@echo off set cw_win_app_config=--bitcoin --ethereum set cw_root=%cd% set cw_archive_name=Cake Wallet.zip set cw_archive_path=%cw_root%\%cw_archive_name% set secrets_file_path=lib\.secrets.g.dart set release_dir=build\windows\runner\Release set tools_root=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.36.32532\x64\Microsoft.VC143.CRT echo === Generating pubspec.yaml === copy /Y pubspec_description.yaml pubspec.yaml > nul call flutter pub get > nul call dart run tool\generate_pubspec.dart call flutter pub get > nul call dart run tool\configure.dart %cw_win_app_config% IF NOT EXIST "%secrets_file_path%" ( echo === Generating new secrets file === call dart run tool\generate_new_secrets.dart ) ELSE (echo === Using previously/already generated secrets file: %secrets_file_path% ===) echo === Generating mobx models === for /d %%i in (cw_core cw_bitcoin cw_ethereum cw_monero .) do ( cd %%i call flutter pub get > nul call dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs > nul cd /d %cw_root% ) echo === Generating localization files === call dart run tool\generate_localization.dart echo === Building the application executable file === call flutter build windows --dart-define-from-file=env.json --release echo === Prepare distribution actions. Copy needed files to the application bundle === copy /Y "%tools_root%\msvcp140.dll" "%release_dir%\" > nul copy /Y "%tools_root%\vcruntime140.dll" "%release_dir%\" > nul copy /Y "%tools_root%\vcruntime140_1.dll" "%release_dir%\" > nul echo === Generate the application archive === xcopy /s /e /v /Y "%release_dir%\*.*" "build\Cake Wallet\" > nul tar acf "%cw_archive_name%" -C build\ "Cake Wallet" echo === Open Explorer with the application archive === echo Cake Wallet created archive at: %cw_archive_path% %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /select, %cw_archive_path%