import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:convert/convert.dart' as convert; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_credentials.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/cake_hive.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/mweb_utxo.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/node.dart'; import 'package:cw_mweb/mwebd.pbgrpc.dart'; import 'package:fixnum/fixnum.dart'; import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39; import 'package:bitcoin_base/bitcoin_base.dart'; import 'package:blockchain_utils/blockchain_utils.dart'; import 'package:blockchain_utils/signer/ecdsa_signing_key.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_address_record.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_mnemonic.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_transaction_priority.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_unspent.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_transaction_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/pending_bitcoin_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/utils.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_derivations.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/encryption_file_utils.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_direction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/unspent_coins_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_wallet.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/electrum_wallet_snapshot.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/litecoin_wallet_addresses.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_priority.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_keys_file.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:ledger_flutter_plus/ledger_flutter_plus.dart'; import 'package:ledger_litecoin/ledger_litecoin.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:cw_mweb/cw_mweb.dart'; import 'package:bitcoin_base/src/crypto/keypair/sign_utils.dart'; import 'package:pointycastle/ecc/api.dart'; import 'package:pointycastle/ecc/curves/secp256k1.dart'; part 'litecoin_wallet.g.dart'; class LitecoinWallet = LitecoinWalletBase with _$LitecoinWallet; abstract class LitecoinWalletBase extends ElectrumWallet with Store { LitecoinWalletBase({ required String password, required WalletInfo walletInfo, required Box unspentCoinsInfo, required EncryptionFileUtils encryptionFileUtils, Uint8List? seedBytes, String? mnemonic, String? xpub, String? passphrase, String? addressPageType, List? initialAddresses, List? initialMwebAddresses, ElectrumBalance? initialBalance, Map? initialRegularAddressIndex, Map? initialChangeAddressIndex, int? initialMwebHeight, bool? alwaysScan, }) : super( mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password, xpub: xpub, walletInfo: walletInfo, unspentCoinsInfo: unspentCoinsInfo, network: LitecoinNetwork.mainnet, initialAddresses: initialAddresses, initialBalance: initialBalance, seedBytes: seedBytes, encryptionFileUtils: encryptionFileUtils, currency: CryptoCurrency.ltc, alwaysScan: alwaysScan, ) { if (seedBytes != null) { mwebHd = Bip32Slip10Secp256k1.fromSeed(seedBytes).derivePath("m/1000'") as Bip32Slip10Secp256k1; mwebEnabled = alwaysScan ?? false; } else { mwebHd = null; mwebEnabled = false; } walletAddresses = LitecoinWalletAddresses( walletInfo, initialAddresses: initialAddresses, initialRegularAddressIndex: initialRegularAddressIndex, initialChangeAddressIndex: initialChangeAddressIndex, initialMwebAddresses: initialMwebAddresses, mainHd: hd, sideHd: accountHD.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(1)), network: network, mwebHd: mwebHd, mwebEnabled: mwebEnabled, isHardwareWallet: walletInfo.isHardwareWallet, ); autorun((_) { this.walletAddresses.isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress = this.isEnabledAutoGenerateSubaddress; }); reaction((_) => mwebSyncStatus, (status) async { if (mwebSyncStatus is FailedSyncStatus) { // we failed to connect to mweb, check if we are connected to the litecoin node: late int nodeHeight; try { nodeHeight = await electrumClient.getCurrentBlockChainTip() ?? 0; } catch (_) { nodeHeight = 0; } if (nodeHeight == 0) { // we aren't connected to the litecoin node, so the current electrum_wallet reactions will take care of this case for us } else { // we're connected to the litecoin node, but we failed to connect to mweb, try again after a few seconds: await CwMweb.stop(); await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 5)); startSync(); } } else if (mwebSyncStatus is SyncingSyncStatus) { syncStatus = mwebSyncStatus; } else if (mwebSyncStatus is SyncronizingSyncStatus) { if (syncStatus is! SyncronizingSyncStatus) { syncStatus = mwebSyncStatus; } } else if (mwebSyncStatus is SyncedSyncStatus) { if (syncStatus is! SyncedSyncStatus) { syncStatus = mwebSyncStatus; } } }); } late final Bip32Slip10Secp256k1? mwebHd; late final Box mwebUtxosBox; Timer? _syncTimer; Timer? _feeRatesTimer; Timer? _processingTimer; StreamSubscription? _utxoStream; late bool mwebEnabled; bool processingUtxos = false; @observable SyncStatus mwebSyncStatus = NotConnectedSyncStatus(); List get scanSecret => mwebHd!.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(0x80000000)).privateKey.privKey.raw; List get spendSecret => mwebHd!.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(0x80000001)).privateKey.privKey.raw; static Future create( {required String mnemonic, required String password, required WalletInfo walletInfo, required Box unspentCoinsInfo, required EncryptionFileUtils encryptionFileUtils, String? passphrase, String? addressPageType, List? initialAddresses, List? initialMwebAddresses, ElectrumBalance? initialBalance, Map? initialRegularAddressIndex, Map? initialChangeAddressIndex}) async { late Uint8List seedBytes; switch (walletInfo.derivationInfo?.derivationType) { case DerivationType.bip39: seedBytes = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed( mnemonic, passphrase: passphrase ?? "", ); break; case DerivationType.electrum: default: seedBytes = await mnemonicToSeedBytes(mnemonic, passphrase: passphrase ?? ""); break; } return LitecoinWallet( mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password, walletInfo: walletInfo, unspentCoinsInfo: unspentCoinsInfo, initialAddresses: initialAddresses, initialMwebAddresses: initialMwebAddresses, initialBalance: initialBalance, encryptionFileUtils: encryptionFileUtils, passphrase: passphrase, seedBytes: seedBytes, initialRegularAddressIndex: initialRegularAddressIndex, initialChangeAddressIndex: initialChangeAddressIndex, addressPageType: addressPageType, ); } static Future open({ required String name, required WalletInfo walletInfo, required Box unspentCoinsInfo, required String password, required bool alwaysScan, required EncryptionFileUtils encryptionFileUtils, }) async { final hasKeysFile = await WalletKeysFile.hasKeysFile(name, walletInfo.type); ElectrumWalletSnapshot? snp = null; try { snp = await ElectrumWalletSnapshot.load( encryptionFileUtils, name, walletInfo.type, password, LitecoinNetwork.mainnet, ); } catch (e) { if (!hasKeysFile) rethrow; } final WalletKeysData keysData; // Migrate wallet from the old scheme to then new .keys file scheme if (!hasKeysFile) { keysData = WalletKeysData(mnemonic: snp!.mnemonic, xPub: snp.xpub, passphrase: snp.passphrase); } else { keysData = await WalletKeysFile.readKeysFile( name, walletInfo.type, password, encryptionFileUtils, ); } walletInfo.derivationInfo ??= DerivationInfo(); // set the default if not present: walletInfo.derivationInfo!.derivationPath ??= snp?.derivationPath ?? electrum_path; walletInfo.derivationInfo!.derivationType ??= snp?.derivationType ?? DerivationType.electrum; Uint8List? seedBytes = null; final mnemonic = keysData.mnemonic; final passphrase = keysData.passphrase; if (mnemonic != null) { switch (walletInfo.derivationInfo?.derivationType) { case DerivationType.bip39: seedBytes = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed( mnemonic, passphrase: passphrase ?? "", ); break; case DerivationType.electrum: default: seedBytes = await mnemonicToSeedBytes(mnemonic, passphrase: passphrase ?? ""); break; } } return LitecoinWallet( mnemonic: keysData.mnemonic, xpub: keysData.xPub, password: password, walletInfo: walletInfo, unspentCoinsInfo: unspentCoinsInfo, initialAddresses: snp?.addresses, initialMwebAddresses: snp?.mwebAddresses, initialBalance: snp?.balance, seedBytes: seedBytes, passphrase: passphrase, encryptionFileUtils: encryptionFileUtils, initialRegularAddressIndex: snp?.regularAddressIndex, initialChangeAddressIndex: snp?.changeAddressIndex, addressPageType: snp?.addressPageType, alwaysScan: snp?.alwaysScan, ); } Future waitForMwebAddresses() async { print("waitForMwebAddresses() called!"); // ensure that we have the full 1000 mweb addresses generated before continuing: // should no longer be needed, but leaving here just in case await (walletAddresses as LitecoinWalletAddresses).ensureMwebAddressUpToIndexExists(1020); } // String getMwebNodeUriFromPrefs() { // // from preferences_key.dart "defaultNanoRep" key: // return prefs.getString("mweb_node_uri") ?? ""; // } @action @override Future connectToNode({required Node node}) async { await super.connectToNode(node: node); // await CwMweb.setNodeUriOverride(settingsStore.mwebNodeUri); } @action @override Future startSync() async { print("startSync() called!"); print("STARTING SYNC - MWEB ENABLED: $mwebEnabled"); if (!mwebEnabled) { try { // in case we're switching from a litecoin wallet that had mweb enabled CwMweb.stop(); } catch (_) {} super.startSync(); return; } if (mwebSyncStatus is SyncronizingSyncStatus) { return; } print("STARTING SYNC - MWEB ENABLED: $mwebEnabled"); _syncTimer?.cancel(); try { mwebSyncStatus = SyncronizingSyncStatus(); try { await subscribeForUpdates(); } catch (e) { print("failed to subcribe for updates: $e"); } updateFeeRates(); _feeRatesTimer?.cancel(); _feeRatesTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(minutes: 1), (timer) async => await updateFeeRates()); print("START SYNC FUNCS"); await waitForMwebAddresses(); await processMwebUtxos(); await updateTransactions(); await updateUnspent(); await updateBalance(); print("DONE SYNC FUNCS"); } catch (e, s) { print("mweb sync failed: $e $s"); mwebSyncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(error: "mweb sync failed: $e"); return; } _syncTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 3000), (timer) async { if (mwebSyncStatus is FailedSyncStatus) { _syncTimer?.cancel(); return; } final nodeHeight = await electrumClient.getCurrentBlockChainTip() ?? 0; // current block height of our node if (nodeHeight == 0) { // we aren't connected to the ltc node yet if (mwebSyncStatus is! NotConnectedSyncStatus) { mwebSyncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(error: "litecoin node isn't connected"); } return; } final resp = await CwMweb.status(StatusRequest()); try { if (resp.blockHeaderHeight < nodeHeight) { int h = resp.blockHeaderHeight; mwebSyncStatus = SyncingSyncStatus(nodeHeight - h, h / nodeHeight); } else if (resp.mwebHeaderHeight < nodeHeight) { int h = resp.mwebHeaderHeight; mwebSyncStatus = SyncingSyncStatus(nodeHeight - h, h / nodeHeight); } else if (resp.mwebUtxosHeight < nodeHeight) { mwebSyncStatus = SyncingSyncStatus(1, 0.999); } else { bool confirmationsUpdated = false; if (resp.mwebUtxosHeight > walletInfo.restoreHeight) { await walletInfo.updateRestoreHeight(resp.mwebUtxosHeight); await checkMwebUtxosSpent(); // update the confirmations for each transaction: for (final tx in transactionHistory.transactions.values) { if (tx.height == null || tx.height == 0) { // update with first confirmation on next block since it hasn't been confirmed yet: tx.height = resp.mwebUtxosHeight; continue; } final confirmations = (resp.mwebUtxosHeight - tx.height!) + 1; // if the confirmations haven't changed, skip updating: if (tx.confirmations == confirmations) continue; // print("updating confs ${} from ${tx.confirmations} -> $confirmations"); // if an outgoing tx is now confirmed, delete the utxo from the box (delete the unspent coin): if (tx.confirmations >= 2 && tx.direction == TransactionDirection.outgoing && tx.unspents != null) { for (var coin in tx.unspents!) { print(coin.address); final utxo = mwebUtxosBox.get(coin.address); if (utxo != null) { print("deleting utxo ${coin.address} @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"); await mwebUtxosBox.delete(coin.address); } } } tx.confirmations = confirmations; tx.isPending = false; transactionHistory.addOne(tx); confirmationsUpdated = true; } if (confirmationsUpdated) { await; await updateTransactions(); } } // prevent unnecessary reaction triggers: if (mwebSyncStatus is! SyncedSyncStatus) { // mwebd is synced, but we could still be processing incoming utxos: if (!processingUtxos) { mwebSyncStatus = SyncedSyncStatus(); } } return; } } catch (e) { print("error syncing: $e"); mwebSyncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(error: e.toString()); } }); } @action @override Future stopSync() async { print("stopSync() called!"); _syncTimer?.cancel(); _utxoStream?.cancel(); _feeRatesTimer?.cancel(); await CwMweb.stop(); print("stopped syncing!"); } Future initMwebUtxosBox() async { final boxName = "${" ", "_")}_${MwebUtxo.boxName}"; mwebUtxosBox = await CakeHive.openBox(boxName); } @override Future renameWalletFiles(String newWalletName) async { // rename the hive box: final oldBoxName = "${" ", "_")}_${MwebUtxo.boxName}"; final newBoxName = "${newWalletName.replaceAll(" ", "_")}_${MwebUtxo.boxName}"; final oldBox = await CakeHive.openBox(oldBoxName); mwebUtxosBox = await CakeHive.openBox(newBoxName); for (final key in oldBox.keys) { await mwebUtxosBox.put(key, oldBox.get(key)!); } oldBox.deleteFromDisk(); await super.renameWalletFiles(newWalletName); } @action @override Future rescan({ required int height, int? chainTip, ScanData? scanData, bool? doSingleScan, bool? usingElectrs, }) async { _syncTimer?.cancel(); await walletInfo.updateRestoreHeight(height); // go through mwebUtxos and clear any that are above the new restore height: if (height == 0) { await mwebUtxosBox.clear(); transactionHistory.clear(); } else { for (final utxo in mwebUtxosBox.values) { if (utxo.height > height) { await mwebUtxosBox.delete(utxo.outputId); } } // TODO: remove transactions that are above the new restore height! } // reset coin balances and txCount to 0: unspentCoins.forEach((coin) { if (coin.bitcoinAddressRecord is! BitcoinSilentPaymentAddressRecord) coin.bitcoinAddressRecord.balance = 0; coin.bitcoinAddressRecord.txCount = 0; }); for (var addressRecord in walletAddresses.allAddresses) { addressRecord.balance = 0; addressRecord.txCount = 0; } await startSync(); } @override Future init() async { await super.init(); await initMwebUtxosBox(); } Future handleIncoming(MwebUtxo utxo) async { print("handleIncoming() called!"); final status = await CwMweb.status(StatusRequest()); var date =; var confirmations = 0; if (utxo.height > 0) { date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(utxo.blockTime * 1000); confirmations = status.blockHeaderHeight - utxo.height + 1; } var tx = transactionHistory.transactions.values .firstWhereOrNull((tx) => tx.outputAddresses?.contains(utxo.outputId) ?? false); if (tx == null) { tx = ElectrumTransactionInfo( WalletType.litecoin, id: utxo.outputId, height: utxo.height, amount: utxo.value.toInt(), fee: 0, direction: TransactionDirection.incoming, isPending: utxo.height == 0, date: date, confirmations: confirmations, inputAddresses: [], outputAddresses: [utxo.outputId], isReplaced: false, ); } else { if (tx.confirmations != confirmations || tx.height != utxo.height) { tx.height = utxo.height; tx.confirmations = confirmations; tx.isPending = utxo.height == 0; } } bool isNew = transactionHistory.transactions[] == null; if (!(tx.outputAddresses?.contains(utxo.address) ?? false)) { tx.outputAddresses?.add(utxo.address); isNew = true; } if (isNew) { final addressRecord = walletAddresses.allAddresses .firstWhereOrNull((addressRecord) => addressRecord.address == utxo.address); if (addressRecord == null) { print("we don't have this address in the wallet! ${utxo.address}"); return; } // update the txCount: addressRecord.txCount++; addressRecord.balance += utxo.value.toInt(); addressRecord.setAsUsed(); } transactionHistory.addOne(tx); if (isNew) { // update the unconfirmed balance when a new tx is added: // we do this after adding the tx to the history so that sub address balances are updated correctly // (since that calculation is based on the tx history) await updateBalance(); } } Future processMwebUtxos() async { print("processMwebUtxos() called!"); if (!mwebEnabled) { return; } int restoreHeight = walletInfo.restoreHeight; print("SCANNING FROM HEIGHT: $restoreHeight"); final req = UtxosRequest(scanSecret: scanSecret, fromHeight: restoreHeight); // process new utxos as they come in: await _utxoStream?.cancel(); ResponseStream? responseStream = await CwMweb.utxos(req); if (responseStream == null) { throw Exception("failed to get utxos stream!"); } _utxoStream = responseStream.listen( (Utxo sUtxo) async { // we're processing utxos, so our balance could still be innacurate: if (mwebSyncStatus is! SyncronizingSyncStatus && mwebSyncStatus is! SyncingSyncStatus) { mwebSyncStatus = SyncronizingSyncStatus(); processingUtxos = true; _processingTimer?.cancel(); _processingTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 2), (timer) async { processingUtxos = false; timer.cancel(); }); } final utxo = MwebUtxo( address: sUtxo.address, blockTime: sUtxo.blockTime, height: sUtxo.height, outputId: sUtxo.outputId, value: sUtxo.value.toInt(), ); if (mwebUtxosBox.containsKey(utxo.outputId)) { // we've already stored this utxo, skip it: // but do update the utxo height if it's somehow different: final existingUtxo = mwebUtxosBox.get(utxo.outputId); if (existingUtxo!.height != utxo.height) { print( "updating utxo height for $utxo.outputId: ${existingUtxo.height} -> ${utxo.height}"); existingUtxo.height = utxo.height; await mwebUtxosBox.put(utxo.outputId, existingUtxo); } return; } await updateUnspent(); await updateBalance(); final mwebAddrs = (walletAddresses as LitecoinWalletAddresses).mwebAddrs; // don't process utxos with addresses that are not in the mwebAddrs list: if (utxo.address.isNotEmpty && !mwebAddrs.contains(utxo.address)) { return; } await mwebUtxosBox.put(utxo.outputId, utxo); await handleIncoming(utxo); }, onError: (error) { print("error in utxo stream: $error"); mwebSyncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(error: error.toString()); }, cancelOnError: true, ); } Future checkMwebUtxosSpent() async { if (!mwebEnabled) { return; } final pendingOutgoingTransactions = transactionHistory.transactions.values .where((tx) => tx.direction == TransactionDirection.outgoing && tx.isPending); // check if any of the pending outgoing transactions are now confirmed: bool updatedAny = false; for (final tx in pendingOutgoingTransactions) { updatedAny = await isConfirmed(tx) || updatedAny; } // get output ids of all the mweb utxos that have > 0 height: final outputIds = mwebUtxosBox.values.where((utxo) => utxo.height > 0).map((utxo) => utxo.outputId).toList(); final resp = await CwMweb.spent(SpentRequest(outputId: outputIds)); final spent = resp.outputId; if (spent.isEmpty) { return; } final status = await CwMweb.status(StatusRequest()); final height = await electrumClient.getCurrentBlockChainTip(); if (height == null || status.blockHeaderHeight != height) return; if (status.mwebUtxosHeight != height) return; // we aren't synced int amount = 0; Set inputAddresses = {}; var output = convert.AccumulatorSink(); var input = sha256.startChunkedConversion(output); for (final outputId in spent) { final utxo = mwebUtxosBox.get(outputId); await mwebUtxosBox.delete(outputId); if (utxo == null) continue; final addressRecord = walletAddresses.allAddresses .firstWhere((addressRecord) => addressRecord.address == utxo.address); if (!inputAddresses.contains(utxo.address)) { addressRecord.txCount++; } addressRecord.balance -= utxo.value.toInt(); amount += utxo.value.toInt(); inputAddresses.add(utxo.address); input.add(hex.decode(outputId)); } if (inputAddresses.isEmpty) return; input.close(); var digest =; final tx = ElectrumTransactionInfo( WalletType.litecoin, id: digest.toString(), height: height, amount: amount, fee: 0, direction: TransactionDirection.outgoing, isPending: false, date: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(status.blockTime * 1000), confirmations: 1, inputAddresses: inputAddresses.toList(), outputAddresses: [], isReplaced: false, ); transactionHistory.addOne(tx); await; if (updatedAny) { await updateBalance(); } } // checks if a pending transaction is now confirmed, and updates the tx info accordingly: Future isConfirmed(ElectrumTransactionInfo tx) async { if (!mwebEnabled) return false; if (!tx.isPending) return false; final outputId = [], target = {}; final isHash = RegExp(r'^[a-f0-9]{64}$').hasMatch; final spendingOutputIds = tx.inputAddresses?.where(isHash) ?? []; final payingToOutputIds = tx.outputAddresses?.where(isHash) ?? []; outputId.addAll(spendingOutputIds); outputId.addAll(payingToOutputIds); target.addAll(spendingOutputIds); for (final outputId in payingToOutputIds) { final spendingTx = transactionHistory.transactions.values .firstWhereOrNull((tx) => tx.inputAddresses?.contains(outputId) ?? false); if (spendingTx != null && !spendingTx.isPending) { target.add(outputId); } } if (outputId.isEmpty) { return false; } final resp = await CwMweb.spent(SpentRequest(outputId: outputId)); if (!setEquals(resp.outputId.toSet(), target)) { return false; } final status = await CwMweb.status(StatusRequest()); tx.height = status.mwebUtxosHeight; tx.confirmations = 1; tx.isPending = false; await; return true; } Future updateUnspent() async { print("updateUnspent() called!"); await checkMwebUtxosSpent(); await updateAllUnspents(); } @override @action Future updateAllUnspents() async { if (!mwebEnabled) { await super.updateAllUnspents(); return; } // add the mweb unspents to the list: List mwebUnspentCoins = []; // update mweb unspents: final mwebAddrs = (walletAddresses as LitecoinWalletAddresses).mwebAddrs; mwebUtxosBox.keys.forEach((dynamic oId) { final String outputId = oId as String; final utxo = mwebUtxosBox.get(outputId); if (utxo == null || utxo.spent) { return; } if (utxo.address.isEmpty) { // not sure if a bug or a special case but we definitely ignore these return; } final addressRecord = walletAddresses.allAddresses .firstWhereOrNull((addressRecord) => addressRecord.address == utxo.address); if (addressRecord == null) { print("utxo contains an address that is not in the wallet: ${utxo.address}"); return; } final unspent = BitcoinUnspent( addressRecord, outputId, utxo.value.toInt(), mwebAddrs.indexOf(utxo.address), ); if (unspent.vout == 0) { unspent.isChange = true; } mwebUnspentCoins.add(unspent); }); // copy coin control attributes to mwebCoins: await updateCoins(mwebUnspentCoins); // get regular ltc unspents (this resets unspentCoins): await super.updateAllUnspents(); // add the mwebCoins: unspentCoins.addAll(mwebUnspentCoins); } @override Future fetchBalances() async { final balance = await super.fetchBalances(); if (!mwebEnabled) { return balance; } // update unspent balances: await updateUnspent(); int confirmed = balance.confirmed; int unconfirmed = balance.unconfirmed; int confirmedMweb = 0; int unconfirmedMweb = 0; try { mwebUtxosBox.values.forEach((utxo) { bool isConfirmed = utxo.height > 0; print( "utxo: ${isConfirmed ? "confirmed" : "unconfirmed"} ${utxo.spent ? "spent" : "unspent"} ${utxo.outputId} ${utxo.height} ${utxo.value}"); if (isConfirmed) { confirmedMweb += utxo.value.toInt(); } if (isConfirmed && utxo.spent) { unconfirmedMweb -= utxo.value.toInt(); } if (!isConfirmed && !utxo.spent) { unconfirmedMweb += utxo.value.toInt(); } }); } catch (_) {} for (var addressRecord in walletAddresses.allAddresses) { addressRecord.balance = 0; addressRecord.txCount = 0; } unspentCoins.forEach((coin) { final coinInfoList = unspentCoinsInfo.values.where( (element) => element.walletId.contains(id) && element.hash.contains(coin.hash) && element.vout == coin.vout, ); if (coinInfoList.isNotEmpty) { final coinInfo = coinInfoList.first; coin.isFrozen = coinInfo.isFrozen; coin.isSending = coinInfo.isSending; coin.note = coinInfo.note; if (coin.bitcoinAddressRecord is! BitcoinSilentPaymentAddressRecord) coin.bitcoinAddressRecord.balance += coinInfo.value; } else { super.addCoinInfo(coin); } }); // update the txCount for each address using the tx history, since we can't rely on mwebd // to have an accurate count, we should just keep it in sync with what we know from the tx history: for (final tx in transactionHistory.transactions.values) { if (tx.inputAddresses == null || tx.outputAddresses == null) { continue; } final txAddresses = tx.inputAddresses! + tx.outputAddresses!; for (final address in txAddresses) { final addressRecord = walletAddresses.allAddresses .firstWhereOrNull((addressRecord) => addressRecord.address == address); if (addressRecord == null) { continue; } addressRecord.txCount++; } } return ElectrumBalance( confirmed: confirmed, unconfirmed: unconfirmed, frozen: balance.frozen, secondConfirmed: confirmedMweb, secondUnconfirmed: unconfirmedMweb, ); } @override int feeRate(TransactionPriority priority) { if (priority is LitecoinTransactionPriority) { switch (priority) { case LitecoinTransactionPriority.slow: return 1; case LitecoinTransactionPriority.medium: return 2; case return 3; } } return 0; } @override Future calcFee({ required List utxos, required List outputs, required BasedUtxoNetwork network, String? memo, required int feeRate, List? inputPrivKeyInfos, List? vinOutpoints, }) async { final spendsMweb = utxos.any((utxo) => utxo.utxo.scriptType == SegwitAddresType.mweb); final paysToMweb = outputs .any((output) => output.toOutput.scriptPubKey.getAddressType() == SegwitAddresType.mweb); if (!spendsMweb && !paysToMweb) { return await super.calcFee( utxos: utxos, outputs: outputs, network: network, memo: memo, feeRate: feeRate, inputPrivKeyInfos: inputPrivKeyInfos, vinOutpoints: vinOutpoints, ); } if (!mwebEnabled) { throw Exception("MWEB is not enabled! can't calculate fee without starting the mweb server!"); } if (outputs.length == 1 && outputs[0].toOutput.amount == { outputs = [ BitcoinScriptOutput( script: outputs[0].toOutput.scriptPubKey, value: utxos.sumOfUtxosValue()) ]; } // final preOutputSum = outputs.fold(, (acc, output) => acc + output.toOutput.amount); var fee = utxos.sumOfUtxosValue() - preOutputSum; // determines if the fee is correct: BigInt _sumOutputAmounts(List outputs) { BigInt sum =; for (final e in outputs) { sum += e.amount; } return sum; } print("fee is initially: $fee"); final sum1 = _sumOutputAmounts( => e.toOutput).toList()) + fee; final sum2 = utxos.sumOfUtxosValue(); if (sum1 != sum2) { print("@@@@@ WE HAD TO ADJUST THE FEE! @@@@@@@@"); final diff = sum2 - sum1; // add the difference to the fee (abs value): fee += diff.abs(); } print("fee is now: $fee"); final txb = BitcoinTransactionBuilder(utxos: utxos, outputs: outputs, fee: fee, network: network); final resp = await CwMweb.create(CreateRequest( rawTx: txb.buildTransaction((a, b, c, d) => '').toBytes(), scanSecret: scanSecret, spendSecret: spendSecret, feeRatePerKb: Int64(feeRate * 1000), dryRun: true)); final tx = BtcTransaction.fromRaw(hex.encode(resp.rawTx)); final posUtxos = utxos .where((utxo) => tx.inputs .any((input) => input.txId == utxo.utxo.txHash && input.txIndex == utxo.utxo.vout)) .toList(); final posOutputSum = tx.outputs.fold(0, (acc, output) => acc + output.amount.toInt()); final mwebInputSum = utxos.sumOfUtxosValue() - posUtxos.sumOfUtxosValue(); final expectedPegin = max(0, (preOutputSum - mwebInputSum).toInt()); var feeIncrease = posOutputSum - expectedPegin; if (expectedPegin > 0 && fee == { feeIncrease += await super.calcFee( utxos: posUtxos, outputs: tx.outputs .map((output) => BitcoinScriptOutput(script: output.scriptPubKey, value: output.amount)) .toList(), network: network, memo: memo, feeRate: feeRate) + feeRate * 41; } return fee.toInt() + feeIncrease; } @override Future createTransaction(Object credentials) async { try { var tx = await super.createTransaction(credentials) as PendingBitcoinTransaction; tx.isMweb = mwebEnabled; if (!mwebEnabled) { tx.changeAddressOverride = (await (walletAddresses as LitecoinWalletAddresses).getChangeAddress(isPegIn: false)) .address; return tx; } await waitForMwebAddresses(); final resp = await CwMweb.create(CreateRequest( rawTx: hex.decode(tx.hex), scanSecret: scanSecret, spendSecret: spendSecret, feeRatePerKb: Int64.parseInt(tx.feeRate) * 1000, )); final tx2 = BtcTransaction.fromRaw(hex.encode(resp.rawTx)); // check if the transaction doesn't contain any mweb inputs or outputs: final transactionCredentials = credentials as BitcoinTransactionCredentials; bool hasMwebInput = false; bool hasMwebOutput = false; for (final output in transactionCredentials.outputs) { if (output.extractedAddress?.toLowerCase().contains("mweb") ?? false) { hasMwebOutput = true; break; } if (output.address.toLowerCase().contains("mweb")) { hasMwebOutput = true; break; } } // check if mweb inputs are used: for (final utxo in tx.utxos) { if (utxo.utxo.scriptType == SegwitAddresType.mweb) { hasMwebInput = true; } } bool isPegIn = !hasMwebInput && hasMwebOutput; bool isRegular = !hasMwebInput && !hasMwebOutput; tx.changeAddressOverride = (await (walletAddresses as LitecoinWalletAddresses) .getChangeAddress(isPegIn: isPegIn || isRegular)) .address; if (!hasMwebInput && !hasMwebOutput) { tx.isMweb = false; return tx; } // check if any of the inputs of this transaction are hog-ex: // this list is only non-mweb inputs: tx2.inputs.forEach((txInput) { bool isHogEx = true; final utxo = unspentCoins .firstWhere((utxo) => utxo.hash == txInput.txId && utxo.vout == txInput.txIndex); // TODO: detect actual hog-ex inputs if (!isHogEx) { return; } int confirmations = utxo.confirmations ?? 0; if (confirmations < 6) { throw Exception( "A transaction input has less than 6 confirmations, please try again later."); } }); tx.hexOverride = tx2 .copyWith( witnesses: tx2.inputs.asMap() { final utxo = unspentCoins .firstWhere((utxo) => utxo.hash == e.value.txId && utxo.vout == e.value.txIndex); final key = generateECPrivate( hd: utxo.bitcoinAddressRecord.isHidden ? walletAddresses.sideHd : walletAddresses.mainHd, index: utxo.bitcoinAddressRecord.index, network: network); final digest = tx2.getTransactionSegwitDigit( txInIndex: e.key, script: key.getPublic().toP2pkhAddress().toScriptPubKey(), amount: BigInt.from(utxo.value), ); return TxWitnessInput(stack: [key.signInput(digest), key.getPublic().toHex()]); }).toList()) .toHex(); tx.outputAddresses = resp.outputId; return tx ..addListener((transaction) async { print( "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@############################# transaction: ${transaction.outputAddresses}"); final addresses = {}; transaction.inputAddresses?.forEach((id) async { print("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ input address: $id"); final utxo = mwebUtxosBox.get(id); // await mwebUtxosBox.delete(id); // gets deleted in checkMwebUtxosSpent if (utxo == null) return; // mark utxo as spent so we add it to the unconfirmed balance (as negative): utxo.spent = true; print( "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ spent utxo: ${utxo.outputId} ${utxo.height} ${utxo.value}"); await mwebUtxosBox.put(id, utxo); final addressRecord = walletAddresses.allAddresses .firstWhere((addressRecord) => addressRecord.address == utxo.address); if (!addresses.contains(utxo.address)) { addresses.add(utxo.address); } addressRecord.balance -= utxo.value.toInt(); }); transaction.inputAddresses?.addAll(addresses); transactionHistory.addOne(transaction); await updateUnspent(); await updateBalance(); }); } catch (e, s) { print(e); print(s); if (e.toString().contains("commit failed")) { print(e); throw Exception("Transaction commit failed (no peers responded), please try again."); } rethrow; } } @override Future save() async { await; } @override Future close({required bool shouldCleanup}) async { _utxoStream?.cancel(); _feeRatesTimer?.cancel(); _syncTimer?.cancel(); _processingTimer?.cancel(); if (shouldCleanup) { try { await stopSync(); } catch (_) {} } await super.close(shouldCleanup: shouldCleanup); } Future setMwebEnabled(bool enabled) async { if (mwebEnabled == enabled) { return; } alwaysScan = enabled; mwebEnabled = enabled; (walletAddresses as LitecoinWalletAddresses).mwebEnabled = enabled; await save(); try { await stopSync(); } catch (_) {} await startSync(); } Future getStatusRequest() async { final resp = await CwMweb.status(StatusRequest()); return resp; } @override Future signMessage(String message, {String? address = null}) async { final index = address != null ? walletAddresses.allAddresses.firstWhere((element) => element.address == address).index : null; final HD = index == null ? hd : hd.childKey(Bip32KeyIndex(index)); final priv = ECPrivate.fromHex(HD.privateKey.privKey.toHex()); final privateKey = ECDSAPrivateKey.fromBytes( priv.toBytes(), Curves.generatorSecp256k1, ); final signature = signLitecoinMessage(utf8.encode(message), privateKey: privateKey, bipPrive: priv.prive); return base64Encode(signature); } List _magicPrefix(List message, List messagePrefix) { final encodeLength = IntUtils.encodeVarint(message.length); return [...messagePrefix, ...encodeLength, ...message]; } List signLitecoinMessage(List message, {required ECDSAPrivateKey privateKey, required Bip32PrivateKey bipPrive}) { String messagePrefix = '\x19Litecoin Signed Message:\n'; final messageHash = QuickCrypto.sha256Hash(magicMessage(message, messagePrefix)); final signingKey = EcdsaSigningKey(privateKey); ECDSASignature ecdsaSign = signingKey.signDigestDeterminstic(digest: messageHash, hashFunc: () => SHA256()); final n = Curves.generatorSecp256k1.order! >> 1; BigInt newS; if (ecdsaSign.s.compareTo(n) > 0) { newS = Curves.generatorSecp256k1.order! - ecdsaSign.s; } else { newS = ecdsaSign.s; } final rawSig = ECDSASignature(ecdsaSign.r, newS); final rawSigBytes = rawSig.toBytes(BitcoinSignerUtils.baselen); final pub = bipPrive.publicKey; final ECDomainParameters curve = ECCurve_secp256k1(); final point = curve.curve.decodePoint(pub.point.toBytes()); final rawSigEc = ECSignature(rawSig.r, rawSig.s); final recId = SignUtils.findRecoveryId( SignUtils.getHexString(messageHash, offset: 0, length: messageHash.length), rawSigEc, Uint8List.fromList(pub.uncompressed), ); final v = recId + 27 + (point!.isCompressed ? 4 : 0); final combined = Uint8List.fromList([v, ...rawSigBytes]); return combined; } List magicMessage(List message, String messagePrefix) { final prefixBytes = StringUtils.encode(messagePrefix); final magic = _magicPrefix(message, prefixBytes); return QuickCrypto.sha256Hash(magic); } @override Future verifyMessage(String message, String signature, {String? address = null}) async { if (address == null) { return false; } List sigDecodedBytes = []; if (signature.endsWith('=')) { sigDecodedBytes = base64.decode(signature); } else { sigDecodedBytes = hex.decode(signature); } if (sigDecodedBytes.length != 64 && sigDecodedBytes.length != 65) { throw ArgumentException( "litecoin signature must be 64 bytes without recover-id or 65 bytes with recover-id"); } String messagePrefix = '\x19Litecoin Signed Message:\n'; final messageHash = QuickCrypto.sha256Hash(magicMessage(utf8.encode(message), messagePrefix)); List correctSignature = sigDecodedBytes.length == 65 ? sigDecodedBytes.sublist(1) : List.from(sigDecodedBytes); List rBytes = correctSignature.sublist(0, 32); List sBytes = correctSignature.sublist(32); final sig = ECDSASignature(BigintUtils.fromBytes(rBytes), BigintUtils.fromBytes(sBytes)); List possibleRecoverIds = [0, 1]; final baseAddress = RegexUtils.addressTypeFromStr(address, network); for (int recoveryId in possibleRecoverIds) { final pubKey = sig.recoverPublicKey(messageHash, Curves.generatorSecp256k1, recoveryId); final recoveredPub = ECPublic.fromBytes(pubKey!.toBytes()); String? recoveredAddress; if (baseAddress is P2pkAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2pkAddress().toAddress(network); } else if (baseAddress is P2pkhAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2pkhAddress().toAddress(network); } else if (baseAddress is P2wshAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2wshAddress().toAddress(network); } else if (baseAddress is P2wpkhAddress) { recoveredAddress = recoveredPub.toP2wpkhAddress().toAddress(network); } if (recoveredAddress == address) { return true; } } return false; } LedgerConnection? _ledgerConnection; LitecoinLedgerApp? _litecoinLedgerApp; @override void setLedgerConnection(LedgerConnection connection) { _ledgerConnection = connection; _litecoinLedgerApp = LitecoinLedgerApp(_ledgerConnection!, derivationPath: walletInfo.derivationInfo!.derivationPath!); } @override Future buildHardwareWalletTransaction({ required List outputs, required BigInt fee, required BasedUtxoNetwork network, required List utxos, required Map publicKeys, String? memo, bool enableRBF = false, BitcoinOrdering inputOrdering = BitcoinOrdering.bip69, BitcoinOrdering outputOrdering = BitcoinOrdering.bip69, }) async { final readyInputs = []; for (final utxo in utxos) { final rawTx = await electrumClient.getTransactionHex(hash: utxo.utxo.txHash); final publicKeyAndDerivationPath = publicKeys[utxo.ownerDetails.address.pubKeyHash()]!; readyInputs.add(LedgerTransaction( rawTx: rawTx, outputIndex: utxo.utxo.vout, ownerPublicKey: Uint8List.fromList(hex.decode(publicKeyAndDerivationPath.publicKey)), ownerDerivationPath: publicKeyAndDerivationPath.derivationPath, // sequence: enableRBF ? 0x1 : 0xffffffff, sequence: 0xffffffff, )); } String? changePath; for (final output in outputs) { final maybeChangePath = publicKeys[(output as BitcoinOutput).address.pubKeyHash()]; if (maybeChangePath != null) changePath ??= maybeChangePath.derivationPath; } final rawHex = await _litecoinLedgerApp!.createTransaction( inputs: readyInputs, outputs: outputs .map((e) => TransactionOutput.fromBigInt((e as BitcoinOutput).value, Uint8List.fromList(e.address.toScriptPubKey().toBytes()))) .toList(), changePath: changePath, sigHashType: 0x01, additionals: ["bech32"], isSegWit: true, useTrustedInputForSegwit: true); return BtcTransaction.fromRaw(rawHex); } }