import 'dart:async'; import 'package:connectivity_plus/connectivity_plus.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_base.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/sync_status.dart'; import 'package:cw_core/wallet_type.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/store/settings_store.dart'; Timer? _checkConnectionTimer; void startCheckConnectionReaction(WalletBase wallet, SettingsStore settingsStore, {int timeInterval = 5}) { _checkConnectionTimer?.cancel(); // TODO: check the validity of this code, and if it's working fine, then no need for // having the connect function in electrum.dart when the syncstatus is lost or failed and add the not connected state _checkConnectionTimer = Timer.periodic(Duration(seconds: timeInterval), (_) async { if (wallet.type == WalletType.bitcoin && wallet.syncStatus is SyncingSyncStatus) { return; } try { final connectivityResult = await (Connectivity().checkConnectivity()); if (connectivityResult == ConnectivityResult.none) { wallet.syncStatus = FailedSyncStatus(); return; } if (wallet.type != WalletType.bitcoin && (wallet.syncStatus is LostConnectionSyncStatus || wallet.syncStatus is FailedSyncStatus)) { final alive = await settingsStore.getCurrentNode(wallet.type).requestNode(); if (alive) { await wallet.connectToNode(node: settingsStore.getCurrentNode(wallet.type)); } } } catch (e) { print(e.toString()); } }); }