import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart'; import 'package:intl/date_symbol_data_custom.dart' as date_symbol_data_custom; import 'package:intl/date_symbols.dart' as intl; import 'package:intl/intl.dart' as intl; // #docregion Date const yoLocaleDatePatterns = { 'd': 'd.', 'E': 'ccc', 'EEEE': 'cccc', 'LLL': 'LLL', // #enddocregion Date 'LLLL': 'LLLL', 'M': 'L.', 'Md': 'd.M.', 'MEd': 'EEE d.M.', 'MMM': 'LLL', 'MMMd': 'd. MMM', 'MMMEd': 'EEE d. MMM', 'MMMM': 'LLLL', 'MMMMd': 'd. MMMM', 'MMMMEEEEd': 'EEEE d. MMMM', 'QQQ': 'QQQ', 'QQQQ': 'QQQQ', 'y': 'y', 'yM': 'M.y', 'yMd': 'd.M.y', 'yMEd': 'EEE d.MM.y', 'yMMM': 'MMM y', 'yMMMd': 'd. MMM y', 'yMMMEd': 'EEE d. MMM y', 'yMMMM': 'MMMM y', 'yMMMMd': 'd. MMMM y', 'yMMMMEEEEd': 'EEEE d. MMMM y', 'yQQQ': 'QQQ y', 'yQQQQ': 'QQQQ y', 'H': 'HH', 'Hm': 'HH:mm', 'Hms': 'HH:mm:ss', 'j': 'HH', 'jm': 'HH:mm', 'jms': 'HH:mm:ss', 'jmv': 'HH:mm v', 'jmz': 'HH:mm z', 'jz': 'HH z', 'm': 'm', 'ms': 'mm:ss', 's': 's', 'v': 'v', 'z': 'z', 'zzzz': 'zzzz', 'ZZZZ': 'ZZZZ', }; // #docregion Date2 const yoDateSymbols = { 'NAME': 'yo', 'ERAS': <dynamic>[ 'f.Sk.', 'e.Lk.', ], // #enddocregion Date2 'ERANAMES': <dynamic>[ 'Ṣaaju Kristi', 'Lẹhin Kristi', ], 'NARROWMONTHS': <dynamic>[ 'J', 'F', 'M', 'A', 'M', 'J', 'J', 'A', 'S', 'O', 'N', 'D', ], 'STANDALONENARROWMONTHS': <dynamic>[ 'J', 'F', 'M', 'A', 'M', 'J', 'J', 'A', 'S', 'O', 'N', 'D', ], 'MONTHS': <dynamic>[ 'januárì', 'feburárì', 'màársì', 'éfrílù', 'méè', 'júùnù', 'júùlù', 'ágústà', 'sètẹ̀mbà', 'ọkùtọ̀bà', 'nọvẹ̀mbà', 'dẹsẹ̀mbà', ], 'STANDALONEMONTHS': <dynamic>[ 'januárì', 'feburárì', 'màársì', 'éfrílù', 'méè', 'júùnù', 'júùlù', 'ágústà', 'sètẹ̀mbà', 'ọkùtọ̀bà', 'nọvẹ̀mbà', 'dẹsẹ̀mbà', ], 'SHORTMONTHS': <dynamic>[ 'jan.', 'feb.', 'mar.', 'ápr.', 'mẹ̀', 'jún.', 'júl.', 'ágú.', 'sẹ̀p.', 'ọkù.', 'nọv.', 'dẹs.', ], 'STANDALONESHORTMONTHS': <dynamic>[ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'ápr', 'mẹ̀', 'jún', 'júl', 'ágú', 'sẹ̀p', 'ọkù', 'nọv', 'dẹs', ], 'WEEKDAYS': <dynamic>[ 'ọjọ́ Ajé', 'ọjọ́ Ìsẹ́gun', 'ọjọ́ Ìsẹ́gun-Etì', 'ọjọ́ Ìsẹ́gun-Ọ̀rú', 'ọjọ́ Àìkú', 'ọjọ́ Jíń', 'ọjọ́ Àbámẹ́ta', ], 'STANDALONEWEEKDAYS': <dynamic>[ 'Ọjọ́ Ajé', 'Ọjọ́ Ìsẹ́gun', 'Ọjọ́ Ìsẹ́gun-Ẹtì', 'Ọjọ́ Ìsẹ́gun-Ọ̀rú', 'Ọjọ́ Àìkú', 'Ọjọ́ Jímọ̀', 'Ọjọ́ Àbámẹ́ta', ], 'SHORTWEEKDAYS': <dynamic>[ 'Ajé', 'Ìsẹ́gun', 'Ìsẹ́gun-Ẹtì', 'Ìsẹ́gun-Ọ̀rú', 'Àìkú', 'Jímọ̀', 'Àbámẹ́ta', ], 'STANDALONESHORTWEEKDAYS': <dynamic>[ 'Ajé', 'Ìsẹ́gun', 'Ìsẹ́gun-Ẹtì', 'Ìsẹ́gun-Ọ̀rú', 'Àìkú', 'Jímọ̀', 'Àbámẹ́ta', ], 'NARROWWEEKDAYS': <dynamic>[ 'A', 'A', 'Ì', 'A', 'À', 'J', 'À', ], 'STANDALONENARROWWEEKDAYS': <dynamic>[ 'A', 'A', 'Ì', 'A', 'À', 'J', 'À', ], 'SHORTQUARTERS': <dynamic>[ 'K1', 'K2', 'K3', 'K4', ], 'QUARTERS': <dynamic>[ '1. kwata', '2. kwata', '3. kwata', '4. kwata', ], 'AMPMS': <dynamic>[ 'a.m.', 'p.m.', ], 'DATEFORMATS': <dynamic>[ 'EEEE d. MMMM y', 'd. MMMM y', 'd. MMM y', 'dd.MM.y', ], 'TIMEFORMATS': <dynamic>[ 'HH:mm:ss zzzz', 'HH:mm:ss z', 'HH:mm:ss', 'HH:mm', ], 'AVAILABLEFORMATS': null, 'FIRSTDAYOFWEEK': 0, 'WEEKENDRANGE': <dynamic>[ 5, 6, ], 'FIRSTWEEKCUTOFFDAY': 3, 'DATETIMEFORMATS': <dynamic>[ '{1} {0}', '{1} \'kl\'. {0}', '{1}, {0}', '{1}, {0}', ], }; // #docregion Delegate class _YoMaterialLocalizationsDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<MaterialLocalizations> { const _YoMaterialLocalizationsDelegate(); @override bool isSupported(Locale locale) => locale.languageCode == 'yo'; @override Future<MaterialLocalizations> load(Locale locale) async { final String localeName = intl.Intl.canonicalizedLocale(locale.toString()); // The locale (in this case `yo`) needs to be initialized into the custom // date symbols and patterns setup that Flutter uses. date_symbol_data_custom.initializeDateFormattingCustom( locale: localeName, patterns: yoLocaleDatePatterns, symbols: intl.DateSymbols.deserializeFromMap(yoDateSymbols), ); return SynchronousFuture<MaterialLocalizations>( YoMaterialLocalizations( localeName: localeName, // The `intl` library's NumberFormat class is generated from CLDR data // (see // Unfortunately, there is no way to use a locale that isn't defined in // this map and the only way to work around this is to use a listed // locale's NumberFormat symbols. So, here we use the number formats // for 'en_US' instead. decimalFormat: intl.NumberFormat('#,##0.###', 'en_US'), twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat: intl.NumberFormat('00', 'en_US'), // DateFormat here will use the symbols and patterns provided in the // `date_symbol_data_custom.initializeDateFormattingCustom` call above. // However, an alternative is to simply use a supported locale's // DateFormat symbols, similar to NumberFormat above. fullYearFormat: intl.DateFormat('y', localeName), compactDateFormat: intl.DateFormat('yMd', localeName), shortDateFormat: intl.DateFormat('yMMMd', localeName), mediumDateFormat: intl.DateFormat('EEE, MMM d', localeName), longDateFormat: intl.DateFormat('EEEE, MMMM d, y', localeName), yearMonthFormat: intl.DateFormat('MMMM y', localeName), shortMonthDayFormat: intl.DateFormat('MMM d', localeName), ), ); } @override bool shouldReload(_YoMaterialLocalizationsDelegate old) => false; } // #enddocregion Delegate class YoMaterialLocalizations extends GlobalMaterialLocalizations { const YoMaterialLocalizations({ super.localeName = 'yo', required super.fullYearFormat, required super.compactDateFormat, required super.shortDateFormat, required super.mediumDateFormat, required super.longDateFormat, required super.yearMonthFormat, required super.shortMonthDayFormat, required super.decimalFormat, required super.twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat, }); // #docregion Getters @override String get moreButtonTooltip => r'Kò sí ìròhùn tí ó múni'; @override String get aboutListTileTitleRaw => r'Fun Àpótí àwọn $applicationname'; @override String get alertDialogLabel => r'Ìròhùn Àlàyé'; // #enddocregion Getters @override String get anteMeridiemAbbreviation => r'AM'; @override String get backButtonTooltip => r'Fíran'; @override String get cancelButtonLabel => r'FAGILE'; @override String get closeButtonLabel => r'KÚ'; @override String get closeButtonTooltip => r'Kú'; @override String get collapsedIconTapHint => r'Tá'; @override String get continueButtonLabel => r'TÓ WÁ'; @override String get copyButtonLabel => r'DÚPLÍKÉTÍ'; @override String get cutButtonLabel => r'TÒ'; @override String get deleteButtonTooltip => r'Máa kú'; @override String get dialogLabel => r'Ìròhùn'; @override String get drawerLabel => r'Àgbèjọ àwọn àpọ̀tí'; @override String get expandedIconTapHint => r'Tá'; @override String get firstPageTooltip => r'Ojú ewe'; @override String get hideAccountsLabel => r'Fí èrò àpótí wáyé sílẹ̀'; @override String get lastPageTooltip => r'Ojú ayé'; @override String get licensesPageTitle => r'Ìròhùn Ọdún'; @override String get modalBarrierDismissLabel => r'Sọ'; @override String get nextMonthTooltip => r'Oṣù kọja'; @override String get nextPageTooltip => r'Ojú ọjọ́ kẹta'; @override String get okButtonLabel => r'Ò daájú'; @override // A custom drawer tooltip message. String get openAppDrawerTooltip => r'Aya ntọju Iwe Awọn Aka'; // #docregion Raw @override String get pageRowsInfoTitleRaw => r'$firstRow–$lastRow lati $rowCount'; @override String get pageRowsInfoTitleApproximateRaw => r'$firstRow–$lastRow lati kiakia $rowCount'; // #enddocregion Raw @override String get pasteButtonLabel => r'TÌ'; @override String get popupMenuLabel => r'Meniu Pop-up'; @override String get menuBarMenuLabel => r'Meniu Akọkọ'; @override String get postMeridiemAbbreviation => r'PM'; @override String get previousMonthTooltip => r'Oṣu Kanakana'; @override String get previousPageTooltip => r'Ojú ewé akọkọ kan'; @override String get refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel => r'Gbiyanju'; @override String? get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountFew => null; @override String? get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountMany => null; @override String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOne => r'1 àmì báálẹ̀'; @override String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOther => r'$remainingCount àmì báálẹ̀'; @override String? get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountTwo => null; @override String get remainingTextFieldCharacterCountZero => r'Kò sí ìwọlé létà láti ń ṣe'; @override String get reorderItemDown => r'Jù sí ilẹ'; @override String get reorderItemLeft => r'Jù sí àrà'; @override String get reorderItemRight => r'Jù sí òtútù'; @override String get reorderItemToEnd => r'Jù sí ìbẹ̀jì'; @override String get reorderItemToStart => r'Jù sí àkọ́kọ́'; @override String get reorderItemUp => r'Jù sí ọ̀rùn'; @override String get rowsPerPageTitle => r'Ìlò Fún àwọn Ìtọ́kasíwájú:'; @override ScriptCategory get scriptCategory => ScriptCategory.englishLike; @override String get searchFieldLabel => 'Ṣẹda'; @override String get selectAllButtonLabel => 'FADỌHỌN DỌFÚN GBÁJÚMỌ̀'; @override String? get selectedRowCountTitleFew => null; @override String? get selectedRowCountTitleMany => null; @override String get selectedRowCountTitleOne => '1 káyé'; @override String get selectedRowCountTitleOther => r'$selectedRowCount káyé'; @override String? get selectedRowCountTitleTwo => null; @override String get selectedRowCountTitleZero => 'Kò sí káyé ti o wọlé'; @override String get showAccountsLabel => 'Fi iyipada mu kọ'; @override String get showMenuTooltip => 'Fi Meniu mu kọ'; @override String get signedInLabel => 'Ọ̀nà'; @override String get tabLabelRaw => r'Àwọn tabin $tabIndex lati $tabCount'; @override TimeOfDayFormat get timeOfDayFormatRaw => TimeOfDayFormat.h_colon_mm_space_a; @override String get timePickerHourModeAnnouncement => 'Tuntun waqtu lọ'; @override String get timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement => 'Tuntun daɗi minti'; @override String get viewLicensesButtonLabel => 'WO NIKI'; @override List<String> get narrowWeekdays => const <String>['L', 'L', 'A', 'O', 'Ọ', 'Ẹ', 'Ẹ']; @override int get firstDayOfWeekIndex => 0; static const LocalizationsDelegate<MaterialLocalizations> delegate = _YoMaterialLocalizationsDelegate(); @override String get calendarModeButtonLabel => 'Tọ́rọ̀ kálẹ̀ndà'; @override String get dateHelpText => 'mm/dd/yyyy'; @override String get dateInputLabel => 'Firanṣẹ̀ Ọjọ́'; @override String get dateOutOfRangeLabel => 'Nínú iwọ̀ lọ́wọ́'; @override String get datePickerHelpText => 'WÁSÍ'; @override String get dateRangeEndDateSemanticLabelRaw => r'Ọjọ́ tuntun to ṣà'; @override String get dateRangeEndLabel => 'Ọjọ́ tuntun to ṣà'; @override String get dateRangePickerHelpText => 'WÁSÍ ÌGBÀ'; @override String get dateRangeStartDateSemanticLabelRaw => 'Ọjọ́ tuntun ti dá'; @override String get dateRangeStartLabel => 'Ọjọ́ tuntun ti dá'; @override String get dateSeparator => '/'; @override String get dialModeButtonLabel => 'Tọ́rọ̀ wakati'; @override String get inputDateModeButtonLabel => 'Tọ́rọ̀ firanṣẹ̀ ọjọ́'; @override String get inputTimeModeButtonLabel => 'Tọ́rọ̀ wakati bayi lọ́wọ́'; @override String get invalidDateFormatLabel => 'Akọ́kọ́tọ́ tó jẹ́kúnrin'; @override String get invalidDateRangeLabel => 'Àmì jẹ́ káàkiri lẹ́yìn ilé'; @override String get invalidTimeLabel => 'Akọ́kọ́tọ́ àkójọ ìwádìí'; @override String get licensesPackageDetailTextOther => r'$licenseCount àwọn níkí'; @override String get saveButtonLabel => 'TÙN DÁRA'; @override String get selectYearSemanticsLabel => 'Fọ́ọ̀ shẹ́kàrà'; @override String get timePickerDialHelpText => 'WÁSÍ WÁKÀTÌ'; @override String get timePickerHourLabel => 'Wákàtì àṣà'; @override String get timePickerInputHelpText => 'Shìgárà wákàtì'; @override String get timePickerMinuteLabel => 'Mìntì'; @override String get unspecifiedDate => 'Ọjọ̀kúnrin'; @override String get unspecifiedDateRange => 'Ọjọ̀kúnrin àdáyọ̀'; @override String get keyboardKeyAlt => 'Alt'; @override String get keyboardKeyAltGraph => 'AltGraph'; @override String get keyboardKeyBackspace => 'Báckspàcè'; @override String get keyboardKeyCapsLock => 'Caps Lock'; @override String get keyboardKeyChannelDown => 'Báyàkàmmàlàsàké'; @override String get keyboardKeyChannelUp => 'Yíkàmmàlàsàké'; @override String get keyboardKeyControl => 'Kọ́ntírọ̀l'; @override String get keyboardKeyDelete => 'Shápè'; @override String get keyboardKeyEject => 'Èjẹ̀tì'; @override String get keyboardKeyEnd => 'Tàbí'; @override String get keyboardKeyEscape => 'Tòkè'; @override String get keyboardKeyFn => 'Fn'; @override String get keyboardKeyHome => 'Ile'; @override String get keyboardKeyInsert => 'Fi sori'; @override String get keyboardKeyMeta => 'Meta'; @override String get keyboardKeyMetaMacOs => 'Amfani pẹlu Command'; @override String get keyboardKeyMetaWindows => 'Windows'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumLock => 'Num Lock'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad0 => 'Numpad 0'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad1 => 'Numpad 1'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad2 => 'Numpad 2'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad3 => 'Numpad 3'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad4 => 'Numpad 4'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad5 => 'Numpad 5'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad6 => 'Numpad 6'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad7 => 'Numpad 7'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad8 => 'Numpad 8'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpad9 => 'Numpad 9'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadAdd => 'Numpad +'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadComma => 'Numpad ,'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadDecimal => 'Numpad .'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadDivide => 'Numpad /'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadEnter => 'Numpad Enter'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadEqual => 'Numpad ='; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadMultiply => 'Numpad *'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadParenLeft => 'Numpad ('; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadParenRight => 'Numpad )'; @override String get keyboardKeyNumpadSubtract => 'Numpad -'; @override String get keyboardKeyPageDown => 'Page Down'; @override String get keyboardKeyPageUp => 'Page Up'; @override String get keyboardKeyPower => 'Power'; @override String get keyboardKeyPowerOff => 'Power Off'; @override String get keyboardKeyPrintScreen => 'Print Screen'; @override String get keyboardKeyScrollLock => 'Scroll Lock'; @override String get keyboardKeySelect => 'Zabi'; @override String get keyboardKeySpace => 'Space'; } /// Cupertino Support /// Strings Copied from "" class _YoCupertinoLocalizationsDelegate extends LocalizationsDelegate<CupertinoLocalizations> { const _YoCupertinoLocalizationsDelegate(); @override bool isSupported(Locale locale) => locale.languageCode == 'yo'; @override Future<CupertinoLocalizations> load(Locale locale) async { final String localeName = intl.Intl.canonicalizedLocale(locale.toString()); // The locale (in this case `yo`) needs to be initialized into the custom =>> `yo` // date symbols and patterns setup that Flutter uses. date_symbol_data_custom.initializeDateFormattingCustom( locale: localeName, patterns: yoLocaleDatePatterns, symbols: intl.DateSymbols.deserializeFromMap(yoDateSymbols), ); return SynchronousFuture<CupertinoLocalizations>( YoCupertinoLocalizations( localeName: localeName, // The `intl` library's NumberFormat class is generated from CLDR data // (see // Unfortunately, there is no way to use a locale that isn't defined in // this map and the only way to work around this is to use a listed // locale's NumberFormat symbols. So, here we use the number formats // for 'en_US' instead. decimalFormat: intl.NumberFormat('#,##0.###', 'en_US'), // DateFormat here will use the symbols and patterns provided in the // `date_symbol_data_custom.initializeDateFormattingCustom` call above. // However, an alternative is to simply use a supported locale's // DateFormat symbols, similar to NumberFormat above. fullYearFormat: intl.DateFormat('y', localeName), mediumDateFormat: intl.DateFormat('EEE, MMM d', localeName), dayFormat: intl.DateFormat('d', localeName), doubleDigitMinuteFormat: intl.DateFormat('mm', localeName), singleDigitHourFormat: intl.DateFormat('j', localeName), singleDigitMinuteFormat: intl.DateFormat.m(localeName), singleDigitSecondFormat: intl.DateFormat.s(localeName), ), ); } @override bool shouldReload(_YoCupertinoLocalizationsDelegate old) => false; } // #enddocregion Delegate /// A custom set of localizations for the 'nn' locale. In this example, only =>> `yo` /// the value for openAppDrawerTooltip was modified to use a custom message as /// an example. Everything else uses the American English (en_US) messages /// and formatting. class YoCupertinoLocalizations extends GlobalCupertinoLocalizations { const YoCupertinoLocalizations({ super.localeName = 'yo', required super.fullYearFormat, required super.mediumDateFormat, required super.decimalFormat, required super.dayFormat, required super.singleDigitHourFormat, required super.singleDigitMinuteFormat, required super.doubleDigitMinuteFormat, required super.singleDigitSecondFormat, }); @override String get alertDialogLabel => 'Àdàkárò'; @override String get anteMeridiemAbbreviation => 'AM'; @override String get copyButtonLabel => 'Kòpy'; @override String get cutButtonLabel => 'Kọ́t'; @override String get datePickerDateOrderString => 'mdy'; @override String get datePickerDateTimeOrderString => 'date_time_dayPeriod'; @override String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelFew => null; @override String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelMany => null; @override String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOne => r"$hour o'clock"; @override String get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelOther => r"$hour o'clock"; @override String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelTwo => null; @override String? get datePickerHourSemanticsLabelZero => null; @override String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelFew => null; @override String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelMany => null; @override String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOne => '1 wakati'; @override String get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelOther => r'$minute wakati'; @override String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelTwo => null; @override String? get datePickerMinuteSemanticsLabelZero => null; @override String get modalBarrierDismissLabel => 'Búta'; @override String get pasteButtonLabel => 'Tẹ́ẹ́'; @override String get postMeridiemAbbreviation => 'PM'; @override String get searchTextFieldPlaceholderLabel => 'Wúró àtúntà'; @override String get selectAllButtonLabel => 'Fírànsé gbógbo'; @override String get tabSemanticsLabelRaw => r'Tab $tabIndex nínú $tabCount'; @override String? get timerPickerHourLabelFew => null; @override String? get timerPickerHourLabelMany => null; @override String? get timerPickerHourLabelOne => 'òǹdì'; @override String get timerPickerHourLabelOther => 'òǹdì'; @override String? get timerPickerHourLabelTwo => null; @override String? get timerPickerHourLabelZero => null; @override String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelFew => null; @override String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelMany => null; @override String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelOne => 'wakati.'; @override String get timerPickerMinuteLabelOther => 'wakati.'; @override String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelTwo => null; @override String? get timerPickerMinuteLabelZero => null; @override String? get timerPickerSecondLabelFew => null; @override String? get timerPickerSecondLabelMany => null; @override String? get timerPickerSecondLabelOne => 'dákìkà.'; @override String get timerPickerSecondLabelOther => 'dákìkà.'; @override String? get timerPickerSecondLabelTwo => null; @override String? get timerPickerSecondLabelZero => null; @override String get todayLabel => 'Oyọ'; static const LocalizationsDelegate<CupertinoLocalizations> delegate = _YoCupertinoLocalizationsDelegate(); }