import 'dart:math'; import 'package:base32/base32.dart'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; //*========================== TOTP 2FA Related Utilities ========================================== String generateRandomBase32SecretKey(int byteLength) { final Random _secureRandom =; // Generate random bytes final randomBytes = Uint8List.fromList( List<int>.generate(byteLength, (i) => _secureRandom.nextInt(256)), ); // Encode bytes to base32 final base32SecretKey = base32.encode(randomBytes); return base32SecretKey; } String generateOTP({required String secretKey, required int input}) { /// base32 decode the secret var hmacKey = base32.decode(secretKey); /// initial the HMAC-SHA1 object var hmacSha = Hmac(sha512, hmacKey); /// get hmac answer var hmac = hmacSha.convert(intToBytelist(input: input)).bytes; /// calculate the init offset int offset = hmac[hmac.length - 1] & 0xf; /// calculate the code int code = ((hmac[offset] & 0x7f) << 24 | (hmac[offset + 1] & 0xff) << 16 | (hmac[offset + 2] & 0xff) << 8 | (hmac[offset + 3] & 0xff)); /// get the initial string code var strCode = (code % pow(10, 8)).toString(); strCode = strCode.padLeft(8, '0'); return strCode; } List<int> intToBytelist({required int input, int padding = 8}) { List<int> _result = []; var _input = input; while (_input != 0) { _result.add(_input & 0xff); _input >>= padding; } _result.addAll(List<int>.generate(padding, (_) => 0)); _result = _result.sublist(0, padding); _result = _result.reversed.toList(); return _result; } String totpNow(String secretKey) { int _formatTime = timeFormat(time:; return generateOTP(input: _formatTime, secretKey: secretKey); } int timeFormat({required DateTime time}) { final _timeStr = time.millisecondsSinceEpoch.toString(); final _formatTime = _timeStr.substring(0, _timeStr.length - 3); return int.parse(_formatTime) ~/ 30; } bool verify({String? otp, DateTime? time, required String secretKey}) { if (otp == null) { return false; } var _time = time ??; var _input = timeFormat(time: _time); String otpTime = generateOTP(input: _input, secretKey: secretKey); return otp == otpTime; }