import 'package:cake_wallet/.secrets.g.dart' as secrets; import 'package:cake_wallet/buy/buy_provider.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/routes.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/settings_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/themes/theme_base.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/device_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart'; class MeldProvider extends BuyProvider { MeldProvider({ required SettingsStore settingsStore, required WalletBase wallet, bool isTestEnvironment = false, }) : baseSellUrl = isTestEnvironment ? _baseTestUrl : _baseProductUrl, baseBuyUrl = isTestEnvironment ? _baseTestUrl : _baseProductUrl, this._settingsStore = settingsStore, super(wallet: wallet, isTestEnvironment: isTestEnvironment); final SettingsStore _settingsStore; static const _baseTestUrl = ''; static const _baseProductUrl = ''; final String baseBuyUrl; final String baseSellUrl; @override String get providerDescription => 'Buy crypto with many payment providers like Stripe and PayPal. Available in most countries. Spreads and feed vary.'; @override String get providerSellDescription => 'Sell crypto with many payment providers like Stripe and PayPal. Available in most countries. Spreads and feed vary.'; @override String get title => 'Meld'; @override String get lightIcon => 'assets/images/meld_dark.png'; @override String get darkIcon => lightIcon; String get currencyCode => walletTypeToCryptoCurrency(wallet.type).title.toLowerCase(); static String convertTheme(ThemeBase theme) { switch (theme.type) { case ThemeType.bright: case ThemeType.light: return 'lightMode'; case ThemeType.dark: return 'darkMode'; } } Future requestSellUrl({ required CryptoCurrency currency, required String walletAddress, required SettingsStore settingsStore, String? amount, }) async { final params = { "transactionType": "SELL", "publicKey": secrets.meldApiKey, "theme": convertTheme(settingsStore.currentTheme), "sourceCurrencyCode": currencyCode.toUpperCase(), "destinationCurrencyCode": settingsStore.fiatCurrency.raw, "sourceAmount": amount ?? '100', "walletAddress": walletAddress, }; final uri = Uri.https(baseSellUrl, '', params); return uri; } Future requestBuyUrl({ required CryptoCurrency currency, required SettingsStore settingsStore, required String walletAddress, String? amount, }) async { final params = { "transactionType": "BUY", "publicKey": secrets.meldApiKey, "theme": convertTheme(settingsStore.currentTheme), "destinationCurrencyCode": currencyCode.toUpperCase(), "sourceCurrencyCode": settingsStore.fiatCurrency.raw, "sourceAmount": amount ?? '100', "walletAddress": walletAddress, }; final uri = Uri.https(baseBuyUrl, '', params); return uri; } @override Future launchProvider(BuildContext context, bool? isBuyAction) async { late final Uri uri; if (isBuyAction ?? true) { uri = await requestBuyUrl( currency: wallet.currency, walletAddress: wallet.walletAddresses.address, settingsStore: _settingsStore, ); } else { uri = await requestSellUrl( currency: wallet.currency, walletAddress: wallet.walletAddresses.address, settingsStore: _settingsStore, ); } if (await canLaunchUrl(uri)) { if (DeviceInfo.instance.isMobile) { Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(Routes.webViewPage, arguments: ['Meld', uri]); } else { await launchUrl(uri, mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication); } } else { throw Exception('Could not launch URL'); } } }