAmount,
if (isFixedRateMode) 'amount_to': request.toAmount,
'address': request.toAddress,
'refund': request.refundAddress,
'refund_memo' : '0',
if (isFixedRateMode) {
await fetchRate(
from: request.fromCurrency,
to: request.toCurrency,
amount: double.tryParse(request.toAmount) ?? 0,
isFixedRateMode: true,
isReceiveAmount: true,
params['id'] = _lastUsedRateId;
String firstAvailableProvider = '';
for (var provider in _provider) {
if (providerStates.containsKey(provider) && providerStates[provider] == true) {
firstAvailableProvider = provider as String;
if (firstAvailableProvider.isEmpty) {
throw Exception('No available provider is enabled');
params['provider'] = firstAvailableProvider;
final uri = await _getUri(createTradePath, params);
final response = await get(uri, headers: {'API-Key': apiKey});
if (response.statusCode == 400) {
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final error = responseJSON['error'] as String;
final message = responseJSON['message'] as String;
throw Exception('${error}\n$message');
if (response.statusCode != 200)
throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}');
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final id = responseJSON['trade_id'] as String;
final inputAddress = responseJSON['address_provider'] as String;
final refundAddress = responseJSON['refund_address'] as String;
final status = responseJSON['status'] as String;
final payoutAddress = responseJSON['address_user'] as String;
final date = responseJSON['date'] as String;
final password = responseJSON['password'] as String;
final providerId = responseJSON['id_provider'] as String;
final providerName = responseJSON['provider'] as String;
final amount = responseJSON['amount_from']?.toString();
final receiveAmount = responseJSON['amount_to']?.toString();
return Trade(
id: id,
from: request.fromCurrency,
to: request.toCurrency,
provider: description,
inputAddress: inputAddress,
refundAddress: refundAddress,
state: TradeState.deserialize(raw: status),
password: password,
providerId: providerId,
providerName: providerName,
createdAt: DateTime.tryParse(date)?.toLocal(),
amount: amount ?? request.fromAmount,
receiveAmount: receiveAmount ?? request.toAmount,
payoutAddress: payoutAddress,
isSendAll: isSendAll,
Future<Trade> findTradeById({required String id}) async {
final uri = await _getUri(tradePath, {'id': id});
return get(uri, headers: {'API-Key': apiKey}).then((response) {
if (response.statusCode != 200)
throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}');
final responseListJson = json.decode(response.body) as List;
final responseJSON = responseListJson.first;
final id = responseJSON['trade_id'] as String;
final payoutAddress = responseJSON['address_user'] as String;
final refundAddress = responseJSON['refund_address'] as String;
final inputAddress = responseJSON['address_provider'] as String;
final fromAmount = responseJSON['amount_from']?.toString() ?? '0';
final password = responseJSON['password'] as String;
final providerId = responseJSON['id_provider'] as String;
final providerName = responseJSON['provider'] as String;
final addressProviderMemo = responseJSON['address_provider_memo'] as String?;
return Trade(
id: id,
from: CryptoCurrency.fromString(responseJSON['ticker_from'] as String),
to: CryptoCurrency.fromString(responseJSON['ticker_to'] as String),
provider: description,
inputAddress: inputAddress,
refundAddress: refundAddress,
createdAt: DateTime.parse(responseJSON['date'] as String),
amount: fromAmount,
state: TradeState.deserialize(raw: responseJSON['status'] as String),
payoutAddress: payoutAddress,
password: password,
providerId: providerId,
providerName: providerName,
extraId: addressProviderMemo,
String _networkFor(CryptoCurrency currency) {
switch (currency) {
case CryptoCurrency.eth:
return 'ERC20';
case CryptoCurrency.maticpoly:
return 'Mainnet';
case CryptoCurrency.usdcpoly:
case CryptoCurrency.usdtPoly:
case CryptoCurrency.usdcEPoly:
return 'MATIC';
case CryptoCurrency.zec:
return 'Mainnet';
return currency.tag != null ? _normalizeTag(currency.tag!) : 'Mainnet';
String _normalizeCurrency(CryptoCurrency currency) {
switch (currency) {
case CryptoCurrency.zec:
return 'zec';
case CryptoCurrency.usdcEPoly:
return 'usdce';
return currency.title.toLowerCase();
String _normalizeTag(String tag) {
switch (tag) {
case 'ETH':
return 'ERC20';
case 'TRX':
return 'TRC20';
case 'LN':
return 'Lightning';
return tag.toLowerCase();
Future<Uri> _getUri(String path, Map<String, String> queryParams) async {
final uri = Uri.http(onionApiAuthority, path, queryParams);
if (useTorOnly) return uri;
try {
await get(uri);
return uri;
} catch (e) {
return Uri.https(clearNetAuthority, path, queryParams);