* Move file.dart
* Add seedFallback for missing polyseeds
* Remove unused dependency of cw_bitcoin
* Minor fix MacOS
* Add more blockheight-date matching
* Scan only last 2 days for new Polyseed wallets
* Add initial flow for ethereum
* Add initial create Eth wallet flow
* Complete Ethereum wallet creation flow
* Fix web3dart versioning issue
* Add primary receive address extracted from private key
* Implement open wallet functionality
* Implement restore wallet from seed functionality
* Fixate web3dart version as higher versions cause some issues
* Add Initial Transaction priorities for eth
Add estimated gas price
* Rename priority value to tip
* Re-order wallet types
* Change ethereum node
Fix connection issues
* Fix estimating gas for priority
* Add case for ethereum to fetch it's seeds
* Add case for ethereum to request node
* Fix Exchange screen initial pairs
* Add initial send transaction flow
* Add missing configure for ethereum class
* Add Eth address initial setup
* Fix Private key for Ethereum wallets
* Change sign/send transaction flow
* - Fix Conflicts with main
- Remove unused function from Haven configure.dart
* Add build command for ethereum package
* Add missing Node list file to pubspec
* - Fix balance display
- Fix parsing of Ethereum amount
- Add more Ethereum Nodes
* - Fix extracting Ethereum Private key from seeds
- Integrate signing/sending transaction with the send view model
* - Update and Fix Conflicts with main
* Add Balances for ERC20 tokens
* Fix conflicts with main
* Add erc20 abi json
* Add send erc20 tokens initial function
* add missing getHeightByDate in Haven
* Allow contacts and wallets from the same tag
* Add Shiba Inu icon
* Add send ERC-20 tokens initial flow
* Add missing import in generated file
* Add initial approach for transaction sending for ERC-20 tokens
* Refactor signing/sending transactions
* Add initial flow for transactions subscription
* Refactor signing/sending transactions
* Add home settings icon
* Fix conflicts with main
* Initial flow for home settings
* Add logic flow for adding erc20 tokens
* Fix initial UI
* Finalize UI for Tokens
* Integrate UI with Ethereum flow
* Add "Enable/Disable" feature for ERC20 tokens
* Add initial Erc20 tokens
* Add Sorting and Pin Native Token features
* Fix price sorting
* Sort tokens list as well when Sort criteria changes
* - Improve sorting balances flow
- Add initial add token from search bar flow
* Fix Accounts Popup UI
* Fix Pin native token
* Fix Enabling/Disabling tokens
Fix sorting by fiat once app is opened
Improve token availability mechanism
* Fix deleting token
Fix renaming tokens
* Fix issue with search
* Add more tokens
* - Fix scroll issue
- Add ERC20 tokens placeholder image in picker
* - Separate and organize default erc20 tokens
- Fix scrolling
- Add token placeholder images in picker
- Sort disabled tokens alphabetically
* Change BNB token initial availability
* Fix Conflicts with main
* Fix Conflicts with main
* Add Verse ERC20 token to the initial tokens list
* Add rename wallet to Ethereum
* Integrate EtherScan API for fetching address transactions
Generate Ethereum specific secrets in Ethereum package
* Adjust transactions fiat price for ERC20 tokens
* Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk Space
* Free Up GitHub Actions Ubuntu Runner Disk space (trial 2)
* Fix Transaction Fee display
* Save transaction history
* Enhance loading time for erc20 tokens transactions
* Minor Fixes and Enhancements
* Fix sending erc20
fix block explorer issue
* Fix int overflow
* Fix transaction amount conversions
* Minor: `slow` -> `Slow`
* Update build guide
* Fix fetching fiat rate taking a lot of time by only fetching enabled tokens only and making the API calls in parallel not sequential
* Update transactions on a periodic basis
* For fee, use ETH spot price, not ERC-20 spot price
* Add Etherscan History privacy option to enable/disable Etherscan API
* Show estimated fee amounts in the send screen
* fix send fiat fields parsing issue
* Fix transactions estimated fee less than actual fee
* handle balance sorting when balance is disabled
Handle empty transactions list
* Fix Delete Ethereum wallet
Fix balance < 0.01
* Fix Decimal place for Ethereum amount
Fix sending amount issue
* Change words count
* Remove balance hint and Full balance row from Ethereum wallets
* support changing the asset type in send templates
* Fix Templates for ERC tokens issues
* Fix conflicts in send templates
* Disable batch sending in Ethereum
* Fix Fee calculation with different priorities
* Fix Conflicts with main
* Add offline error to ignored exceptions
Co-authored-by: Justin Ehrenhofer <justin.ehrenhofer@gmail.com>
* handle multiple responses coming in a single event
* Add timeout for getting transaction info, to allow other transactions to be returned in case of any failure or network issue
* Handle other cases of receiving multiple messages in the same response
* feat: Replace trash and swipe with edit icons on node list item
- replaces yellow Test button with red Delete node button with confirmation on the edit node page
* feat: make node indicator icons bigger (figma comment)
* feat: Replace trash and swipe with edit icons on wallet list page and create wallet_edit_page.dart
* fix: make delete buttons red
* fix: make wallet name wrap when it is too long
* refactor: improve logic & fix observer not refreshing
* fix: add string
* feat: remove the confirmation pop-up for switching between wallets
- which was another item on the jira issue
* fix: remove slideable widgets from node list
* feat: add edit button to currently selected node & disable deleting if selected
* fix: rename wallet also renames to new wallet files
* feat: make sure edits can't overlap existing names
* fix: improve rename flow, fix electrum transactions refresh & add delete old logic
* fix: also fix rename for monero & haven
* refactor: fix identations
* refactor: dont declare the current wallet twice
* refactor: missing newWalletInfo.id
* fix: dont unnecessarily load the current wallet
* fix: remove unnecessary reaction
* feat: make save button disabled until the text is changed
* feat: make walletEditViewModel and make state useful for pending actions
* fix: add back reaction for desktop flow
* - Remove un-necessary code
- Format Edit page
Co-authored-by: OmarHatem <omarh.ismail1@gmail.com>
* Fix Concurrent modification exception
* Fix minor UI issues
* Change onramper crypto asset name for Litcoin
* Fix secure storage issue, fetching password/PIN with null
* - Fix Navigation issue while keyboard is displaying
- Remove deprecated screen
* Take currency From/To info from our trade not the returned one
* Fix anon pay fields UI
* Fix Anonpay border/icons UI
* Add extra padding in QR image as a safe layer
* Generalize ignored connection error
* Remove Bio Auth option from desktop
* Fix some Transaction info not parsed correctly