part of 'bitcoin.dart'; class CWBitcoin extends Bitcoin { WalletCredentials createBitcoinRestoreWalletFromSeedCredentials({ required String name, required String mnemonic, required String password, required DerivationType derivationType, required String derivationPath, String? passphrase, }) => BitcoinRestoreWalletFromSeedCredentials( name: name, mnemonic: mnemonic, password: password, derivationType: derivationType, derivationPath: derivationPath, passphrase: passphrase, ); @override WalletCredentials createBitcoinRestoreWalletFromWIFCredentials( {required String name, required String password, required String wif, WalletInfo? walletInfo}) => BitcoinRestoreWalletFromWIFCredentials( name: name, password: password, wif: wif, walletInfo: walletInfo); @override WalletCredentials createBitcoinNewWalletCredentials( {required String name, WalletInfo? walletInfo}) => BitcoinNewWalletCredentials(name: name, walletInfo: walletInfo); @override WalletCredentials createBitcoinHardwareWalletCredentials( {required String name, required HardwareAccountData accountData, WalletInfo? walletInfo}) => BitcoinRestoreWalletFromHardware( name: name, hwAccountData: accountData, walletInfo: walletInfo); @override TransactionPriority getMediumTransactionPriority() => BitcoinTransactionPriority.medium; @override List getWordList() => wordlist; @override Map getWalletKeys(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; final keys = bitcoinWallet.keys; return { 'wif': keys.wif, 'privateKey': keys.privateKey, 'publicKey': keys.publicKey }; } @override List getTransactionPriorities() => BitcoinTransactionPriority.all; @override List getLitecoinTransactionPriorities() => LitecoinTransactionPriority.all; @override TransactionPriority deserializeBitcoinTransactionPriority(int raw) => BitcoinTransactionPriority.deserialize(raw: raw); @override TransactionPriority deserializeLitecoinTransactionPriority(int raw) => LitecoinTransactionPriority.deserialize(raw: raw); @override int getFeeRate(Object wallet, TransactionPriority priority) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.feeRate(priority); } @override Future generateNewAddress(Object wallet, String label) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; await bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.generateNewAddress(label: label); await; } @override Future updateAddress(Object wallet, String address, String label) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.updateAddress(address, label); await; } @override Object createBitcoinTransactionCredentials(List outputs, {required TransactionPriority priority, int? feeRate}) { final bitcoinFeeRate = priority == BitcoinTransactionPriority.custom && feeRate != null ? feeRate : null; return BitcoinTransactionCredentials( outputs .map((out) => OutputInfo( fiatAmount: out.fiatAmount, cryptoAmount: out.cryptoAmount, address: out.address, note: out.note, sendAll: out.sendAll, extractedAddress: out.extractedAddress, isParsedAddress: out.isParsedAddress, formattedCryptoAmount: out.formattedCryptoAmount, memo: out.memo)) .toList(), priority: priority as BitcoinTransactionPriority, feeRate: bitcoinFeeRate); } @override Object createBitcoinTransactionCredentialsRaw(List outputs, {TransactionPriority? priority, required int feeRate}) => BitcoinTransactionCredentials(outputs, priority: priority != null ? priority as BitcoinTransactionPriority : null, feeRate: feeRate); @override List getAddresses(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.addressesByReceiveType .map((BaseBitcoinAddressRecord addr) => addr.address) .toList(); } @override @computed List getSubAddresses(Object wallet) { final electrumWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return electrumWallet.walletAddresses.addressesByReceiveType .map((BaseBitcoinAddressRecord addr) => ElectrumSubAddress( id: addr.index, name:, address: addr.address, txCount: addr.txCount, balance: addr.balance, isChange: addr.isHidden)) .toList(); } @override Future estimateFakeSendAllTxAmount(Object wallet, TransactionPriority priority) async { try { final sk = ECPrivate.random(); final electrumWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; if (wallet.type == WalletType.bitcoinCash) { final p2pkhAddr = sk.getPublic().toP2pkhAddress(); final estimatedTx = await electrumWallet.estimateSendAllTx( [BitcoinOutput(address: p2pkhAddr, value:], getFeeRate(wallet, priority as BitcoinCashTransactionPriority), ); return estimatedTx.amount; } final p2shAddr = sk.getPublic().toP2pkhInP2sh(); final estimatedTx = await electrumWallet.estimateSendAllTx( [BitcoinOutput(address: p2shAddr, value:], getFeeRate( wallet, wallet.type == WalletType.litecoin ? priority as LitecoinTransactionPriority : priority as BitcoinTransactionPriority, ), ); return estimatedTx.amount; } catch (_) { return 0; } } @override String getAddress(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.address; } @override String formatterBitcoinAmountToString({required int amount}) => bitcoinAmountToString(amount: amount); @override double formatterBitcoinAmountToDouble({required int amount}) => bitcoinAmountToDouble(amount: amount); @override int formatterStringDoubleToBitcoinAmount(String amount) => stringDoubleToBitcoinAmount(amount); @override String bitcoinTransactionPriorityWithLabel(TransactionPriority priority, int rate, {int? customRate}) => (priority as BitcoinTransactionPriority).labelWithRate(rate, customRate); @override List getUnspents(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.unspentCoins; } Future updateUnspents(Object wallet) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; await bitcoinWallet.updateAllUnspents(); } WalletService createBitcoinWalletService( Box walletInfoSource, Box unspentCoinSource) { return BitcoinWalletService(walletInfoSource, unspentCoinSource); } WalletService createLitecoinWalletService( Box walletInfoSource, Box unspentCoinSource) { return LitecoinWalletService(walletInfoSource, unspentCoinSource); } @override TransactionPriority getBitcoinTransactionPriorityMedium() => BitcoinTransactionPriority.medium; @override TransactionPriority getBitcoinTransactionPriorityCustom() => BitcoinTransactionPriority.custom; @override TransactionPriority getLitecoinTransactionPriorityMedium() => LitecoinTransactionPriority.medium; @override TransactionPriority getBitcoinTransactionPrioritySlow() => BitcoinTransactionPriority.slow; @override TransactionPriority getLitecoinTransactionPrioritySlow() => LitecoinTransactionPriority.slow; @override Future setAddressType(Object wallet, dynamic option) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; await bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.setAddressType(option as BitcoinAddressType); } @override BitcoinReceivePageOption getSelectedAddressType(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return BitcoinReceivePageOption.fromType(bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.addressPageType); } @override bool hasSelectedSilentPayments(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.addressPageType == SilentPaymentsAddresType.p2sp; } @override List getBitcoinReceivePageOptions() => BitcoinReceivePageOption.all; @override BitcoinAddressType getBitcoinAddressType(ReceivePageOption option) { switch (option) { case BitcoinReceivePageOption.p2pkh: return P2pkhAddressType.p2pkh; case BitcoinReceivePageOption.p2sh: return P2shAddressType.p2wpkhInP2sh; case BitcoinReceivePageOption.p2tr: return SegwitAddresType.p2tr; case BitcoinReceivePageOption.p2wsh: return SegwitAddresType.p2wsh; case BitcoinReceivePageOption.p2wpkh: default: return SegwitAddresType.p2wpkh; } } @override Future> compareDerivationMethods( {required String mnemonic, required Node node}) async { if (await checkIfMnemonicIsElectrum2(mnemonic)) { return [DerivationType.electrum]; } return [DerivationType.bip39, DerivationType.electrum]; } int _countOccurrences(String str, String charToCount) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str[i] == charToCount) { count++; } } return count; } @override Future> getDerivationsFromMnemonic({ required String mnemonic, required Node node, String? passphrase, }) async { List list = []; List types = await compareDerivationMethods(mnemonic: mnemonic, node: node); if (types.length == 1 && types.first == DerivationType.electrum) { return [ DerivationInfo( derivationType: DerivationType.electrum, derivationPath: "m/0'", description: "Electrum", scriptType: "p2wpkh", ) ]; } final electrumClient = ElectrumClient(); await electrumClient.connectToUri(node.uri); late BasedUtxoNetwork network; btc.NetworkType networkType; switch (node.type) { case WalletType.litecoin: network = LitecoinNetwork.mainnet; networkType = litecoinNetwork; break; case WalletType.bitcoin: default: network = BitcoinNetwork.mainnet; networkType = btc.bitcoin; break; } for (DerivationType dType in electrum_derivations.keys) { late Uint8List seedBytes; if (dType == DerivationType.electrum) { seedBytes = await mnemonicToSeedBytes(mnemonic); } else if (dType == DerivationType.bip39) { seedBytes = bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonic, passphrase: passphrase ?? ''); } for (DerivationInfo dInfo in electrum_derivations[dType]!) { try { DerivationInfo dInfoCopy = DerivationInfo( derivationType: dInfo.derivationType, derivationPath: dInfo.derivationPath, description: dInfo.description, scriptType: dInfo.scriptType, ); String derivationPath = dInfoCopy.derivationPath!; int derivationDepth = _countOccurrences(derivationPath, "/"); // the correct derivation depth is dependant on the derivation type: // the derivation paths defined in electrum_derivations are at the ROOT level, i.e.: // electrum's format doesn't specify subaddresses, just subaccounts: // for BIP44 if (derivationDepth == 3) { // we add "/0/0" so that we generate account 0, index 0 and correctly get balance derivationPath += "/0/0"; } // var hd = bip32.BIP32.fromSeed(seedBytes).derivePath(derivationPath); final hd = btc.HDWallet.fromSeed( seedBytes, network: networkType, ).derivePath(derivationPath); String? address; switch (dInfoCopy.scriptType) { case "p2wpkh": address = generateP2WPKHAddress(hd: hd, network: network); break; case "p2pkh": address = generateP2PKHAddress(hd: hd, network: network); break; case "p2wpkh-p2sh": address = generateP2SHAddress(hd: hd, network: network); break; default: continue; } final sh = scriptHash(address, network: network); final history = await electrumClient.getHistory(sh); final balance = await electrumClient.getBalance(sh); dInfoCopy.balance = balance.entries.first.value.toString(); dInfoCopy.address = address; dInfoCopy.transactionsCount = history.length; list.add(dInfoCopy); } catch (e) { print(e); } } } // sort the list such that derivations with the most transactions are first: list.sort((a, b) => b.transactionsCount.compareTo(a.transactionsCount)); return list; } @override bool hasTaprootInput(PendingTransaction pendingTransaction) { return (pendingTransaction as PendingBitcoinTransaction).hasTaprootInputs; } @override Future replaceByFee( Object wallet, String transactionHash, String fee) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return await bitcoinWallet.replaceByFee(transactionHash, int.parse(fee)); } @override Future canReplaceByFee(Object wallet, String transactionHash) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.canReplaceByFee(transactionHash); } @override Future isChangeSufficientForFee(Object wallet, String txId, String newFee) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.isChangeSufficientForFee(txId, int.parse(newFee)); } @override int getFeeAmountForPriority( Object wallet, TransactionPriority priority, int inputsCount, int outputsCount, {int? size}) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.feeAmountForPriority( priority as BitcoinTransactionPriority, inputsCount, outputsCount); } @override int getEstimatedFeeWithFeeRate(Object wallet, int feeRate, int? amount, {int? outputsCount, int? size}) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.calculateEstimatedFeeWithFeeRate( feeRate, amount, outputsCount: outputsCount, size: size, ); } @override int getMaxCustomFeeRate(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return (bitcoinWallet.feeRate( * 1.1).round(); } @override void setLedger(WalletBase wallet, Ledger ledger, LedgerDevice device) { (wallet as BitcoinWallet).setLedger(ledger, device); } @override Future> getHardwareWalletAccounts(LedgerViewModel ledgerVM, {int index = 0, int limit = 5}) async { final hardwareWalletService = BitcoinHardwareWalletService(ledgerVM.ledger, ledgerVM.device); try { return hardwareWalletService.getAvailableAccounts(index: index, limit: limit); } on LedgerException catch (err) { print(err.message); throw err; } } @override List getSilentPaymentAddresses(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.silentAddresses .where((addr) => addr.type != SegwitAddresType.p2tr) .toList(); } @override List getSilentPaymentReceivedAddresses(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.silentAddresses .where((addr) => addr.type == SegwitAddresType.p2tr) .toList(); } @override bool isBitcoinReceivePageOption(ReceivePageOption option) { return option is BitcoinReceivePageOption; } @override BitcoinAddressType getOptionToType(ReceivePageOption option) { return (option as BitcoinReceivePageOption).toType(); } @override @computed bool getScanningActive(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.silentPaymentsScanningActive; } @override Future setScanningActive(Object wallet, bool active) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; // TODO: always when setting to scanning active, will force switch nodes. Remove when not needed anymore if (!getNodeIsCakeElectrs(wallet)) { final node = Node( useSSL: false, uri: '${( == BitcoinNetwork.testnet ? 50002 : 50001)}', ); node.type = WalletType.bitcoin; await bitcoinWallet.connectToNode(node: node); } bitcoinWallet.setSilentPaymentsScanning(active); } @override bool isTestnet(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; return bitcoinWallet.isTestnet ?? false; } @override int getHeightByDate({required DateTime date}) => getBitcoinHeightByDate(date: date); @override Future rescan(Object wallet, {required int height, bool? doSingleScan}) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; // TODO: always when setting to scanning active, will force switch nodes. Remove when not needed anymore if (!getNodeIsCakeElectrs(wallet)) { final node = Node( useSSL: false, uri: '${( == BitcoinNetwork.testnet ? 50002 : 50001)}', ); node.type = WalletType.bitcoin; await bitcoinWallet.connectToNode(node: node); } bitcoinWallet.rescan(height: height, doSingleScan: doSingleScan); } @override bool getNodeIsCakeElectrs(Object wallet) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; final node = bitcoinWallet.node; return node? == '' && node?.uri.port == ( == BitcoinNetwork.testnet ? 50002 : 50001); } @override void deleteSilentPaymentAddress(Object wallet, String address) { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; bitcoinWallet.walletAddresses.deleteSilentPaymentAddress(address); } @override Future updateFeeRates(Object wallet) async { final bitcoinWallet = wallet as ElectrumWallet; await bitcoinWallet.updateFeeRates(); } }