import 'package:cake_wallet/bitcoin/bitcoin.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/fiat_api_mode.dart'; import 'package:cw_bitcoin/bitcoin_amount_format.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_history.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/unspent_coins_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/transaction_info.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/balance_display_mode.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/calculate_fiat_amount.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/app_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/settings_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/dashboard/fiat_conversion_store.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; part 'balance_view_model.g.dart'; class BalanceRecord { const BalanceRecord({ required this.availableBalance, required this.additionalBalance, required this.frozenBalance, required this.fiatAvailableBalance, required this.fiatAdditionalBalance, required this.fiatFrozenBalance, required this.asset, required this.formattedAssetTitle}); final String fiatAdditionalBalance; final String fiatAvailableBalance; final String fiatFrozenBalance; final String additionalBalance; final String availableBalance; final String frozenBalance; final CryptoCurrency asset; final String formattedAssetTitle; } class BalanceViewModel = BalanceViewModelBase with _$BalanceViewModel; abstract class BalanceViewModelBase with Store { BalanceViewModelBase( {required this.appStore, required this.settingsStore, required this.fiatConvertationStore}) : isReversing = false, isShowCard = appStore.wallet!.walletInfo.isShowIntroCakePayCard, wallet = appStore.wallet! { reaction((_) => appStore.wallet, _onWalletChange); } final AppStore appStore; final SettingsStore settingsStore; final FiatConversionStore fiatConvertationStore; bool get canReverse => false; @observable bool isReversing; @observable WalletBase, TransactionInfo> wallet; @computed double get price { final price = fiatConvertationStore.prices[appStore.wallet!.currency]; if (price == null) { throw Exception('No price for ${appStore.wallet!.currency} (current wallet)'); } return price; } @computed BalanceDisplayMode get savedDisplayMode => settingsStore.balanceDisplayMode; @computed bool get isFiatDisabled => settingsStore.fiatApiMode == FiatApiMode.disabled; @computed String get asset { final typeFormatted = walletTypeToString(appStore.wallet!.type); switch(wallet.type) { case WalletType.haven: return '$typeFormatted Assets'; default: return typeFormatted; } } @computed BalanceDisplayMode get displayMode { if (isReversing) { if (savedDisplayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return BalanceDisplayMode.displayableBalance; } else { return BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance; } } return savedDisplayMode; } @computed String get availableBalanceLabel { switch(wallet.type) { case WalletType.monero: case WalletType.haven: return S.current.xmr_available_balance; default: return S.current.confirmed; } } @computed String get additionalBalanceLabel { switch(wallet.type) { case WalletType.monero: case WalletType.haven: return S.current.xmr_full_balance; default: return S.current.unconfirmed; } } @computed bool get hasMultiBalance => appStore.wallet!.type == WalletType.haven; @computed String get availableBalance { final walletBalance = _walletBalance; if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return '---'; } return walletBalance.formattedAvailableBalance; } @computed String get frozenBalance { final walletBalance = _walletBalance; if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return '---'; } return walletBalance.formattedFrozenBalance; } @computed String get frozenFiatBalance { final walletBalance = _walletBalance; final fiatCurrency = settingsStore.fiatCurrency; if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return '---'; } return _getFiatBalance( price: price, cryptoAmount: walletBalance.formattedFrozenBalance) + ' ' + fiatCurrency.toString(); } @computed String get additionalBalance { final walletBalance = _walletBalance; if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return '---'; } return walletBalance.formattedAdditionalBalance; } @computed String get availableFiatBalance { final walletBalance = _walletBalance; final fiatCurrency = settingsStore.fiatCurrency; if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return '---'; } return _getFiatBalance( price: price, cryptoAmount: walletBalance.formattedAvailableBalance) + ' ' + fiatCurrency.toString(); } @computed String get additionalFiatBalance { final walletBalance = _walletBalance; final fiatCurrency = settingsStore.fiatCurrency; if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return '---'; } return _getFiatBalance( price: price, cryptoAmount: walletBalance.formattedAdditionalBalance) + ' ' + fiatCurrency.toString(); } @computed Map get balances { return, value) { if (displayMode == BalanceDisplayMode.hiddenBalance) { return MapEntry(key, BalanceRecord( availableBalance: '---', additionalBalance: '---', frozenBalance: '---', fiatAdditionalBalance: isFiatDisabled ? '' : '---', fiatAvailableBalance: isFiatDisabled ? '' : '---', fiatFrozenBalance: isFiatDisabled ? '' : '---', asset: key, formattedAssetTitle: _formatterAsset(key))); } final fiatCurrency = settingsStore.fiatCurrency; final price = fiatConvertationStore.prices[key] ?? 0; // if (price == null) { // throw Exception('Price is null for: $key'); // } final additionalFiatBalance = isFiatDisabled ? '' : (fiatCurrency.toString() + ' ' + _getFiatBalance( price: price, cryptoAmount: value.formattedAdditionalBalance)); final availableFiatBalance = isFiatDisabled ? '' : (fiatCurrency.toString() + ' ' + _getFiatBalance( price: price, cryptoAmount: value.formattedFrozenBalance.isEmpty ? value.formattedAvailableBalance : value.formattedTotalAvailableBalance)); final frozenFiatBalance = isFiatDisabled ? '' : (fiatCurrency.toString() + ' ' + _getFiatBalance( price: price, cryptoAmount: value.formattedFrozenBalance)); return MapEntry( key, BalanceRecord( availableBalance: value.formattedFrozenBalance.isEmpty ? value.formattedAvailableBalance : value.formattedTotalAvailableBalance, additionalBalance: value.formattedAdditionalBalance, frozenBalance: value.formattedFrozenBalance, fiatAdditionalBalance: additionalFiatBalance, fiatAvailableBalance: availableFiatBalance, fiatFrozenBalance: frozenFiatBalance, asset: key, formattedAssetTitle: _formatterAsset(key))); }); } @computed List get formattedBalances { final balance = balances.values.toList(); balance.sort((BalanceRecord a, BalanceRecord b) { if (b.asset == CryptoCurrency.xhv) { return 1; } if (b.asset == CryptoCurrency.xusd) { if (a.asset == CryptoCurrency.xhv) { return -1; } return 1; } if (b.asset == CryptoCurrency.xbtc) { return 1; } if (b.asset == CryptoCurrency.xeur) { return 1; } return 0; }); return balance; } @computed Balance get _walletBalance { final balance = wallet.balance[wallet.currency]; if (balance == null) { throw Exception('No balance for ${wallet.currency}'); } return balance; } @computed CryptoCurrency get currency => appStore.wallet!.currency; @observable bool isShowCard; ReactionDisposer? _onCurrentWalletChangeReaction; @action void _onWalletChange( WalletBase, TransactionInfo>? wallet) { if (wallet == null) { return; } this.wallet = wallet; _onCurrentWalletChangeReaction?.reaction.dispose(); isShowCard = wallet.walletInfo.isShowIntroCakePayCard; } @action Future disableIntroCakePayCard () async { const cardDisplayStatus = false; wallet.walletInfo.showIntroCakePayCard = cardDisplayStatus; await; isShowCard = cardDisplayStatus; } String _getFiatBalance({required double price, String? cryptoAmount}) { if (cryptoAmount == null || cryptoAmount.isEmpty) { return '0.00'; } return calculateFiatAmount(price: price, cryptoAmount: cryptoAmount); } String _formatterAsset(CryptoCurrency asset) { switch (wallet.type) { case WalletType.haven: final assetStringified = asset.toString(); if (asset != CryptoCurrency.xhv && assetStringified[0].toUpperCase() == 'X') { return assetStringified.replaceFirst('X', 'x'); } return asset.toString(); default: return asset.toString(); } } }