import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'package:blockchain_utils/blockchain_utils.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/node.dart'; import 'package:cw_tron/pending_tron_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_tron/tron_abi.dart'; import 'package:cw_tron/tron_balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_tron/tron_http_provider.dart'; import 'package:cw_tron/tron_token.dart'; import 'package:cw_tron/tron_transaction_model.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import '.secrets.g.dart' as secrets; import 'package:on_chain/on_chain.dart'; class TronClient { final httpClient = Client(); TronProvider? _provider; // This is an internal tracker, so we don't have to "refetch". int _nativeTxEstimatedFee = 0; int get chainId => 1000; Future<List<TronTransactionModel>> fetchTransactions(String address, {String? contractAddress}) async { try { final response = await httpClient.get( Uri.https( "", "/v1/accounts/$address/transactions", { "only_confirmed": "true", "limit": "200", }, ), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'TRON-PRO-API-KEY': secrets.tronGridApiKey, }, ); final jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>; if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300 && jsonResponse['status'] != false) { return (jsonResponse['data'] as List).map((e) { return TronTransactionModel.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>); }).toList(); } return []; } catch (e, s) { log('Error getting tx: ${e.toString()}\n ${s.toString()}'); return []; } } Future<List<TronTRC20TransactionModel>> fetchTrc20ExcludedTransactions(String address) async { try { final response = await httpClient.get( Uri.https( "", "/v1/accounts/$address/transactions/trc20", { "only_confirmed": "true", "limit": "200", }, ), headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'TRON-PRO-API-KEY': secrets.tronGridApiKey, }, ); final jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>; if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300 && jsonResponse['status'] != false) { return (jsonResponse['data'] as List).map((e) { return TronTRC20TransactionModel.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>); }).toList(); } return []; } catch (e, s) { log('Error getting trc20 tx: ${e.toString()}\n ${s.toString()}'); return []; } } bool connect(Node node) { try { final formattedUrl = '${node.isSSL ? 'https' : 'http'}://${node.uriRaw}'; _provider = TronProvider(TronHTTPProvider(url: formattedUrl)); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } Future<BigInt> getBalance(TronAddress address) async { try { final accountDetails = await _provider!.request(TronRequestGetAccount(address: address)); return accountDetails?.balance ??; } catch (_) { return; } } Future<int> getFeeLimit( TransactionRaw rawTransaction, TronAddress address, TronAddress receiverAddress, { int energyUsed = 0, bool isEstimatedFeeFlow = false, }) async { try { // Get the tron chain parameters. final chainParams = await _provider!.request(TronRequestGetChainParameters()); final bandWidthInSun = chainParams.getTransactionFee!; log('BandWidth In Sun: $bandWidthInSun'); final energyInSun = chainParams.getEnergyFee!; log('Energy In Sun: $energyInSun'); final fakeTransaction = Transaction( rawData: rawTransaction, signature: [Uint8List(65)], ); // Calculate the total size of the fake transaction, considering the required network overhead. final transactionSize = fakeTransaction.length + 64; // Assign the calculated size to the variable representing the required bandwidth. int neededBandWidth = transactionSize; log('Initial Needed Bandwidth: $neededBandWidth'); int neededEnergy = energyUsed; log('Initial Needed Energy: $neededEnergy'); // Fetch account resources to assess the available bandwidth and energy final accountResource = await _provider!.request(TronRequestGetAccountResource(address: address)); neededEnergy -= accountResource.howManyEnergy.toInt(); log('Account resource energy: ${accountResource.howManyEnergy.toInt()}'); log('Needed Energy after deducting from account resource energy: $neededEnergy'); // Deduct the bandwidth from the account's available bandwidth. final BigInt accountBandWidth = accountResource.howManyBandwIth; log('Account resource bandwidth: ${accountResource.howManyBandwIth.toInt()}'); if (accountBandWidth >= BigInt.from(neededBandWidth) && !isEstimatedFeeFlow) { log('Account has more bandwidth than required'); neededBandWidth = 0; } if (neededEnergy < 0) { neededEnergy = 0; } final energyBurn = neededEnergy * energyInSun.toInt(); log('Energy Burn: $energyBurn'); final bandWidthBurn = neededBandWidth * bandWidthInSun; log('Bandwidth Burn: $bandWidthBurn'); int totalBurn = energyBurn + bandWidthBurn; log('Total Burn: $totalBurn'); /// If there is a note (memo), calculate the memo fee. if ( != null) { totalBurn += chainParams.getMemoFee!; } log('Final total burn: $totalBurn'); return totalBurn; } catch (_) { return 0; } } Future<int> getEstimatedFee(TronAddress ownerAddress) async { const constantAmount = '1000'; // Fetch the latest Tron block final block = await _provider!.request(TronRequestGetNowBlock()); // Create the transfer contract final contract = TransferContract( amount: TronHelper.toSun(constantAmount), ownerAddress: ownerAddress, toAddress: ownerAddress, ); // Prepare the contract parameter for the transaction. final parameter = Any(typeUrl: contract.typeURL, value: contract); // Create a TransactionContract object with the contract type and parameter. final transactionContract = TransactionContract(type: contract.contractType, parameter: parameter); // Set the transaction expiration time (maximum 24 hours) final expireTime = Duration(minutes: 30)); // Create a raw transaction TransactionRaw rawTransaction = TransactionRaw( refBlockBytes: block.blockHeader.rawData.refBlockBytes, refBlockHash: block.blockHeader.rawData.refBlockHash, expiration: BigInt.from(expireTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch), contract: [transactionContract], timestamp: block.blockHeader.rawData.timestamp, ); final estimatedFee = await getFeeLimit( rawTransaction, ownerAddress, ownerAddress, isEstimatedFeeFlow: true, ); _nativeTxEstimatedFee = estimatedFee; return estimatedFee; } Future<int> getTRCEstimatedFee(TronAddress ownerAddress) async { String contractAddress = 'TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t'; String constantAmount = '0'; // We're using 0 as the base amount here as we get an error when balance is zero i.e for new wallets. final contract = ContractABI.fromJson(trc20Abi, isTron: true); final function = contract.functionFromName("transfer"); /// address /// amount final transferparams = [ ownerAddress, TronHelper.toSun(constantAmount), ]; final contractAddr = TronAddress(contractAddress); final request = await _provider!.request( TronRequestTriggerConstantContract( ownerAddress: ownerAddress, contractAddress: contractAddr, data: function.encodeHex(transferparams), ), ); if (!request.isSuccess) { log("Tron TRC20 error: ${request.error} \n ${request.respose}"); } final feeLimit = await getFeeLimit( request.transactionRaw!, ownerAddress, ownerAddress, energyUsed: request.energyUsed ?? 0, isEstimatedFeeFlow: true, ); return feeLimit; } Future<PendingTronTransaction> signTransaction({ required TronPrivateKey ownerPrivKey, required String toAddress, required String amount, required CryptoCurrency currency, required BigInt tronBalance, required bool sendAll, }) async { // Get the owner tron address from the key final ownerAddress = ownerPrivKey.publicKey().toAddress(); // Define the receiving Tron address for the transaction. final receiverAddress = TronAddress(toAddress); bool isNativeTransaction = currency == CryptoCurrency.trx; String totalAmount; TransactionRaw rawTransaction; if (isNativeTransaction) { if (sendAll) { final accountResource = await _provider!.request(TronRequestGetAccountResource(address: ownerAddress)); final availableBandWidth = accountResource.howManyBandwIth.toInt(); // 269 is the current middle ground for bandwidth per transaction if (availableBandWidth >= 269) { totalAmount = amount; } else { final amountInSun = TronHelper.toSun(amount).toInt(); // 5000 added here is a buffer since we're working with "estimated" value of the fee. final result = amountInSun - (_nativeTxEstimatedFee + 5000); totalAmount = TronHelper.fromSun(BigInt.from(result)); } } else { totalAmount = amount; } rawTransaction = await _signNativeTransaction( ownerAddress, receiverAddress, totalAmount, tronBalance, sendAll, ); } else { final tokenAddress = (currency as TronToken).contractAddress; totalAmount = amount; rawTransaction = await _signTrcTokenTransaction( ownerAddress, receiverAddress, totalAmount, tokenAddress, tronBalance, ); } final signature = ownerPrivKey.sign(rawTransaction.toBuffer()); sendTx() async => await sendTransaction( rawTransaction: rawTransaction, signature: signature, ); return PendingTronTransaction( signedTransaction: signature, amount: totalAmount, fee: TronHelper.fromSun(rawTransaction.feeLimit ??, sendTransaction: sendTx, ); } Future<TransactionRaw> _signNativeTransaction( TronAddress ownerAddress, TronAddress receiverAddress, String amount, BigInt tronBalance, bool sendAll, ) async { // This is introduce to server as a limit in cases where feeLimit is 0 // The transaction signing will fail if the feeLimit is explicitly 0. int defaultFeeLimit = 269000; final block = await _provider!.request(TronRequestGetNowBlock()); // Create the transfer contract final contract = TransferContract( amount: TronHelper.toSun(amount), ownerAddress: ownerAddress, toAddress: receiverAddress, ); // Prepare the contract parameter for the transaction. final parameter = Any(typeUrl: contract.typeURL, value: contract); // Create a TransactionContract object with the contract type and parameter. final transactionContract = TransactionContract(type: contract.contractType, parameter: parameter); // Set the transaction expiration time (maximum 24 hours) final expireTime = Duration(minutes: 30)); // Create a raw transaction TransactionRaw rawTransaction = TransactionRaw( refBlockBytes: block.blockHeader.rawData.refBlockBytes, refBlockHash: block.blockHeader.rawData.refBlockHash, expiration: BigInt.from(expireTime.millisecondsSinceEpoch), contract: [transactionContract], timestamp: block.blockHeader.rawData.timestamp, ); final feeLimit = await getFeeLimit(rawTransaction, ownerAddress, receiverAddress); final feeLimitToUse = feeLimit != 0 ? feeLimit : defaultFeeLimit; final tronBalanceInt = tronBalance.toInt(); if (feeLimit > tronBalanceInt) { final feeInTrx = TronHelper.fromSun(BigInt.parse(feeLimit.toString())); throw Exception( 'You don\'t have enough TRX to cover the transaction fee for this transaction. Please top up.\nTransaction fee: $feeInTrx TRX', ); } rawTransaction = rawTransaction.copyWith( feeLimit: BigInt.from(feeLimitToUse), ); return rawTransaction; } Future<TransactionRaw> _signTrcTokenTransaction( TronAddress ownerAddress, TronAddress receiverAddress, String amount, String contractAddress, BigInt tronBalance, ) async { final contract = ContractABI.fromJson(trc20Abi, isTron: true); final function = contract.functionFromName("transfer"); /// address /// amount final transferparams = [ receiverAddress, TronHelper.toSun(amount), ]; final contractAddr = TronAddress(contractAddress); final request = await _provider!.request( TronRequestTriggerConstantContract( ownerAddress: ownerAddress, contractAddress: contractAddr, data: function.encodeHex(transferparams), ), ); if (!request.isSuccess) { log("Tron TRC20 error: ${request.error} \n ${request.respose}"); throw Exception( 'An error occured while creating the transfer request. Please try again.', ); } final feeLimit = await getFeeLimit( request.transactionRaw!, ownerAddress, receiverAddress, energyUsed: request.energyUsed ?? 0, ); final tronBalanceInt = tronBalance.toInt(); if (feeLimit > tronBalanceInt) { final feeInTrx = TronHelper.fromSun(BigInt.parse(feeLimit.toString())); throw Exception( 'You don\'t have enough TRX to cover the transaction fee for this transaction. Please top up. Transaction fee: $feeInTrx TRX', ); } final rawTransaction = request.transactionRaw!.copyWith( feeLimit: BigInt.from(feeLimit), ); return rawTransaction; } Future<String> sendTransaction({ required TransactionRaw rawTransaction, required List<int> signature, }) async { try { final transaction = Transaction(rawData: rawTransaction, signature: [signature]); final raw = BytesUtils.toHexString(transaction.toBuffer()); final txBroadcastResult = await _provider!.request(TronRequestBroadcastHex(transaction: raw)); if (txBroadcastResult.isSuccess) { return txBroadcastResult.txId!; } else { throw Exception(txBroadcastResult.error); } } catch (e) { log('Send block Exception: ${e.toString()}'); throw Exception(e); } } Future<TronBalance> fetchTronTokenBalances(String userAddress, String contractAddress) async { try { final ownerAddress = TronAddress(userAddress); final tokenAddress = TronAddress(contractAddress); final contract = ContractABI.fromJson(trc20Abi, isTron: true); final function = contract.functionFromName("balanceOf"); final request = await _provider!.request( TronRequestTriggerConstantContract.fromMethod( ownerAddress: ownerAddress, contractAddress: tokenAddress, function: function, params: [ownerAddress], ), ); final outputResult = request.outputResult?.first ??; return TronBalance(outputResult); } catch (_) { return TronBalance(; } } Future<TronToken?> getTronToken(String contractAddress, String userAddress) async { try { final tokenAddress = TronAddress(contractAddress); final ownerAddress = TronAddress(userAddress); final contract = ContractABI.fromJson(trc20Abi, isTron: true); final name = (await getTokenDetail(contract, "name", ownerAddress, tokenAddress) as String?) ?? ''; final symbol = (await getTokenDetail(contract, "symbol", ownerAddress, tokenAddress) as String?) ?? ''; final decimal = (await getTokenDetail(contract, "decimals", ownerAddress, tokenAddress) as BigInt?) ??; return TronToken( name: name, symbol: symbol, contractAddress: contractAddress, decimal: decimal.toInt(), ); } catch (e) { return null; } } Future<dynamic> getTokenDetail( ContractABI contract, String functionName, TronAddress ownerAddress, TronAddress tokenAddress, ) async { final function = contract.functionFromName(functionName); try { final request = await _provider!.request( TronRequestTriggerConstantContract.fromMethod( ownerAddress: ownerAddress, contractAddress: tokenAddress, function: function, params: [], ), ); final outputResult = request.outputResult?.first; return outputResult; } catch (_) { log('Erorr fetching detail: ${_.toString()}'); return null; } } }