import 'package:blockchain_utils/hex/hex.dart'; import 'package:on_chain/on_chain.dart'; class TronTRC20TransactionModel extends TronTransactionModel { String? transactionId; String? tokenSymbol; int? timestamp; @override String? from; @override String? to; String? value; @override String get hash => transactionId!; @override DateTime get date => DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(timestamp ?? 0); @override BigInt? get amount => BigInt.parse(value ?? '0'); @override int? get fee => 0; TronTRC20TransactionModel({ this.transactionId, this.tokenSymbol, this.timestamp, this.from,, this.value, }); TronTRC20TransactionModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { transactionId = json['transaction_id']; tokenSymbol = json['token_info'] != null ? json['token_info']['symbol'] : null; timestamp = json['block_timestamp']; from = json['from']; to = json['to']; value = json['value']; } } class TronTransactionModel { List<Ret>? ret; String? txID; int? blockTimestamp; List<Contract>? contracts; /// Getters to extract out the needed/useful information directly from the model params /// Without having to go through extra steps in the methods that use this model. bool get isError { if (ret?.first.contractRet == null) return true; return ret?.first.contractRet != "SUCCESS"; } String get hash => txID!; DateTime get date => DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(blockTimestamp ?? 0); String? get from => contracts?.first.parameter?.value?.ownerAddress; String? get to => contracts?.first.parameter?.value?.receiverAddress; BigInt? get amount => contracts?.first.parameter?.value?.txAmount; int? get fee => ret?.first.fee; String? get contractAddress => contracts?.first.parameter?.value?.contractAddress; TronTransactionModel({ this.ret, this.txID, this.blockTimestamp, this.contracts, }); TronTransactionModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { if (json['ret'] != null) { ret = <Ret>[]; json['ret'].forEach((v) { ret!.add(Ret.fromJson(v)); }); } txID = json['txID']; blockTimestamp = json['block_timestamp']; contracts = json['raw_data'] != null ? (json['raw_data']['contract'] as List) .map((e) => Contract.fromJson(e as Map<String, dynamic>)) .toList() : null; } } class Ret { String? contractRet; int? fee; Ret({this.contractRet, this.fee}); Ret.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { contractRet = json['contractRet']; fee = json['fee']; } } class Contract { Parameter? parameter; String? type; Contract({this.parameter, this.type}); Contract.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { parameter = json['parameter'] != null ? Parameter.fromJson(json['parameter']) : null; type = json['type']; } } class Parameter { Value? value; String? typeUrl; Parameter({this.value, this.typeUrl}); Parameter.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { value = json['value'] != null ? Value.fromJson(json['value']) : null; typeUrl = json['type_url']; } } class Value { String? data; String? ownerAddress; String? contractAddress; int? amount; String? toAddress; String? assetName; //Getters to extract address for tron transactions /// If the contract address is null, it returns the toAddress /// If it's not null, it decodes the data field and gets the receiver address. String? get receiverAddress { if (contractAddress == null) return toAddress; if (data == null) return null; return _decodeAddressFromEncodedDataField(data!); } //Getters to extract amount for tron transactions /// If the contract address is null, it returns the amount /// If it's not null, it decodes the data field and gets the tx amount. BigInt? get txAmount { if (contractAddress == null) return BigInt.from(amount ?? 0); if (data == null) return null; return _decodeAmountInvolvedFromEncodedDataField(data!); } Value( {, this.ownerAddress, this.contractAddress, this.amount, this.toAddress, this.assetName}); Value.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) { data = json['data']; ownerAddress = json['owner_address']; contractAddress = json['contract_address']; amount = json['amount']; toAddress = json['to_address']; assetName = json['asset_name']; } /// To get the address from the encoded data field String _decodeAddressFromEncodedDataField(String output) { // To get the receiver address from the encoded params output = output.replaceFirst('0x', '').substring(8); final abiCoder = ABICoder.fromType('address'); final decoded = abiCoder.decode(AbiParameter.bytes, hex.decode(output)); final tronAddress = TronAddress.fromEthAddress((decoded.result as ETHAddress).toBytes()); return tronAddress.toString(); } /// To get the amount from the encoded data field BigInt _decodeAmountInvolvedFromEncodedDataField(String output) { output = output.replaceFirst('0x', '').substring(72); final amountAbiCoder = ABICoder.fromType('uint256'); final decodedA = amountAbiCoder.decode(AbiParameter.uint256, hex.decode(output)); final amount = decodedA.result as BigInt; return amount; } }