import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:cw_core/crypto_currency.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/node.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/utils/print_verbose.dart'; import 'package:cw_solana/pending_solana_transaction.dart'; import 'package:cw_solana/solana_balance.dart'; import 'package:cw_solana/solana_exceptions.dart'; import 'package:cw_solana/solana_transaction_model.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'package:solana/dto.dart'; import 'package:solana/encoder.dart'; import 'package:solana/solana.dart'; import '.secrets.g.dart' as secrets; class SolanaWalletClient { final httpClient = http.Client(); SolanaClient? _client; bool connect(Node node) { try { Uri rpcUri = node.uri; String webSocketUrl = 'wss://${node.uriRaw}'; if (node.uriRaw == '') { String ankrApiKey = secrets.ankrApiKey; rpcUri = Uri.https(node.uriRaw, '/solana/$ankrApiKey'); webSocketUrl = 'wss://${node.uriRaw}/solana/ws/$ankrApiKey'; } else if (node.uriRaw == '') { String chainStackApiKey = secrets.chainStackApiKey; rpcUri = Uri.https(node.uriRaw, '/$chainStackApiKey'); webSocketUrl = 'wss://${node.uriRaw}/$chainStackApiKey'; } _client = SolanaClient( rpcUrl: rpcUri, websocketUrl: Uri.parse(webSocketUrl), timeout: const Duration(minutes: 2), ); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } Future getBalance(String address) async { try { final balance = await _client!.rpcClient.getBalance(address); final solBalance = balance.value / lamportsPerSol; return solBalance; } catch (_) { return 0.0; } } Future getSPLTokenAccounts(String mintAddress, String publicKey) async { try { final tokenAccounts = await _client!.rpcClient.getTokenAccountsByOwner( publicKey, TokenAccountsFilter.byMint(mintAddress), commitment: Commitment.confirmed, encoding: Encoding.jsonParsed, ); return tokenAccounts; } catch (e) { return null; } } Future getSplTokenBalance(String mintAddress, String publicKey) async { // Fetch the token accounts (a token can have multiple accounts for various uses) final tokenAccounts = await getSPLTokenAccounts(mintAddress, publicKey); // Handle scenario where there is no token account if (tokenAccounts == null || tokenAccounts.value.isEmpty) { return null; } // Sum the balances of all accounts with the specified mint address double totalBalance = 0.0; for (var programAccount in tokenAccounts.value) { final tokenAmountResult = await _client!.rpcClient.getTokenAccountBalance(programAccount.pubkey); final balance = tokenAmountResult.value.uiAmountString; final balanceAsDouble = double.tryParse(balance ?? '0.0') ?? 0.0; totalBalance += balanceAsDouble; } return SolanaBalance(totalBalance); } Future getFeeForMessage(String message, Commitment commitment) async { try { final feeForMessage = await _client!.rpcClient.getFeeForMessage(message, commitment: commitment); final fee = (feeForMessage ?? 0.0) / lamportsPerSol; return fee; } catch (_) { return 0.0; } } Future getEstimatedFee(Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair) async { const commitment = Commitment.confirmed; final message = _getMessageForNativeTransaction(ownerKeypair, ownerKeypair.address, lamportsPerSol); final latestBlockhash = await _getLatestBlockhash(commitment); final estimatedFee = _getFeeFromCompiledMessage( message, ownerKeypair.publicKey, latestBlockhash, commitment, ); return estimatedFee; } /// Load the Address's transactions into the account Future> fetchTransactions( Ed25519HDPublicKey publicKey, { String? splTokenSymbol, int? splTokenDecimal, }) async { List transactions = []; try { final signatures = await _client!.rpcClient.getSignaturesForAddress( publicKey.toBase58(), commitment: Commitment.confirmed, ); final List transactionDetails = []; for (int i = 0; i < signatures.length; i += 20) { final response = await _client!.rpcClient.getMultipleTransactions( signatures.sublist(i, math.min(i + 20, signatures.length)), commitment: Commitment.confirmed, encoding: Encoding.jsonParsed, ); transactionDetails.addAll(response); // to avoid reaching the node RPS limit await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: 500)); } for (final tx in transactionDetails) { if (tx.transaction is ParsedTransaction) { final parsedTx = (tx.transaction as ParsedTransaction); final message = parsedTx.message; final fee = (tx.meta?.fee ?? 0) / lamportsPerSol; for (final instruction in message.instructions) { if (instruction is ParsedInstruction) { system: (systemData) { transfer: (transferData) { ParsedSystemTransferInformation transfer =; bool isOutgoingTx = transfer.source == publicKey.toBase58(); double amount = transfer.lamports.toDouble() / lamportsPerSol; transactions.add( SolanaTransactionModel( id: parsedTx.signatures.first, from: transfer.source, to: transfer.destination, amount: amount, isOutgoingTx: isOutgoingTx, blockTimeInInt: tx.blockTime!, fee: fee, programId: SystemProgram.programId, tokenSymbol: 'SOL', ), ); }, transferChecked: (_) {}, unsupported: (_) {}, ); }, splToken: (splTokenData) { if (splTokenSymbol != null) { transfer: (transferData) { SplTokenTransferInfo transfer =; bool isOutgoingTx = transfer.source == publicKey.toBase58(); double amount = (double.tryParse(transfer.amount) ?? 0.0) / math.pow(10, splTokenDecimal ?? 9); transactions.add( SolanaTransactionModel( id: parsedTx.signatures.first, fee: fee, from: transfer.source, to: transfer.destination, amount: amount, isOutgoingTx: isOutgoingTx, programId: TokenProgram.programId, blockTimeInInt: tx.blockTime!, tokenSymbol: splTokenSymbol, ), ); }, transferChecked: (transferCheckedData) { SplTokenTransferCheckedInfo transfer =; bool isOutgoingTx = transfer.source == publicKey.toBase58(); double amount = double.tryParse(transfer.tokenAmount.uiAmountString ?? '0.0') ?? 0.0; transactions.add( SolanaTransactionModel( id: parsedTx.signatures.first, fee: fee, from: transfer.source, to: transfer.destination, amount: amount, isOutgoingTx: isOutgoingTx, programId: TokenProgram.programId, blockTimeInInt: tx.blockTime!, tokenSymbol: splTokenSymbol, ), ); }, generic: (genericData) {}, ); } }, memo: (_) {}, unsupported: (a) {}, ); } } } } return transactions; } catch (err) { return []; } } Future> getSPLTokenTransfers( String address, String splTokenSymbol, int splTokenDecimal, Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair, ) async { final tokenMint = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(address); ProgramAccount? associatedTokenAccount; try { associatedTokenAccount = await _client!.getAssociatedTokenAccount( mint: tokenMint, owner: ownerKeypair.publicKey, commitment: Commitment.confirmed, ); } catch (_) {} if (associatedTokenAccount == null) return []; final accountPublicKey = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(associatedTokenAccount.pubkey); final tokenTransactions = await fetchTransactions( accountPublicKey, splTokenSymbol: splTokenSymbol, splTokenDecimal: splTokenDecimal, ); return tokenTransactions; } void stop() {} SolanaClient? get getSolanaClient => _client; Future signSolanaTransaction({ required String tokenTitle, required int tokenDecimals, required double inputAmount, required String destinationAddress, required Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair, required bool isSendAll, required double solBalance, String? tokenMint, List references = const [], }) async { const commitment = Commitment.confirmed; if (tokenTitle == CryptoCurrency.sol.title) { final pendingNativeTokenTransaction = await _signNativeTokenTransaction( tokenTitle: tokenTitle, tokenDecimals: tokenDecimals, inputAmount: inputAmount, destinationAddress: destinationAddress, ownerKeypair: ownerKeypair, commitment: commitment, isSendAll: isSendAll, solBalance: solBalance, ); return pendingNativeTokenTransaction; } else { final pendingSPLTokenTransaction = _signSPLTokenTransaction( tokenTitle: tokenTitle, tokenDecimals: tokenDecimals, tokenMint: tokenMint!, inputAmount: inputAmount, destinationAddress: destinationAddress, ownerKeypair: ownerKeypair, commitment: commitment, solBalance: solBalance, ); return pendingSPLTokenTransaction; } } Future _getLatestBlockhash(Commitment commitment) async { final latestBlockHashResult = await _client!.rpcClient.getLatestBlockhash(commitment: commitment).value; final latestBlockhash = LatestBlockhash( blockhash: latestBlockHashResult.blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockHashResult.lastValidBlockHeight, ); return latestBlockhash; } Message _getMessageForNativeTransaction( Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair, String destinationAddress, int lamports, ) { final instructions = [ SystemInstruction.transfer( fundingAccount: ownerKeypair.publicKey, recipientAccount: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(destinationAddress), lamports: lamports, ), ]; final message = Message(instructions: instructions); return message; } Future _getFeeFromCompiledMessage( Message message, Ed25519HDPublicKey feePayer, LatestBlockhash latestBlockhash, Commitment commitment, ) async { final compile = message.compile( recentBlockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash, feePayer: feePayer, ); final base64Message = base64Encode(compile.toByteArray().toList()); final fee = await getFeeForMessage(base64Message, commitment); return fee; } Future hasSufficientFundsLeftForRent({ required double inputAmount, required double solBalance, required double fee, }) async { return true; // TODO: this is not doing what the name inclines // final rent = // await _client!.getMinimumBalanceForMintRentExemption(commitment: Commitment.confirmed); // // final rentInSol = (rent / lamportsPerSol).toDouble(); // // final remnant = solBalance - (inputAmount + fee); // // if (remnant > rentInSol) return true; // // return false; } Future _signNativeTokenTransaction({ required String tokenTitle, required int tokenDecimals, required double inputAmount, required String destinationAddress, required Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair, required Commitment commitment, required bool isSendAll, required double solBalance, }) async { // Convert SOL to lamport int lamports = (inputAmount * lamportsPerSol).toInt(); Message message = _getMessageForNativeTransaction(ownerKeypair, destinationAddress, lamports); final signers = [ownerKeypair]; LatestBlockhash latestBlockhash = await _getLatestBlockhash(commitment); final fee = await _getFeeFromCompiledMessage( message, signers.first.publicKey, latestBlockhash, commitment, ); bool hasSufficientFundsLeft = await hasSufficientFundsLeftForRent( inputAmount: inputAmount, fee: fee, solBalance: solBalance, ); if (!hasSufficientFundsLeft) { throw SolanaSignNativeTokenTransactionRentException(); } SignedTx signedTx; if (isSendAll) { final feeInLamports = (fee * lamportsPerSol).toInt(); final updatedLamports = lamports - feeInLamports; final updatedMessage = _getMessageForNativeTransaction(ownerKeypair, destinationAddress, updatedLamports); signedTx = await _signTransactionInternal( message: updatedMessage, signers: signers, commitment: commitment, latestBlockhash: latestBlockhash, ); } else { signedTx = await _signTransactionInternal( message: message, signers: signers, commitment: commitment, latestBlockhash: latestBlockhash, ); } sendTx() async => await sendTransaction( signedTransaction: signedTx, commitment: commitment, ); final pendingTransaction = PendingSolanaTransaction( amount: inputAmount, signedTransaction: signedTx, destinationAddress: destinationAddress, sendTransaction: sendTx, fee: fee, ); return pendingTransaction; } Future _signSPLTokenTransaction({ required String tokenTitle, required int tokenDecimals, required String tokenMint, required double inputAmount, required String destinationAddress, required Ed25519HDKeyPair ownerKeypair, required Commitment commitment, required double solBalance, }) async { final destinationOwner = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(destinationAddress); final mint = Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(tokenMint); ProgramAccount? associatedRecipientAccount; ProgramAccount? associatedSenderAccount; associatedRecipientAccount = await _client!.getAssociatedTokenAccount( mint: mint, owner: destinationOwner, commitment: commitment, ); associatedSenderAccount = await _client!.getAssociatedTokenAccount( owner: ownerKeypair.publicKey, mint: mint, commitment: commitment, ); // Throw an appropriate exception if the sender has no associated // token account if (associatedSenderAccount == null) { throw SolanaNoAssociatedTokenAccountException(ownerKeypair.address, mint.toBase58()); } try { associatedRecipientAccount ??= await _client!.createAssociatedTokenAccount( mint: mint, owner: destinationOwner, funder: ownerKeypair, ); } catch (e) { throw SolanaCreateAssociatedTokenAccountException(e.toString()); } // Input by the user final amount = (inputAmount * math.pow(10, tokenDecimals)).toInt(); final instruction = TokenInstruction.transfer( source: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(associatedSenderAccount.pubkey), destination: Ed25519HDPublicKey.fromBase58(associatedRecipientAccount.pubkey), owner: ownerKeypair.publicKey, amount: amount, ); final message = Message(instructions: [instruction]); final signers = [ownerKeypair]; LatestBlockhash latestBlockhash = await _getLatestBlockhash(commitment); final fee = await _getFeeFromCompiledMessage( message, signers.first.publicKey, latestBlockhash, commitment, ); bool hasSufficientFundsLeft = await hasSufficientFundsLeftForRent( inputAmount: inputAmount, fee: fee, solBalance: solBalance, ); if (!hasSufficientFundsLeft) { throw SolanaSignSPLTokenTransactionRentException(); } final signedTx = await _signTransactionInternal( message: message, signers: signers, commitment: commitment, latestBlockhash: latestBlockhash, ); sendTx() async => await sendTransaction( signedTransaction: signedTx, commitment: commitment, ); final pendingTransaction = PendingSolanaTransaction( amount: inputAmount, signedTransaction: signedTx, destinationAddress: destinationAddress, sendTransaction: sendTx, fee: fee, ); return pendingTransaction; } Future _signTransactionInternal({ required Message message, required List signers, required Commitment commitment, required LatestBlockhash latestBlockhash, }) async { final signedTx = await signTransaction(latestBlockhash, message, signers); return signedTx; } Future sendTransaction({ required SignedTx signedTransaction, required Commitment commitment, }) async { try { final signature = await _client!.rpcClient.sendTransaction( signedTransaction.encode(), preflightCommitment: commitment, ); _client!.waitForSignatureStatus(signature, status: commitment); return signature; } catch (e) { printV('Error while sending transaction: ${e.toString()}'); throw Exception(e); } } Future getIconImageFromTokenUri(String uri) async { try { final response = await httpClient.get(Uri.parse(uri)); final jsonResponse = json.decode(response.body) as Map; if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) { return jsonResponse['image']; } else { return null; } } catch (e) { printV('Error occurred while fetching token image: \n${e.toString()}'); return null; } } }