import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'package:ffi/ffi.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/structs/ut8_box.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/convert_utf8_to_string.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/signatures.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/types.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/zano_api.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/calls.dart' as calls; import 'package:cw_zano/api/exceptions/setup_wallet_exception.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; int _boolToInt(bool value) => value ? 1 : 0; final getFileNameNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_filename') .asFunction(); /*final getSeedNative = zanoApi.lookup>('seed').asFunction();*/ final getAddressNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_address') .asFunction(); final getFullBalanceNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_full_balance') .asFunction(); final getUnlockedBalanceNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_unlocked_balance') .asFunction(); /**final getCurrentHeightNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_current_height') .asFunction();*/ final getNodeHeightNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_node_height') .asFunction(); final isConnectedNative = zanoApi .lookup>('is_connected') .asFunction(); final setupNodeNative = zanoApi .lookup>('setup_node') .asFunction(); final startRefreshNative = zanoApi .lookup>('start_refresh') .asFunction(); final connecToNodeNative = zanoApi .lookup>('connect_to_node') .asFunction(); final setRefreshFromBlockHeightNative = zanoApi .lookup>( 'set_refresh_from_block_height') .asFunction(); final setRecoveringFromSeedNative = zanoApi .lookup>( 'set_recovering_from_seed') .asFunction(); final storeNative = zanoApi.lookup>('store').asFunction(); final setPasswordNative = zanoApi .lookup>('set_password') .asFunction(); /**final setListenerNative = zanoApi .lookup>('set_listener') .asFunction();*/ final getSyncingHeightNative = zanoApi .lookup>('get_syncing_height') .asFunction(); final isNeededToRefreshNative = zanoApi .lookup>('is_needed_to_refresh') .asFunction(); final isNewTransactionExistNative = zanoApi .lookup>( 'is_new_transaction_exist') .asFunction(); final getSecretViewKeyNative = zanoApi .lookup>('secret_view_key') .asFunction(); final getPublicViewKeyNative = zanoApi .lookup>('public_view_key') .asFunction(); final getSecretSpendKeyNative = zanoApi .lookup>('secret_spend_key') .asFunction(); final getPublicSpendKeyNative = zanoApi .lookup>('public_spend_key') .asFunction(); final closeCurrentWalletNative = zanoApi .lookup>('close_current_wallet') .asFunction(); final onStartupNative = zanoApi .lookup>('on_startup') .asFunction(); final rescanBlockchainAsyncNative = zanoApi .lookup>('rescan_blockchain') .asFunction(); final setTrustedDaemonNative = zanoApi .lookup>('set_trusted_daemon') .asFunction(); final trustedDaemonNative = zanoApi .lookup>('trusted_daemon') .asFunction(); int getSyncingHeight() => getSyncingHeightNative(); bool isNeededToRefresh() => isNeededToRefreshNative() != 0; bool isNewTransactionExist() => isNewTransactionExistNative() != 0; String getFilename() => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getFileNameNative()); /**String getSeed() => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getSeedNative());*/ String getAddress({int accountIndex = 0, int addressIndex = 0}) => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getAddressNative(accountIndex, addressIndex)); int getFullBalance({int accountIndex = 0}) => getFullBalanceNative(accountIndex); int getUnlockedBalance({int accountIndex = 0}) => getUnlockedBalanceNative(accountIndex); int getCurrentHeight(int hWallet) { calls.getWalletStatus(hWallet); return -1; //return getCurrentHeightNative(); } int getNodeHeightSync() => getNodeHeightNative(); bool isConnectedSync() => isConnectedNative() != 0; bool setupNodeSync( {required String address, String? login, String? password, bool useSSL = false, bool isLightWallet = false, /*String? socksProxyAddress*/}) { final addressPointer = address.toNativeUtf8(); Pointer? loginPointer; Pointer? socksProxyAddressPointer; Pointer? passwordPointer; if (login != null) { loginPointer = login.toNativeUtf8(); } if (password != null) { passwordPointer = password.toNativeUtf8(); } /*if (socksProxyAddress != null) { socksProxyAddressPointer = socksProxyAddress.toNativeUtf8(); }*/ final errorMessagePointer = ''.toNativeUtf8(); debugPrint("setup_node address $address login $login password $password useSSL $useSSL isLightWallet $isLightWallet"); // TODO: here can be ZERO! upd: no final isSetupNode = setupNodeNative( addressPointer, loginPointer, passwordPointer, _boolToInt(useSSL), _boolToInt(isLightWallet), /*socksProxyAddressPointer,*/ errorMessagePointer) != 0; debugPrint("setup_node result $isSetupNode");; if (loginPointer != null) {; } if (passwordPointer != null) {; } // TODO: fix it /**if (!isSetupNode) { throw SetupWalletException( message: convertUTF8ToString(pointer: errorMessagePointer)); }*/ return isSetupNode; } void startRefreshSync() => startRefreshNative(); Future connectToNode() async => connecToNodeNative() != 0; void setRefreshFromBlockHeight({required int height}) => setRefreshFromBlockHeightNative(height); void setRecoveringFromSeed({required bool isRecovery}) => setRecoveringFromSeedNative(_boolToInt(isRecovery)); void storeSync(int hWallet) {; // TODO: fixit /*final pathPointer = ''.toNativeUtf8(); storeNative(pathPointer);;*/ } void setPasswordSync(String password) { final passwordPointer = password.toNativeUtf8(); final errorMessagePointer = calloc(); final changed = setPasswordNative(passwordPointer, errorMessagePointer) != 0;; if (!changed) { final message = errorMessagePointer.ref.getValue();; throw Exception(message); }; } void closeCurrentWallet() => closeCurrentWalletNative(); String getSecretViewKey() => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getSecretViewKeyNative()); String getPublicViewKey() => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getPublicViewKeyNative()); String getSecretSpendKey() => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getSecretSpendKeyNative()); String getPublicSpendKey() => convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getPublicSpendKeyNative()); class SyncListener { SyncListener(this.onNewBlock, this.onNewTransaction) : _cachedBlockchainHeight = 0, _lastKnownBlockHeight = 0, _initialSyncHeight = 0; void Function(int, int, double) onNewBlock; void Function() onNewTransaction; Timer? _updateSyncInfoTimer; int _cachedBlockchainHeight; int _lastKnownBlockHeight; int _initialSyncHeight; Future getNodeHeightOrUpdate(int baseHeight) async { if (_cachedBlockchainHeight < baseHeight || _cachedBlockchainHeight == 0) { _cachedBlockchainHeight = await getNodeHeight(); } return _cachedBlockchainHeight; } void start() { _cachedBlockchainHeight = 0; _lastKnownBlockHeight = 0; _initialSyncHeight = 0; _updateSyncInfoTimer ??= Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 1200), (_) async { if (isNewTransactionExist()) { onNewTransaction?.call(); } var syncHeight = getSyncingHeight(); if (syncHeight <= 0) { // TODO: fix it syncHeight = getCurrentHeight(-1); } if (_initialSyncHeight <= 0) { _initialSyncHeight = syncHeight; } final bchHeight = await getNodeHeightOrUpdate(syncHeight); if (_lastKnownBlockHeight == syncHeight || syncHeight == null) { return; } _lastKnownBlockHeight = syncHeight; final track = bchHeight - _initialSyncHeight; final diff = track - (bchHeight - syncHeight); final ptc = diff <= 0 ? 0.0 : diff / track; final left = bchHeight - syncHeight; if (syncHeight < 0 || left < 0) { return; } // 1. Actual new height; 2. Blocks left to finish; 3. Progress in percents; onNewBlock?.call(syncHeight, left, ptc); }); } void stop() => _updateSyncInfoTimer?.cancel(); } SyncListener setListeners(void Function(int, int, double) onNewBlock, void Function() onNewTransaction) { final listener = SyncListener(onNewBlock, onNewTransaction); /**setListenerNative();*/ return listener; } void onStartup() => onStartupNative(); void _storeSync(int hWallet) => storeSync(hWallet); bool _setupNodeSync(Map args) { final address = args['address'] as String; final login = (args['login'] ?? '') as String; final password = (args['password'] ?? '') as String; final useSSL = args['useSSL'] as bool; final isLightWallet = args['isLightWallet'] as bool; /*final socksProxyAddress = (args['socksProxyAddress'] ?? '') as String;*/ return setupNodeSync( address: address, login: login, password: password, useSSL: useSSL, isLightWallet: isLightWallet, /*socksProxyAddress: socksProxyAddress*/); } bool _isConnected(Object _) => isConnectedSync(); int _getNodeHeight(Object _) => getNodeHeightSync(); void startRefresh() => startRefreshSync(); Future setupNode( {required String address, String? login, String? password, bool useSSL = false, /*String? socksProxyAddress,*/ bool isLightWallet = false}) => compute, bool>(_setupNodeSync, { 'address': address, 'login': login, 'password': password, 'useSSL': useSSL, 'isLightWallet': isLightWallet, //'socksProxyAddress': socksProxyAddress }); Future store(int hWallet) => compute(_storeSync, 0); Future isConnected() => compute(_isConnected, 0); Future getNodeHeight() => compute(_getNodeHeight, 0); void rescanBlockchainAsync() => rescanBlockchainAsyncNative(); Future setTrustedDaemon(bool trusted) async => setTrustedDaemonNative(_boolToInt(trusted)); Future trustedDaemon() async => trustedDaemonNative() != 0;