import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/cake_hive.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/node.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pathForWallet.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_direction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_priority.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_addresses.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/default_ethereum_erc20_tokens.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/erc20_balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_client.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_exceptions.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_formatter.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_transaction_credentials.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_transaction_history.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_transaction_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_transaction_model.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_transaction_priority.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/ethereum_wallet_addresses.dart'; import 'package:cw_ethereum/file.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/erc20_token.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:hex/hex.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:web3dart/crypto.dart'; import 'package:web3dart/web3dart.dart'; import 'package:bip39/bip39.dart' as bip39; import 'package:bip32/bip32.dart' as bip32; part 'ethereum_wallet.g.dart'; class EthereumWallet = EthereumWalletBase with _$EthereumWallet; abstract class EthereumWalletBase extends WalletBase with Store { EthereumWalletBase({ required WalletInfo walletInfo, String? mnemonic, String? privateKey, required String password, ERC20Balance? initialBalance, }) : syncStatus = NotConnectedSyncStatus(), _password = password, _mnemonic = mnemonic, _hexPrivateKey = privateKey, _isTransactionUpdating = false, _client = EthereumClient(), walletAddresses = EthereumWalletAddresses(walletInfo), balance = ObservableMap.of( {CryptoCurrency.eth: initialBalance ?? ERC20Balance(}), super(walletInfo) { this.walletInfo = walletInfo; transactionHistory = EthereumTransactionHistory(walletInfo: walletInfo, password: password); if (!CakeHive.isAdapterRegistered(Erc20Token.typeId)) { CakeHive.registerAdapter(Erc20TokenAdapter()); } _sharedPrefs.complete(SharedPreferences.getInstance()); } final String? _mnemonic; final String? _hexPrivateKey; final String _password; late final Box erc20TokensBox; late final Box ethereumErc20TokensBox; late final EthPrivateKey _ethPrivateKey; EthPrivateKey get ethPrivateKey => _ethPrivateKey; late EthereumClient _client; int? _gasPrice; int? _estimatedGas; bool _isTransactionUpdating; // TODO: remove after integrating our own node and having eth_newPendingTransactionFilter Timer? _transactionsUpdateTimer; @override WalletAddresses walletAddresses; @override @observable SyncStatus syncStatus; @override @observable late ObservableMap balance; Completer _sharedPrefs = Completer(); Future init() async { await movePreviousErc20BoxConfigsToNewBox(); await walletAddresses.init(); await transactionHistory.init(); _ethPrivateKey = await getPrivateKey( mnemonic: _mnemonic, privateKey: _hexPrivateKey, password: _password, ); walletAddresses.address = _ethPrivateKey.address.toString(); await save(); } /// Majorly for backward compatibility for previous configs that have been set. Future movePreviousErc20BoxConfigsToNewBox() async { // Opens a box specific to this wallet ethereumErc20TokensBox = await CakeHive.openBox( "${" ", "_")}_${Erc20Token.ethereumBoxName}"); //Open the previous token configs box erc20TokensBox = await CakeHive.openBox(Erc20Token.boxName); // Check if it's empty, if it is, we stop the flow and return. if (erc20TokensBox.isEmpty) { // If it's empty, but the new wallet specific box is also empty, // we load the initial tokens to the new box. if (ethereumErc20TokensBox.isEmpty) addInitialTokens(); return; } final allValues = erc20TokensBox.values.toList(); // Clear and delete the old token box await erc20TokensBox.clear(); await erc20TokensBox.deleteFromDisk(); // Add all the previous tokens with configs to the new box ethereumErc20TokensBox.addAll(allValues); } @override int calculateEstimatedFee(TransactionPriority priority, int? amount) { try { if (priority is EthereumTransactionPriority) { final priorityFee = EtherAmount.fromInt(EtherUnit.gwei, priority.tip).getInWei.toInt(); return (_gasPrice! + priorityFee) * (_estimatedGas ?? 0); } return 0; } catch (e) { return 0; } } @override Future changePassword(String password) { throw UnimplementedError("changePassword"); } @override void close() { _client.stop(); _transactionsUpdateTimer?.cancel(); } @action @override Future connectToNode({required Node node}) async { try { syncStatus = ConnectingSyncStatus(); final isConnected = _client.connect(node); if (!isConnected) { throw Exception("Ethereum Node connection failed"); } _client.setListeners(_ethPrivateKey.address, _onNewTransaction); _setTransactionUpdateTimer(); syncStatus = ConnectedSyncStatus(); } catch (e) { syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(); } } @override Future createTransaction(Object credentials) async { final _credentials = credentials as EthereumTransactionCredentials; final outputs = _credentials.outputs; final hasMultiDestination = outputs.length > 1; final CryptoCurrency transactionCurrency = balance.keys.firstWhere((element) => element.title == _credentials.currency.title); final _erc20Balance = balance[transactionCurrency]!; BigInt totalAmount =; int exponent = transactionCurrency is Erc20Token ? transactionCurrency.decimal : 18; num amountToEthereumMultiplier = pow(10, exponent); // so far this can not be made with Ethereum as Ethereum does not support multiple recipients if (hasMultiDestination) { if (outputs.any((item) => item.sendAll || (item.formattedCryptoAmount ?? 0) <= 0)) { throw EthereumTransactionCreationException(transactionCurrency); } final totalOriginalAmount = EthereumFormatter.parseEthereumAmountToDouble( outputs.fold(0, (acc, value) => acc + (value.formattedCryptoAmount ?? 0))); totalAmount = BigInt.from(totalOriginalAmount * amountToEthereumMultiplier); if (_erc20Balance.balance < totalAmount) { throw EthereumTransactionCreationException(transactionCurrency); } } else { final output = outputs.first; // since the fees are taken from Ethereum // then no need to subtract the fees from the amount if send all final BigInt allAmount; if (transactionCurrency is Erc20Token) { allAmount = _erc20Balance.balance; } else { allAmount = _erc20Balance.balance - BigInt.from(calculateEstimatedFee(_credentials.priority!, null)); } final totalOriginalAmount = EthereumFormatter.parseEthereumAmountToDouble(output.formattedCryptoAmount ?? 0); totalAmount = output.sendAll ? allAmount : BigInt.from(totalOriginalAmount * amountToEthereumMultiplier); if (_erc20Balance.balance < totalAmount) { throw EthereumTransactionCreationException(transactionCurrency); } } final pendingEthereumTransaction = await _client.signTransaction( privateKey: _ethPrivateKey, toAddress: _credentials.outputs.first.isParsedAddress ? _credentials.outputs.first.extractedAddress! : _credentials.outputs.first.address, amount: totalAmount.toString(), gas: _estimatedGas!, priority: _credentials.priority!, currency: transactionCurrency, exponent: exponent, contractAddress: transactionCurrency is Erc20Token ? transactionCurrency.contractAddress : null, ); return pendingEthereumTransaction; } Future _updateTransactions() async { try { if (_isTransactionUpdating) { return; } bool isEtherscanEnabled = (await _sharedPrefs.future).getBool("use_etherscan") ?? true; if (!isEtherscanEnabled) { return; } _isTransactionUpdating = true; final transactions = await fetchTransactions(); transactionHistory.addMany(transactions); await; _isTransactionUpdating = false; } catch (_) { _isTransactionUpdating = false; } } @override Future> fetchTransactions() async { final address = _ethPrivateKey.address.hex; final transactions = await _client.fetchTransactions(address); final List>> erc20TokensTransactions = []; for (var token in balance.keys) { if (token is Erc20Token) { erc20TokensTransactions.add(_client.fetchTransactions( address, contractAddress: token.contractAddress, )); } } final tokensTransaction = await Future.wait(erc20TokensTransactions); transactions.addAll(tokensTransaction.expand((element) => element)); final Map result = {}; for (var transactionModel in transactions) { if (transactionModel.isError) { continue; } result[transactionModel.hash] = EthereumTransactionInfo( id: transactionModel.hash, height: transactionModel.blockNumber, ethAmount: transactionModel.amount, direction: transactionModel.from == address ? TransactionDirection.outgoing : TransactionDirection.incoming, isPending: false, date:, confirmations: transactionModel.confirmations, ethFee: BigInt.from(transactionModel.gasUsed) * transactionModel.gasPrice, exponent: transactionModel.tokenDecimal ?? 18, tokenSymbol: transactionModel.tokenSymbol ?? "ETH", to:, ); } return result; } @override Object get keys => throw UnimplementedError("keys"); @override Future rescan({required int height}) { throw UnimplementedError("rescan"); } @override Future save() async { await walletAddresses.updateAddressesInBox(); final path = await makePath(); await write(path: path, password: _password, data: toJSON()); await; } @override String? get seed => _mnemonic; @override String get privateKey => HEX.encode(_ethPrivateKey.privateKey); @action @override Future startSync() async { try { syncStatus = AttemptingSyncStatus(); await _updateBalance(); await _updateTransactions(); _gasPrice = await _client.getGasUnitPrice(); _estimatedGas = await _client.getEstimatedGas(); Timer.periodic( const Duration(minutes: 1), (timer) async => _gasPrice = await _client.getGasUnitPrice()); Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 10), (timer) async => _estimatedGas = await _client.getEstimatedGas()); syncStatus = SyncedSyncStatus(); } catch (e) { syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(); } } Future makePath() async => pathForWallet(name:, type: walletInfo.type); String toJSON() => json.encode({ 'mnemonic': _mnemonic, 'private_key': privateKey, 'balance': balance[currency]!.toJSON(), }); static Future open({ required String name, required String password, required WalletInfo walletInfo, }) async { final path = await pathForWallet(name: name, type: walletInfo.type); final jsonSource = await read(path: path, password: password); final data = json.decode(jsonSource) as Map; final mnemonic = data['mnemonic'] as String?; final privateKey = data['private_key'] as String?; final balance = ERC20Balance.fromJSON(data['balance'] as String) ?? ERC20Balance(; return EthereumWallet( walletInfo: walletInfo, password: password, mnemonic: mnemonic, privateKey: privateKey, initialBalance: balance, ); } Future _updateBalance() async { balance[currency] = await _fetchEthBalance(); await _fetchErc20Balances(); await save(); } Future _fetchEthBalance() async { final balance = await _client.getBalance(_ethPrivateKey.address); return ERC20Balance(balance.getInWei); } Future _fetchErc20Balances() async { for (var token in ethereumErc20TokensBox.values) { try { if (token.enabled) { balance[token] = await _client.fetchERC20Balances( _ethPrivateKey.address, token.contractAddress, ); } else { balance.remove(token); } } catch (_) {} } } Future getPrivateKey( {String? mnemonic, String? privateKey, required String password}) async { assert(mnemonic != null || privateKey != null); if (privateKey != null) { return EthPrivateKey.fromHex(privateKey); } final seed = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic!); final root = bip32.BIP32.fromSeed(seed); const _hdPathEthereum = "m/44'/60'/0'/0"; const index = 0; final addressAtIndex = root.derivePath("$_hdPathEthereum/$index"); return EthPrivateKey.fromHex(HEX.encode(addressAtIndex.privateKey as List)); } Future? updateBalance() async => await _updateBalance(); List get erc20Currencies => ethereumErc20TokensBox.values.toList(); Future addErc20Token(Erc20Token token) async { String? iconPath; try { iconPath = CryptoCurrency.all .firstWhere((element) => element.title.toUpperCase() == token.symbol.toUpperCase()) .iconPath; } catch (_) {} final _token = Erc20Token( name:, symbol: token.symbol, contractAddress: token.contractAddress, decimal: token.decimal, enabled: token.enabled, tag: token.tag ?? "ETH", iconPath: iconPath, ); await ethereumErc20TokensBox.put(_token.contractAddress, _token); if (_token.enabled) { balance[_token] = await _client.fetchERC20Balances( _ethPrivateKey.address, _token.contractAddress, ); } else { balance.remove(_token); } } Future deleteErc20Token(Erc20Token token) async { await token.delete(); balance.remove(token); _updateBalance(); } Future getErc20Token(String contractAddress) async => await _client.getErc20Token(contractAddress); void _onNewTransaction() { _updateBalance(); _updateTransactions(); } void addInitialTokens() { final initialErc20Tokens = DefaultErc20Tokens().initialErc20Tokens; initialErc20Tokens.forEach((token) => ethereumErc20TokensBox.put(token.contractAddress, token)); } @override Future renameWalletFiles(String newWalletName) async { final currentWalletPath = await pathForWallet(name:, type: type); final currentWalletFile = File(currentWalletPath); final currentDirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name:, type: type); final currentTransactionsFile = File('$currentDirPath/$transactionsHistoryFileName'); // Copies current wallet files into new wallet name's dir and files if (currentWalletFile.existsSync()) { final newWalletPath = await pathForWallet(name: newWalletName, type: type); await currentWalletFile.copy(newWalletPath); } if (currentTransactionsFile.existsSync()) { final newDirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name: newWalletName, type: type); await currentTransactionsFile.copy('$newDirPath/$transactionsHistoryFileName'); } // Delete old name's dir and files await Directory(currentDirPath).delete(recursive: true); } void _setTransactionUpdateTimer() { if (_transactionsUpdateTimer?.isActive ?? false) { _transactionsUpdateTimer!.cancel(); } _transactionsUpdateTimer = Timer.periodic(const Duration(seconds: 10), (_) { _updateTransactions(); _updateBalance(); }); } void updateEtherscanUsageState(bool isEnabled) { if (isEnabled) { _updateTransactions(); _setTransactionUpdateTimer(); } else { _transactionsUpdateTimer?.cancel(); } } @override String signMessage(String message, {String? address}) => bytesToHex(_ethPrivateKey.signPersonalMessageToUint8List(ascii.encode(message))); Web3Client? getWeb3Client() => _client.getWeb3Client(); }