import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:cake_wallet/core/generate_wallet_password.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/core/key_service.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/utils/exception_handler.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/zano_connected_widget.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/pathForWallet.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/calls.dart' as calls; import 'package:cw_zano/api/model/balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/model/load_wallet_result.dart'; import 'package:cw_zano/api/wallet.dart' as zano_wallet; import 'package:cw_zano/api/wallet_manager.dart' as zano_wallet_manager; import 'package:cw_zano/zano_wallet_service.dart'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart'; import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; Future main() async { await runZonedGuarded(() async { WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); FlutterError.onError = ExceptionHandler.onError; /// A callback that is invoked when an unhandled error occurs in the root /// isolate. PlatformDispatcher.instance.onError = (error, stack) { ExceptionHandler.onError( FlutterErrorDetails(exception: error, stack: stack)); return true; }; await setup(); runApp(App()); }, (error, stackTrace) async { ExceptionHandler.onError( FlutterErrorDetails(exception: error, stack: stackTrace)); }); } final getIt = GetIt.instance; Future setup() async { getIt.registerFactory( () => KeyService(getIt.get())); } class App extends StatefulWidget { const App({super.key}); @override State createState() => _AppState(); } // class HomeWidget extends StatefulWidget { // const HomeWidget({super.key}); // @override // State createState() => _HomeWidgetState(); // } class _AppState extends State { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: DisconnectedWidget(), //HomeWidget(), routes: { ConnectedWidget.route: (context) { final address = ModalRoute.of(context)!.settings.arguments! as String; return ConnectedWidget(address: address); }, DisconnectedWidget.route: (context) => DisconnectedWidget(), }, ); } } int hWallet = 0; CreateLoadRestoreWalletResult? lwr; List balances = []; String seed = '', version = ''; final assetIds = {}; const walletWrongId = 'WALLET_WRONG_ID'; const walletName = 'walletName'; Future init() async { version = calls.getVersion(); final setupNode = await zano_wallet.setupNode( address: '', login: '', password: '', useSSL: false, isLightWallet: false); if (!setupNode) { debugPrint('error setting up node!'); } } Future create(String name) async { debugPrint('create $name'); await init(); final path = await pathForWallet(name: name, type: WalletType.zano); final credentials = ZanoNewWalletCredentials(name: name); final keyService = KeyService(FlutterSecureStorage()); final password = generateWalletPassword(); credentials.password = password; await keyService.saveWalletPassword( password: password, walletName:; debugPrint('path $path password $password'); final result = zano_wallet_manager.createWalletSync( path: path, password: password, language: ''); debugPrint('create result $result'); return _parseResult(result); } Future connect(String name) async { debugPrint('connect'); await init(); final path = await pathForWallet(name: name, type: WalletType.zano); final credentials = ZanoNewWalletCredentials(name: name); final keyService = KeyService(FlutterSecureStorage()); final password = await keyService.getWalletPassword(walletName:; debugPrint('path $path password $password'); final result = await calls.loadWallet(path, password, 0); return _parseResult(result); } Future restore(String name, String seed) async { debugPrint("restore"); await init(); final path = await pathForWallet(name: name, type: WalletType.zano); final credentials = ZanoNewWalletCredentials(name: name); final keyService = KeyService(FlutterSecureStorage()); final password = generateWalletPassword(); credentials.password = password; await keyService.saveWalletPassword( password: password, walletName:; debugPrint('path $path password $password'); var result = calls.restoreWalletFromSeed(path, password, seed); debugPrint('restore result $result'); //result = await calls.loadWallet(path, password, 0); return _parseResult(result); } String? _parseResult(String result) { final map = json.decode(result) as Map; if (map['result'] != null) { lwr = CreateLoadRestoreWalletResult.fromJson(map['result'] as Map); balances = lwr!.wi.balances; hWallet = lwr!.walletId; assetIds.clear(); for (final balance in lwr!.wi.balances) { assetIds[balance.assetInfo.assetId] = balance.assetInfo.ticker; } return lwr!.wi.address; } return null; } void close() { calls.closeWallet(hWallet); } class DisconnectedWidget extends StatefulWidget { const DisconnectedWidget({super.key}); static const route = 'disconnected'; @override State createState() => _DisconnectedWidgetState(); } class _DisconnectedWidgetState extends State { late final TextEditingController _name = TextEditingController(text: "wallet"); late final TextEditingController _seed = TextEditingController( text: "palm annoy brush task almost through here sent doll guilty smart horse mere canvas flirt advice fruit known shower happiness steel autumn beautiful approach anymore canvas"); bool _loading = false; @override void initState() { super.initState(); () async { final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); final value = preferences.getString(walletName); if (value != null && value.isNotEmpty) _name.text = value; }(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Disconnected')), body: SafeArea( child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(32.0), child: Stack( children: [ Opacity( opacity: _loading ? 0.5 : 1, child: Column( children: [ TextField( controller: _name, decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Wallet name')), TextButton( child: Text('Connect and Open Wallet'), onPressed: () async { //setState(() => _loading = true); final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); await preferences.setString(walletName, _name.text); final result = await connect(_name.text); //setState(() => _loading = false); if (result != null) { debugPrint("navigated to connected"); Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed( ConnectedWidget.route, arguments: result, ); } else { debugPrint('connect no result'); } }), SizedBox( height: 16, ), TextButton( child: Text('Create and Open Wallet'), onPressed: () async { //setState(() => _loading = true); final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); await preferences.setString(walletName, _name.text); final result = await create(_name.text); //setState(() => _loading = false); if (result != null) { debugPrint("navigating to connected"); Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed( ConnectedWidget.route, arguments: result, ); } else { debugPrint('create no result'); } }), SizedBox( height: 16, ), TextField( controller: _seed, decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Wallet seed')), TextButton( child: Text('Restore from seed'), onPressed: () async { final preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); await preferences.setString(walletName, _name.text); final result = await restore(_name.text, _seed.text); if (result != null) { Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed( ConnectedWidget.route, arguments: result, ); } else { debugPrint('restore no result'); } }), SizedBox( height: 16, ), TextButton(child: Text('Close Wallet'), onPressed: close), ], ), ), if (_loading) Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()), ], ), ), ), ); } }