import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:developer'; import 'package:cake_wallet/core/fiat_conversion_service.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/erc20_token_info_explorers.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/fiat_api_mode.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/erc20_token_info_moralis.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/entities/sort_balance_types.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ethereum/ethereum.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/polygon/polygon.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/reactions/wallet_connect.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/solana/solana.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/settings_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/tron/tron.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/view_model/dashboard/balance_view_model.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/erc20_token.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/utils/print_verbose.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:cake_wallet/.secrets.g.dart' as secrets; part 'home_settings_view_model.g.dart'; class HomeSettingsViewModel = HomeSettingsViewModelBase with _$HomeSettingsViewModel; abstract class HomeSettingsViewModelBase with Store { HomeSettingsViewModelBase(this._settingsStore, this._balanceViewModel) : tokens = ObservableSet<CryptoCurrency>(), isAddingToken = false, isDeletingToken = false, isValidatingContractAddress = false { _updateTokensList(); } final SettingsStore _settingsStore; final BalanceViewModel _balanceViewModel; final ObservableSet<CryptoCurrency> tokens; @observable bool isAddingToken; @observable bool isDeletingToken; @observable bool isValidatingContractAddress; @observable String searchText = ''; @computed SortBalanceBy get sortBalanceBy => _settingsStore.sortBalanceBy; @action void setSortBalanceBy(SortBalanceBy value) { _settingsStore.sortBalanceBy = value; _updateTokensList(); } @computed bool get pinNativeToken => _settingsStore.pinNativeTokenAtTop; @action void setPinNativeToken(bool value) => _settingsStore.pinNativeTokenAtTop = value; @action Future<void> addToken({ required String contractAddress, required CryptoCurrency token, }) async { try { isAddingToken = true; if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) { final erc20token = Erc20Token( name:, symbol: token.title, decimal: token.decimals, contractAddress: contractAddress, iconPath: token.iconPath, ); await ethereum!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, erc20token); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) { final polygonToken = Erc20Token( name:, symbol: token.title, decimal: token.decimals, contractAddress: contractAddress, iconPath: token.iconPath, ); await polygon!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, polygonToken); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) { await solana!.addSPLToken( _balanceViewModel.wallet, token, contractAddress, ); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) { await tron!.addTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token, contractAddress); } _updateTokensList(); _updateFiatPrices(token); } finally { isAddingToken = false; } } @action Future<void> deleteToken(CryptoCurrency token) async { try { isDeletingToken = true; if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) { await ethereum!.deleteErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) { await polygon!.deleteErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) { await solana!.deleteSPLToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) { await tron!.deleteTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token); } _updateTokensList(); } finally { isDeletingToken = false; } } Future<bool> checkIfERC20TokenContractAddressIsAPotentialScamAddress( String contractAddress, ) async { try { isValidatingContractAddress = true; if (!isEVMCompatibleChain(_balanceViewModel.wallet.type)) { return false; } bool isEthereum = _balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum; bool isPotentialScamViaMoralis = await _isPotentialScamTokenViaMoralis( contractAddress, isEthereum ? 'eth' : 'polygon', ); bool isPotentialScamViaExplorers = await _isPotentialScamTokenViaExplorers( contractAddress, isEthereum: isEthereum, ); bool isUnverifiedContract = await _isContractUnverified( contractAddress, isEthereum: isEthereum, ); final showWarningForContractAddress = isPotentialScamViaMoralis || isUnverifiedContract || isPotentialScamViaExplorers; return showWarningForContractAddress; } finally { isValidatingContractAddress = false; } } Future<bool> _isPotentialScamTokenViaMoralis( String contractAddress, String chainName, ) async { final uri = Uri.https( '', '/api/v2.2/erc20/metadata', { "chain": chainName, "addresses": contractAddress, }, ); try { final response = await http.get( uri, headers: { "Accept": "application/json", "X-API-Key": secrets.moralisApiKey, }, ); final decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body); final tokenInfo = Erc20TokenInfoMoralis.fromJson(decodedResponse[0] as Map<String, dynamic>); // Based on analysis using Moralis internal metrics if (tokenInfo.possibleSpam == true) { return true; } // Tokens whose contract have not been verified are potentially risky tokens. if (tokenInfo.verifiedContract == false) { return true; } // Tokens with a security score less than 40 are potentially risky, requiring caution when dealing with them. if (tokenInfo.securityScore == null || tokenInfo.securityScore! < 40) { return true; } // Absence of a website URL for an ERC-20 token can be a potential red flag. A legitimate ERC-20 projects should have a well-maintained website that provides information about the token, its purpose, team, and roadmap. if (tokenInfo.links?.website == null || tokenInfo.links!.website!.isEmpty) { return true; } // Having a Fully Diluted Valiuation of 0 is a significant red flag that could signify: // - An abandoned/unlaunched project // - Incorrect/missing token data // - Suspicious manipulation of token data if (tokenInfo.fullyDilutedValuation == '0') { return true; } // I mean, a logo is the most basic of all the potential causes, but why does your fully functional project not have a logo? if (tokenInfo.logo == null) { return true; } return false; } catch (e) { printV('Error while checking scam via moralis: ${e.toString()}'); return true; } } Future<bool> _isPotentialScamTokenViaExplorers( String contractAddress, { required bool isEthereum, }) async { final uri = Uri.https( isEthereum ? "" : "", "/api", { "module": "token", "action": "tokeninfo", "contractaddress": contractAddress, "apikey": isEthereum ? secrets.etherScanApiKey : secrets.polygonScanApiKey, }, ); try { final response = await http.get(uri); final decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>; if (decodedResponse['status'] != '1') { log('${response.body}\n'); log('${decodedResponse['result']}\n'); return true; } final tokenInfo = Erc20TokenInfoExplorers.fromJson(decodedResponse['result'][0] as Map<String, dynamic>); // A token without a website is a potential red flag if ( == true) { return true; } return false; } catch (e) { printV('Error while checking scam via explorers: ${e.toString()}'); return true; } } Future<bool> _isContractUnverified( String contractAddress, { required bool isEthereum, }) async { final uri = Uri.https( isEthereum ? "" : "", "/api", { "module": "contract", "action": "getsourcecode", "address": contractAddress, "apikey": isEthereum ? secrets.etherScanApiKey : secrets.polygonScanApiKey, }, ); try { final response = await http.get(uri); final decodedResponse = jsonDecode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>; if (decodedResponse['status'] == '0') { printV('${response.body}\n'); printV('${decodedResponse['result']}\n'); return true; } if (decodedResponse['status'] == '1' && decodedResponse['result'][0]['ABI'] == 'Contract source code not verified') { printV('Call is valid but contract is not verified'); return true; // Contract is not verified } else { printV('Call is valid and contract is verified'); return false; // Contract is verified } } catch (e) { printV('Error while checking contract verification: ${e.toString()}'); return true; } } Future<CryptoCurrency?> getToken(String contractAddress) async { if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) { return await ethereum!.getErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) { return await polygon!.getErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) { return await solana!.getSPLToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) { return await tron!.getTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, contractAddress); } return null; } CryptoCurrency get nativeToken => _balanceViewModel.wallet.currency; void _updateFiatPrices(CryptoCurrency token) async { try { _balanceViewModel.fiatConvertationStore.prices[token] = await FiatConversionService.fetchPrice( crypto: token, fiat: _settingsStore.fiatCurrency, torOnly: _settingsStore.fiatApiMode == FiatApiMode.torOnly); } catch (_) {} } void changeTokenAvailability(CryptoCurrency token, bool value) async { token.enabled = value; if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) { ethereum!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token); if (!value) ethereum!.removeTokenTransactionsInHistory(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) { polygon!.addErc20Token(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token as Erc20Token); if (!value) polygon!.removeTokenTransactionsInHistory(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) { final address = solana!.getTokenAddress(token); solana!.addSPLToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token, address); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) { final address = tron!.getTokenAddress(token); tron!.addTronToken(_balanceViewModel.wallet, token, address); } _refreshTokensList(); } @action void _updateTokensList() { int _sortFunc(CryptoCurrency e1, CryptoCurrency e2) { int index1 = _balanceViewModel.formattedBalances.indexWhere((element) => element.asset == e1); int index2 = _balanceViewModel.formattedBalances.indexWhere((element) => element.asset == e2); if (e1.enabled && !e2.enabled) { return -1; } else if (e2.enabled && !e1.enabled) { return 1; } else if (!e1.enabled && !e2.enabled) { // if both are disabled then sort alphabetically return; } return index1.compareTo(index2); } tokens.clear(); if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) { tokens.addAll(ethereum! .getERC20Currencies(_balanceViewModel.wallet) .where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element)) .toList() ..sort(_sortFunc)); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) { tokens.addAll(polygon! .getERC20Currencies(_balanceViewModel.wallet) .where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element)) .toList() ..sort(_sortFunc)); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) { tokens.addAll(solana! .getSPLTokenCurrencies(_balanceViewModel.wallet) .where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element)) .toList() ..sort(_sortFunc)); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) { tokens.addAll(tron! .getTronTokenCurrencies(_balanceViewModel.wallet) .where((element) => _matchesSearchText(element)) .toList() ..sort(_sortFunc)); } } @action void _refreshTokensList() { final _tokens = Set.of(tokens); tokens.clear(); tokens.addAll(_tokens); } @action void changeSearchText(String text) { searchText = text; _updateTokensList(); } bool _matchesSearchText(CryptoCurrency asset) { final address = getTokenAddressBasedOnWallet(asset); // The homes settings would only be displayed for either of Tron, Ethereum, Polygon or Solana Wallets. if (address == null) return false; return searchText.isEmpty || asset.fullName!.toLowerCase().contains(searchText.toLowerCase()) || asset.title.toLowerCase().contains(searchText.toLowerCase()) || address == searchText; } String? getTokenAddressBasedOnWallet(CryptoCurrency asset) { if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.tron) { return tron!.getTokenAddress(asset); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.solana) { return solana!.getTokenAddress(asset); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.ethereum) { return ethereum!.getTokenAddress(asset); } if (_balanceViewModel.wallet.type == WalletType.polygon) { return polygon!.getTokenAddress(asset); } // We return null if it's neither Tron, Polygon, Ethereum or Solana wallet (which is actually impossible because we only display home settings for either of these three wallets). return null; } }