import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'package:cake_wallet/core/wallet_creation_service.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/load_current_wallet.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/dashboard/fiat_conversion_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/restore/restore_mode.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/restore/restore_wallet.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/send/output.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pending_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_history.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_info.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/core/execution_state.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_credentials.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pathForWallet.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/app_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/generate_name.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/monero/monero.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/bitcoin/bitcoin.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/haven/haven.dart'; part 'wallet_creation_vm.g.dart'; class WalletCreationVM = WalletCreationVMBase with _$WalletCreationVM; abstract class WalletCreationVMBase with Store { WalletCreationVMBase(this._appStore, this._walletInfoSource, this.walletCreationService, this._fiatConversationStore, {required this.type, required this.isRecovery}) : state = InitialExecutionState(), name = ''; @observable String name; @observable ExecutionState state; @observable PendingTransaction? pendingTransaction; WalletType type; final bool isRecovery; final WalletCreationService walletCreationService; final Box _walletInfoSource; final AppStore _appStore; final FiatConversionStore _fiatConversationStore; bool nameExists(String name) => walletCreationService.exists(name); bool typeExists(WalletType type) => walletCreationService.typeExists(type); Future create({dynamic options, RestoredWallet? restoreWallet}) async { final type = restoreWallet?.type ?? this.type; try { //! Create a restoredWallet from the scanned wallet parameters final restoredWallet = await createNewWalletWithoutSwitching( options: options, restoreWallet: restoreWallet); print( 'Restored Wallet Address ' + restoredWallet.walletAddresses.address); //TODO Get transactions details to verify 10 confirmations // if (restoreWallet != null && // restoreWallet.restoreMode == WalletRestoreMode.txids) { //* Switch to the restoredWallet in order to activate the node connection await _walletInfoSource.add(restoredWallet.walletInfo); await connectToNode(restoredWallet); _appStore.changeCurrentWallet(restoredWallet); await loadCurrentWallet(); await restoredWallet.startSync(); print('Before syncing starts'); await syncCompleter.future; print('After syncing ends'); // * Create the newWallet that will receive the funds final newWallet = await createNewWalletWithoutSwitching( options: options, regenerateName: true, ); final newWalletAddress = newWallet.walletAddresses.address; print('New Wallet Address ' + newWalletAddress); // * Sweep all funds from restoredWallet to newWallet await sweepAllFundsToNewWallet( restoredWallet, newWallet, type, newWalletAddress, restoreWallet?.txId ?? '', ); // } else { // await _walletInfoSource.add(restoredWallet.walletInfo); // _appStore.changeCurrentWallet(restoredWallet); _appStore.authenticationStore.allowed(); state = ExecutedSuccessfullyState(); // } } catch (e) { print('Errorrrrr'); state = FailureState(e.toString()); } } Future connectToNode( WalletBase, TransactionInfo> wallet) async { final node = _appStore.settingsStore.getCurrentNode(wallet.type); await wallet.connectToNode(node: node); } Future< WalletBase, TransactionInfo>> createNewWalletWithoutSwitching( {dynamic options, RestoredWallet? restoreWallet, bool regenerateName = false}) async { state = IsExecutingState(); if (name.isEmpty) { name = await generateName(); } if (regenerateName) { name = await generateName(); } walletCreationService.checkIfExists(name); final dirPath = await pathForWalletDir(name: name, type: type); final path = await pathForWallet(name: name, type: type); final credentials = restoreWallet != null ? getCredentialsFromRestoredWallet(options, restoreWallet) : getCredentials(options); final walletInfo = WalletInfo.external( id: WalletBase.idFor(name, type), name: name, type: type, isRecovery: isRecovery, restoreHeight: credentials.height ?? 0, date:, path: path, dirPath: dirPath, address: '', showIntroCakePayCard: (!walletCreationService.typeExists(type)) && type != WalletType.haven); credentials.walletInfo = walletInfo; final wallet = restoreWallet != null ? await processFromRestoredWallet(credentials, restoreWallet) : await process(credentials); walletInfo.address = wallet.walletAddresses.address; return wallet; } Future sweepAllFundsToNewWallet( WalletBase, TransactionInfo> wallet, WalletBase, TransactionInfo> newWallet, WalletType type, String newWalletAddress, String paymentId) async { final output = Output(wallet, _appStore.settingsStore, _fiatConversationStore, () => wallet.currency); output.address = newWalletAddress; output.sendAll = true; output.note = 'testing the sweep all function'; final credentials = _credentials(type, wallet.currency.title, output); print('About to enter create function'); try { await createTransaction(wallet, credentials); // final currentNode = _appStore.settingsStore.getCurrentNode(type); // final result = await walletCreationService.sweepAllFunds(currentNode, newWalletAddress, paymentId); //* Switch back to new wallet _appStore.changeCurrentWallet(wallet); await _walletInfoSource.deleteAt(0); //* Add the new Wallet info to the walletInfoSource await _walletInfoSource.add(newWallet.walletInfo); //* Approve authentication as successful _appStore.authenticationStore.allowed(); print('Successfully done inisde sweep all'); state = ExecutedSuccessfullyState(); } catch (e) { state = FailureState(e.toString()); } } Object _credentials( WalletType type, String cryptoCurrencyTitle, Output output) { switch (type) { case WalletType.bitcoin: final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; if (priority == null) { throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); } return bitcoin! .createBitcoinTransactionCredentials([output], priority: priority); case WalletType.litecoin: final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; if (priority == null) { throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); } return bitcoin! .createBitcoinTransactionCredentials([output], priority: priority); case WalletType.monero: final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; if (priority == null) { throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); } return monero!.createMoneroTransactionCreationCredentials( outputs: [output], priority: priority); case WalletType.haven: final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; if (priority == null) { throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); } return haven!.createHavenTransactionCreationCredentials( outputs: [output], priority: priority, assetType: cryptoCurrencyTitle); default: throw Exception('Unexpected wallet type: ${type}'); } } @action Future createTransaction(WalletBase wallet, Object credentials) async { try { print('in here'); state = IsExecutingState(); print('about to enter wallet create transaction function'); pendingTransaction = await wallet.createTransaction(credentials); state = ExecutedSuccessfullyState(); } catch (e) { state = FailureState(e.toString()); } } WalletCredentials getCredentials(dynamic options) { switch (type) { case WalletType.monero: return monero!.createMoneroNewWalletCredentials( name: name, language: options as String? ?? ''); case WalletType.bitcoin: return bitcoin!.createBitcoinNewWalletCredentials(name: name); case WalletType.litecoin: return bitcoin!.createBitcoinNewWalletCredentials(name: name); case WalletType.haven: return haven!.createHavenNewWalletCredentials( name: name, language: options as String? ?? ''); default: throw Exception('Unexpected type: ${type.toString()}'); } } Future process(WalletCredentials credentials) { walletCreationService.changeWalletType(type: type); return walletCreationService.create(credentials); } WalletCredentials getCredentialsFromRestoredWallet( dynamic options, RestoredWallet restoreWallet) => throw UnimplementedError(); Future processFromRestoredWallet( WalletCredentials credentials, RestoredWallet restoreWallet) => throw UnimplementedError(); } // class SweepAllService { // final AppStore _appStore; // final WalletBase, // TransactionInfo> restoredWallet; // final WalletBase, // TransactionInfo> newWallet; // final FiatConversionStore _fiatConversationStore; // final Box _walletInfoSource; // final String? txId; // SweepAllService( // this._appStore, // this.restoredWallet, // this._fiatConversationStore, // this._walletInfoSource, // this.newWallet, // this.txId, // ); // Future create() async { // try { // //* Connect to the Node first // await connectToNode(restoredWallet); // //* Switch wallet to that of the restoredWallet // _appStore.changeCurrentWallet(restoredWallet); // //* Load the restore wallet to imitate actual loading // await loadCurrentWallet(); // //* Start the sync // await restoredWallet.startSync(); // print('Before syncing starts'); // await syncCompleter.future; // print('After syncing ends'); // // * Sweep all funds from restoredWallet to newWallet // await sweepAllFundsToNewWallet( // restoredWallet, // restoredWallet.type, // newWallet.walletAddresses.address, // txId ?? '', // ); // //* Switch back to new wallet // _appStore.changeCurrentWallet(newWallet); // //* Add the new Wallet info to the walletInfoSource // await _walletInfoSource.add(newWallet.walletInfo); // //* Approve authentication as successful // _appStore.authenticationStore.allowed(); // } catch (e) { // print('Errorrrrr'); // } // } // Future connectToNode( // WalletBase, // TransactionInfo> // wallet) async { // final node = _appStore.settingsStore.getCurrentNode(wallet.type); // await wallet.connectToNode(node: node); // } // Future sweepAllFundsToNewWallet( // WalletBase, // TransactionInfo> // wallet, // WalletType type, // String newWalletAddress, // String paymentId) async { // final output = Output(wallet, _appStore.settingsStore, // _fiatConversationStore, () => wallet.currency); // output.address = newWalletAddress; // output.sendAll = true; // output.note = 'testing the sweep all function'; // final credentials = _credentials(type, wallet.currency.title, output); // print('About to enter create function'); // try { // await createTransaction(wallet, credentials); // // final currentNode = _appStore.settingsStore.getCurrentNode(type); // // final result = await walletCreationService.sweepAllFunds(currentNode, newWalletAddress, paymentId); // } catch (e) { // log(e.toString()); // } // } // @action // Future createTransaction(WalletBase wallet, Object credentials) async { // try { // print('about to enter wallet create transaction function'); // final pendingTransaction = await wallet.createTransaction(credentials); // print(pendingTransaction); // } catch (e) { // log(e.toString()); // } // } // Object _credentials( // WalletType type, String cryptoCurrencyTitle, Output output) { // switch (type) { // case WalletType.bitcoin: // final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; // if (priority == null) { // throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); // } // return bitcoin! // .createBitcoinTransactionCredentials([output], priority: priority); // case WalletType.litecoin: // final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; // if (priority == null) { // throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); // } // return bitcoin! // .createBitcoinTransactionCredentials([output], priority: priority); // case WalletType.monero: // final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; // if (priority == null) { // throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); // } // return monero!.createMoneroTransactionCreationCredentials( // outputs: [output], priority: priority); // case WalletType.haven: // final priority = _appStore.settingsStore.priority[type]; // if (priority == null) { // throw Exception('Priority is null for wallet type: ${type}'); // } // return haven!.createHavenTransactionCreationCredentials( // outputs: [output], // priority: priority, // assetType: cryptoCurrencyTitle); // default: // throw Exception('Unexpected wallet type: ${type}'); // } // } // }