import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'package:cake_wallet/core/wallet_connect/wc_bottom_sheet_service.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/reactions/wallet_connect.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/wallet_connect/widgets/message_display_widget.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/.secrets.g.dart' as secrets; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/wallet_nft_response.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/app_store.dart'; part 'nft_view_model.g.dart'; class NFTViewModel = NFTViewModelBase with _$NFTViewModel; abstract class NFTViewModelBase with Store { NFTViewModelBase(this.appStore, this.bottomSheetService) : isLoading = false, isImportNFTLoading = false, nftAssetByWalletModels = ObservableList() { getNFTAssetByWallet(); reaction((_) => appStore.wallet, (_) => getNFTAssetByWallet()); } final AppStore appStore; final BottomSheetService bottomSheetService; @observable bool isLoading; @observable bool isImportNFTLoading; ObservableList<NFTAssetModel> nftAssetByWalletModels; @action Future<void> getNFTAssetByWallet() async { if (!isEVMCompatibleChain(appStore.wallet!.type)) return; final walletAddress = appStore.wallet!.walletInfo.address; log('Fetching wallet NFTs for $walletAddress'); final chainName = getChainNameBasedOnWalletType(appStore.wallet!.type); // the [chain] refers to the chain network that the nft is on // the [format] refers to the number format type of the responses // the [normalizedMetadata] field is a boolean that determines if // the response would include a json string of the NFT Metadata that can be decoded // and used within the wallet // the [excludeSpam] field is a boolean that determines if spam nfts be excluded from the response. final uri = Uri.https( '', '/api/v2.2/$walletAddress/nft', { "chain": chainName, "format": "decimal", "media_items": "false", "exclude_spam": "true", "normalizeMetadata": "true", }, ); try { isLoading = true; final response = await http.get( uri, headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "X-API-Key": secrets.moralisApiKey, }, ); final decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>; final result = WalletNFTsResponseModel.fromJson(decodedResponse).result ?? []; nftAssetByWalletModels.clear(); nftAssetByWalletModels.addAll(result); isLoading = false; } catch (e) { isLoading = false; log(e.toString()); bottomSheetService.queueBottomSheet( isModalDismissible: true, widget: BottomSheetMessageDisplayWidget( message: e.toString(), ), ); } } @action Future<void> importNFT(String tokenAddress, String tokenId) async { final chainName = getChainNameBasedOnWalletType(appStore.wallet!.type); // the [chain] refers to the chain network that the nft is on // the [format] refers to the number format type of the responses // the [normalizedMetadata] field is a boolean that determines if // the response would include a json string of the NFT Metadata that can be decoded // and used within the wallet final uri = Uri.https( '', '/api/v2.2/nft/$tokenAddress/$tokenId', { "chain": chainName, "format": "decimal", "media_items": "false", "normalizeMetadata": "true", }, ); try { isImportNFTLoading = true; final response = await http.get( uri, headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "X-API-Key": secrets.moralisApiKey, }, ); final decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>; final nftAsset = NFTAssetModel.fromJson(decodedResponse); nftAssetByWalletModels.add(nftAsset); isImportNFTLoading = false; } catch (e) { isImportNFTLoading = false; bottomSheetService.queueBottomSheet( isModalDismissible: true, widget: BottomSheetMessageDisplayWidget( message: e.toString(), ), ); } } }