#include #include "cstdlib" #include #include #include #include #include #include "thread" #if __APPLE__ // Fix for randomx on ios void __clear_cache(void* start, void* end) { } #include "../External/ios/include/wallet2_api.h" #else #include "../External/android/include/wallet2_api.h" #endif #include "plain_wallet_api.h" //#include "plain_wallet_api_ex.h" //using namespace std::chrono_literals; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //const uint64_t MONERO_BLOCK_SIZE = 1000; struct Utf8Box { char *value; Utf8Box(char *_value) { value = _value; } }; struct SubaddressRow { uint64_t id; char *address; char *label; SubaddressRow(std::size_t _id, char *_address, char *_label) { id = static_cast(_id); address = _address; label = _label; } }; struct AccountRow { uint64_t id; char *label; AccountRow(std::size_t _id, char *_label) { id = static_cast(_id); label = _label; } }; struct ZanoBalance { uint64_t amount; char *assetType; ZanoBalance(char *_assetType, uint64_t _amount) { amount = _amount; assetType = _assetType; } }; struct ZanoRate { uint64_t rate; char *assetType; ZanoRate(char *_assetType, uint64_t _rate) { rate = _rate; assetType = _assetType; } }; /*struct MoneroWalletListener : Monero::WalletListener { uint64_t m_height; bool m_need_to_refresh; bool m_new_transaction; MoneroWalletListener() { m_height = 0; m_need_to_refresh = false; m_new_transaction = false; } void moneySpent(const std::string &txId, uint64_t amount, std::string assetType) { m_new_transaction = true; } void moneyReceived(const std::string &txId, uint64_t amount, std::string assetType) { m_new_transaction = true; } void unconfirmedMoneyReceived(const std::string &txId, uint64_t amount) { m_new_transaction = true; } void newBlock(uint64_t height) { m_height = height; } void updated() { m_new_transaction = true; } void refreshed() { m_need_to_refresh = true; } void resetNeedToRefresh() { m_need_to_refresh = false; } bool isNeedToRefresh() { return m_need_to_refresh; } bool isNewTransactionExist() { return m_new_transaction; } void resetIsNewTransactionExist() { m_new_transaction = false; } uint64_t height() { return m_height; } }; */ struct TransactionInfoRow { uint64_t amount; uint64_t fee; uint64_t blockHeight; uint64_t confirmations; uint32_t subaddrAccount; int8_t direction; int8_t isPending; uint32_t subaddrIndex; char *hash; char *paymentId; char *assetType; int64_t datetime; TransactionInfoRow(/*wallet_public::wallet_transfer_info& wti*/) { /* amount = wti.subtransfers. fee = transaction->fee(); blockHeight = transaction->blockHeight(); subaddrAccount = transaction->subaddrAccount(); std::set::iterator it = transaction->subaddrIndex().begin(); subaddrIndex = *it; confirmations = transaction->confirmations(); datetime = static_cast(transaction->timestamp()); direction = transaction->direction(); isPending = static_cast(transaction->isPending()); std::string *hash_str = new std::string(transaction->hash()); hash = strdup(hash_str->c_str()); paymentId = strdup(transaction->paymentId().c_str()); assetType = strdup(transaction->assetType().c_str()); */ } }; /* Monero::Wallet *m_wallet; Monero::TransactionHistory *m_transaction_history; MoneroWalletListener *m_listener; Monero::Subaddress *m_subaddress; Monero::SubaddressAccount *m_account; uint64_t m_last_known_wallet_height; uint64_t m_cached_syncing_blockchain_height = 0; std::mutex store_lock; bool is_storing = false; */ //void change_current_wallet(Monero::Wallet *wallet) //{ /* m_wallet = wallet; m_listener = nullptr; if (wallet != nullptr) { m_transaction_history = wallet->history(); } else { m_transaction_history = nullptr; } if (wallet != nullptr) { m_account = wallet->subaddressAccount(); } else { m_account = nullptr; } if (wallet != nullptr) { m_subaddress = wallet->subaddress(); } else { m_subaddress = nullptr; } */ //} //Monero::Wallet *get_current_wallet() //{ // return nullptr;//return m_wallet; //} char * create_wallet(char *path, char *password, char *language, int32_t networkType, char *error) { return strdup(plain_wallet::generate(path, password).c_str()); } char * restore_wallet_from_seed(char *path, char *password, char *seed, int32_t networkType, uint64_t restoreHeight, char *error) { return strdup(plain_wallet::restore(seed, path, password, "").c_str()); } bool restore_wallet_from_keys(char *path, char *password, char *language, char *address, char *viewKey, char *spendKey, int32_t networkType, uint64_t restoreHeight, char *error) { /* Monero::NetworkType _networkType = static_cast(networkType); Monero::Wallet *wallet = Monero::WalletManagerFactory::getWalletManager()->createWalletFromKeys( std::string(path), std::string(password), std::string(language), _networkType, (uint64_t)restoreHeight, std::string(address), std::string(viewKey), std::string(spendKey)); int status; std::string errorString; wallet->statusWithErrorString(status, errorString); if (status != Monero::Wallet::Status_Ok || !errorString.empty()) { error = strdup(errorString.c_str()); return false; } change_current_wallet(wallet); */ return false; } char * load_wallet(char *path, char *password, int32_t nettype) { return strdup(plain_wallet::open(path, password).c_str()); } char *error_string() { return strdup("");//strdup(get_current_wallet()->errorString().c_str()); } bool is_wallet_exist(char *path) { return plain_wallet::is_wallet_exist(path); } char *close_wallet(uint64_t hwallet) { return strdup(plain_wallet::close_wallet(hwallet).c_str()); } char *get_wallet_info(uint64_t hwallet) { return strdup(plain_wallet::get_wallet_info(hwallet).c_str()); } /* get_filename(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi.path secret_view_key(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi_extended.view_private_key public_view_key(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi_extended.view_public_key secret_spend_key(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi_extended.spend_private_key public_spend_key(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi_extended.spend_public_key get_address(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi.address seed(): -> get_wallet_info(h).wi_extended.seed get_current_height(): -> get_wallet_status(h).current_wallet_height get_node_height(): -> get_wallet_status(h).current_daemon_height get_syncing_height() ??? how it's different from get_current_height??= start_refresh() ??? set_refresh_from_block_height ??? set_recovering_from_seed ??? get_node_height_or_update ??? is_needed_to_refresh ??? is_new_transaction_exist ??? set_listener ??? transactions_refresh() ??? on_startup() ??? rescan_blockchain() ??? set_trusted_daemon()/trusted_daemon() ??? asset_types_size()/asset_types() dedicated from balance update_rate()/get_rate()/size_of_rate() - need to fetch Zano price from coinmarketcap API, other assets ??? subaddrress_size()/subaddrress_get_all() - no subaddresses, only one address, available via get_wallet_info(h).wi.address connect_to_node()/is_connected(): -> get_connectivity_status(): { "is_online": true, "last_daemon_is_disconnected": false, "is_server_busy": false, "last_proxy_communicate_timestamp": 12121212 } } get_full_balance/get_unlocked_balance(): -> async_call("invoke", hwallet, "{method: 'get_recent_txs_and_info', params: {offset: 0,count: 30,update_provision_info: true}}") return list of last transactions + balances store(): -> async_call("invoke", hwallet, "{method: 'store', params: {}}") set_password() return "OK" if succeded transaction_create/transaction_commit () replaced with method 'transfer' that receive following argument in JSON: async_call("invoke", hwallet, " { "method": "transfer", "params": { "destinations": [ { "amount": "0.222", "address": "iZ2GHyPD7g28hgBfboZeCENaYrHSYZ1bLFi5cgWvn4WJLaxfgs4kqG6cJi9ai2zrXWSCpsvRXit14gKjeijx6YPCLJEv6Fx4rVm1hdAGQFiv", "asset_id" "bec034f4f158f97cfc4933c3e387b098f69870e955a49061f9ce956212729534" } ], "fee": 10000000000, "mixin": 10, "payment_id": "", "comment": "haha", "push_payer": false, "hide_receiver": true } } ") after transaction_create() event happened you need to call API get_current_tx_fee(priority_raw), get fee from it and use it to show to dialog in UI, and then if confirmed when transaction_commit() need to actually call async_call(...) that do actual transfer subaddress doesn't exist in Zano so following api is not present: subaddress_add_row/subaddress_set_label/subaddress_refresh/account_size/account_get_all/account_add_row/account_set_label_row/account_refresh transactions_get_all() -> async_call("invoke", hwallet, " { "method": "get_recent_txs_and_info", "params": { "offset": 0, "count": 30, "update_provision_info": true } } ") transactions_count() -> invoke: get_recent_txs_and_info */ uint64_t get_current_tx_fee(uint64_t priority) { return plain_wallet::get_current_tx_fee(priority); } char* get_wallet_status(uint64_t hwallet) { return strdup(plain_wallet::get_wallet_status(hwallet).c_str()); } char* get_address_info(char* address) { return strdup(plain_wallet::get_address_info(address).c_str()); } char* async_call(char* method_name, uint64_t instance_id, char* params) { return strdup(plain_wallet::async_call(method_name, instance_id, params).c_str()); } char* try_pull_result(uint64_t job_id) { return strdup(plain_wallet::try_pull_result(job_id).c_str()); } char* sync_call(const std::string& method_name, uint64_t instance_id, const std::string& params) { return strdup(plain_wallet::sync_call(method_name, instance_id, params).c_str()); } char* get_connectivity_status() { return strdup(plain_wallet::get_connectivity_status().c_str()); } bool setup_node(char *address, char *login, char *password, bool use_ssl, bool is_light_wallet, char *error) { nice(19); if(use_ssl) { //LOG_ERROR("SSL is not supported yet for Zano"); return false; } std::string res = plain_wallet::init(address, "", 0); if(API_RETURN_CODE_OK != res) { //LOG_ERROR("Failed init wallet"); return false; } return true; } //void start_refresh() //{ //get_current_wallet()->refreshAsync(); //get_current_wallet()->startRefresh(); //} //void set_refresh_from_block_height(uint64_t height) //{ //get_current_wallet()->setRefreshFromBlockHeight(height); //} //void set_recovering_from_seed(bool is_recovery) //{ //get_current_wallet()->setRecoveringFromSeed(is_recovery); //} char* set_password(uint64_t hwallet, char *password, Utf8Box &error) { return strdup(plain_wallet::reset_wallet_password(hwallet, password).c_str()); } /* bool transaction_create(char *address, char *asset_type, char *payment_id, char *amount, uint8_t priority_raw, uint32_t subaddr_account, Utf8Box &error, PendingTransactionRaw &pendingTransaction) { pendingTransaction.fee = plain_wallet::get_current_tx_fee(priority_raw); pendingTransaction.amount = strdup(amount); pendingTransaction.address = strdup(address); pendingTransaction.asset_type = strdup(asset_type); pendingTransaction.payment_id = strdup(payment_id); pendingTransaction.priority_raw = priority_raw; pendingTransaction.subaddr_account = 0; return true; }*/ //bool transaction_create_mult_dest(char **addresses, char *asset_type, char *payment_id, char **amounts, uint32_t size, // uint8_t priority_raw, uint32_t subaddr_account, Utf8Box &error, PendingTransactionRaw &pendingTransaction) //{ /* nice(19); std::vector _addresses; std::vector _amounts; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { _addresses.push_back(std::string(*addresses)); _amounts.push_back(Monero::Wallet::amountFromString(std::string(*amounts))); addresses++; amounts++; } auto priority = static_cast(priority_raw); std::string _payment_id; Monero::PendingTransaction *transaction; if (payment_id != nullptr) { _payment_id = std::string(payment_id); } transaction = m_wallet->createTransactionMultDest(_addresses, _payment_id, _amounts, std::string(asset_type), std::string(asset_type), m_wallet->defaultMixin(), priority, subaddr_account,{}); int status = transaction->status(); if (status == Monero::PendingTransaction::Status::Status_Error || status == Monero::PendingTransaction::Status::Status_Critical) { error = Utf8Box(strdup(transaction->errorString().c_str())); return false; } if (m_listener != nullptr) { m_listener->m_new_transaction = true; } pendingTransaction = PendingTransactionRaw(transaction); return true; */ // return false; //} //bool transaction_commit(PendingTransactionRaw *transaction, Utf8Box &error) //{ /* bool committed = transaction->transaction->commit(); if (!committed) { error = Utf8Box(strdup(transaction->transaction->errorString().c_str())); } else if (m_listener != nullptr) { m_listener->m_new_transaction = true; } return committed; */ // return false; //} //uint64_t get_node_height_or_update(uint64_t base_eight) //{ /* if (m_cached_syncing_blockchain_height < base_eight) { m_cached_syncing_blockchain_height = base_eight; } return m_cached_syncing_blockchain_height; */ // return 0; //} //uint64_t get_syncing_height(uint64_t hwallet) //{ /* if (m_listener == nullptr) { return 0; } uint64_t height = m_listener->height(); if (height <= 1) { return 0; } if (height != m_last_known_wallet_height) { m_last_known_wallet_height = height; } return height; */ // return 0; //} //uint64_t is_needed_to_refresh() //{ // return 0; /* if (m_listener == nullptr) { return false; } bool should_refresh = m_listener->isNeedToRefresh(); if (should_refresh) { m_listener->resetNeedToRefresh(); } return should_refresh; */ //} //uint8_t is_new_transaction_exist() //{ /* if (m_listener == nullptr) { return false; } bool is_new_transaction_exist = m_listener->isNewTransactionExist(); if (is_new_transaction_exist) { m_listener->resetIsNewTransactionExist(); } return is_new_transaction_exist; */ // return 0; //} //void set_listener() //{ /* m_last_known_wallet_height = 0; if (m_listener != nullptr) { free(m_listener); } m_listener = new MoneroWalletListener(); get_current_wallet()->setListener(m_listener); */ //} //int64_t *subaddrress_get_all() //{ /* std::vector _subaddresses = m_subaddress->getAll(); size_t size = _subaddresses.size(); int64_t *subaddresses = (int64_t *)malloc(size * sizeof(int64_t)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Monero::SubaddressRow *row = _subaddresses[i]; SubaddressRow *_row = new SubaddressRow(row->getRowId(), strdup(row->getAddress().c_str()), strdup(row->getLabel().c_str())); subaddresses[i] = reinterpret_cast(_row); } return subaddresses; */ // return nullptr; //} //int32_t subaddrress_size() //{ //std::vector _subaddresses = m_subaddress->getAll(); //return _subaddresses.size(); // return 0; //} //void subaddress_add_row(uint32_t accountIndex, char *label) //{ //m_subaddress->addRow(accountIndex, std::string(label)); //} //void subaddress_set_label(uint32_t accountIndex, uint32_t addressIndex, char *label) //{ //m_subaddress->setLabel(accountIndex, addressIndex, std::string(label)); //} //void subaddress_refresh(uint32_t accountIndex) //{ //m_subaddress->refresh(accountIndex); //} //int32_t account_size() //{ //std::vector _accocunts = m_account->getAll(); //return _accocunts.size(); // return 0; //} //int64_t *account_get_all() //{ /* std::vector _accocunts = m_account->getAll(); size_t size = _accocunts.size(); int64_t *accocunts = (int64_t *)malloc(size * sizeof(int64_t)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Monero::SubaddressAccountRow *row = _accocunts[i]; AccountRow *_row = new AccountRow(row->getRowId(), strdup(row->getLabel().c_str())); accocunts[i] = reinterpret_cast(_row); } return accocunts; */ // return nullptr; //} //void account_add_row(char *label) //{ //m_account->addRow(std::string(label)); //} //void account_set_label_row(uint32_t account_index, char *label) //{ //m_account->setLabel(account_index, label); //} //void account_refresh() //{ //m_account->refresh(); //} //int64_t *transactions_get_all() //{ /* std::vector transactions = m_transaction_history->getAll(); size_t size = transactions.size(); int64_t *transactionAddresses = (int64_t *)malloc(size * sizeof(int64_t)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Monero::TransactionInfo *row = transactions[i]; TransactionInfoRow *tx = new TransactionInfoRow(row); transactionAddresses[i] = reinterpret_cast(tx); } return transactionAddresses; */ // return nullptr; //} //void transactions_refresh() //{ //m_transaction_history->refresh(); //} //int64_t transactions_count() //{ //return m_transaction_history->count(); // return 0; //} //int LedgerExchange( // unsigned char *command, // unsigned int cmd_len, // unsigned char *response, // unsigned int max_resp_len) //{ // return -1; //} //int LedgerFind(char *buffer, size_t len) //{ // return -1; //} //void on_startup() //{ //Monero::Utils::onStartup(); //Monero::WalletManagerFactory::setLogLevel(4); //} //void rescan_blockchain() //{ //m_wallet->rescanBlockchainAsync(); //} char * get_tx_key(char * txId) { return strdup(""); //return strdup(m_wallet->getTxKey(std::string(txId)).c_str()); } //int32_t asset_types_size() //{ // return 0; //return Monero::Assets::list().size(); //} //char **asset_types() //{ /* size_t size = Monero::Assets::list().size(); std::vector assetList = Monero::Assets::list(); char **assetTypesPts; assetTypesPts = (char **) malloc( size * sizeof(char*)); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { std::string asset = assetList[i]; //assetTypes[i] = (char *)malloc( 5 * sizeof(char)); assetTypesPts[i] = strdup(asset.c_str()); } return assetTypesPts; */ // return nullptr; //} //std::map rates; //void update_rate() //{ //rates = get_current_wallet()->oracleRates(); //} //int64_t *get_rate() //{ /* size_t size = rates.size(); int64_t *havenRates = (int64_t *)malloc(size * sizeof(int64_t)); int i = 0; for (auto const& rate : rates) { char *assetType = strdup(rate.first.c_str()); HavenRate *havenRate = new HavenRate(assetType, rate.second); havenRates[i] = reinterpret_cast(havenRate); i++; } return havenRates; */ // return nullptr; //} //int32_t size_of_rate() //{ // return 0; //return static_cast(rates.size()); //} void set_trusted_daemon(bool arg) { //m_wallet->setTrustedDaemon(arg); } bool trusted_daemon() { return false; //return m_wallet->trustedDaemon(); } char* get_version() { return strdup(plain_wallet::get_version().c_str()); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif