import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/api_calls.dart' as calls; import 'package:cw_zano/api/api_calls.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/model/get_wallet_info_result.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/model/get_wallet_status_result.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/model/zano_wallet_keys.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/zano_balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/zano_wallet.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart' as mobx; int getCurrentHeight(int hWallet) { final json = ApiCalls.getWalletStatus(hWallet: hWallet); final walletStatus = GetWalletStatusResult.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map); return walletStatus.currentWalletHeight; } int getNodeHeightSync(int hWallet) { final json = ApiCalls.getWalletStatus(hWallet: hWallet); final walletStatus = GetWalletStatusResult.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map); return walletStatus.currentDaemonHeight; } class SyncListener { SyncListener(this.onNewBlock, this.onNewTransaction) : _cachedBlockchainHeight = 0, _lastKnownBlockHeight = 0, _initialSyncHeight = 0; void Function(int, int, double) onNewBlock; void Function() onNewTransaction; Timer? _updateSyncInfoTimer; int _cachedBlockchainHeight; int _lastKnownBlockHeight; int _initialSyncHeight; // Future getNodeHeightOrUpdate(int hWallet, int baseHeight) async { // if (_cachedBlockchainHeight < baseHeight || _cachedBlockchainHeight == 0) { // _cachedBlockchainHeight = await compute(getNodeHeightSync, hWallet); // } // return _cachedBlockchainHeight; // } void start(ZanoWalletBase wallet, int hWallet) async { _cachedBlockchainHeight = 0; _lastKnownBlockHeight = 0; _initialSyncHeight = 0; _updateSyncInfoTimer ??= Timer.periodic(Duration(milliseconds: 1200), (_) async { /**if (isNewTransactionExist()) { onNewTransaction?.call(); }*/ var json = ApiCalls.getWalletStatus(hWallet: hWallet); print('wallet status $json'); final status = GetWalletStatusResult.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map); // You can call getWalletInfo ONLY if getWalletStatus returns NOT is in long refresh and wallet state is 2 (ready) if (!status.isInLongRefresh && status.walletState == 2) { final syncHeight = status.currentWalletHeight; json = ApiCalls.getWalletInfo(hWallet); print('wallet info $json'); final result = GetWalletInfoResult.fromJson(jsonDecode(json) as Map); wallet.seed = result.wiExtended.seed; wallet.keys = ZanoWalletKeys( privateSpendKey: result.wiExtended.spendPrivateKey, privateViewKey: result.wiExtended.viewPrivateKey, publicSpendKey: result.wiExtended.spendPublicKey, publicViewKey: result.wiExtended.viewPublicKey, ); final balance = result.wi.balances.first; wallet.assetId = balance.assetInfo.assetId; wallet.balance = mobx.ObservableMap.of({CryptoCurrency.zano: ZanoBalance(total:, unlocked: balance.unlocked)}); if (_initialSyncHeight <= 0) { _initialSyncHeight = syncHeight; } final bchHeight = status.currentDaemonHeight; if (_lastKnownBlockHeight == syncHeight) { return; } _lastKnownBlockHeight = syncHeight; final track = bchHeight - _initialSyncHeight; final diff = track - (bchHeight - syncHeight); final ptc = diff <= 0 ? 0.0 : diff / track; final left = bchHeight - syncHeight; if (syncHeight < 0 || left < 0) { return; } // 1. Actual new height; 2. Blocks left to finish; 3. Progress in percents;, left, ptc); } }); } void stop() => _updateSyncInfoTimer?.cancel(); } SyncListener setListeners(void Function(int, int, double) onNewBlock, void Function() onNewTransaction) { final listener = SyncListener(onNewBlock, onNewTransaction); /**setListenerNative();*/ return listener; }