import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:isolate'; import 'package:bitcoin_base/bitcoin_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_worker.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:blockchain_utils/blockchain_utils.dart'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/address_from_output.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_address_record.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_credentials.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_priority.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_unspent.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_wallet_keys.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_transaction_history.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_transaction_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_wallet_addresses.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/exceptions.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/pending_bitcoin_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/encryption_file_utils.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/get_height_by_date.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/node.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pathForWallet.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_priority.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/unspent_coins_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_keys_file.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/unspent_coin_type.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:ledger_flutter_plus/ledger_flutter_plus.dart' as ledger; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; part 'electrum_wallet.g.dart'; class ElectrumWallet = ElectrumWalletBase with _$ElectrumWallet; abstract class ElectrumWalletBase extends WalletBase with Store, WalletKeysFile { ReceivePort? receivePort; SendPort? workerSendPort; StreamSubscription? _workerSubscription; Isolate? _workerIsolate; ElectrumWalletBase({ required String password, required WalletInfo walletInfo, required Box unspentCoinsInfo, required, required this.encryptionFileUtils, String? xpub, String? mnemonic, List? seedBytes, this.passphrase, List? initialAddresses, ElectrumClient? electrumClient, ElectrumBalance? initialBalance, CryptoCurrency? currency, this.alwaysScan, required this.mempoolAPIEnabled, }) : bip32 = getAccountHDWallet(currency, network, seedBytes, xpub, walletInfo.derivationInfo), syncStatus = NotConnectedSyncStatus(), _password = password, _isTransactionUpdating = false, isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress = true, // TODO: inital unspent coins unspentCoins = ObservableSet(), scripthashesListening = {}, balance = ObservableMap.of(currency != null ? { currency: initialBalance ?? ElectrumBalance( confirmed: 0, unconfirmed: 0, frozen: 0, ) } : {}), this.unspentCoinsInfo = unspentCoinsInfo, this.isTestnet = !network.isMainnet, this._mnemonic = mnemonic, super(walletInfo) { this.electrumClient = electrumClient ?? ElectrumClient(); this.walletInfo = walletInfo; transactionHistory = ElectrumTransactionHistory( walletInfo: walletInfo, password: password, encryptionFileUtils: encryptionFileUtils, ); reaction((_) => syncStatus, syncStatusReaction); sharedPrefs.complete(SharedPreferences.getInstance()); } void _handleWorkerResponse(dynamic response) { print('Main: worker response: $response'); final workerResponse = ElectrumWorkerResponse.fromJson( jsonDecode(response.toString()) as Map, ); if (workerResponse.error != null) { // Handle error print('Worker error: ${workerResponse.error}'); return; } switch (workerResponse.method) { case 'connectionStatus': final status = as String; final connectionStatus = ConnectionStatus.values.firstWhere( (e) => e.toString() == status, ); _onConnectionStatusChange(connectionStatus); break; case 'fetchBalances': final balance = ElectrumBalance.fromJSON( jsonDecode(, ); // Update the balance state // this.balance[currency] = balance!; break; // Handle other responses... } } // Don't forget to clean up in the close method // @override // Future close({required bool shouldCleanup}) async { // await _workerSubscription?.cancel(); // await super.close(shouldCleanup: shouldCleanup); // } static Bip32Slip10Secp256k1 getAccountHDWallet(CryptoCurrency? currency, BasedUtxoNetwork network, List? seedBytes, String? xpub, DerivationInfo? derivationInfo) { if (seedBytes == null && xpub == null) { throw Exception( "To create a Wallet you need either a seed or an xpub. This should not happen"); } if (seedBytes != null) { switch (currency) { case CryptoCurrency.btc: case CryptoCurrency.ltc: case CryptoCurrency.tbtc: return Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seedBytes); case CryptoCurrency.bch: return bitcoinCashHDWallet(seedBytes); default: throw Exception("Unsupported currency"); } } return Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromExtendedKey(xpub!, getKeyNetVersion(network)); } static Bip32Slip10Secp256k1 bitcoinCashHDWallet(List seedBytes) => Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seedBytes).derivePath("m/44'/145'/0'") as Bip32Slip10Secp256k1; int estimatedTransactionSize(int inputsCount, int outputsCounts) => inputsCount * 68 + outputsCounts * 34 + 10; static Bip32KeyNetVersions? getKeyNetVersion(BasedUtxoNetwork network) { switch (network) { case LitecoinNetwork.mainnet: return Bip44Conf.litecoinMainNet.altKeyNetVer; default: return null; } } bool? alwaysScan; bool mempoolAPIEnabled; final Bip32Slip10Secp256k1 bip32; final String? _mnemonic; final EncryptionFileUtils encryptionFileUtils; @override final String? passphrase; @override @observable bool isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress; late ElectrumClient electrumClient; ElectrumApiProvider? electrumClient2; BitcoinBaseElectrumRPCService? get rpc => electrumClient2?.rpc; ApiProvider? apiProvider; Box unspentCoinsInfo; @override late ElectrumWalletAddresses walletAddresses; @override @observable late ObservableMap balance; @override @observable SyncStatus syncStatus; Set get addressesSet => walletAddresses.allAddresses .where((element) => element.type != SegwitAddresType.mweb) .map((addr) => addr.address) .toSet(); List get scriptHashes => walletAddresses.addressesByReceiveType .where((addr) => RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(addr.address, network) is! MwebAddress) .map((addr) => (addr as BitcoinAddressRecord).scriptHash) .toList(); List get publicScriptHashes => walletAddresses.allAddresses .where((addr) => !addr.isChange) .where((addr) => RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(addr.address, network) is! MwebAddress) .map((addr) => addr.scriptHash) .toList(); String get xpub => bip32.publicKey.toExtended; @override String? get seed => _mnemonic; @override WalletKeysData get walletKeysData => WalletKeysData(mnemonic: _mnemonic, xPub: xpub, passphrase: passphrase); @override String get password => _password; BasedUtxoNetwork network; @override bool isTestnet; @observable bool nodeSupportsSilentPayments = true; @observable bool silentPaymentsScanningActive = false; bool _isTryingToConnect = false; Completer sharedPrefs = Completer(); @observable int? currentChainTip; @override BitcoinWalletKeys get keys => BitcoinWalletKeys( wif: WifEncoder.encode(bip32.privateKey.raw, netVer: network.wifNetVer), privateKey: bip32.privateKey.toHex(), publicKey: bip32.publicKey.toHex(), ); String _password; ObservableSet unspentCoins; @observable TransactionPriorities? feeRates; int feeRate(TransactionPriority priority) => feeRates![priority]; @observable Set scripthashesListening; bool _chainTipListenerOn = false; bool _isTransactionUpdating; void Function(FlutterErrorDetails)? _onError; Timer? _autoSaveTimer; Timer? _updateFeeRateTimer; static const int _autoSaveInterval = 1; Future init() async { await walletAddresses.init(); await transactionHistory.init(); _autoSaveTimer = Timer.periodic(Duration(minutes: _autoSaveInterval), (_) async => await save()); } @action @override Future startSync() async { try { if (syncStatus is SynchronizingSyncStatus) { return; } syncStatus = SynchronizingSyncStatus(); // await subscribeForHeaders(); // await subscribeForUpdates(); // await updateTransactions(); // await updateAllUnspents(); // await updateBalance(); // await updateFeeRates(); workerSendPort?.send( ElectrumWorkerMessage( method: 'blockchain.scripthash.get_balance', params: {'scriptHash': scriptHashes.first}, ).toJson(), ); _updateFeeRateTimer ??= Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 5), (timer) async => await updateFeeRates()); syncStatus = SyncedSyncStatus(); await save(); } catch (e, stacktrace) { print(stacktrace); print("startSync $e"); syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(); } } @action Future registerSilentPaymentsKey() async { final registered = await electrumClient.tweaksRegister( secViewKey: walletAddresses.silentAddress!.b_scan.toHex(), pubSpendKey: walletAddresses.silentAddress!.B_spend.toHex(), labels: walletAddresses.silentAddresses .where((addr) => addr.type == SilentPaymentsAddresType.p2sp && addr.labelIndex >= 1) .map((addr) => addr.labelIndex) .toList(), ); print("registered: $registered"); } @action void callError(FlutterErrorDetails error) { _onError?.call(error); } @action Future updateFeeRates() async { try { feeRates = BitcoinElectrumTransactionPriorities.fromList( await electrumClient2!.getFeeRates(), ); } catch (e, stacktrace) { // _onError?.call(FlutterErrorDetails( // exception: e, // stack: stacktrace, // library: this.runtimeType.toString(), // )); } } Node? node; Future getNodeIsElectrs() async { return true; if (node == null) { return false; } final version = await electrumClient.version(); if (version.isNotEmpty) { final server = version[0]; if (server.toLowerCase().contains('electrs')) { node!.isElectrs = true; node!.save(); return node!.isElectrs!; } } node!.isElectrs = false; node!.save(); return node!.isElectrs!; } Future getNodeSupportsSilentPayments() async { return true; // As of today (august 2024), only ElectrumRS supports silent payments if (!(await getNodeIsElectrs())) { return false; } if (node == null) { return false; } try { final tweaksResponse = await electrumClient.getTweaks(height: 0); if (tweaksResponse != null) { node!.supportsSilentPayments = true; node!.save(); return node!.supportsSilentPayments!; } } on RequestFailedTimeoutException catch (_) { node!.supportsSilentPayments = false; node!.save(); return node!.supportsSilentPayments!; } catch (_) {} node!.supportsSilentPayments = false; node!.save(); return node!.supportsSilentPayments!; } @action @override Future connectToNode({required Node node}) async { this.node = node; try { syncStatus = ConnectingSyncStatus(); if (_workerIsolate != null) { _workerIsolate!.kill(priority: Isolate.immediate); _workerSubscription?.cancel(); receivePort?.close(); } receivePort = ReceivePort(); _workerIsolate = await Isolate.spawn(, receivePort!.sendPort); _workerSubscription = receivePort!.listen((message) { if (message is SendPort) { workerSendPort = message; workerSendPort!.send( ElectrumWorkerMessage( method: 'connect', params: {'uri': node.uri.toString()}, ).toJson(), ); } else { _handleWorkerResponse(message); } }); } catch (e, stacktrace) { print(stacktrace); print("connectToNode $e"); syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(); } } int get _dustAmount => 546; bool _isBelowDust(int amount) => amount <= _dustAmount && network != BitcoinNetwork.testnet; TxCreateUtxoDetails _createUTXOS({ required bool sendAll, required int credentialsAmount, required bool paysToSilentPayment, int? inputsCount, UnspentCoinType coinTypeToSpendFrom = UnspentCoinType.any, }) { List utxos = []; List vinOutpoints = []; List inputPrivKeyInfos = []; final publicKeys = {}; int allInputsAmount = 0; bool spendsSilentPayment = false; bool spendsUnconfirmedTX = false; int leftAmount = credentialsAmount; final availableInputs = unspentCoins.where((utx) { if (!utx.isSending || utx.isFrozen) { return false; } switch (coinTypeToSpendFrom) { case UnspentCoinType.mweb: return utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.type == SegwitAddresType.mweb; case UnspentCoinType.nonMweb: return utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.type != SegwitAddresType.mweb; case UnspentCoinType.any: return true; } }).toList(); final unconfirmedCoins = availableInputs.where((utx) => utx.confirmations == 0).toList(); for (int i = 0; i < availableInputs.length; i++) { final utx = availableInputs[i]; if (!spendsUnconfirmedTX) spendsUnconfirmedTX = utx.confirmations == 0; if (paysToSilentPayment) { // Check inputs for shared secret derivation if (utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.type == SegwitAddresType.p2wsh) { throw BitcoinTransactionSilentPaymentsNotSupported(); } } allInputsAmount += utx.value; leftAmount = leftAmount - utx.value; final address = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(utx.address, network); ECPrivate? privkey; bool? isSilentPayment = false; if (utx.bitcoinAddressRecord is BitcoinReceivedSPAddressRecord) { privkey = (utx.bitcoinAddressRecord as BitcoinReceivedSPAddressRecord).spendKey; spendsSilentPayment = true; isSilentPayment = true; } else if (!isHardwareWallet) { privkey = ECPrivate.fromBip32( bip32: walletAddresses.bip32, account: BitcoinAddressUtils.getAccountFromChange(utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.isChange), index: utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.index, ); } vinOutpoints.add(Outpoint(txid: utx.hash, index: utx.vout)); String pubKeyHex; if (privkey != null) { inputPrivKeyInfos.add(ECPrivateInfo( privkey, address.type == SegwitAddresType.p2tr, tweak: !isSilentPayment, )); pubKeyHex = privkey.getPublic().toHex(); } else { pubKeyHex = walletAddresses.bip32 .childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(utx.bitcoinAddressRecord.index)) .publicKey .toHex(); } if (utx.bitcoinAddressRecord is BitcoinAddressRecord) { final derivationPath = (utx.bitcoinAddressRecord as BitcoinAddressRecord) .derivationInfo .derivationPath .toString(); publicKeys[address.pubKeyHash()] = PublicKeyWithDerivationPath(pubKeyHex, derivationPath); } utxos.add( UtxoWithAddress( utxo: BitcoinUtxo( txHash: utx.hash, value: BigInt.from(utx.value), vout: utx.vout, scriptType: BitcoinAddressUtils.getScriptType(address), isSilentPayment: isSilentPayment, ), ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails( publicKey: pubKeyHex, address: address, ), ), ); // sendAll continues for all inputs if (!sendAll) { bool amountIsAcquired = leftAmount <= 0; if ((inputsCount == null && amountIsAcquired) || inputsCount == i + 1) { break; } } } if (utxos.isEmpty) { throw BitcoinTransactionNoInputsException(); } return TxCreateUtxoDetails( availableInputs: availableInputs, unconfirmedCoins: unconfirmedCoins, utxos: utxos, vinOutpoints: vinOutpoints, inputPrivKeyInfos: inputPrivKeyInfos, publicKeys: publicKeys, allInputsAmount: allInputsAmount, spendsSilentPayment: spendsSilentPayment, spendsUnconfirmedTX: spendsUnconfirmedTX, ); } Future estimateSendAllTx( List outputs, int feeRate, { String? memo, int credentialsAmount = 0, bool hasSilentPayment = false, UnspentCoinType coinTypeToSpendFrom = UnspentCoinType.any, }) async { final utxoDetails = _createUTXOS( sendAll: true, credentialsAmount: credentialsAmount, paysToSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); int fee = await calcFee( utxos: utxoDetails.utxos, outputs: outputs, memo: memo, feeRate: feeRate, ); if (fee == 0) { throw BitcoinTransactionNoFeeException(); } // Here, when sending all, the output amount equals to the input value - fee to fully spend every input on the transaction and have no amount left for change int amount = utxoDetails.allInputsAmount - fee; if (amount <= 0) { throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(amount: utxoDetails.allInputsAmount + fee); } if (amount <= 0) { throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(); } // Attempting to send less than the dust limit if (_isBelowDust(amount)) { throw BitcoinTransactionNoDustException(); } if (credentialsAmount > 0) { final amountLeftForFee = amount - credentialsAmount; if (amountLeftForFee > 0 && _isBelowDust(amountLeftForFee)) { amount -= amountLeftForFee; fee += amountLeftForFee; } } if (outputs.length == 1) { outputs[0] = BitcoinOutput(address: outputs.last.address, value: BigInt.from(amount)); } return EstimatedTxResult( utxos: utxoDetails.utxos, inputPrivKeyInfos: utxoDetails.inputPrivKeyInfos, publicKeys: utxoDetails.publicKeys, fee: fee, amount: amount, isSendAll: true, hasChange: false, memo: memo, spendsUnconfirmedTX: utxoDetails.spendsUnconfirmedTX, spendsSilentPayment: utxoDetails.spendsSilentPayment, ); } Future estimateTxForAmount( int credentialsAmount, List outputs, List updatedOutputs, int feeRate, { int? inputsCount, String? memo, bool? useUnconfirmed, bool hasSilentPayment = false, UnspentCoinType coinTypeToSpendFrom = UnspentCoinType.any, }) async { final utxoDetails = _createUTXOS( sendAll: false, credentialsAmount: credentialsAmount, inputsCount: inputsCount, paysToSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); final spendingAllCoins = utxoDetails.availableInputs.length == utxoDetails.utxos.length; final spendingAllConfirmedCoins = !utxoDetails.spendsUnconfirmedTX && utxoDetails.utxos.length == utxoDetails.availableInputs.length - utxoDetails.unconfirmedCoins.length; // How much is being spent - how much is being sent int amountLeftForChangeAndFee = utxoDetails.allInputsAmount - credentialsAmount; if (amountLeftForChangeAndFee <= 0) { if (!spendingAllCoins) { return estimateTxForAmount( credentialsAmount, outputs, updatedOutputs, feeRate, inputsCount: utxoDetails.utxos.length + 1, memo: memo, hasSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); } throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(); } final changeAddress = await walletAddresses.getChangeAddress( inputs: utxoDetails.availableInputs, outputs: updatedOutputs, ); final address = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(changeAddress.address, network); updatedOutputs.add(BitcoinOutput( address: address, value: BigInt.from(amountLeftForChangeAndFee), isChange: true, )); outputs.add(BitcoinOutput( address: address, value: BigInt.from(amountLeftForChangeAndFee), isChange: true, )); final changeDerivationPath = changeAddress.derivationInfo.derivationPath.toString(); utxoDetails.publicKeys[address.pubKeyHash()] = PublicKeyWithDerivationPath('', changeDerivationPath); // calcFee updates the silent payment outputs to calculate the tx size accounting // for taproot addresses, but if more inputs are needed to make up for fees, // the silent payment outputs need to be recalculated for the new inputs var temp = => output).toList(); int fee = await calcFee( utxos: utxoDetails.utxos, // Always take only not updated bitcoin outputs here so for every estimation // the SP outputs are re-generated to the proper taproot addresses outputs: temp, memo: memo, feeRate: feeRate, ); updatedOutputs.clear(); updatedOutputs.addAll(temp); if (fee == 0) { throw BitcoinTransactionNoFeeException(); } int amount = credentialsAmount; final lastOutput = updatedOutputs.last; final amountLeftForChange = amountLeftForChangeAndFee - fee; if (!_isBelowDust(amountLeftForChange)) { // Here, lastOutput already is change, return the amount left without the fee to the user's address. updatedOutputs[updatedOutputs.length - 1] = BitcoinOutput( address: lastOutput.address, value: BigInt.from(amountLeftForChange), isSilentPayment: lastOutput.isSilentPayment, isChange: true, ); outputs[outputs.length - 1] = BitcoinOutput( address: lastOutput.address, value: BigInt.from(amountLeftForChange), isSilentPayment: lastOutput.isSilentPayment, isChange: true, ); } else { // If has change that is lower than dust, will end up with tx rejected by network rules, so estimate again without the added change updatedOutputs.removeLast(); outputs.removeLast(); // Still has inputs to spend before failing if (!spendingAllCoins) { return estimateTxForAmount( credentialsAmount, outputs, updatedOutputs, feeRate, inputsCount: utxoDetails.utxos.length + 1, memo: memo, hasSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, useUnconfirmed: useUnconfirmed ?? spendingAllConfirmedCoins, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); } final estimatedSendAll = await estimateSendAllTx( updatedOutputs, feeRate, memo: memo, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); if (estimatedSendAll.amount == credentialsAmount) { return estimatedSendAll; } // Estimate to user how much is needed to send to cover the fee final maxAmountWithReturningChange = utxoDetails.allInputsAmount - _dustAmount - fee - 1; throw BitcoinTransactionNoDustOnChangeException( BitcoinAmountUtils.bitcoinAmountToString(amount: maxAmountWithReturningChange), BitcoinAmountUtils.bitcoinAmountToString(amount: estimatedSendAll.amount), ); } // Attempting to send less than the dust limit if (_isBelowDust(amount)) { throw BitcoinTransactionNoDustException(); } final totalAmount = amount + fee; if (totalAmount > (balance[currency]!.confirmed + balance[currency]!.secondConfirmed)) { throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(); } if (totalAmount > utxoDetails.allInputsAmount) { if (spendingAllCoins) { throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(); } else { updatedOutputs.removeLast(); outputs.removeLast(); return estimateTxForAmount( credentialsAmount, outputs, updatedOutputs, feeRate, inputsCount: utxoDetails.utxos.length + 1, memo: memo, useUnconfirmed: useUnconfirmed ?? spendingAllConfirmedCoins, hasSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); } } return EstimatedTxResult( utxos: utxoDetails.utxos, inputPrivKeyInfos: utxoDetails.inputPrivKeyInfos, publicKeys: utxoDetails.publicKeys, fee: fee, amount: amount, hasChange: true, isSendAll: false, memo: memo, spendsUnconfirmedTX: utxoDetails.spendsUnconfirmedTX, spendsSilentPayment: utxoDetails.spendsSilentPayment, ); } Future calcFee({ required List utxos, required List outputs, String? memo, required int feeRate, }) async => feeRate * BitcoinTransactionBuilder.estimateTransactionSize( utxos: utxos, outputs: outputs, network: network, memo: memo, ); @override Future createTransaction(Object credentials) async { try { final outputs = []; final transactionCredentials = credentials as BitcoinTransactionCredentials; final hasMultiDestination = transactionCredentials.outputs.length > 1; final sendAll = !hasMultiDestination && transactionCredentials.outputs.first.sendAll; final memo = transactionCredentials.outputs.first.memo; final coinTypeToSpendFrom = transactionCredentials.coinTypeToSpendFrom; int credentialsAmount = 0; bool hasSilentPayment = false; for (final out in transactionCredentials.outputs) { final outputAmount = out.formattedCryptoAmount!; if (!sendAll && _isBelowDust(outputAmount)) { throw BitcoinTransactionNoDustException(); } if (hasMultiDestination) { if (out.sendAll) { throw BitcoinTransactionWrongBalanceException(); } } credentialsAmount += outputAmount; final address = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr( out.isParsedAddress ? out.extractedAddress! : out.address, network); final isSilentPayment = address is SilentPaymentAddress; if (isSilentPayment) { hasSilentPayment = true; } if (sendAll) { // The value will be changed after estimating the Tx size and deducting the fee from the total to be sent outputs.add(BitcoinOutput( address: address, value: BigInt.from(0), isSilentPayment: isSilentPayment, )); } else { outputs.add(BitcoinOutput( address: address, value: BigInt.from(outputAmount), isSilentPayment: isSilentPayment, )); } } final feeRateInt = transactionCredentials.feeRate != null ? transactionCredentials.feeRate! : feeRate(transactionCredentials.priority!); EstimatedTxResult estimatedTx; final updatedOutputs = => BitcoinOutput(address: e.address, value: e.value)).toList(); if (sendAll) { estimatedTx = await estimateSendAllTx( updatedOutputs, feeRateInt, memo: memo, credentialsAmount: credentialsAmount, hasSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); } else { estimatedTx = await estimateTxForAmount( credentialsAmount, outputs, updatedOutputs, feeRateInt, memo: memo, hasSilentPayment: hasSilentPayment, coinTypeToSpendFrom: coinTypeToSpendFrom, ); } if (walletInfo.isHardwareWallet) { final transaction = await buildHardwareWalletTransaction( utxos: estimatedTx.utxos, outputs: updatedOutputs, publicKeys: estimatedTx.publicKeys, fee: BigInt.from(estimatedTx.fee), network: network, memo: estimatedTx.memo, outputOrdering: BitcoinOrdering.none, enableRBF: true, ); return PendingBitcoinTransaction( transaction, type, electrumClient: electrumClient, amount: estimatedTx.amount, fee: estimatedTx.fee, feeRate: feeRateInt.toString(), network: network, hasChange: estimatedTx.hasChange, isSendAll: estimatedTx.isSendAll, hasTaprootInputs: false, // ToDo: (Konsti) Support Taproot )..addListener((transaction) async { transactionHistory.addOne(transaction); await updateBalance(); }); } BasedBitcoinTransacationBuilder txb; if (network is BitcoinCashNetwork) { txb = ForkedTransactionBuilder( utxos: estimatedTx.utxos, outputs: updatedOutputs, fee: BigInt.from(estimatedTx.fee), network: network, memo: estimatedTx.memo, outputOrdering: BitcoinOrdering.none, enableRBF: !estimatedTx.spendsUnconfirmedTX, ); } else { txb = BitcoinTransactionBuilder( utxos: estimatedTx.utxos, outputs: updatedOutputs, fee: BigInt.from(estimatedTx.fee), network: network, memo: estimatedTx.memo, outputOrdering: BitcoinOrdering.none, enableRBF: !estimatedTx.spendsUnconfirmedTX, ); } bool hasTaprootInputs = false; final transaction = txb.buildTransaction((txDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) { String error = "Cannot find private key."; ECPrivateInfo? key; if (estimatedTx.inputPrivKeyInfos.isEmpty) { error += "\nNo private keys generated."; } else { error += "\nAddress: ${utxo.ownerDetails.address.toAddress(network)}"; key = estimatedTx.inputPrivKeyInfos.firstWhereOrNull((element) { final elemPubkey = element.privkey.getPublic().toHex(); if (elemPubkey == publicKey) { return true; } else { error += "\nExpected: $publicKey"; error += "\nPubkey: $elemPubkey"; return false; } }); } if (key == null) { throw Exception(error); } if (utxo.utxo.isP2tr()) { hasTaprootInputs = true; return key.privkey.signTapRoot( txDigest, sighash: sighash, tweak: utxo.utxo.isSilentPayment != true, ); } else { return key.privkey.signInput(txDigest, sigHash: sighash); } }); return PendingBitcoinTransaction( transaction, type, electrumClient: electrumClient, amount: estimatedTx.amount, fee: estimatedTx.fee, feeRate: feeRateInt.toString(), network: network, hasChange: estimatedTx.hasChange, isSendAll: estimatedTx.isSendAll, hasTaprootInputs: hasTaprootInputs, utxos: estimatedTx.utxos, )..addListener((transaction) async { transactionHistory.addOne(transaction); if (estimatedTx.spendsSilentPayment) { transactionHistory.transactions.values.forEach((tx) { tx.unspents?.removeWhere( (unspent) => estimatedTx.utxos.any((e) => e.utxo.txHash == unspent.hash)); transactionHistory.addOne(tx); }); } unspentCoins .removeWhere((utxo) => estimatedTx.utxos.any((e) => e.utxo.txHash == utxo.hash)); await updateBalance(); }); } catch (e) { throw e; } } void setLedgerConnection(ledger.LedgerConnection connection) => throw UnimplementedError(); Future buildHardwareWalletTransaction({ required List outputs, required BigInt fee, required BasedUtxoNetwork network, required List utxos, required Map publicKeys, String? memo, bool enableRBF = false, BitcoinOrdering inputOrdering = BitcoinOrdering.bip69, BitcoinOrdering outputOrdering = BitcoinOrdering.bip69, }) async => throw UnimplementedError(); String toJSON() => json.encode({ 'mnemonic': _mnemonic, 'xpub': xpub, 'passphrase': passphrase ?? '', 'account_index': walletAddresses.currentReceiveAddressIndexByType, 'change_address_index': walletAddresses.currentChangeAddressIndexByType, 'addresses': => addr.toJSON()).toList(), 'address_page_type': walletInfo.addressPageType == null ? SegwitAddresType.p2wpkh.toString() : walletInfo.addressPageType.toString(), 'balance': balance[currency]?.toJSON(), 'derivationTypeIndex': walletInfo.derivationInfo?.derivationType?.index, 'derivationPath': walletInfo.derivationInfo?.derivationPath, 'silent_addresses': => addr.toJSON()).toList(), 'silent_address_index': walletAddresses.currentSilentAddressIndex.toString(), 'mweb_addresses': => addr.toJSON()).toList(), 'alwaysScan': alwaysScan, }); int feeAmountForPriority(TransactionPriority priority, int inputsCount, int outputsCount, {int? size}) => feeRate(priority) * (size ?? estimatedTransactionSize(inputsCount, outputsCount)); int feeAmountWithFeeRate(int feeRate, int inputsCount, int outputsCount, {int? size}) => feeRate * (size ?? estimatedTransactionSize(inputsCount, outputsCount)); @override int calculateEstimatedFee(TransactionPriority? priority, int? amount, {int? outputsCount, int? size}) { if (priority is BitcoinMempoolAPITransactionPriority) { return calculateEstimatedFeeWithFeeRate( feeRate(priority), amount, outputsCount: outputsCount, size: size, ); } return 0; } int calculateEstimatedFeeWithFeeRate(int feeRate, int? amount, {int? outputsCount, int? size}) { if (size != null) { return feeAmountWithFeeRate(feeRate, 0, 0, size: size); } int inputsCount = 0; if (amount != null) { int totalValue = 0; for (final input in unspentCoins) { if (totalValue >= amount) { break; } if (input.isSending) { totalValue += input.value; inputsCount += 1; } } if (totalValue < amount) return 0; } else { for (final input in unspentCoins) { if (input.isSending) { inputsCount += 1; } } } // If send all, then we have no change value final _outputsCount = outputsCount ?? (amount != null ? 2 : 1); return feeAmountWithFeeRate(feeRate, inputsCount, _outputsCount); } @override Future save() async { if (!(await WalletKeysFile.hasKeysFile(, walletInfo.type))) { await saveKeysFile(_password, encryptionFileUtils); await saveKeysFile(_password, encryptionFileUtils, true); } final path = await makePath(); await encryptionFileUtils.write(path: path, password: _password, data: toJSON()); // await; } @override Future renameWalletFiles(String newWalletName) async { final currentWalletPath = await pathForWallet(name:, type: type); final currentWalletFile = File(currentWalletPath); final currentDirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name:, type: type); final currentTransactionsFile = File('$currentDirPath/$transactionsHistoryFileName'); // Copies current wallet files into new wallet name's dir and files if (currentWalletFile.existsSync()) { final newWalletPath = await pathForWallet(name: newWalletName, type: type); await currentWalletFile.copy(newWalletPath); } if (currentTransactionsFile.existsSync()) { final newDirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name: newWalletName, type: type); await currentTransactionsFile.copy('$newDirPath/$transactionsHistoryFileName'); } // Delete old name's dir and files await Directory(currentDirPath).delete(recursive: true); } @override Future changePassword(String password) async { _password = password; await save(); await transactionHistory.changePassword(password); } @override Future rescan({required int height}) async { throw UnimplementedError(); } @override Future close({required bool shouldCleanup}) async { try { await electrumClient.close(); } catch (_) {} _autoSaveTimer?.cancel(); _updateFeeRateTimer?.cancel(); } @action Future updateAllUnspents() async { List updatedUnspentCoins = []; // Set the balance of all non-silent payment and non-mweb addresses to 0 before updating walletAddresses.allAddresses .where((element) => element.type != SegwitAddresType.mweb) .forEach((addr) { if (addr is! BitcoinSilentPaymentAddressRecord) addr.balance = 0; }); await Future.wait(walletAddresses.allAddresses .where((element) => element.type != SegwitAddresType.mweb) .map((address) async { updatedUnspentCoins.addAll(await fetchUnspent(address)); })); unspentCoins.addAll(updatedUnspentCoins); if (unspentCoinsInfo.length != updatedUnspentCoins.length) { unspentCoins.forEach((coin) => addCoinInfo(coin)); return; } await updateCoins(unspentCoins); // await refreshUnspentCoinsInfo(); } @action void updateCoin(BitcoinUnspent coin) { final coinInfoList = unspentCoinsInfo.values.where( (element) => element.walletId.contains(id) && element.hash.contains(coin.hash) && element.vout == coin.vout, ); if (coinInfoList.isNotEmpty) { final coinInfo = coinInfoList.first; coin.isFrozen = coinInfo.isFrozen; coin.isSending = coinInfo.isSending; coin.note = coinInfo.note; } else { addCoinInfo(coin); } } @action Future updateCoins(Set newUnspentCoins) async { if (newUnspentCoins.isEmpty) { return; } newUnspentCoins.forEach(updateCoin); } @action Future updateUnspentsForAddress(BitcoinAddressRecord addressRecord) async { final newUnspentCoins = (await fetchUnspent(addressRecord)).toSet(); await updateCoins(newUnspentCoins); unspentCoins.addAll(newUnspentCoins); // if (unspentCoinsInfo.length != unspentCoins.length) { // unspentCoins.forEach(addCoinInfo); // } // await refreshUnspentCoinsInfo(); } @action Future> fetchUnspent(BitcoinAddressRecord address) async { List updatedUnspentCoins = []; final unspents = await electrumClient2!.request( ElectrumScriptHashListUnspent(scriptHash: address.scriptHash), ); await Future.wait( async { try { final coin = BitcoinUnspent.fromUTXO(address, unspent); final tx = await fetchTransactionInfo(hash: coin.hash); coin.isChange = address.isChange; coin.confirmations = tx?.confirmations; updatedUnspentCoins.add(coin); } catch (_) {} })); return updatedUnspentCoins; } @action Future addCoinInfo(BitcoinUnspent coin) async { final newInfo = UnspentCoinsInfo( walletId: id, hash: coin.hash, isFrozen: coin.isFrozen, isSending: coin.isSending, noteRaw: coin.note, address: coin.bitcoinAddressRecord.address, value: coin.value, vout: coin.vout, isChange: coin.isChange, isSilentPayment: coin.bitcoinAddressRecord is BitcoinReceivedSPAddressRecord, ); await unspentCoinsInfo.add(newInfo); } Future refreshUnspentCoinsInfo() async { try { final List keys = []; final currentWalletUnspentCoins = unspentCoinsInfo.values.where((element) => element.walletId.contains(id)); if (currentWalletUnspentCoins.isNotEmpty) { currentWalletUnspentCoins.forEach((element) { final existUnspentCoins = unspentCoins .where((coin) => element.hash.contains(coin.hash) && element.vout == coin.vout); if (existUnspentCoins.isEmpty) { keys.add(element.key); } }); } if (keys.isNotEmpty) { await unspentCoinsInfo.deleteAll(keys); } } catch (e) { print("refreshUnspentCoinsInfo $e"); } } Future canReplaceByFee(ElectrumTransactionInfo tx) async { try { final bundle = await getTransactionExpanded(hash: tx.txHash); _updateInputsAndOutputs(tx, bundle); if (bundle.confirmations > 0) return null; return bundle.originalTransaction.canReplaceByFee ? bundle.originalTransaction.toHex() : null; } catch (e) { return null; } } Future isChangeSufficientForFee(String txId, int newFee) async { final bundle = await getTransactionExpanded(hash: txId); final outputs = bundle.originalTransaction.outputs; final changeAddresses = walletAddresses.allAddresses.where((element) => element.isChange); // look for a change address in the outputs final changeOutput = outputs.firstWhereOrNull((output) => changeAddresses.any( (element) => element.address == addressFromOutputScript(output.scriptPubKey, network))); var allInputsAmount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bundle.originalTransaction.inputs.length; i++) { final input = bundle.originalTransaction.inputs[i]; final inputTransaction = bundle.ins[i]; final vout = input.txIndex; final outTransaction = inputTransaction.outputs[vout]; allInputsAmount += outTransaction.amount.toInt(); } int totalOutAmount = bundle.originalTransaction.outputs .fold(0, (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element.amount.toInt()); var currentFee = allInputsAmount - totalOutAmount; int remainingFee = (newFee - currentFee > 0) ? newFee - currentFee : newFee; return changeOutput != null && changeOutput.amount.toInt() - remainingFee >= 0; } Future replaceByFee(String hash, int newFee) async { try { final bundle = await getTransactionExpanded(hash: hash); final utxos = []; List privateKeys = []; var allInputsAmount = 0; String? memo; // Add inputs for (var i = 0; i < bundle.originalTransaction.inputs.length; i++) { final input = bundle.originalTransaction.inputs[i]; final inputTransaction = bundle.ins[i]; final vout = input.txIndex; final outTransaction = inputTransaction.outputs[vout]; final address = addressFromOutputScript(outTransaction.scriptPubKey, network); allInputsAmount += outTransaction.amount.toInt(); final addressRecord = walletAddresses.allAddresses.firstWhere((element) => element.address == address); final btcAddress = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(addressRecord.address, network); final privkey = ECPrivate.fromBip32( bip32: walletAddresses.bip32, account: addressRecord.isChange ? 1 : 0, index: addressRecord.index, ); privateKeys.add(privkey); utxos.add( UtxoWithAddress( utxo: BitcoinUtxo( txHash: input.txId, value: outTransaction.amount, vout: vout, scriptType: BitcoinAddressUtils.getScriptType(btcAddress), ), ownerDetails: UtxoAddressDetails(publicKey: privkey.getPublic().toHex(), address: btcAddress), ), ); } // Create a list of available outputs final outputs = []; for (final out in bundle.originalTransaction.outputs) { // Check if the script contains OP_RETURN final script = out.scriptPubKey.script; if (script.contains('OP_RETURN') && memo == null) { final index = script.indexOf('OP_RETURN'); if (index + 1 <= script.length) { try { final opReturnData = script[index + 1].toString(); memo = StringUtils.decode(BytesUtils.fromHexString(opReturnData)); continue; } catch (_) { throw Exception('Cannot decode OP_RETURN data'); } } } final address = addressFromOutputScript(out.scriptPubKey, network); final btcAddress = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(address, network); outputs.add(BitcoinOutput(address: btcAddress, value: BigInt.from(out.amount.toInt()))); } // Calculate the total amount and fees int totalOutAmount = outputs.fold(0, (previousValue, output) => previousValue + output.value.toInt()); int currentFee = allInputsAmount - totalOutAmount; int remainingFee = newFee - currentFee; if (remainingFee <= 0) { throw Exception("New fee must be higher than the current fee."); } // Deduct Remaining Fee from Main Outputs if (remainingFee > 0) { for (int i = outputs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int outputAmount = outputs[i].value.toInt(); if (outputAmount > _dustAmount) { int deduction = (outputAmount - _dustAmount >= remainingFee) ? remainingFee : outputAmount - _dustAmount; outputs[i] = BitcoinOutput( address: outputs[i].address, value: BigInt.from(outputAmount - deduction)); remainingFee -= deduction; if (remainingFee <= 0) break; } } } // Final check if the remaining fee couldn't be deducted if (remainingFee > 0) { throw Exception("Not enough funds to cover the fee."); } // Identify all change outputs final changeAddresses = walletAddresses.allAddresses.where((element) => element.isChange); final List changeOutputs = outputs .where((output) => changeAddresses .any((element) => element.address == output.address.toAddress(network))) .toList(); int totalChangeAmount = changeOutputs.fold(0, (sum, output) => sum + output.value.toInt()); // The final amount that the receiver will receive int sendingAmount = allInputsAmount - newFee - totalChangeAmount; final txb = BitcoinTransactionBuilder( utxos: utxos, outputs: outputs, fee: BigInt.from(newFee), network: network, memo: memo, outputOrdering: BitcoinOrdering.none, enableRBF: true, ); final transaction = txb.buildTransaction((txDigest, utxo, publicKey, sighash) { final key = privateKeys.firstWhereOrNull((element) => element.getPublic().toHex() == publicKey); if (key == null) { throw Exception("Cannot find private key"); } if (utxo.utxo.isP2tr()) { return key.signTapRoot(txDigest, sighash: sighash); } else { return key.signInput(txDigest, sigHash: sighash); } }); return PendingBitcoinTransaction( transaction, type, electrumClient: electrumClient, amount: sendingAmount, fee: newFee, network: network, hasChange: changeOutputs.isNotEmpty, feeRate: newFee.toString(), )..addListener((transaction) async { transactionHistory.transactions.values.forEach((tx) { if ( == hash) { tx.isReplaced = true; tx.isPending = false; transactionHistory.addOne(tx); } }); transactionHistory.addOne(transaction); await updateBalance(); }); } catch (e) { throw e; } } Future getTransactionExpanded({required String hash}) async { int? time; int? height; final transactionHex = await electrumClient2!.request( ElectrumGetTransactionHex(transactionHash: hash), ); // TODO: // if (mempoolAPIEnabled) { if (true) { try { final txVerbose = await http.get( Uri.parse( "$hash/status", ), ); if (txVerbose.statusCode == 200 && txVerbose.body.isNotEmpty && jsonDecode(txVerbose.body) != null) { height = jsonDecode(txVerbose.body)['block_height'] as int; final blockHash = await http.get( Uri.parse( "$height", ), ); if (blockHash.statusCode == 200 && blockHash.body.isNotEmpty && jsonDecode(blockHash.body) != null) { final blockResponse = await http.get( Uri.parse( "${blockHash.body}", ), ); if (blockResponse.statusCode == 200 && blockResponse.body.isNotEmpty && jsonDecode(blockResponse.body)['timestamp'] != null) { time = int.parse(jsonDecode(blockResponse.body)['timestamp'].toString()); } } } } catch (_) {} } int? confirmations; if (height != null) { if (time == null && height > 0) { time = (getDateByBitcoinHeight(height).millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000).round(); } final tip = currentChainTip!; if (tip > 0 && height > 0) { // Add one because the block itself is the first confirmation confirmations = tip - height + 1; } } final original = BtcTransaction.fromRaw(transactionHex); final ins = []; for (final vin in original.inputs) { final inputTransactionHex = await electrumClient2!.request( ElectrumGetTransactionHex(transactionHash: vin.txId), ); ins.add(BtcTransaction.fromRaw(inputTransactionHex)); } return ElectrumTransactionBundle( original, ins: ins, time: time, confirmations: confirmations ?? 0, ); } Future fetchTransactionInfo({required String hash, int? height}) async { try { return ElectrumTransactionInfo.fromElectrumBundle( await getTransactionExpanded(hash: hash), walletInfo.type, network, addresses: addressesSet, height: height, ); } catch (e, s) { print([e, s]); return null; } } @override @action Future> fetchTransactions() async { try { final Map historiesWithDetails = {}; if (type == WalletType.bitcoinCash) { await Future.wait(BITCOIN_CASH_ADDRESS_TYPES .map((type) => fetchTransactionsForAddressType(historiesWithDetails, type))); } else if (type == WalletType.litecoin) { await Future.wait(LITECOIN_ADDRESS_TYPES .map((type) => fetchTransactionsForAddressType(historiesWithDetails, type))); } return historiesWithDetails; } catch (e) { print("fetchTransactions $e"); return {}; } } Future fetchTransactionsForAddressType( Map historiesWithDetails, BitcoinAddressType type, ) async { final addressesByType = walletAddresses.allAddresses.where((addr) => addr.type == type); await Future.wait( async { final history = await _fetchAddressHistory(addressRecord); if (history.isNotEmpty) { historiesWithDetails.addAll(history); } })); } Future> _fetchAddressHistory( BitcoinAddressRecord addressRecord, ) async { String txid = ""; try { final Map historiesWithDetails = {}; final history = await electrumClient2!.request(ElectrumScriptHashGetHistory( scriptHash: addressRecord.scriptHash, )); if (history.isNotEmpty) { addressRecord.setAsUsed(); addressRecord.txCount = history.length; await Future.wait( async { txid = transaction['tx_hash'] as String; final height = transaction['height'] as int; final storedTx = transactionHistory.transactions[txid]; if (storedTx != null) { if (height > 0) { storedTx.height = height; // the tx's block itself is the first confirmation so add 1 if ((currentChainTip ?? 0) > 0) { storedTx.confirmations = currentChainTip! - height + 1; } storedTx.isPending = storedTx.confirmations == 0; } historiesWithDetails[txid] = storedTx; } else { final tx = await fetchTransactionInfo(hash: txid, height: height); if (tx != null) { historiesWithDetails[txid] = tx; // Got a new transaction fetched, add it to the transaction history // instead of waiting all to finish, and next time it will be faster transactionHistory.addOne(tx); } } return Future.value(null); })); final totalAddresses = (addressRecord.isChange ? walletAddresses.changeAddresses .where((addr) => addr.type == addressRecord.type) .length : walletAddresses.receiveAddresses .where((addr) => addr.type == addressRecord.type) .length); final gapLimit = (addressRecord.isChange ? ElectrumWalletAddressesBase.defaultChangeAddressesCount : ElectrumWalletAddressesBase.defaultReceiveAddressesCount); final isUsedAddressUnderGap = addressRecord.index < totalAddresses && (addressRecord.index >= totalAddresses - gapLimit); if (isUsedAddressUnderGap) { // Discover new addresses for the same address type until the gap limit is respected await walletAddresses.discoverAddresses( isChange: addressRecord.isChange, gap: gapLimit, type: addressRecord.type, derivationInfo: BitcoinAddressUtils.getDerivationFromType(addressRecord.type), ); } } return historiesWithDetails; } catch (e, stacktrace) { _onError?.call(FlutterErrorDetails( exception: "$txid - $e", stack: stacktrace, library: this.runtimeType.toString(), )); return {}; } } @action Future updateTransactions() async { try { if (_isTransactionUpdating) { return; } _isTransactionUpdating = true; await fetchTransactions(); walletAddresses.updateReceiveAddresses(); _isTransactionUpdating = false; } catch (e, stacktrace) { print(stacktrace); print(e); _isTransactionUpdating = false; } } @action Future subscribeForUpdates([ Iterable? unsubscribedScriptHashes, ]) async { unsubscribedScriptHashes ??= walletAddresses.allAddresses.where( (address) => !scripthashesListening.contains(address.scriptHash), ); await Future.wait( async { final scripthash = addressRecord.scriptHash; final listener = await electrumClient2!.subscribe( ElectrumScriptHashSubscribe(scriptHash: scripthash), ); if (listener != null) { scripthashesListening.add(scripthash); // // The status of the script hash is the hash of the tx history, or null if the string is empty because there are no transactions listener((status) async { print("status: $status"); await _fetchAddressHistory(addressRecord); await updateUnspentsForAddress(addressRecord); }); } })); } @action Future fetchBalances() async { var totalFrozen = 0; var totalConfirmed = 0; var totalUnconfirmed = 0; unspentCoins.forEach((element) { if (element.isFrozen) { totalFrozen += element.value; } if (element.confirmations == 0) { totalUnconfirmed += element.value; } else { totalConfirmed += element.value; } }); return ElectrumBalance( confirmed: totalConfirmed, unconfirmed: totalUnconfirmed, frozen: totalFrozen, ); } @action Future updateBalance() async { balance[currency] = await fetchBalances(); } @override void setExceptionHandler(void Function(FlutterErrorDetails) onError) => _onError = onError; @override Future signMessage(String message, {String? address = null}) async { final record = walletAddresses.getFromAddresses(address!); final path = Bip32PathParser.parse(walletInfo.derivationInfo!.derivationPath!) .addElem( Bip32KeyIndex(BitcoinAddressUtils.getAccountFromChange(record.isChange)), ) .addElem(Bip32KeyIndex(record.index)); final priv = ECPrivate.fromHex(bip32.derive(path).privateKey.toHex()); final hexEncoded = priv.signMessage(StringUtils.encode(message)); final decodedSig = hex.decode(hexEncoded); return base64Encode(decodedSig); } @override Future verifyMessage(String message, String signature, {String? address = null}) async { if (address == null) { return false; } List sigDecodedBytes = []; if (signature.endsWith('=')) { sigDecodedBytes = base64.decode(signature); } else { sigDecodedBytes = BytesUtils.fromHexString(signature); } if (sigDecodedBytes.length != 64 && sigDecodedBytes.length != 65) { throw ArgumentException( "signature must be 64 bytes without recover-id or 65 bytes with recover-id"); } String messagePrefix = '\x18Bitcoin Signed Message:\n'; final messageHash = QuickCrypto.sha256Hash( BitcoinSignerUtils.magicMessage(StringUtils.encode(message), messagePrefix)); List correctSignature = sigDecodedBytes.length == 65 ? sigDecodedBytes.sublist(1) : List.from(sigDecodedBytes); List rBytes = correctSignature.sublist(0, 32); List sBytes = correctSignature.sublist(32); final sig = ECDSASignature(BigintUtils.fromBytes(rBytes), BigintUtils.fromBytes(sBytes)); List possibleRecoverIds = [0, 1]; final baseAddress = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(address, network); for (int recoveryId in possibleRecoverIds) { final pubKey = sig.recoverPublicKey(messageHash, Curves.generatorSecp256k1, recoveryId); final recoveredPub = ECPublic.fromBytes(pubKey!.toBytes()); String? recoveredAddress; if (baseAddress is P2pkAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2pkAddress().toAddress(network); } else if (baseAddress is P2pkhAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2pkhAddress().toAddress(network); } else if (baseAddress is P2wshAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2wshAddress().toAddress(network); } else if (baseAddress is P2wpkhAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2wpkhAddress().toAddress(network); } if (recoveredAddress == address) { return true; } } return false; } @action void onHeadersResponse(ElectrumHeaderResponse response) { currentChainTip = response.height; } @action Future subscribeForHeaders() async { if (_chainTipListenerOn) return; final listener = electrumClient2!.subscribe(ElectrumHeaderSubscribe()); if (listener == null) return; _chainTipListenerOn = true; listener(onHeadersResponse); } @action void _onConnectionStatusChange(ConnectionStatus status) { switch (status) { case ConnectionStatus.connected: if (syncStatus is NotConnectedSyncStatus || syncStatus is LostConnectionSyncStatus || syncStatus is ConnectingSyncStatus) { syncStatus = AttemptingSyncStatus(); startSync(); } break; case ConnectionStatus.disconnected: if (syncStatus is! NotConnectedSyncStatus) { syncStatus = NotConnectedSyncStatus(); } break; case ConnectionStatus.failed: if (syncStatus is! LostConnectionSyncStatus) { syncStatus = LostConnectionSyncStatus(); } break; case ConnectionStatus.connecting: if (syncStatus is! ConnectingSyncStatus) { syncStatus = ConnectingSyncStatus(); } break; default: } } @action void syncStatusReaction(SyncStatus syncStatus) { if (syncStatus is NotConnectedSyncStatus || syncStatus is LostConnectionSyncStatus) { // Needs to re-subscribe to all scripthashes when reconnected scripthashesListening = {}; _isTransactionUpdating = false; _chainTipListenerOn = false; if (_isTryingToConnect) return; _isTryingToConnect = true; Timer(Duration(seconds: 5), () { if (this.syncStatus is NotConnectedSyncStatus || this.syncStatus is LostConnectionSyncStatus) { if (node == null) return; this.electrumClient.connectToUri( node!.uri, useSSL: node!.useSSL ?? false, ); } _isTryingToConnect = false; }); } } void _updateInputsAndOutputs(ElectrumTransactionInfo tx, ElectrumTransactionBundle bundle) { tx.inputAddresses = tx.inputAddresses?.where((address) => address.isNotEmpty).toList(); if (tx.inputAddresses == null || tx.inputAddresses!.isEmpty || tx.outputAddresses == null || tx.outputAddresses!.isEmpty) { List inputAddresses = []; List outputAddresses = []; for (int i = 0; i < bundle.originalTransaction.inputs.length; i++) { final input = bundle.originalTransaction.inputs[i]; final inputTransaction = bundle.ins[i]; final vout = input.txIndex; final outTransaction = inputTransaction.outputs[vout]; final address = addressFromOutputScript(outTransaction.scriptPubKey, network); if (address.isNotEmpty) inputAddresses.add(address); } for (int i = 0; i < bundle.originalTransaction.outputs.length; i++) { final out = bundle.originalTransaction.outputs[i]; final address = addressFromOutputScript(out.scriptPubKey, network); if (address.isNotEmpty) outputAddresses.add(address); // Check if the script contains OP_RETURN final script = out.scriptPubKey.script; if (script.contains('OP_RETURN')) { final index = script.indexOf('OP_RETURN'); if (index + 1 <= script.length) { try { final opReturnData = script[index + 1].toString(); final decodedString = StringUtils.decode(BytesUtils.fromHexString(opReturnData)); outputAddresses.add('OP_RETURN:$decodedString'); } catch (_) { outputAddresses.add('OP_RETURN:'); } } } } tx.inputAddresses = inputAddresses; tx.outputAddresses = outputAddresses; transactionHistory.addOne(tx); } } } class EstimatedTxResult { EstimatedTxResult({ required this.utxos, required this.inputPrivKeyInfos, required this.publicKeys, required this.fee, required this.amount, required this.hasChange, required this.isSendAll, this.memo, required this.spendsSilentPayment, required this.spendsUnconfirmedTX, }); final List utxos; final List inputPrivKeyInfos; final Map publicKeys; // PubKey to derivationPath final int fee; final int amount; final bool spendsSilentPayment; // final bool sendsToSilentPayment; final bool hasChange; final bool isSendAll; final String? memo; final bool spendsUnconfirmedTX; } class PublicKeyWithDerivationPath { const PublicKeyWithDerivationPath(this.publicKey, this.derivationPath); final String derivationPath; final String publicKey; } class TxCreateUtxoDetails { final List availableInputs; final List unconfirmedCoins; final List utxos; final List vinOutpoints; final List inputPrivKeyInfos; final Map publicKeys; // PubKey to derivationPath final int allInputsAmount; final bool spendsSilentPayment; final bool spendsUnconfirmedTX; TxCreateUtxoDetails({ required this.availableInputs, required this.unconfirmedCoins, required this.utxos, required this.vinOutpoints, required this.inputPrivKeyInfos, required this.publicKeys, required this.allInputsAmount, required this.spendsSilentPayment, required this.spendsUnconfirmedTX, }); }