Merge branch 'master' into master

This commit is contained in:
M 2020-02-25 20:24:24 +02:00
commit dd41bb002c
18 changed files with 209 additions and 15 deletions

View file

@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ class S implements WidgetsLocalizations {
String get nodes_list_reset_to_default_message => "Are you sure that you want to reset settings to default?"; String get nodes_list_reset_to_default_message => "Are you sure that you want to reset settings to default?";
String get offer_expires_in => "Offer expires in: "; String get offer_expires_in => "Offer expires in: ";
String get ok => "OK"; String get ok => "OK";
String get openalias_alert_title => "XMR Recipient Detected";
String get outgoing => "Outgoing"; String get outgoing => "Outgoing";
String get password => "Password"; String get password => "Password";
String get paste => "Paste"; String get paste => "Paste";
@ -280,6 +281,7 @@ class S implements WidgetsLocalizations {
String failed_authentication(String state_error) => "Failed authentication. ${state_error}"; String failed_authentication(String state_error) => "Failed authentication. ${state_error}";
String max_value(String value, String currency) => "Max: ${value} ${currency}"; String max_value(String value, String currency) => "Max: ${value} ${currency}";
String min_value(String value, String currency) => "Min: ${value} ${currency}"; String min_value(String value, String currency) => "Min: ${value} ${currency}";
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "You will be sending funds to\n${recipient_name}";
String powered_by(String title) => "Powered by ${title}"; String powered_by(String title) => "Powered by ${title}";
String router_no_route(String name) => "No route defined for ${name}"; String router_no_route(String name) => "No route defined for ${name}";
String send_priority(String transactionPriority) => "Currently the fee is set at ${transactionPriority} priority.\nTransaction priority can be adjusted in the settings"; String send_priority(String transactionPriority) => "Currently the fee is set at ${transactionPriority} priority.\nTransaction priority can be adjusted in the settings";
@ -436,6 +438,8 @@ class $de extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "Kontakt"; String get contact => "Kontakt";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "XMR-Empfänger erkannt";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Falsches PIN"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Falsches PIN";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "Schleppend"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "Schleppend";
@ -844,6 +848,8 @@ class $de extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Transaktion festschreiben\nMenge: ${amount}\nGebühr: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Transaktion festschreiben\nMenge: ${amount}\nGebühr: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "Sie senden Geld an\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Fehler beim Entfernen ${wallet_name} Wallet. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Fehler beim Entfernen ${wallet_name} Wallet. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Kopiert ${key} Zur Zwischenablage"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Kopiert ${key} Zur Zwischenablage";
@ -992,6 +998,8 @@ class $hi extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "संपर्क करें"; String get contact => "संपर्क करें";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "XMR प्राप्तकर्ता का पता लगाया";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "गलत पिन"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "गलत पिन";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "धीरे"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "धीरे";
@ -1400,6 +1408,8 @@ class $hi extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "लेन-देन करें\nरकम: ${amount}\nशुल्क: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "लेन-देन करें\nरकम: ${amount}\nशुल्क: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "आपको धनराशि भेजी जाएगी\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "निकालने में विफल ${wallet_name} बटुआ. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "निकालने में विफल ${wallet_name} बटुआ. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "की नकल की ${key} क्लिपबोर्ड पर"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "की नकल की ${key} क्लिपबोर्ड पर";
@ -1548,6 +1558,8 @@ class $ru extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "Контакт"; String get contact => "Контакт";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "Получатель XMR обнаружен";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Некорректный пин"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Некорректный пин";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "Медленный"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "Медленный";
@ -1956,6 +1968,8 @@ class $ru extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Подтвердить транзакцию \nСумма: ${amount}\nСбор: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Подтвердить транзакцию \nСумма: ${amount}\nСбор: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "Вы будете отправлять средства\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Ошибка при удалении ${wallet_name} кошелька. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Ошибка при удалении ${wallet_name} кошелька. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Скопировано ${key} в буфер обмена"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Скопировано ${key} в буфер обмена";
@ -2104,6 +2118,8 @@ class $ko extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "접촉"; String get contact => "접촉";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "XMR 수신자 감지";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "잘못된 PIN"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "잘못된 PIN";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "느린"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "느린";
@ -2512,6 +2528,8 @@ class $ko extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "커밋 거래\n양: ${amount}\n보수: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "커밋 거래\n양: ${amount}\n보수: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "당신은에 자금을 보낼 것입니다\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "제거하지 못했습니다 ${wallet_name} 지갑. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "제거하지 못했습니다 ${wallet_name} 지갑. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "복사 ${key} 클립 보드로"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "복사 ${key} 클립 보드로";
@ -2660,6 +2678,8 @@ class $pt extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "Contato"; String get contact => "Contato";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "Destinatário XMR detectado";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "PIN incorreto"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "PIN incorreto";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "Lenta"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "Lenta";
@ -3068,6 +3088,8 @@ class $pt extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Confirmar transação\nQuantia: ${amount}\nTaxa: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Confirmar transação\nQuantia: ${amount}\nTaxa: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "Você enviará fundos para\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Falha ao remover a carteira ${wallet_name}. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Falha ao remover a carteira ${wallet_name}. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "${key} copiada para a área de transferência"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "${key} copiada para a área de transferência";
@ -3216,6 +3238,8 @@ class $ja extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "接触"; String get contact => "接触";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "XMR受信者が検出されました";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "間違ったPIN"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "間違ったPIN";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "スロー"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "スロー";
@ -3624,6 +3648,8 @@ class $ja extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "トランザクションをコミット\n量: ${amount}\n費用: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "トランザクションをコミット\n量: ${amount}\n費用: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "に送金します\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "削除できませんでした ${wallet_name} 財布. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "削除できませんでした ${wallet_name} 財布. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "コピー済み ${key} クリップボードへ"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "コピー済み ${key} クリップボードへ";
@ -3776,6 +3802,8 @@ class $pl extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "Kontakt"; String get contact => "Kontakt";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "Wykryto odbiorcę XMR";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Niepoprawny PIN"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Niepoprawny PIN";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "Powolny"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "Powolny";
@ -4184,6 +4212,8 @@ class $pl extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Zatwierdź transakcję\nIlość: ${amount}\nOpłata: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Zatwierdź transakcję\nIlość: ${amount}\nOpłata: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "Będziesz wysyłać środki na\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Nie udało się usunąć ${wallet_name} portfel. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Nie udało się usunąć ${wallet_name} portfel. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Skopiowane ${key} do schowka"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Skopiowane ${key} do schowka";
@ -4332,6 +4362,8 @@ class $es extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "Contacto"; String get contact => "Contacto";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "Destinatario XMR detectado";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Contraseña PIN"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Contraseña PIN";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "Lento"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "Lento";
@ -4740,6 +4772,8 @@ class $es extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Confirmar transacción\nCantidad: ${amount}\nCuota: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Confirmar transacción\nCantidad: ${amount}\nCuota: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "Enviará fondos a\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Error al elimina ${wallet_name} billetera. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Error al elimina ${wallet_name} billetera. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Copiado ${key} al portapapeles"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Copiado ${key} al portapapeles";
@ -4888,6 +4922,8 @@ class $nl extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "Contact"; String get contact => "Contact";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "XMR-ontvanger gedetecteerd";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Incorrect PIN"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "Incorrect PIN";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => "Langzaam"; String get transaction_priority_slow => "Langzaam";
@ -5296,6 +5332,8 @@ class $nl extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Verricht transactie\nBedrag: ${amount}\nhonorarium: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "Verricht transactie\nBedrag: ${amount}\nhonorarium: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "U stuurt geld naar\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Verwijderen mislukt ${wallet_name} portemonnee. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "Verwijderen mislukt ${wallet_name} portemonnee. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Gekopieerd ${key} naar het klembord"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "Gekopieerd ${key} naar het klembord";
@ -5444,6 +5482,8 @@ class $zh extends S {
@override @override
String get contact => "联系"; String get contact => "联系";
@override @override
String get openalias_alert_title => "檢測到XMR收件人";
String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "PIN码错误"; String get auth_store_incorrect_password => "PIN码错误";
@override @override
String get transaction_priority_slow => ""; String get transaction_priority_slow => "";
@ -5852,6 +5892,8 @@ class $zh extends S {
@override @override
String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "提交交易\n量: ${amount}\nFee: ${fee}"; String commit_transaction_amount_fee(String amount, String fee) => "提交交易\n量: ${amount}\nFee: ${fee}";
@override @override
String openalias_alert_content(String recipient_name) => "您將匯款至\n${recipient_name}";
String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "删除失败 ${wallet_name} 钱包. ${error}"; String wallet_list_failed_to_remove(String wallet_name, String error) => "删除失败 ${wallet_name} 钱包. ${error}";
@override @override
String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "复制 ${key} 到剪贴板"; String copied_key_to_clipboard(String key) => "复制 ${key} 到剪贴板";

View file

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
import 'package:basic_utils/basic_utils.dart';
class OpenaliasRecord {
final String name;
final String address;
static String formatDomainName(String name) {
String formattedName = name;
if (name.contains("@")) {
formattedName = name.replaceAll("@", ".");
return formattedName;
static Future<OpenaliasRecord> fetchAddressAndName(String formattedName) async {
String address = formattedName;
String name = formattedName;
if (formattedName.contains(".")) {
try {
final txtRecord = await DnsUtils.lookupRecord(formattedName, RRecordType.TXT, dnssec: true);
if (txtRecord != null) {
for (RRecord element in txtRecord) {
String record =;
if (record.contains("oa1:xmr") && record.contains("recipient_address")) {
record = record.replaceAll('\"', "");
final dataList = record.split(";");
address = dataList.where((item) => (item.contains("recipient_address")))
.toString().replaceAll("oa1:xmr recipient_address=", "")
.replaceAll("(", "").replaceAll(")", "").trim();
final recipientName = dataList.where((item) => (item.contains("recipient_name"))).toString()
.replaceAll("(", "").replaceAll(")", "").trim();
if (recipientName.isNotEmpty) {
name = recipientName.replaceAll("recipient_name=", "");
} catch (e) {
return OpenaliasRecord(address: address, name: name);

View file

@ -48,10 +48,46 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
final _cryptoAmountController = TextEditingController(); final _cryptoAmountController = TextEditingController();
final _fiatAmountController = TextEditingController(); final _fiatAmountController = TextEditingController();
final _focusNode = FocusNode();
bool _effectsInstalled = false; bool _effectsInstalled = false;
final _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>(); final _formKey = GlobalKey<FormState>();
void initState() {
_focusNode.addListener(() {
if (!_focusNode.hasFocus &&_addressController.text.isNotEmpty) {
Future<void> getOpenaliasRecord(BuildContext context) async {
final sendStore = Provider.of<SendStore>(context);
final isOpenalias = await sendStore.isOpenaliasRecord(_addressController.text);
if (isOpenalias) {
_addressController.text = sendStore.recordAddress;
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
title: Text(S.of(context).openalias_alert_title),
content: Text(S.of(context).openalias_alert_content(sendStore.recordName)),
actions: <Widget>[
child: Text(S.of(context).ok),
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop())
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final settingsStore = Provider.of<SettingsStore>(context); final settingsStore = Provider.of<SettingsStore>(context);
@ -150,6 +186,7 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
AddressTextField( AddressTextField(
controller: _addressController, controller: _addressController,
placeholder: S.of(context).send_monero_address, placeholder: S.of(context).send_monero_address,
focusNode: _focusNode,
onURIScanned: (uri) { onURIScanned: (uri) {
var address = ''; var address = '';
var amount = ''; var amount = '';

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/price/price_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/send/sending_state.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/send/sending_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/settings/settings_store.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/settings/settings_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart'; import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/openalias_record.dart';
part 'send_store.g.dart'; part 'send_store.g.dart';
@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ abstract class SendStoreBase with Store {
SettingsStore settingsStore; SettingsStore settingsStore;
PriceStore priceStore; PriceStore priceStore;
Box<TransactionDescription> transactionDescriptions; Box<TransactionDescription> transactionDescriptions;
String recordName;
String recordAddress;
@observable @observable
SendingState state; SendingState state;
@ -154,6 +157,16 @@ abstract class SendStoreBase with Store {
} }
} }
Future<bool> isOpenaliasRecord(String name) async {
final _openaliasRecord = await OpenaliasRecord
recordAddress = _openaliasRecord.address;
recordName =;
return recordAddress != name;
void validateAddress(String value, {CryptoCurrency cryptoCurrency}) { void validateAddress(String value, {CryptoCurrency cryptoCurrency}) {
// XMR (95, 106), ADA (59, 92, 105), BCH (42), BNB (42), BTC (34, 42), DASH (34), EOS (42), // XMR (95, 106), ADA (59, 92, 105), BCH (42), BNB (42), BTC (34, 42), DASH (34), EOS (42),
// ETH (42), LTC (34), NANO (64, 65), TRX (34), USDT (42), XLM (56), XRP (34) // ETH (42), LTC (34), NANO (64, 65), TRX (34), USDT (42), XLM (56), XRP (34)

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class AddressTextField extends StatelessWidget {
AddressTextFieldOption.addressBook AddressTextFieldOption.addressBook
], ],
this.onURIScanned, this.onURIScanned,
this.validator}); this.validator});
static const prefixIconWidth = 34.0; static const prefixIconWidth = 34.0;
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ class AddressTextField extends StatelessWidget {
final Function(Uri) onURIScanned; final Function(Uri) onURIScanned;
final List<AddressTextFieldOption> options; final List<AddressTextFieldOption> options;
final FormFieldValidator<String> validator; final FormFieldValidator<String> validator;
FocusNode focusNode;
@override @override
Widget build(BuildContext context) { Widget build(BuildContext context) {
@ -37,6 +39,7 @@ class AddressTextField extends StatelessWidget {
onFieldSubmitted: (_) => FocusScope.of(context).unfocus(), onFieldSubmitted: (_) => FocusScope.of(context).unfocus(),
enabled: isActive, enabled: isActive,
controller: controller, controller: controller,
focusNode: focusNode,
decoration: InputDecoration( decoration: InputDecoration(
suffixIcon: SizedBox( suffixIcon: SizedBox(
width: prefixIconWidth * options.length + width: prefixIconWidth * options.length +

View file

@ -43,6 +43,13 @@ packages:
url: "" url: ""
source: hosted source: hosted
version: "1.0.0" version: "1.0.0"
dependency: "direct main"
name: basic_utils
url: ""
source: hosted
version: "1.9.3"
boolean_selector: boolean_selector:
dependency: transitive dependency: transitive
description: description:

View file

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ dependencies:
cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2
encrypt: ^4.0.0 encrypt: ^4.0.0
password: ^1.0.0 password: ^1.0.0
basic_utils: ^1.0.8
dev_dependencies: dev_dependencies:
flutter_test: flutter_test:

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "Der eingegebene Text ist ungültig.", "incorrect_seed" : "Der eingegebene Text ist ungültig.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Scannen Sie Ihren Fingerabdruck zur Authentifizierung", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Scannen Sie Ihren Fingerabdruck zur Authentifizierung",
"version" : "Ausführung ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Ausführung ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "XMR-Empfänger erkannt",
"openalias_alert_content" : "Sie senden Geld an\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "The text entered is not valid.", "incorrect_seed" : "The text entered is not valid.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan your fingerprint to authenticate", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan your fingerprint to authenticate",
"version" : "Version ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Version ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "XMR Recipient Detected",
"openalias_alert_content" : "You will be sending funds to\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "El texto ingresado no es válido.", "incorrect_seed" : "El texto ingresado no es válido.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Escanee su huella digital para autenticar", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Escanee su huella digital para autenticar",
"version" : "Versión ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Versión ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "Destinatario XMR detectado",
"openalias_alert_content" : "Enviará fondos a\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "दर्ज किया गया पाठ मान्य नहीं है।", "incorrect_seed" : "दर्ज किया गया पाठ मान्य नहीं है।",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "प्रमाणित करने के लिए अपने फ़िंगरप्रिंट को स्कैन करें", "biometric_auth_reason" : "प्रमाणित करने के लिए अपने फ़िंगरप्रिंट को स्कैन करें",
"version" : "संस्करण ${currentVersion}" "version" : "संस्करण ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "XMR प्राप्तकर्ता का पता लगाया",
"openalias_alert_content" : "आपको धनराशि भेजी जाएगी\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "入力されたテキストは無効です。", "incorrect_seed" : "入力されたテキストは無効です。",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "प指紋をスキャンして認証する", "biometric_auth_reason" : "प指紋をスキャンして認証する",
"version" : "バージョン ${currentVersion}" "version" : "バージョン ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "XMR受信者が検出されました",
"openalias_alert_content" : "に送金します\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,9 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "입력하신 텍스트가 유효하지 않습니다.", "incorrect_seed" : "입력하신 텍스트가 유효하지 않습니다.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "지문을 스캔하여 인증", "biometric_auth_reason" : "지문을 스캔하여 인증",
<<<<<<< HEAD "version" : "버전 ${currentVersion}",
>>>>>>> 4848485be8cbc34cbec847abbb76dabd075841ae "openalias_alert_title" : "XMR 수신자 감지",
"version" : "버전 ${currentVersion}" "openalias_alert_content" : "당신은에 자금을 보낼 것입니다\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "De ingevoerde tekst is niet geldig.", "incorrect_seed" : "De ingevoerde tekst is niet geldig.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan uw vingerafdruk om te verifiëren", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Scan uw vingerafdruk om te verifiëren",
"version" : "Versie ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Versie ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "XMR-ontvanger gedetecteerd",
"openalias_alert_content" : "U stuurt geld naar\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "Wprowadzony tekst jest nieprawidłowy.", "incorrect_seed" : "Wprowadzony tekst jest nieprawidłowy.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Zeskanuj swój odcisk palca, aby go uwierzytelnić", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Zeskanuj swój odcisk palca, aby go uwierzytelnić",
"version" : "Wersja ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Wersja ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "Wykryto odbiorcę XMR",
"openalias_alert_content" : "Będziesz wysyłać środki na\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "O texto digitado não é válido.", "incorrect_seed" : "O texto digitado não é válido.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Digitalize sua impressão digital para autenticar", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Digitalize sua impressão digital para autenticar",
"version" : "Versão ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Versão ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "Destinatário XMR detectado",
"openalias_alert_content" : "Você enviará fundos para\n${recipient_name}"
} }

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "Введённый текст некорректный.", "incorrect_seed" : "Введённый текст некорректный.",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "Отсканируйте свой отпечаток пальца для аутентификации", "biometric_auth_reason" : "Отсканируйте свой отпечаток пальца для аутентификации",
"version" : "Версия ${currentVersion}" "version" : "Версия ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "Получатель XMR обнаружен",
"openalias_alert_content" : "Вы будете отправлять средства\n${recipient_name}"

View file

@ -342,5 +342,8 @@
"incorrect_seed" : "输入的文字无效。", "incorrect_seed" : "输入的文字无效。",
"biometric_auth_reason" : "掃描指紋以進行身份驗證", "biometric_auth_reason" : "掃描指紋以進行身份驗證",
"version" : "版 ${currentVersion}" "version" : "版 ${currentVersion}",
"openalias_alert_title" : "檢測到XMR收件人",
"openalias_alert_content" : "您將匯款至\n${recipient_name}"
} }