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synced 2025-03-16 00:52:02 +00:00
938 lines
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938 lines
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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:bitcoin_base/bitcoin_base.dart';
import 'package:bitcoin_flutter/bitcoin_flutter.dart' as bitcoin;
import 'package:bitcoin_base/bitcoin_base.dart' as bitcoin_base;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_address_record.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_credentials.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_no_inputs_exception.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_priority.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_wrong_balance_exception.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_unspent.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_keys.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_balance.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_transaction_history.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_transaction_info.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_wallet_addresses.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/litecoin_network.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/pending_bitcoin_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/script_hash.dart';
import 'package:cw_bitcoin/utils.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/node.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/pathForWallet.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/transaction_direction.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/transaction_priority.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/unspent_coins_info.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/utils/file.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart';
import 'package:cw_core/wallet_info.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/subjects.dart';
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
part 'electrum_wallet.g.dart';
class ElectrumWallet = ElectrumWalletBase with _$ElectrumWallet;
abstract class ElectrumWalletBase
extends WalletBase<ElectrumBalance, ElectrumTransactionHistory, ElectrumTransactionInfo>
with Store {
{required String password,
required WalletInfo walletInfo,
required Box<UnspentCoinsInfo> unspentCoinsInfo,
required this.networkType,
required this.mnemonic,
required Uint8List seedBytes,
List<BitcoinAddressRecord>? initialAddresses,
ElectrumClient? electrumClient,
ElectrumBalance? initialBalance,
CryptoCurrency? currency})
: hd = currency == CryptoCurrency.bch
? bitcoinCashHDWallet(seedBytes)
: bitcoin.HDWallet.fromSeed(seedBytes, network: networkType).derivePath("m/0'/0"),
syncStatus = NotConnectedSyncStatus(),
_password = password,
_feeRates = <int>[],
_isTransactionUpdating = false,
isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress = true,
unspentCoins = [],
_scripthashesUpdateSubject = {},
balance = ObservableMap<CryptoCurrency, ElectrumBalance>.of(currency != null
? {
initialBalance ?? const ElectrumBalance(confirmed: 0, unconfirmed: 0, frozen: 0)
: {}),
this.unspentCoinsInfo = unspentCoinsInfo,
this.network = _getNetwork(networkType, currency),
this.isTestnet = networkType == bitcoin.testnet,
super(walletInfo) {
this.electrumClient = electrumClient ?? ElectrumClient();
this.walletInfo = walletInfo;
transactionHistory = ElectrumTransactionHistory(walletInfo: walletInfo, password: password);
static bitcoin.HDWallet bitcoinCashHDWallet(Uint8List seedBytes) =>
static int estimatedTransactionSize(int inputsCount, int outputsCounts) =>
inputsCount * 68 + outputsCounts * 34 + 10;
final bitcoin.HDWallet hd;
final String mnemonic;
bool isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress;
late ElectrumClient electrumClient;
Box<UnspentCoinsInfo> unspentCoinsInfo;
late ElectrumWalletAddresses walletAddresses;
late ObservableMap<CryptoCurrency, ElectrumBalance> balance;
SyncStatus syncStatus;
List<String> get scriptHashes => walletAddresses.addressesByReceiveType
.map((addr) => scriptHash(addr.address, network: network))
List<String> get publicScriptHashes => walletAddresses.allAddresses
.where((addr) => !addr.isHidden)
.map((addr) => scriptHash(addr.address, network: network))
String get xpub => hd.base58!;
String get seed => mnemonic;
bitcoin.NetworkType networkType;
BasedUtxoNetwork network;
bool? isTestnet;
BitcoinWalletKeys get keys =>
BitcoinWalletKeys(wif: hd.wif!, privateKey: hd.privKey!, publicKey: hd.pubKey!);
String _password;
List<BitcoinUnspent> unspentCoins;
List<int> _feeRates;
Map<String, BehaviorSubject<Object>?> _scripthashesUpdateSubject;
bool _isTransactionUpdating;
void Function(FlutterErrorDetails)? _onError;
bool torOnly = false;
Future<void> init() async {
await walletAddresses.init();
await transactionHistory.init();
await save();
Future<void> startSync() async {
try {
syncStatus = AttemptingSyncStatus();
await updateTransactions();
await updateUnspent();
await updateBalance();
_feeRates = await electrumClient.feeRates(network: network);
const Duration(minutes: 1), (timer) async => _feeRates = await electrumClient.feeRates());
syncStatus = SyncedSyncStatus();
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus();
void setTorOnly(bool value) {
torOnly = value;
Future<void> connectToNode({required Node node}) async {
try {
// we can't connect over tor in this wallet type (yet):
if (torOnly) {
syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus();
syncStatus = ConnectingSyncStatus();
await electrumClient.connectToUri(node.uri);
electrumClient.onConnectionStatusChange = (bool isConnected) {
if (!isConnected) {
syncStatus = LostConnectionSyncStatus();
syncStatus = ConnectedSyncStatus();
} catch (e) {
syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus();
Future<EstimatedTxResult> estimateTxFeeAndInputsToUse(
int credentialsAmount,
bool sendAll,
List<BitcoinBaseAddress> outputAddresses,
List<BitcoinOutput> outputs,
int? feeRate,
BitcoinTransactionPriority? priority,
{int? inputsCount}) async {
final utxos = <UtxoWithAddress>[];
List<ECPrivate> privateKeys = [];
var leftAmount = credentialsAmount;
var allInputsAmount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < unspentCoins.length; i++) {
final utx = unspentCoins[i];
if (utx.isSending) {
allInputsAmount += utx.value;
leftAmount = leftAmount - utx.value;
final address = addressTypeFromStr(utx.address, network);
final privkey = generateECPrivate(
hd: utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.isHidden ? walletAddresses.sideHd : walletAddresses.mainHd,
index: utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.index,
network: network);
utxo: BitcoinUtxo(
txHash: utx.hash,
value: BigInt.from(utx.value),
vout: utx.vout,
scriptType: _getScriptType(address),
UtxoAddressDetails(publicKey: privkey.getPublic().toHex(), address: address),
bool amountIsAcquired = !sendAll && leftAmount <= 0;
if ((inputsCount == null && amountIsAcquired) || inputsCount == i + 1) {
if (utxos.isEmpty) {
throw BitcoinTransactionNoInputsException();
var changeValue = allInputsAmount - credentialsAmount;
if (!sendAll) {
if (changeValue > 0) {
final changeAddress = await walletAddresses.getChangeAddress();
final address = addressTypeFromStr(changeAddress, network);
outputs.add(BitcoinOutput(address: address, value: BigInt.from(changeValue)));
final estimatedSize = BitcoinTransactionBuilder.estimateTransactionSize(
utxos: utxos, outputs: outputs, network: network);
int fee = feeRate != null
? feeAmountWithFeeRate(feeRate, 0, 0, size: estimatedSize)
: feeAmountForPriority(priority!, 0, 0, size: estimatedSize);
if (fee == 0) {
throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(currency);
var amount = credentialsAmount;
final lastOutput = outputs.last;
if (!sendAll) {
if (changeValue > fee) {
// Here, lastOutput is change, deduct the fee from it
outputs[outputs.length - 1] =
BitcoinOutput(address: lastOutput.address, value: lastOutput.value - BigInt.from(fee));
} else {
// Here, if sendAll, the output amount equals to the input value - fee to fully spend every input on the transaction and have no amount for change
amount = allInputsAmount - fee;
outputs[outputs.length - 1] =
BitcoinOutput(address: lastOutput.address, value: BigInt.from(amount));
final totalAmount = amount + fee;
if (totalAmount > balance[currency]!.confirmed) {
throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(currency);
if (totalAmount > allInputsAmount) {
if (unspentCoins.where((utx) => utx.isSending).length == utxos.length) {
throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(currency);
} else {
if (changeValue > fee) {
return estimateTxFeeAndInputsToUse(
credentialsAmount, sendAll, outputAddresses, outputs, feeRate, priority,
inputsCount: utxos.length + 1);
return EstimatedTxResult(utxos: utxos, privateKeys: privateKeys, fee: fee, amount: amount);
Future<PendingTransaction> createTransaction(Object credentials) async {
try {
final outputs = <BitcoinOutput>[];
final outputAddresses = <BitcoinBaseAddress>[];
final transactionCredentials = credentials as BitcoinTransactionCredentials;
final hasMultiDestination = transactionCredentials.outputs.length > 1;
final sendAll = !hasMultiDestination && transactionCredentials.outputs.first.sendAll;
var credentialsAmount = 0;
for (final out in transactionCredentials.outputs) {
final outputAddress = out.isParsedAddress ? out.extractedAddress! : out.address;
final address = addressTypeFromStr(outputAddress, network);
if (hasMultiDestination) {
if (out.sendAll || out.formattedCryptoAmount! <= 0) {
throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(currency);
final outputAmount = out.formattedCryptoAmount!;
credentialsAmount += outputAmount;
outputs.add(BitcoinOutput(address: address, value: BigInt.from(outputAmount)));
} else {
if (!sendAll) {
final outputAmount = out.formattedCryptoAmount!;
credentialsAmount += outputAmount;
outputs.add(BitcoinOutput(address: address, value: BigInt.from(outputAmount)));
} else {
// The value will be changed after estimating the Tx size and deducting the fee from the total
outputs.add(BitcoinOutput(address: address, value: BigInt.from(0)));
final estimatedTx = await estimateTxFeeAndInputsToUse(
final txb = BitcoinTransactionBuilder(
utxos: estimatedTx.utxos,
outputs: outputs,
fee: BigInt.from(estimatedTx.fee),
network: network);
final transaction = txb.buildTransaction((txDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) {
final key = estimatedTx.privateKeys
.firstWhereOrNull((element) => element.getPublic().toHex() == publicKey);
if (key == null) {
throw Exception("Cannot find private key");
if (utxo.utxo.isP2tr()) {
return key.signTapRoot(txDigest, sighash: sighash);
} else {
return key.signInput(txDigest, sigHash: sighash);
return PendingBitcoinTransaction(transaction, type,
electrumClient: electrumClient,
amount: estimatedTx.amount,
fee: estimatedTx.fee,
network: network)
..addListener((transaction) async {
await updateBalance();
} catch (e) {
throw e;
String toJSON() => json.encode({
'mnemonic': mnemonic,
'account_index': walletAddresses.currentReceiveAddressIndexByType,
'change_address_index': walletAddresses.currentChangeAddressIndexByType,
'addresses': walletAddresses.allAddresses.map((addr) => addr.toJSON()).toList(),
'address_page_type': walletInfo.addressPageType == null
? SegwitAddresType.p2wpkh.toString()
: walletInfo.addressPageType.toString(),
'balance': balance[currency]?.toJSON(),
int feeRate(TransactionPriority priority) {
try {
if (priority is BitcoinTransactionPriority) {
return _feeRates[priority.raw];
return 0;
} catch (_) {
return 0;
int feeAmountForPriority(BitcoinTransactionPriority priority, int inputsCount, int outputsCount,
{int? size}) =>
feeRate(priority) * (size ?? estimatedTransactionSize(inputsCount, outputsCount));
int feeAmountWithFeeRate(int feeRate, int inputsCount, int outputsCount, {int? size}) =>
feeRate * (size ?? estimatedTransactionSize(inputsCount, outputsCount));
int calculateEstimatedFee(TransactionPriority? priority, int? amount,
{int? outputsCount, int? size}) {
if (priority is BitcoinTransactionPriority) {
return calculateEstimatedFeeWithFeeRate(feeRate(priority), amount,
outputsCount: outputsCount, size: size);
return 0;
int calculateEstimatedFeeWithFeeRate(int feeRate, int? amount, {int? outputsCount, int? size}) {
if (size != null) {
return feeAmountWithFeeRate(feeRate, 0, 0, size: size);
int inputsCount = 0;
if (amount != null) {
int totalValue = 0;
for (final input in unspentCoins) {
if (totalValue >= amount) {
if (input.isSending) {
totalValue += input.value;
inputsCount += 1;
if (totalValue < amount) return 0;
} else {
for (final input in unspentCoins) {
if (input.isSending) {
inputsCount += 1;
// If send all, then we have no change value
final _outputsCount = outputsCount ?? (amount != null ? 2 : 1);
return feeAmountWithFeeRate(feeRate, inputsCount, _outputsCount);
Future<void> save() async {
final path = await makePath();
await write(path: path, password: _password, data: toJSON());
await transactionHistory.save();
Future<void> renameWalletFiles(String newWalletName) async {
final currentWalletPath = await pathForWallet(name: walletInfo.name, type: type);
final currentWalletFile = File(currentWalletPath);
final currentDirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name: walletInfo.name, type: type);
final currentTransactionsFile = File('$currentDirPath/$transactionsHistoryFileName');
// Copies current wallet files into new wallet name's dir and files
if (currentWalletFile.existsSync()) {
final newWalletPath = await pathForWallet(name: newWalletName, type: type);
await currentWalletFile.copy(newWalletPath);
if (currentTransactionsFile.existsSync()) {
final newDirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name: newWalletName, type: type);
await currentTransactionsFile.copy('$newDirPath/$transactionsHistoryFileName');
// Delete old name's dir and files
await Directory(currentDirPath).delete(recursive: true);
Future<void> changePassword(String password) async {
_password = password;
await save();
await transactionHistory.changePassword(password);
Future<void> rescan({required int height}) async => throw UnimplementedError();
Future<void> close() async {
try {
await electrumClient.close();
} catch (_) {}
Future<String> makePath() async => pathForWallet(name: walletInfo.name, type: walletInfo.type);
Future<void> updateUnspent() async {
List<BitcoinUnspent> updatedUnspentCoins = [];
final addressesSet = walletAddresses.allAddresses.map((addr) => addr.address).toSet();
await Future.wait(walletAddresses.allAddresses.map((address) => electrumClient
.getListUnspentWithAddress(address.address, network)
.then((unspent) => Future.forEach<Map<String, dynamic>>(unspent, (unspent) async {
try {
final coin = BitcoinUnspent.fromJSON(address, unspent);
final tx = await fetchTransactionInfo(
hash: coin.hash, height: 0, myAddresses: addressesSet);
coin.isChange = tx?.direction == TransactionDirection.outgoing;
} catch (_) {}
unspentCoins = updatedUnspentCoins;
if (unspentCoinsInfo.isEmpty) {
unspentCoins.forEach((coin) => _addCoinInfo(coin));
if (unspentCoins.isNotEmpty) {
unspentCoins.forEach((coin) {
final coinInfoList = unspentCoinsInfo.values.where((element) =>
element.walletId.contains(id) &&
element.hash.contains(coin.hash) &&
element.vout == coin.vout);
if (coinInfoList.isNotEmpty) {
final coinInfo = coinInfoList.first;
coin.isFrozen = coinInfo.isFrozen;
coin.isSending = coinInfo.isSending;
coin.note = coinInfo.note;
} else {
await _refreshUnspentCoinsInfo();
Future<void> _addCoinInfo(BitcoinUnspent coin) async {
final newInfo = UnspentCoinsInfo(
walletId: id,
hash: coin.hash,
isFrozen: coin.isFrozen,
isSending: coin.isSending,
noteRaw: coin.note,
address: coin.bitcoinAddressRecord.address,
value: coin.value,
vout: coin.vout,
isChange: coin.isChange,
await unspentCoinsInfo.add(newInfo);
Future<void> _refreshUnspentCoinsInfo() async {
try {
final List<dynamic> keys = <dynamic>[];
final currentWalletUnspentCoins =
unspentCoinsInfo.values.where((element) => element.walletId.contains(id));
if (currentWalletUnspentCoins.isNotEmpty) {
currentWalletUnspentCoins.forEach((element) {
final existUnspentCoins = unspentCoins
.where((coin) => element.hash.contains(coin.hash) && element.vout == coin.vout);
if (existUnspentCoins.isEmpty) {
if (keys.isNotEmpty) {
await unspentCoinsInfo.deleteAll(keys);
} catch (e) {
Future<ElectrumTransactionBundle> getTransactionExpanded(
{required String hash, required int height}) async {
String transactionHex;
int? time;
int confirmations = 0;
if (network == BitcoinNetwork.testnet) {
// Testnet public electrum server does not support verbose transaction fetching
transactionHex = await electrumClient.getTransactionHex(hash: hash);
final status = json.decode(
(await http.get(Uri.parse("https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/tx/$hash/status"))).body);
time = status["block_time"] as int?;
final tip = await electrumClient.getCurrentBlockChainTip() ?? 0;
confirmations = tip - (status["block_height"] as int? ?? 0);
} else {
final verboseTransaction = await electrumClient.getTransactionRaw(hash: hash);
transactionHex = verboseTransaction['hex'] as String;
time = verboseTransaction['time'] as int?;
confirmations = verboseTransaction['confirmations'] as int? ?? 0;
final original = bitcoin_base.BtcTransaction.fromRaw(transactionHex);
final ins = <bitcoin_base.BtcTransaction>[];
for (final vin in original.inputs) {
final txHex = await electrumClient.getTransactionHex(hash: vin.txId);
final tx = bitcoin_base.BtcTransaction.fromRaw(txHex);
return ElectrumTransactionBundle(original,
ins: ins, time: time, confirmations: confirmations, height: height);
Future<ElectrumTransactionInfo?> fetchTransactionInfo(
{required String hash,
required int height,
required Set<String> myAddresses,
bool? retryOnFailure}) async {
try {
return ElectrumTransactionInfo.fromElectrumBundle(
await getTransactionExpanded(hash: hash, height: height), walletInfo.type, network,
addresses: myAddresses, height: height);
} catch (e) {
if (e is FormatException && retryOnFailure == true) {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
return fetchTransactionInfo(hash: hash, height: height, myAddresses: myAddresses);
return null;
Future<Map<String, ElectrumTransactionInfo>> fetchTransactions() async {
try {
final Map<String, ElectrumTransactionInfo> historiesWithDetails = {};
final addressesSet = walletAddresses.allAddresses.map((addr) => addr.address).toSet();
final currentHeight = await electrumClient.getCurrentBlockChainTip() ?? 0;
await Future.wait(ADDRESS_TYPES.map((type) {
final addressesByType = walletAddresses.allAddresses.where((addr) => addr.type == type);
return Future.wait(addressesByType.map((addressRecord) async {
final history = await _fetchAddressHistory(addressRecord, addressesSet, currentHeight);
if (history.isNotEmpty) {
addressRecord.txCount = history.length;
final matchedAddresses =
addressesByType.where((addr) => addr.isHidden == addressRecord.isHidden);
final isLastUsedAddress =
history.isNotEmpty && addressRecord.address == matchedAddresses.last.address;
if (isLastUsedAddress) {
await walletAddresses.discoverAddresses(
(address, addressesSet) =>
_fetchAddressHistory(address, addressesSet, currentHeight)
.then((history) => history.isNotEmpty ? address.address : null),
type: type);
return historiesWithDetails;
} catch (e) {
return {};
Future<Map<String, ElectrumTransactionInfo>> _fetchAddressHistory(
BitcoinAddressRecord addressRecord, Set<String> addressesSet, int currentHeight) async {
try {
final Map<String, ElectrumTransactionInfo> historiesWithDetails = {};
final history = await electrumClient
.getHistory(addressRecord.scriptHash ?? addressRecord.updateScriptHash(network));
if (history.isNotEmpty) {
await Future.wait(history.map((transaction) async {
final txid = transaction['tx_hash'] as String;
final height = transaction['height'] as int;
final storedTx = transactionHistory.transactions[txid];
if (storedTx != null) {
if (height > 0) {
storedTx.height = height;
// the tx's block itself is the first confirmation so add 1
storedTx.confirmations = currentHeight - height + 1;
storedTx.isPending = storedTx.confirmations == 0;
historiesWithDetails[txid] = storedTx;
} else {
final tx = await fetchTransactionInfo(
hash: txid, height: height, myAddresses: addressesSet, retryOnFailure: true);
if (tx != null) {
historiesWithDetails[txid] = tx;
// Got a new transaction fetched, add it to the transaction history
// instead of waiting all to finish, and next time it will be faster
await transactionHistory.save();
return Future.value(null);
return historiesWithDetails;
} catch (e) {
return {};
Future<void> updateTransactions() async {
try {
if (_isTransactionUpdating) {
_isTransactionUpdating = true;
await fetchTransactions();
_isTransactionUpdating = false;
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
_isTransactionUpdating = false;
void _subscribeForUpdates() {
scriptHashes.forEach((sh) async {
await _scripthashesUpdateSubject[sh]?.close();
_scripthashesUpdateSubject[sh] = electrumClient.scripthashUpdate(sh);
_scripthashesUpdateSubject[sh]?.listen((event) async {
try {
await updateUnspent();
await updateBalance();
await updateTransactions();
} catch (e, s) {
exception: e,
stack: s,
library: this.runtimeType.toString(),
Future<ElectrumBalance> _fetchBalances() async {
final addresses = walletAddresses.allAddresses.toList();
final balanceFutures = <Future<Map<String, dynamic>>>[];
for (var i = 0; i < addresses.length; i++) {
final addressRecord = addresses[i];
final sh = scriptHash(addressRecord.address, network: network);
final balanceFuture = electrumClient.getBalance(sh);
var totalFrozen = 0;
unspentCoinsInfo.values.forEach((info) {
unspentCoins.forEach((element) {
if (element.hash == info.hash &&
element.vout == info.vout &&
info.isFrozen &&
element.bitcoinAddressRecord.address == info.address &&
element.value == info.value) {
totalFrozen += element.value;
final balances = await Future.wait(balanceFutures);
var totalConfirmed = 0;
var totalUnconfirmed = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < balances.length; i++) {
final addressRecord = addresses[i];
final balance = balances[i];
final confirmed = balance['confirmed'] as int? ?? 0;
final unconfirmed = balance['unconfirmed'] as int? ?? 0;
totalConfirmed += confirmed;
totalUnconfirmed += unconfirmed;
if (confirmed > 0 || unconfirmed > 0) {
return ElectrumBalance(
confirmed: totalConfirmed, unconfirmed: totalUnconfirmed, frozen: totalFrozen);
Future<void> updateBalance() async {
balance[currency] = await _fetchBalances();
await save();
String getChangeAddress() {
const minCountOfHiddenAddresses = 5;
final random = Random();
var addresses = walletAddresses.allAddresses.where((addr) => addr.isHidden).toList();
if (addresses.length < minCountOfHiddenAddresses) {
addresses = walletAddresses.allAddresses.toList();
return addresses[random.nextInt(addresses.length)].address;
void setExceptionHandler(void Function(FlutterErrorDetails) onError) => _onError = onError;
String signMessage(String message, {String? address = null}) {
final index = address != null
? walletAddresses.allAddresses.firstWhere((element) => element.address == address).index
: null;
final HD = index == null ? hd : hd.derive(index);
return base64Encode(HD.signMessage(message));
static BasedUtxoNetwork _getNetwork(bitcoin.NetworkType networkType, CryptoCurrency? currency) {
if (networkType == bitcoin.bitcoin && currency == CryptoCurrency.bch) {
return BitcoinCashNetwork.mainnet;
if (networkType == litecoinNetwork) {
return LitecoinNetwork.mainnet;
if (networkType == bitcoin.testnet) {
return BitcoinNetwork.testnet;
return BitcoinNetwork.mainnet;
class EstimateTxParams {
{required this.amount,
required this.feeRate,
required this.priority,
required this.outputsCount,
required this.size});
final int amount;
final int feeRate;
final TransactionPriority priority;
final int outputsCount;
final int size;
class EstimatedTxResult {
{required this.utxos, required this.privateKeys, required this.fee, required this.amount});
final List<UtxoWithAddress> utxos;
final List<ECPrivate> privateKeys;
final int fee;
final int amount;
BitcoinBaseAddress addressTypeFromStr(String address, BasedUtxoNetwork network) {
if (P2pkhAddress.regex.hasMatch(address)) {
return P2pkhAddress.fromAddress(address: address, network: network);
} else if (P2shAddress.regex.hasMatch(address)) {
return P2shAddress.fromAddress(address: address, network: network);
} else if (P2wshAddress.regex.hasMatch(address)) {
return P2wshAddress.fromAddress(address: address, network: network);
} else if (P2trAddress.regex.hasMatch(address)) {
return P2trAddress.fromAddress(address: address, network: network);
} else {
return P2wpkhAddress.fromAddress(address: address, network: network);
BitcoinAddressType _getScriptType(BitcoinBaseAddress type) {
if (type is P2pkhAddress) {
return P2pkhAddressType.p2pkh;
} else if (type is P2shAddress) {
return P2shAddressType.p2wpkhInP2sh;
} else if (type is P2wshAddress) {
return SegwitAddresType.p2wsh;
} else if (type is P2trAddress) {
return SegwitAddresType.p2tr;
} else {
return SegwitAddresType.p2wpkh;