import 'dart:io'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/fiat_api_mode.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/proxy_wrapper.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/fiat_currency.dart'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:cake_wallet/.secrets.g.dart' as secrets; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; const _fiatApiClearNetAuthority = ''; const _fiatApiOnionAuthority = 'n4z7bdcmwk2oyddxvzaap3x2peqcplh3pzdy7tpkk5ejz5n4mhfvoxqd.onion'; const _fiatApiPath = '/v2/rates'; Future _fetchPrice(Map args) async { final crypto = args['crypto'] as String; final fiat = args['fiat'] as String; final torOnly = args['torOnly'] as bool; final onionOnly = args['onionOnly'] as bool; final mainThreadProxyPort = args['port'] as int; final Map queryParams = { 'interval_count': '1', 'base': crypto.split(".").first, 'quote': fiat, 'key': secrets.fiatApiKey, }; num price = 0.0; try { final Uri onionUri = Uri.http(_fiatApiOnionAuthority, _fiatApiPath, queryParams); final Uri clearnetUri = Uri.https(_fiatApiClearNetAuthority, _fiatApiPath, queryParams); HttpClient client = await ProxyWrapper.instance.getProxyInstance( portOverride: mainThreadProxyPort, ); late HttpClientResponse httpResponse; late String responseBody; late int statusCode; // we might have tor enabled (no way of knowing), so we try to use it first try { // connect through onion url first: try { final request = await client.getUrl(onionUri); httpResponse = await request.close(); responseBody = await utf8.decodeStream(httpResponse); } catch (e) { // if the onion url fails, try the clearnet url, (still using tor!): // only do this if we are not onionOnly, otherwise we will fail if (!onionOnly) { final request = await client.getUrl(clearnetUri); httpResponse = await request.close(); responseBody = await utf8.decodeStream(httpResponse); } else { // we failed to connect through onionOnly return 0.0; } } statusCode = httpResponse.statusCode; } catch (e) { if (torOnly) { // we failed to connect through torOnly return 0.0; } // connections all failed / tor is not enabled, so we use the clearnet url directly as normal: final response = await get(clearnetUri); responseBody = response.body; statusCode = response.statusCode; } if (statusCode != 200) { return 0.0; } final responseJSON = json.decode(responseBody) as Map; final results = responseJSON['results'] as Map; if (results.isNotEmpty) { price = results.values.first as num; } return price.toDouble(); } catch (e) { return price.toDouble(); } } Future _fetchPriceAsync(CryptoCurrency crypto, FiatCurrency fiat, bool torOnly, bool onionOnly) async => compute(_fetchPrice, { 'fiat': fiat.toString(), 'crypto': crypto.toString(), 'torOnly': torOnly, 'onionOnly': onionOnly, 'port': ProxyWrapper.port, 'torEnabled': ProxyWrapper.enabled, }); class FiatConversionService { static Future fetchPrice({ required CryptoCurrency crypto, required FiatCurrency fiat, required bool torOnly, required bool onionOnly, }) async => await _fetchPriceAsync(crypto, fiat, torOnly, onionOnly); }