import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'cw_mweb_platform_interface.dart'; /// An implementation of [CwMwebPlatform] that uses method channels. class MethodChannelCwMweb extends CwMwebPlatform { /// The method channel used to interact with the native platform. @visibleForTesting final methodChannel = const MethodChannel('cw_mweb'); @override Future<int?> start(String dataDir) async { final result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod<int>('start', {'dataDir': dataDir}); return result; } @override Future<void> stop() async { await methodChannel.invokeMethod<void>('stop'); } @override Future<String?> address(Uint8List scanSecret, Uint8List spendPub, int index) async { final result = await methodChannel.invokeMethod<String>('address', { 'scanSecret': scanSecret, 'spendPub': spendPub, 'index': index, }); return result; } }