import 'package:cw_core/cake_hive.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/nano_account.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; part 'nano_account_list.g.dart'; class NanoAccountList = NanoAccountListBase with _$NanoAccountList; abstract class NanoAccountListBase with Store { NanoAccountListBase(this.address) : accounts = ObservableList(), _isRefreshing = false, _isUpdating = false { refresh(); } @observable ObservableList accounts; bool _isRefreshing; bool _isUpdating; String address; Future update(String? address) async { if (_isUpdating) { return; } try { _isUpdating = true; final accounts = await getAll(address: address ?? this.address); if (accounts.isNotEmpty) { this.accounts.clear(); this.accounts.addAll(accounts); } _isUpdating = false; } catch (e) { _isUpdating = false; rethrow; } } Future> getAll({String? address}) async { final box = await CakeHive.openBox(address ?? this.address); // get all accounts in box: return box.values.toList(); } Future addAccount({required String label}) async { final box = await CakeHive.openBox(address); final account = NanoAccount(id: box.length, label: label, balance: "0.00", isSelected: false); await box.add(account); await; } Future setLabelAccount({required int accountIndex, required String label}) async { final box = await CakeHive.openBox(address); final account = box.getAt(accountIndex); account!.label = label; await; } void refresh() {} }