import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_merchant.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_order.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_user_credentials.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_virtual_card.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_category.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/ionia/ionia_gift_card.dart'; class IoniaApi { static const baseUri = ''; static const pathPrefix = 'cake'; static const requestedUUIDHeader = 'requestedUUID'; static final createUserUri = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/CreateUser'); static final verifyEmailUri = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/VerifyEmail'); static final signInUri = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/SignIn'); static final createCardUri = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/CreateCard'); static final getCardsUri = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/GetCards'); static final getMerchantsUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/GetMerchants'); static final getMerchantsByFilterUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/GetMerchantsByFilter'); static final getPurchaseMerchantsUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/PurchaseGiftCard'); static final getCurrentUserGiftCardSummariesUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/GetCurrentUserGiftCardSummaries'); static final changeGiftCardUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/ChargeGiftCard'); static final getGiftCardUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/GetGiftCard'); static final getPaymentStatusUrl = Uri.https(baseUri, '/$pathPrefix/PaymentStatus'); // Create user Future createUser(String email, {required String clientId}) async { final headers = {'clientId': clientId}; final query = {'emailAddress': email}; final uri = createUserUri.replace(queryParameters: query); final response = await put(uri, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}'); } final bodyJson = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final data = bodyJson['Data'] as Map; final isSuccessful = bodyJson['Successful'] as bool; if (!isSuccessful) { throw Exception(data['ErrorMessage'] as String); } return data['username'] as String; } // Verify email Future verifyEmail({ required String email, required String code, required String clientId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'EmailAddress': email}; final query = {'verificationCode': code}; final uri = verifyEmailUri.replace(queryParameters: query); final response = await put(uri, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}'); } final bodyJson = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final data = bodyJson['Data'] as Map; final isSuccessful = bodyJson['Successful'] as bool; if (!isSuccessful) { throw Exception(bodyJson['ErrorMessage'] as String); } final password = data['password'] as String; final username = data['username'] as String; return IoniaUserCredentials(username, password); } // Sign In Future signIn(String email, {required String clientId}) async { final headers = {'clientId': clientId}; final query = {'emailAddress': email}; final uri = signInUri.replace(queryParameters: query); final response = await put(uri, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}'); } final bodyJson = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final data = bodyJson['Data'] as Map; final isSuccessful = bodyJson['Successful'] as bool; if (!isSuccessful) { throw Exception(data['ErrorMessage'] as String); } } // Get virtual card Future getCards({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password}; final response = await post(getCardsUri, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}'); } final bodyJson = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final data = bodyJson['Data'] as Map; final isSuccessful = bodyJson['Successful'] as bool; if (!isSuccessful) { throw Exception(data['message'] as String); } final virtualCard = data['VirtualCard'] as Map; return IoniaVirtualCard.fromMap(virtualCard); } // Create virtual card Future createCard({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password}; final response = await post(createCardUri, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Unexpected http status: ${response.statusCode}'); } final bodyJson = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final data = bodyJson['Data'] as Map; final isSuccessful = bodyJson['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { throw Exception(data['message'] as String); } return IoniaVirtualCard.fromMap(data); } // Get Merchants Future> getMerchants({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password}; final response = await post(getMerchantsUrl, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { return []; } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { return []; } final data = decodedBody['Data'] as List; final merch = []; for (final item in data) { try { final element = item as Map; merch.add(IoniaMerchant.fromJsonMap(element)); } catch(_) {} } return merch; } // Get Merchants By Filter Future> getMerchantsByFilter({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId, String? search, List? categories, int merchantFilterType = 0}) async { // MerchantFilterType: {All = 0, Nearby = 1, Popular = 2, Online = 3, MyFaves = 4, Search = 5} final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}; final body = {'MerchantFilterType': merchantFilterType}; if (search != null) { body['SearchCriteria'] = search; } if (categories != null) { body['Categories'] = categories .map((e) => e.ids) .expand((e) => e) .toList(); } final response = await post(getMerchantsByFilterUrl, headers: headers, body: json.encode(body)); if (response.statusCode != 200) { return []; } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { return []; } final data = decodedBody['Data'] as List; final merch = []; for (final item in data) { try { final element = item['Merchant'] as Map; merch.add(IoniaMerchant.fromJsonMap(element)); } catch(_) {} } return merch; } // Purchase Gift Card Future purchaseGiftCard({ required String requestedUUID, required String merchId, required double amount, required String currency, required String username, required String password, required String clientId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password, requestedUUIDHeader: requestedUUID, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}; final body = { 'Amount': amount, 'Currency': currency, 'MerchantId': merchId}; final response = await post(getPurchaseMerchantsUrl, headers: headers, body: json.encode(body)); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Unexpected response'); } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { throw Exception(decodedBody['ErrorMessage'] as String); } final data = decodedBody['Data'] as Map; return IoniaOrder.fromMap(data); } // Get Current User Gift Card Summaries Future> getCurrentUserGiftCardSummaries({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password}; final response = await post(getCurrentUserGiftCardSummariesUrl, headers: headers); if (response.statusCode != 200) { return []; } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { return []; } final data = decodedBody['Data'] as List; final cards = []; for (final item in data) { try { final element = item as Map; cards.add(IoniaGiftCard.fromJsonMap(element)); } catch(_) {} } return cards; } // Charge Gift Card Future chargeGiftCard({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId, required int giftCardId, required double amount}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}; final body = { 'Id': giftCardId, 'Amount': amount}; final response = await post( changeGiftCardUrl, headers: headers, body: json.encode(body)); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Failed to update Gift Card with ID ${giftCardId};Incorrect response status: ${response.statusCode};'); } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { final data = decodedBody['Data'] as Map; final msg = data['Message'] as String? ?? ''; if (msg.isNotEmpty) { throw Exception(msg); } throw Exception('Failed to update Gift Card with ID ${giftCardId};'); } } // Get Gift Card Future getGiftCard({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId, required int id}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}; final body = {'Id': id}; final response = await post( getGiftCardUrl, headers: headers, body: json.encode(body)); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Failed to get Gift Card with ID ${id};Incorrect response status: ${response.statusCode};'); } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { final msg = decodedBody['ErrorMessage'] as String ?? ''; if (msg.isNotEmpty) { throw Exception(msg); } throw Exception('Failed to get Gift Card with ID ${id};'); } final data = decodedBody['Data'] as Map; return IoniaGiftCard.fromJsonMap(data); } // Payment Status Future getPaymentStatus({ required String username, required String password, required String clientId, required String orderId, required String paymentId}) async { final headers = { 'clientId': clientId, 'username': username, 'password': password, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}; final body = { 'order_id': orderId, 'paymentId': paymentId}; final response = await post( getPaymentStatusUrl, headers: headers, body: json.encode(body)); if (response.statusCode != 200) { throw Exception('Failed to get Payment Status for order_id ${orderId} paymentId ${paymentId};Incorrect response status: ${response.statusCode};'); } final decodedBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map; final isSuccessful = decodedBody['Successful'] as bool? ?? false; if (!isSuccessful) { final msg = decodedBody['ErrorMessage'] as String ?? ''; if (msg.isNotEmpty) { throw Exception(msg); } throw Exception('Failed to get Payment Status for order_id ${orderId} paymentId ${paymentId}'); } final data = decodedBody['Data'] as Map; return data['gift_card_id'] as int; } }