import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; part 'unspent_coins_item.g.dart'; class UnspentCoinsItem = UnspentCoinsItemBase with _$UnspentCoinsItem; abstract class UnspentCoinsItemBase with Store { UnspentCoinsItemBase({ required this.address, required this.amount, required this.hash, required this.isFrozen, required this.note, required this.isSending, required this.isChange, required this.amountRaw, required this.vout, required this.keyImage, required this.isSilentPayment, }); @observable String address; @observable String amount; @observable String hash; @observable bool isFrozen; @observable String note; @observable bool isSending; @observable bool isChange; @observable int amountRaw; @observable int vout; @observable String? keyImage; @observable bool isSilentPayment; }