{ "welcome" : "Welcome to", "cake_wallet" : "Cake Wallet", "first_wallet_text" : "Awesome wallet for Monero", "please_make_selection" : "Please make selection below to create or recover your wallet.", "create_new" : "Create New Wallet", "restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet", "accounts" : "Accounts", "edit" : "Edit", "account" : "Account", "add" : "Add", "address_book" : "Address Book", "contact" : "Contact", "please_select" : "Please select:", "cancel" : "Cancel", "ok" : "OK", "contact_name" : "Contact Name", "reset" : "Reset", "save" : "Save", "address_remove_contact" : "Remove contact", "address_remove_content" : "Are you sure that you want to remove selected contact?", "authenticated" : "Authenticated", "authentication" : "Authentication", "failed_authentication" : "Failed authentication. ${state_error}", "wallet_menu" : "Menu", "Blocks_remaining" : "${status} Blocks Remaining", "please_try_to_connect_to_another_node" : "Please try to connect to another node", "xmr_hidden" : "XMR Hidden", "xmr_available_balance" : "XMR Available Balance", "xmr_full_balance" : "XMR Full Balance", "send" : "Send", "receive" : "Receive", "transactions" : "Transactions", "incoming" : "Incoming", "outgoing" : "Outgoing", "transactions_by_date" : "Transactions by date", "trades" : "Trades", "filters" : "Filters", "today" : "Today", "yesterday" : "Yesterday", "received" : "Received", "sent" : "Sent", "pending" : " (pending)", "rescan" : "Rescan", "reconnect" : "Reconnect", "wallets" : "Wallets", "show_seed" : "Show seed", "show_keys" : "Show keys", "address_book_menu" : "Address book", "reconnection" : "Reconnection", "reconnect_alert_text" : "Are you sure to reconnect?", "exchange" : "Exchange", "clear" : "Clear", "change_exchange_provider" : "Change Exchange Provider", "you_will_send" : "You will send", "you_will_get" : "You will get", "amount_is_guaranteed" : "The receive amount is guaranteed", "amount_is_estimate" : "The receive amount is an estimate", "powered_by" : "Powered by ${title}", "error" : "Error", "estimated" : "Estimated", "min_value" : "Min: ${value} ${currency}", "max_value" : "Max: ${value} ${currency}", "change_currency" : "Change Currency", "copy_id" : "Copy ID", "exchange_result_write_down_trade_id" : "Please copy or write down the trade ID to continue.", "trade_id" : "Trade ID:", "copied_to_clipboard" : "Copied to Clipboard", "saved_the_trade_id" : "I've saved the trade ID", "fetching" : "Fetching", "id" : "ID: ", "amount" : "Amount: ", "payment_id" : "Payment ID: ", "status" : "Status: ", "offer_expires_in" : "Offer expires in: ", "trade_is_powered_by" : "This trade is powered by ${provider}", "copy_address" : "Copy Address", "exchange_result_confirm" : "By pressing confirm, you will be sending ${fetchingLabel} ${from} from your wallet called ${walletName} to the address shown above. Or you can send from your external wallet to the above address/QR code.\n\nPlease press confirm to continue or go back to change the amounts.\n\n", "exchange_result_description" : "Please send ${fetchingLabel} ${from} to the address shown above.\n\n", "exchange_result_write_down_ID" : "*Please copy or write down your ID shown above.", "confirm" : "Confirm", "confirm_sending" : "Confirm sending", "commit_transaction_amount_fee" : "Commit transaction\nAmount: ${amount}\nFee: ${fee}", "sending" : "Sending", "transaction_sent" : "Transaction sent!", "expired" : "Expired", "time" : "${minutes}m ${seconds}s", "send_xmr" : "Send XMR", "exchange_new_template" : "New template", "faq" : "FAQ", "enter_your_pin" : "Enter your PIN", "loading_your_wallet" : "Loading your wallet", "new_wallet" : "New Wallet", "wallet_name" : "Wallet name", "continue_text" : "Continue", "choose_wallet_currency" : "Please choose wallet currency:", "node_new" : "New Node", "node_address" : "Node Address", "node_port" : "Node port", "login" : "Login", "password" : "Password", "nodes" : "Nodes", "node_reset_settings_title" : "Reset settings", "nodes_list_reset_to_default_message" : "Are you sure that you want to reset settings to default?", "change_current_node" : "Are you sure to change current node to ${node}?", "change" : "Change", "remove_node" : "Remove node", "remove_node_message" : "Are you sure that you want to remove selected node?", "remove" : "Remove", "delete" : "Delete", "add_new_node" : "Add new node", "use" : "Use ", "digit_pin" : "-digit PIN", "share_address" : "Share address", "receive_amount" : "Amount", "subaddresses" : "Subaddresses", "rename" : "Rename", "choose_account" : "Choose account", "create_new_account" : "Create new account", "accounts_subaddresses" : "Accounts and subaddresses", "restore_restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet", "restore_title_from_seed_keys" : "Restore from seed/keys", "restore_description_from_seed_keys" : "Get back your wallet from seed/keys that you've saved to secure place", "restore_next" : "Next", "restore_title_from_backup" : "Restore from back-up", "restore_description_from_backup" : "You can restore the whole Cake Wallet app from your back-up file", "restore_seed_keys_restore" : "Seed/Keys Restore", "restore_title_from_seed" : "Restore from seed", "restore_description_from_seed" : "Restore your wallet from either the 25 word or 13 word combination code", "restore_title_from_keys" : "Restore from keys", "restore_description_from_keys" : "Restore your wallet from generated keystrokes saved from your private keys", "restore_wallet_name" : "Wallet name", "restore_address" : "Address", "restore_view_key_private" : "View key (private)", "restore_spend_key_private" : "Spend key (private)", "restore_recover" : "Restore", "restore_wallet_restore_description" : "Wallet restore description", "restore_new_seed" : "New seed", "restore_active_seed" : "Active seed", "seed_title" : "Seed", "seed_share" : "Share seed", "copy" : "Copy", "seed_language_choose" : "Please choose seed language:", "seed_choose" : "Choose seed language", "seed_language_next" : "Next", "seed_language_english" : "English", "seed_language_chinese" : "Chinese", "seed_language_dutch" : "Dutch", "seed_language_german" : "German", "seed_language_japanese" : "Japanese", "seed_language_portuguese" : "Portuguese", "seed_language_russian" : "Russian", "seed_language_spanish" : "Spanish", "send_title" : "Send Monero", "send_your_wallet" : "Your wallet", "send_monero_address" : "Monero address", "send_payment_id" : "Payment ID (optional)", "all" : "ALL", "send_error_minimum_value" : "Minimum value of amount is 0.01", "send_error_currency" : "Currency can only contain numbers", "send_estimated_fee" : "Estimated fee:", "send_priority" : "Currently the fee is set at ${transactionPriority} priority.\nTransaction priority can be adjusted in the settings", "send_creating_transaction" : "Creating transaction", "send_templates" : "Templates", "send_new" : "New", "send_amount" : "Amount:", "send_fee" : "Fee:", "send_name" : "Name", "send_got_it" : "Got it", "send_sending" : "Sending...", "send_success" : "Your Monero was successfully sent", "settings_title" : "Settings", "settings_nodes" : "Nodes", "settings_current_node" : "Current node", "settings_wallets" : "Wallets", "settings_display_balance_as" : "Display balance as", "settings_currency" : "Currency", "settings_fee_priority" : "Fee priority", "settings_save_recipient_address" : "Save recipient address", "settings_personal" : "Personal", "settings_change_pin" : "Change PIN", "settings_change_language" : "Change language", "settings_allow_biometrical_authentication" : "Allow biometrical authentication", "settings_dark_mode" : "Dark mode", "settings_transactions" : "Transactions", "settings_trades" : "Trades", "settings_display_on_dashboard_list" : "Display on dashboard list", "settings_all" : "ALL", "settings_only_trades" : "Only trades", "settings_only_transactions" : "Only transactions", "settings_none" : "None", "settings_support" : "Support", "settings_terms_and_conditions" : "Terms and conditions", "pin_is_incorrect" : "PIN is incorrect", "setup_pin" : "Setup PIN", "enter_your_pin_again" : "Enter your pin again", "setup_successful" : "Your PIN has been set up successfully!", "wallet_keys" : "Wallet keys", "view_key_private" : "View key (private)", "view_key_public" : "View key (public)", "spend_key_private" : "Spend key (private)", "spend_key_public" : "Spend key (public)", "copied_key_to_clipboard" : "Copied ${key} to Clipboard", "new_subaddress_title" : "New subaddress", "new_subaddress_label_name" : "Label name", "new_subaddress_create" : "Create", "subaddress_title" : "Subaddress list", "trade_details_title" : "Trade Details", "trade_details_id" : "ID", "trade_details_state" : "State", "trade_details_fetching" : "Fetching", "trade_details_provider" : "Provider", "trade_details_created_at" : "Created at", "trade_details_pair" : "Pair", "trade_details_copied" : "${title} copied to Clipboard", "trade_history_title" : "Trade history", "transaction_details_title" : "Transaction Details", "transaction_details_transaction_id" : "Transaction ID", "transaction_details_date" : "Date", "transaction_details_height" : "Height", "transaction_details_amount" : "Amount", "transaction_details_copied" : "${title} copied to Clipboard", "transaction_details_recipient_address" : "Recipient address", "wallet_list_title" : "Monero Wallet", "wallet_list_create_new_wallet" : "Create New Wallet", "wallet_list_restore_wallet" : "Restore Wallet", "wallet_list_load_wallet" : "Load wallet", "wallet_list_loading_wallet" : "Loading ${wallet_name} wallet", "wallet_list_failed_to_load" : "Failed to load ${wallet_name} wallet. ${error}", "wallet_list_removing_wallet" : "Removing ${wallet_name} wallet", "wallet_list_failed_to_remove" : "Failed to remove ${wallet_name} wallet. ${error}", "widgets_address" : "Address", "widgets_restore_from_blockheight" : "Restore from blockheight", "widgets_restore_from_date" : "Restore from date", "widgets_or" : "or", "widgets_seed" : "Seed", "router_no_route" : "No route defined for ${name}", "error_text_account_name" : "Account name can only contain letters, numbers\nand must be between 1 and 15 characters long", "error_text_contact_name" : "Contact name can't contain ` , ' \" symbols\nand must be between 1 and 32 characters long", "error_text_address" : "Wallet address must correspond to the type\nof cryptocurrency", "error_text_node_address" : "Please enter a iPv4 address", "error_text_node_port" : "Node port can only contain numbers between 0 and 65535", "error_text_payment_id" : "Payment ID can only contain from 16 to 64 chars in hex", "error_text_xmr" : "XMR value can't exceed available balance.\nThe number of fraction digits must be less or equal to 12", "error_text_fiat" : "Value of amount can't exceed available balance.\nThe number of fraction digits must be less or equal to 2", "error_text_subaddress_name" : "Subaddress name can't contain ` , ' \" symbols\nand must be between 1 and 20 characters long", "error_text_amount" : "Amount can only contain numbers", "error_text_wallet_name" : "Wallet name can only contain letters, numbers\nand must be between 1 and 15 characters long", "error_text_keys" : "Wallet keys can only contain 64 chars in hex", "error_text_crypto_currency" : "The number of fraction digits\nmust be less or equal to 12", "error_text_minimal_limit" : "Trade for ${provider} is not created. Amount is less then minimal: ${min} ${currency}", "error_text_maximum_limit" : "Trade for ${provider} is not created. Amount is more then maximum: ${max} ${currency}", "error_text_limits_loading_failed" : "Trade for ${provider} is not created. Limits loading failed", "error_text_template" : "Template name and address can't contain ` , ' \" symbols\nand must be between 1 and 106 characters long", "auth_store_ban_timeout" : "ban_timeout", "auth_store_banned_for" : "Banned for ", "auth_store_banned_minutes" : " minutes", "auth_store_incorrect_password" : "Wrong PIN", "wallet_store_monero_wallet" : "Monero Wallet", "wallet_restoration_store_incorrect_seed_length" : "Incorrect seed length", "full_balance" : "Full Balance", "available_balance" : "Available Balance", "hidden_balance" : "Hidden Balance", "sync_status_syncronizing" : "SYNCHRONIZING", "sync_status_syncronized" : "SYNCHRONIZED", "sync_status_not_connected" : "NOT CONNECTED", "sync_status_starting_sync" : "STARTING SYNC", "sync_status_failed_connect" : "FAILED CONNECT TO THE NODE", "sync_status_connecting" : "CONNECTING", "sync_status_connected" : "CONNECTED", "transaction_priority_slow" : "Slow", "transaction_priority_regular" : "Regular", "transaction_priority_medium" : "Medium", "transaction_priority_fast" : "Fast", "transaction_priority_fastest" : "Fastest", "trade_for_not_created" : "Trade for ${title} is not created.", "trade_not_created" : "Trade not created.", "trade_id_not_found" : "Trade ${tradeId} of ${title} not found.", "trade_not_found" : "Trade not found.", "trade_state_pending" : "Pending", "trade_state_confirming" : "Confirming", "trade_state_trading" : "Trading", "trade_state_traded" : "Traded", "trade_state_complete" : "Complete", "trade_state_to_be_created" : "To be created", "trade_state_unpaid" : "Unpaid", "trade_state_underpaid" : "Underpaid", "trade_state_paid_unconfirmed" : "Paid unconfirmed", "trade_state_paid" : "Paid", "trade_state_btc_sent" : "Btc sent", "trade_state_timeout" : "Timeout", "trade_state_created" : "Created", "trade_state_finished" : "Finished", "change_language" : "Change language", "change_language_to" : "Change language to ${language}?", "paste" : "Paste", "restore_from_seed_placeholder" : "Please enter or paste your seed here", "add_new_word" : "Add new word", "incorrect_seed" : "The text entered is not valid.", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan your fingerprint to authenticate", "version" : "Version ${currentVersion}", "openalias_alert_title" : "XMR Recipient Detected", "openalias_alert_content" : "You will be sending funds to\n${recipient_name}", "card_address" : "Address:", "buy" : "Buy", "placeholder_transactions" : "Your transactions will be displayed here", "placeholder_contacts" : "Your contacts will be displayed here" }