litecoin fixes

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Fosse 2024-04-29 14:39:14 -07:00
parent 4052d7edd5
commit a008c1f2dd
2 changed files with 38 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ Map<DerivationType, List<DerivationInfo>> bitcoin_derivations = {
description: "Samourai Deposit",
scriptType: "p2wpkh",
derivationType: DerivationType.bip39,
derivationPath: "m/84'/0'/0'",
description: "Samourai Deposit",
@ -106,5 +106,11 @@ Map<DerivationType, List<DerivationInfo>> bitcoin_derivations = {
description: "Samourai Ricochet native segwit",
scriptType: "p2wpkh",
derivationType: DerivationType.bip39,
derivationPath: "m/84'/2'/0'",
description: "Default Litecoin",
scriptType: "p2wpkh",

View file

@ -355,50 +355,47 @@ class WalletRestorePage extends BasePage {
walletRestoreViewModel.state = IsExecutingState();
List<DerivationType> derivationTypes =
await walletRestoreViewModel.getDerivationTypes(_credentials());
DerivationInfo? dInfo;
if (derivationTypes.length > 1) {
// push screen to choose the derivation type:
List<DerivationInfo> derivations =
await walletRestoreViewModel.getDerivationInfo(_credentials());
// get info about the different derivations:
List<DerivationInfo> derivations =
await walletRestoreViewModel.getDerivationInfo(_credentials());
int derivationsWithHistory = 0;
int derivationWithHistoryIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < derivations.length; i++) {
if (derivations[i].transactionsCount > 0) {
derivationWithHistoryIndex = i;
int derivationsWithHistory = 0;
int derivationWithHistoryIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < derivations.length; i++) {
if (derivations[i].transactionsCount > 0) {
derivationWithHistoryIndex = i;
// dInfo = await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(Routes.restoreWalletChooseDerivation,
// arguments: derivations) as DerivationInfo?;
if (derivationsWithHistory > 1) {
dInfo = await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(Routes.restoreWalletChooseDerivation,
arguments: derivations) as DerivationInfo?;
} else if (derivationsWithHistory == 1) {
dInfo = derivations[derivationWithHistoryIndex];
} else {
dInfo = walletRestoreViewModel.getCommonRestoreDerivation();
if (dInfo == null) {
walletRestoreViewModel.state = InitialExecutionState();
this.derivationInfo = dInfo;
if (derivationsWithHistory > 1) {
dInfo = await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
arguments: derivations,
) as DerivationInfo?;
} else if (derivationsWithHistory == 1) {
dInfo = derivations[derivationWithHistoryIndex];
// get the default derivation for this wallet type:
if (this.derivationInfo == null) {
this.derivationInfo = walletRestoreViewModel.getDefaultDerivation();
if (dInfo == null) {
// we only return 1 derivation if we're pretty sure we know which one to use:
if (derivations.length == 1) {
dInfo = derivations.first;
} else {
// if we have multiple possible derivations, and none have histories
// we just default to the most common one:
dInfo = walletRestoreViewModel.getCommonRestoreDerivation();
walletRestoreViewModel.state = InitialExecutionState();
this.derivationInfo = dInfo;
if (this.derivationInfo == null) {
walletRestoreViewModel.state = InitialExecutionState();
walletRestoreViewModel.create(options: _credentials());