Merge pull request #2 from cake-tech/basic-refactor

Fixed issues for linter and analyzer
This commit is contained in:
M 2020-01-08 15:14:58 +02:00
commit 9e00a6ee2d
168 changed files with 2274 additions and 1971 deletions

View file

@ -5,17 +5,14 @@ analyzer:
implicit-casts: false
implicit-dynamic: false
- **/*.yaml
- build/**
- **/*.g.dart
- lib/generated/*.dart
- "build/**"
- "**/*.g.dart"
- "lib/generated/*.dart"
- always_declare_return_types
- always_specify_types
- annotate_overrides
- avoid_as
- avoid_empty_else
- avoid_init_to_null
- avoid_return_types_on_setters
@ -48,17 +45,13 @@ linter:
- prefer_final_fields
- prefer_final_locals
- prefer_is_not_empty
- public_member_api_docs
- slash_for_doc_comments
- sort_constructors_first
- sort_unnamed_constructors_first
- super_goes_last
- test_types_in_equals
- throw_in_finally
- type_annotate_public_apis
- type_init_formals
- unawaited_futures
- unnecessary_brace_in_string_interp
- unnecessary_getters_setters
- unrelated_type_equality_checks
- valid_regexps

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ final accountSetLabelNative = moneroApi
refreshAccounts() => accountRefreshNative();
void refreshAccounts() => accountRefreshNative();
List<AccountRow> getAllAccount() {
final size = accountSizeNative();
@ -38,24 +38,29 @@ List<AccountRow> getAllAccount() {
addAccountSync({String label}) {
void addAccountSync({String label}) {
final labelPointer = Utf8.toUtf8(label);
setLabelForAccountSync({int accountIndex, String label}) {
void setLabelForAccountSync({int accountIndex, String label}) {
final labelPointer = Utf8.toUtf8(label);
accountSetLabelNative(accountIndex, labelPointer);
_addAccount(String label) => addAccountSync(label: label);
void _addAccount(String label) => addAccountSync(label: label);
_setLabelForAccount(Map args) => setLabelForAccountSync(
label: args['label'], accountIndex: args['accountIndex']);
void _setLabelForAccount(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
final label = args['label'] as String;
final accountIndex = args['accountIndex'] as int;
Future addAccount({String label}) async => compute(_addAccount, label);
setLabelForAccountSync(label: label, accountIndex: accountIndex);
Future setLabelForAccount({int accountIndex, String label}) async => compute(
_setLabelForAccount, {'accountIndex': accountIndex, 'label': label});
Future<void> addAccount({String label}) async => compute(_addAccount, label);
Future<void> setLabelForAccount({int accountIndex, String label}) async =>
_setLabelForAccount, {'accountIndex': accountIndex, 'label': label});

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class ConnectionToNodeException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String message;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
class CreationTransactionException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String message;
String toString() => message;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class SetupWalletException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String message;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class WalletCreationException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String message;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class WalletRestoreFromKeysException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String message;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
class WalletRestoreFromSeedException implements Exception {
final String message;
final String message;

View file

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ class PendingTransactionRaw extends Struct {
class PendingTransactionDescription {
PendingTransactionDescription({this.amount, this.fee, this.hash, this.pointerAddress});
final int amount;
final int fee;
final String hash;
final int pointerAddress;
PendingTransactionDescription({this.amount, this.fee, this.hash, this.pointerAddress});

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ final subaddrressSetLabelNative = moneroApi
refreshSubaddresses({int accountIndex}) =>
void refreshSubaddresses({int accountIndex}) =>
List<SubaddressRow> getAllSubaddresses() {
@ -40,25 +40,35 @@ List<SubaddressRow> getAllSubaddresses() {
addSubaddressSync({int accountIndex, String label}) {
void addSubaddressSync({int accountIndex, String label}) {
final labelPointer = Utf8.toUtf8(label);
subaddrressAddNewNative(accountIndex, labelPointer);
setLabelForSubaddressSync({int accountIndex, int addressIndex, String label}) {
void setLabelForSubaddressSync(
{int accountIndex, int addressIndex, String label}) {
final labelPointer = Utf8.toUtf8(label);
subaddrressSetLabelNative(accountIndex, addressIndex, labelPointer);
_addSubaddress(Map args) =>
addSubaddressSync(accountIndex: args['accountIndex'], label: args['label']);
void _addSubaddress(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
final label = args['label'] as String;
final accountIndex = args['accountIndex'] as int;
_setLabelForSubaddress(Map args) => setLabelForSubaddressSync(
accountIndex: args['accountIndex'],
addressIndex: args['addressIndex'],
label: args['label']);
addSubaddressSync(accountIndex: accountIndex, label: label);
void _setLabelForSubaddress(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
final label = args['label'] as String;
final accountIndex = args['accountIndex'] as int;
final addressIndex = args['addressIndex'] as int;
accountIndex: accountIndex, addressIndex: addressIndex, label: label);
Future addSubaddress({int accountIndex, String label}) async =>
compute(_addSubaddress, {'accountIndex': accountIndex, 'label': label});
@ -69,4 +79,4 @@ Future setLabelForSubaddress(
'accountIndex': accountIndex,
'addressIndex': addressIndex,
'label': label

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ final transactionCommitNative = moneroApi
refreshTransactions() => transactionsRefreshNative();
void refreshTransactions() => transactionsRefreshNative();
int countOfTransactions() => transactionsCountNative();
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ PendingTransactionDescription createTransactionSync(
pointerAddress: pendingTransactionRawPointer.address);
commitTransactionFromPointerAddress({int address}) => commitTransaction(
void commitTransactionFromPointerAddress({int address}) => commitTransaction(
transactionPointer: Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw>.fromAddress(address));
commitTransaction({Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw> transactionPointer}) {
void commitTransaction({Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw> transactionPointer}) {
final errorMessagePointer = allocate<Utf8Box>();
final isCommited =
transactionCommitNative(transactionPointer, errorMessagePointer) != 0;
@ -99,13 +99,20 @@ commitTransaction({Pointer<PendingTransactionRaw> transactionPointer}) {
PendingTransactionDescription _createTransactionSync(Map args) =>
address: args['address'],
paymentId: args['paymentId'],
amount: args['amount'],
priorityRaw: args['priorityRaw'],
accountIndex: args['accountIndex']);
PendingTransactionDescription _createTransactionSync(Map args) {
final address = args['address'] as String;
final paymentId = args['paymentId'] as String;
final amount = args['amount'] as String;
final priorityRaw = args['priorityRaw'] as int;
final accountIndex = args['accountIndex'] as int;
return createTransactionSync(
address: address,
paymentId: paymentId,
amount: amount,
priorityRaw: priorityRaw,
accountIndex: accountIndex);
Future<PendingTransactionDescription> createTransaction(
{String address,

View file

@ -179,23 +179,23 @@ bool setupNodeSync(
return isSetupNode;
startRefreshSync() => startRefreshNative();
void startRefreshSync() => startRefreshNative();
Future<bool> connectToNode() async => connecToNodeNative() != 0;
setRefreshFromBlockHeight({int height}) =>
void setRefreshFromBlockHeight({int height}) =>
setRecoveringFromSeed({bool isRecovery}) =>
void setRecoveringFromSeed({bool isRecovery}) =>
storeSync() {
void storeSync() {
final pathPointer = Utf8.toUtf8('');
closeCurrentWallet() => closeCurrentWalletNative();
void closeCurrentWallet() => closeCurrentWalletNative();
String getSecretViewKey() =>
convertUTF8ToString(pointer: getSecretViewKeyNative());
@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ Timer _updateSyncInfoTimer;
int _lastKnownBlockHeight = 0;
setListeners(Future Function(int) onNewBlock, Future Function() onNeedToRefresh,
Future Function() onNewTransaction) {
void setListeners(Future Function(int) onNewBlock,
Future Function() onNeedToRefresh, Future Function() onNewTransaction) {
if (_updateSyncInfoTimer != null) {
@ -240,25 +240,36 @@ setListeners(Future Function(int) onNewBlock, Future Function() onNeedToRefresh,
closeListeners() {
void closeListeners() {
if (_updateSyncInfoTimer != null) {
onStartup() => onStartupNative();
void onStartup() => onStartupNative();
_storeSync(_) => storeSync();
bool _setupNodeSync(Map args) => setupNodeSync(
address: args['address'],
login: args['login'] ?? '',
password: args['password'] ?? '',
useSSL: args['useSSL'],
isLightWallet: args['isLightWallet']);
bool _isConnected(_) => isConnectedSync();
int _getNodeHeight(_) => getNodeHeightSync();
void _storeSync(Object _) => storeSync();
startRefresh() => startRefreshSync();
bool _setupNodeSync(Map args) {
final address = args['address'] as String;
final login = (args['login'] ?? '') as String;
final password = (args['password'] ?? '') as String;
final useSSL = args['useSSL'] as bool;
final isLightWallet = args['isLightWallet'] as bool;
return setupNodeSync(
address: address,
login: login,
password: password,
useSSL: useSSL,
isLightWallet: isLightWallet);
bool _isConnected(Object _) => isConnectedSync();
int _getNodeHeight(Object _) => getNodeHeightSync();
void startRefresh() => startRefreshSync();
Future setupNode(
{String address,
@ -280,4 +291,4 @@ Future<bool> isConnected() => compute(_isConnected, 0);
Future<int> getNodeHeight() => compute(_getNodeHeight, 0);
rescanBlockchainAsync() => rescanBlockchainAsyncNative();
void rescanBlockchainAsync() => rescanBlockchainAsyncNative();

View file

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ final loadWalletNative = moneroApi
void createWalletSync(
{String path,
String password,
String language = 'English',
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ bool isWalletExistSync({String path}) {
return isExist;
void restoreWalletFromSeedSync(
{String path,
String password,
String seed,
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ restoreWalletFromSeedSync(
void restoreWalletFromKeysSync(
{String path,
String password,
String language = 'English',
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ restoreWalletFromKeysSync(
loadWallet({String path, String password, int nettype = 0}) {
void loadWallet({String path, String password, int nettype = 0}) {
final pathPointer = Utf8.toUtf8(path);
final passwordPointer = Utf8.toUtf8(password);
@ -142,34 +142,52 @@ loadWallet({String path, String password, int nettype = 0}) {
_createWallet(args) =>
createWalletSync(path: args['path'], password: args['password']);
void _createWallet(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
final path = args['path'] as String;
final password = args['password'] as String;
_restoreFromSeed(args) => restoreWalletFromSeedSync(
path: args['path'],
password: args['password'],
seed: args['seed'],
restoreHeight: args['restoreHeight']);
createWalletSync(path: path, password: password);
_restoreFromKeys(args) => restoreWalletFromKeysSync(
path: args['path'],
password: args['password'],
restoreHeight: args['restoreHeight'],
address: args['address'],
viewKey: args['viewKey'],
spendKey: args['spendKey']);
void _restoreFromSeed(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
final path = args['path'] as String;
final password = args['password'] as String;
final seed = args['seed'] as String;
final restoreHeight = args['restoreHeight'] as int;
_openWallet(Map args) async =>
path: path, password: password, seed: seed, restoreHeight: restoreHeight);
void _restoreFromKeys(Map<String, dynamic> args) {
final path = args['path'] as String;
final password = args['password'] as String;
final restoreHeight = args['restoreHeight'] as int;
final address = args['address'] as String;
final viewKey = args['viewKey'] as String;
final spendKey = args['spendKey'] as String;
path: path,
password: password,
restoreHeight: restoreHeight,
address: address,
viewKey: viewKey,
spendKey: spendKey);
Future<void> _openWallet(Map<String, String> args) async =>
loadWallet(path: args['path'], password: args['password']);
bool _isWalletExist(String path) => isWalletExistSync(path: path);
openWallet({String path, String password, int nettype = 0}) async =>
void openWallet({String path, String password, int nettype = 0}) async =>
loadWallet(path: path, password: password);
Future openWalletAsync(Map args) async => compute(_openWallet, args);
Future<void> openWalletAsync(Map<String, String> args) async =>
compute(_openWallet, args);
Future createWallet(
Future<void> createWallet(
{String path,
String password,
String language = 'English',
@ -215,4 +233,4 @@ Future restoreFromKeys(
'restoreHeight': restoreHeight
Future<bool> isWalletExist({String path}) => compute(_isWalletExist, path);
Future<bool> isWalletExist({String path}) => compute(_isWalletExist, path);

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/wallet.dart' as moneroWallet;
import 'package:cw_monero/wallet.dart' as monero_wallet;
import 'package:cake_wallet/router.dart';
import 'theme_changer.dart';
import 'themes.dart';
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/language.dart';
void main() async {
var appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final appDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
Hive.registerAdapter(ContactAdapter(), 0);
Hive.registerAdapter(NodeAdapter(), 1);
@ -50,18 +50,20 @@ void main() async {
final secureStorage = FlutterSecureStorage();
final transactionDescriptionsBoxKey = await getEncryptionKey(
secureStorage: secureStorage, forKey: 'transactionDescriptionsBoxKey'); // FIXME: Unnamed constant
secureStorage: secureStorage,
forKey: 'transactionDescriptionsBoxKey'); // FIXME: Unnamed constant
final tradesBoxKey = await getEncryptionKey(
secureStorage: secureStorage, forKey: 'tradesBoxKey'); // FIXME: Unnamed constant
secureStorage: secureStorage,
forKey: 'tradesBoxKey'); // FIXME: Unnamed constant
var contacts = await Hive.openBox<Contact>(Contact.boxName);
var nodes = await Hive.openBox<Node>(Node.boxName);
var transactionDescriptions = await Hive.openBox<TransactionDescription>(
final contacts = await Hive.openBox<Contact>(Contact.boxName);
final nodes = await Hive.openBox<Node>(Node.boxName);
final transactionDescriptions = await Hive.openBox<TransactionDescription>(
encryptionKey: transactionDescriptionsBoxKey);
var trades =
final trades =
await Hive.openBox<Trade>(Trade.boxName, encryptionKey: tradesBoxKey);
var walletInfoSource = await Hive.openBox<WalletInfo>(WalletInfo.boxName);
final walletInfoSource = await Hive.openBox<WalletInfo>(WalletInfo.boxName);
final sharedPreferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
final walletService = WalletService();
@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ void main() async {
], child: CakeWalletApp()));
Future<void> initialSetup(
{WalletListService walletListService,
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences,
Box<Node> nodes,
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ initialSetup(
sharedPreferences: sharedPreferences,
nodes: nodes);
await authStore.started();
class CakeWalletApp extends StatelessWidget {

View file

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/xmrto/xmrto_exchange_provider.da
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/node.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/transaction_description.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/account.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/mnemotic_item.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/transaction_info.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/subaddress.dart';
// MARK: Import stores
@ -101,10 +105,10 @@ class Router {
Box<Trade> trades}) {
switch ( {
case Routes.welcome:
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => createWelcomePage());
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => createWelcomePage());
case Routes.newWalletFromWelcome:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => UserStore(
accountService: UserService(
@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ class Router {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, Routes.newWallet))));
case Routes.newWallet:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
(_) =>
ProxyProvider<AuthenticationStore, WalletCreationStore>(
@ -132,10 +136,10 @@ class Router {
Function(BuildContext, String) callback;
if (settings.arguments is Function(BuildContext, String)) {
callback = settings.arguments;
callback = settings.arguments as Function(BuildContext, String);
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => UserStore(
accountService: UserService(
@ -147,13 +151,14 @@ class Router {
fullscreenDialog: true);
case Routes.restoreOptions:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (_) => RestoreOptionsPage());
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => RestoreOptionsPage());
case Routes.restoreWalletOptions:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (_) => RestoreWalletOptionsPage());
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => RestoreWalletOptionsPage());
case Routes.restoreWalletOptionsFromWelcome:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => UserStore(
accountService: UserService(
@ -164,14 +169,14 @@ class Router {
context, Routes.restoreWalletOptions))));
case Routes.seed:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => createSeedPage(
settingsStore: settingsStore,
walletService: walletService,
callback: settings.arguments));
callback: settings.arguments as void Function()));
case Routes.restoreWalletFromSeed:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) =>
ProxyProvider<AuthenticationStore, WalletRestorationStore>(
update: (_, authStore, __) => WalletRestorationStore(
@ -184,7 +189,7 @@ class Router {
sharedPreferences: sharedPreferences)));
case Routes.restoreWalletFromKeys:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) =>
ProxyProvider<AuthenticationStore, WalletRestorationStore>(
update: (_, authStore, __) => WalletRestorationStore(
@ -197,7 +202,7 @@ class Router {
sharedPreferences: sharedPreferences)));
case Routes.dashboard:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => createDashboardPage(
walletService: walletService,
priceStore: priceStore,
@ -207,7 +212,7 @@ class Router {
walletStore: walletStore));
case Routes.send:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (_) => MultiProvider(providers: [
ProxyProvider<SettingsStore, BalanceStore>(
@ -227,7 +232,7 @@ class Router {
], child: SendPage()));
case Routes.receive:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (_) => MultiProvider(providers: [
@ -236,30 +241,30 @@ class Router {
], child: ReceivePage()));
case Routes.transactionDetails:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (_) =>
TransactionDetailsPage(transactionInfo: settings.arguments));
builder: (_) => TransactionDetailsPage(
transactionInfo: settings.arguments as TransactionInfo));
case Routes.newSubaddress:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) =>
SubadrressCreationStore(walletService: walletService),
child: NewSubaddressPage()));
case Routes.disclaimer:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (_) => DisclaimerPage());
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => DisclaimerPage());
case Routes.readDisclaimer:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => DisclaimerPage(isReadOnly: true));
case Routes.seedAlert:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (_) => SeedAlert());
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => SeedAlert());
case Routes.walletList:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => WalletListStore(
@ -268,40 +273,43 @@ class Router {
child: WalletListPage()));
case Routes.auth:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => AuthStore(
sharedPreferences: sharedPreferences,
userService: userService,
walletService: walletService),
child: AuthPage(onAuthenticationFinished: settings.arguments),
child: AuthPage(
settings.arguments as OnAuthenticationFinished),
case Routes.unlock:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
fullscreenDialog: true,
builder: (_) => createUnlockPage(
sharedPreferences: sharedPreferences,
userService: userService,
walletService: walletService,
onAuthenticationFinished: settings.arguments));
settings.arguments as OnAuthenticationFinished));
case Routes.nodeList:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) {
return Provider(
create: (_) => NodeListStore(nodesSource: nodes),
child: NodeListPage());
case Routes.newNode:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider<NodeListStore>(
create: (_) => NodeListStore(nodesSource: nodes),
child: NewNodePage()));
case Routes.login:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) {
final authenticationStore = Provider.of<AuthenticationStore>(context);
return createLoginPage(
@ -313,7 +321,7 @@ class Router {
case Routes.accountList:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (context) {
return MultiProvider(providers: [
@ -324,14 +332,14 @@ class Router {
fullscreenDialog: true);
case Routes.accountCreation:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return CupertinoPageRoute<String>(builder: (context) {
return Provider(
create: (_) => AccountListStore(walletService: walletService),
child: AccountPage(account: settings.arguments));
child: AccountPage(account: settings.arguments as Account));
case Routes.addressBook:
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
@ -344,7 +352,7 @@ class Router {
case Routes.pickerAddressBook:
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
@ -357,7 +365,7 @@ class Router {
case Routes.addressBookAddContact:
return CupertinoPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
@ -365,12 +373,12 @@ class Router {
AccountListStore(walletService: walletService)),
Provider(create: (_) => AddressBookStore(contacts: contacts))
child: ContactPage(contact: settings.arguments),
child: ContactPage(contact: settings.arguments as Contact),
case Routes.showKeys:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (context) {
return Provider(
create: (_) => WalletKeysStore(walletService: walletService),
@ -380,12 +388,13 @@ class Router {
fullscreenDialog: true);
case Routes.exchangeTrade:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => MultiProvider(
providers: [
ProxyProvider<SettingsStore, ExchangeTradeStore>(
update: (_, settingsStore, __) => ExchangeTradeStore(
trade: settings.arguments, walletStore: walletStore),
trade: settings.arguments as Trade,
walletStore: walletStore),
ProxyProvider<SettingsStore, SendStore>(
update: (_, settingsStore, __) => SendStore(
@ -398,21 +407,22 @@ class Router {
case Routes.exchangeConfirm:
return MaterialPageRoute(
builder: (_) => ExchangeConfirmPage(trade: settings.arguments));
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) =>
ExchangeConfirmPage(trade: settings.arguments as Trade));
case Routes.tradeDetails:
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) {
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) {
return MultiProvider(providers: [
ProxyProvider<SettingsStore, ExchangeTradeStore>(
update: (_, settingsStore, __) => ExchangeTradeStore(
trade: settings.arguments, walletStore: walletStore),
trade: settings.arguments as Trade, walletStore: walletStore),
], child: TradeDetailsPage());
case Routes.subaddressList:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<Subaddress>(
builder: (_) => MultiProvider(providers: [
create: (_) =>
@ -420,17 +430,18 @@ class Router {
], child: SubaddressListPage()));
case Routes.restoreWalletFromSeedDetails:
return CupertinoPageRoute(
return CupertinoPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) =>
ProxyProvider<AuthenticationStore, WalletRestorationStore>(
update: (_, authStore, __) => WalletRestorationStore(
authStore: authStore,
sharedPreferences: sharedPreferences,
walletListService: walletListService,
seed: settings.arguments),
seed: settings.arguments as List<MnemoticItem>),
child: RestoreWalletFromSeedDetailsPage()));
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => MultiProvider(providers: [
Provider(create: (_) {
final xmrtoprovider = XMRTOExchangeProvider();
@ -449,25 +460,25 @@ class Router {
], child: ExchangePage()));
case Routes.settings:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => NodeListStore(nodesSource: nodes),
child: SettingsPage()));
case Routes.rescan:
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Provider(
create: (_) => RescanWalletStore(walletService: walletService),
child: RescanPage()));
case Routes.faq:
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => FaqPage());
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => FaqPage());
case Routes.changeLanguage:
return MaterialPageRoute(builder: (_) => ChangeLanguage());
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (_) => ChangeLanguage());
return MaterialPageRoute(
return MaterialPageRoute<void>(
builder: (_) => Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: Text(S.current.router_no_route(,

View file

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/enumerable_item.dart';
class BalanceDisplayMode extends EnumerableItem<int> with Serializable<int> {
const BalanceDisplayMode({@required String title, @required int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
static const all = [
@ -27,9 +30,6 @@ class BalanceDisplayMode extends EnumerableItem<int> with Serializable<int> {
const BalanceDisplayMode({@required String title, @required int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
String toString() {
switch (this) {

View file

@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ part 'contact.g.dart';
class Contact extends HiveObject {
Contact({@required, @required this.address, CryptoCurrency type})
: raw = type?.raw;
static const boxName = 'Contacts';
@ -19,12 +22,6 @@ class Contact extends HiveObject {
CryptoCurrency get type => CryptoCurrency.deserialize(raw: raw);
@required this.address,
CryptoCurrency type})
: raw = type?.raw;
updateCryptoCurrency({@required CryptoCurrency currency}) =>
void updateCryptoCurrency({@required CryptoCurrency currency}) =>
raw = currency.raw;

View file

@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ part 'crypto_currency.g.dart';
class CryptoCurrency extends EnumerableItem<int> with Serializable<int> {
const CryptoCurrency({final String title, final int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
static const all = [
@ -58,9 +61,6 @@ class CryptoCurrency extends EnumerableItem<int> with Serializable<int> {
const CryptoCurrency({final String title, final int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
String toString() => title;

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Future defaultSettingsMigration(
{@required int version,
@required SharedPreferences sharedPreferences,
@required Box<Node> nodes}) async {
int currentVersion =
final currentVersion =
sharedPreferences.getInt('current_default_settings_migration_version') ??
@ -22,17 +22,17 @@ Future defaultSettingsMigration(
try {
switch (version) {
case 1:
await sharedPreferences.setString(
'current_fiat_currency', FiatCurrency.usd.toString());
await sharedPreferences.setInt(
'current_fee_priority', TransactionPriority.standart.raw);
await sharedPreferences.setInt('current_balance_display_mode',
await sharedPreferences.setInt(
'current_default_settings_migration_version', 1);
sharedPreferences.setBool('save_recipient_address', false);
await sharedPreferences.setBool('save_recipient_address', false);
await resetToDefault(nodes);
sharedPreferences.setInt('current_node_id', 0);
await sharedPreferences.setInt('current_node_id', 0);
@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ Future defaultSettingsMigration(
print('Migration error: ${e.toString()}');
await sharedPreferences.setInt(
'current_default_settings_migration_version', version);

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:dio/dio.dart' as Dio;
import 'package:dio/dio.dart' as __dio;
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' as crypto;
import 'dart:math' as math;
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ class DigestRequest {
String generateCnonce() {
final rnd =;
var values = List<int>.generate(32, (i) => rnd.nextInt(256));
final values = List<int>.generate(32, (i) => rnd.nextInt(256));
return base64Url.encode(values).substring(0, 8);
String generateHA1({String realm, String username, String password}) {
final ha1CredentialsData =
final ha1 = md5.convert(ha1CredentialsData).toString();
return ha1;
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ class DigestRequest {
String generateResponseString(
{String ha1,
String ha2,
String nonce,
String nonceCount,
String cnonce,
String qop}) {
String ha2,
String nonce,
String nonceCount,
String cnonce,
String qop}) {
final responseData =
final response = md5.convert(responseData).toString();
return response;
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ class DigestRequest {
Map<String, String> parsetAuthorizationHeader({String source}) {
final authHeaderParts =
source.substring(7).split(',').map((item) => item.trim());
var authenticate = Map<String, String>();
source.substring(7).split(',').map((item) => item.trim());
final authenticate = Map<String, String>();
for (final part in authHeaderParts) {
final kv = part.split('=');
@ -55,30 +55,25 @@ class DigestRequest {
return authenticate;
Future<Dio.Response> request(
Future<__dio.Response> request(
{String uri, String login, String password}) async {
final path = '/json_rpc';
final method = 'POST';
const path = '/json_rpc';
const method = 'POST';
final url = Uri.http(uri, path);
final dio = Dio.Dio();
Map<String, String> headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'};
String body =
json.encode({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", "method": "get_info"});
var credentialsResponse = await,
options: Dio.Options(headers: headers, validateStatus: (_) => true));
var resHeaeders = credentialsResponse.headers;
final authenticate =
parsetAuthorizationHeader(source: resHeaeders['www-authenticate'].first);
final dio = __dio.Dio();
final headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'};
final body =
json.encode({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", "method": "get_info"});
final credentialsResponse = await<Object>(url.toString(),
options: __dio.Options(headers: headers, validateStatus: (_) => true));
final authenticate = parsetAuthorizationHeader(
source: credentialsResponse.headers['www-authenticate'].first);
final qop = authenticate['qop'];
final algorithm = 'MD5';
final realm = 'monero-rpc';
final nonce = authenticate['nonce'];
final cnonce = generateCnonce();
var nonceCount = '00000001';
final nonceCount = '00000001';
final ha1 = generateHA1(realm: realm, username: login, password: password);
final ha2 = generateHA2(method: method, uri: path);
final response = generateResponseString(
@ -92,11 +87,10 @@ class DigestRequest {
final authorizationHeaders = {
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'Digest username="$login",realm="$realm",nonce="$nonce",uri="$path",algorithm="$algorithm",qop=$qop,nc=$nonceCount,cnonce="$cnonce",response="$response"'
'Digest username="$login",realm="$realm",nonce="$nonce",uri="$path",algorithm="$algorithm",qop=$qop,nc=$nonceCount,cnonce="$cnonce",response="$response"'
final res = await,
options: Dio.Options(headers: authorizationHeaders), data: body);
return res;
return await<Object>(url.toString(),
options: __dio.Options(headers: authorizationHeaders), data: body);

View file

@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
abstract class EnumerableItem<T> {
const EnumerableItem({@required this.title, @required this.raw});
final T raw;
final String title;
const EnumerableItem({@required this.title, @required this.raw});
String toString() => title;

View file

@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ Future<double> fetchPriceFor({CryptoCurrency crypto, FiatCurrency fiat}) async {
return 0.0;
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final data = responseJSON['data'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final data = responseJSON['data'] as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;
for (final item in data) {
if (item['symbol'] == cryptoToString(crypto)) {
price = item['quote'][fiatStringified]['price'];
price = item['quote'][fiatStringified]['price'] as double;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/enumerable_item.dart';
class FiatCurrency extends EnumerableItem<String> with Serializable<String> {
const FiatCurrency({String symbol}) : super(title: symbol, raw: symbol);
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is FiatCurrency && other.raw == raw;
static const all = [
@ -71,10 +76,6 @@ class FiatCurrency extends EnumerableItem<String> with Serializable<String> {
static const zar = FiatCurrency(symbol: 'ZAR');
static const vef = FiatCurrency(symbol: 'VEF');
const FiatCurrency({String symbol}) : super(title: symbol, raw: symbol);
operator ==(o) => o is FiatCurrency && o.raw == raw;
int get hashCode => raw.hashCode ^ title.hashCode;

View file

@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class Language with ChangeNotifier {
String _currentLanguage;
String getCurrentLanguage() => _currentLanguage;
getCurrentLanguage() => _currentLanguage;
setCurrentLanguage(String language){
void setCurrentLanguage(String language) {
_currentLanguage = language;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
class MnemoticItem {
MnemoticItem({String text, this.dic}) : _text = text;
String get text => _text;
final List<String> dic;
String _text;
MnemoticItem({String text, this.dic}) {
_text = text;
bool isCorrect() => dic.contains(text);
void changeText(String text) {
@ -16,4 +14,4 @@ class MnemoticItem {
String toString() => text;

View file

@ -8,6 +8,13 @@ part 'node.g.dart';
class Node extends HiveObject {
Node({@required this.uri, this.login, this.password});
Node.fromMap(Map map)
: uri = (map['uri'] ?? '') as String,
login = map['login'] as String,
password = map['password'] as String;
static const boxName = 'Nodes';
@ -19,31 +26,24 @@ class Node extends HiveObject {
String password;
Node({@required this.uri, this.login, this.password});
Node.fromMap(Map map)
: uri = map['uri'] ?? '',
login = map['login'],
password = map['password'];
Future<bool> requestNode(String uri, {String login, String password}) async {
var resBody;
Map<String, dynamic> resBody;
if (login != null && password != null) {
final digestRequest = DigestRequest();
var response = await digestRequest.request(
final response = await digestRequest.request(
uri: uri, login: login, password: password);
resBody =;
resBody = as Map<String, dynamic>;
} else {
final url = Uri.http(uri, '/json_rpc');
Map<String, String> headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'};
String body =
final headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'};
final body =
json.encode({"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "0", "method": "get_info"});
var response =
final response =
await, headers: headers, body: body);
resBody = json.decode(response.body);
resBody = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
return !resBody["result"]["offline"];
return !(resBody["result"]["offline"] as bool);

View file

@ -4,20 +4,21 @@ import "package:yaml/yaml.dart";
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/node.dart';
Future<List<Node>> loadDefaultNodes() async {
String nodesRaw = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/node_list.yml');
List nodes = loadYaml(nodesRaw);
final nodesRaw = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/node_list.yml');
final nodes = loadYaml(nodesRaw) as List<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>;
return => Node.fromMap(raw)).toList();
Future resetToDefault(Box<Node> nodeSource) async {
final nodes = await loadDefaultNodes();
await nodeSource.clear();
final enteties = Map<int, Node>();
Map<int, Node> enteties = {};
await nodeSource.clear();
for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
enteties[i] = nodes[i];
await nodeSource.putAll(enteties);

View file

@ -1,15 +1,9 @@
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/transaction_history.dart' as transactionHistory;
import 'package:cw_monero/transaction_history.dart' as transaction_history;
import 'package:cw_monero/structs/pending_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/monero_amount_format.dart';
class PendingTransaction {
final String amount;
final String fee;
final String hash;
int _pointerAddress;
{@required this.amount, @required this.fee, @required this.hash});
@ -20,6 +14,12 @@ class PendingTransaction {
hash = transactionDescription.hash,
_pointerAddress = transactionDescription.pointerAddress;
Future commit() async => transactionHistory
final String amount;
final String fee;
final String hash;
int _pointerAddress;
Future<void> commit() async => transaction_history
.commitTransactionFromPointerAddress(address: _pointerAddress);

View file

@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ Future<String> presentQRScanner() async {
return result;
} catch (e) {
isQrScannerShown = false;
throw e;

View file

@ -9,18 +9,20 @@ abstract class SyncStatus {
class SyncingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
SyncingSyncStatus(this.height, this.blockchainHeight, this.refreshHeight);
final int height;
final int blockchainHeight;
final int refreshHeight;
SyncingSyncStatus(this.height, this.blockchainHeight, this.refreshHeight);
double progress() {
final line = blockchainHeight - refreshHeight;
final diff = line - (blockchainHeight - height);
return diff <= 0 ? 0.0 : diff / line;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_syncronizing;
@ -28,39 +30,51 @@ class SyncingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
class SyncedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 1.0;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_syncronized;
class NotConnectedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
const NotConnectedSyncStatus();
double progress() => 0.0;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_not_connected;
class StartingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_starting_sync;
class FailedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 1.0;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_failed_connect;
class ConnectingSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_connecting;
class ConnectedSyncStatus extends SyncStatus {
double progress() => 0.0;
String title() => S.current.sync_status_connected;

View file

@ -4,26 +4,20 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/parseBoolFromString.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/transaction_direction.dart';
class TransactionInfo {
final String id;
final int height;
final TransactionDirection direction;
final DateTime date;
final int accountIndex;
final bool isPending;
final int amount;
String recipientAddress;
String _fiatAmount;
TransactionInfo(, this.height, this.direction,,
this.isPending, this.amount, this.accountIndex);
TransactionInfo.fromMap(Map map)
: id = map['hash'] ?? '',
height = map['height'] ?? '',
direction = parseTransactionDirectionFromNumber(map['direction']) ??
: id = (map['hash'] ?? '') as String,
height = (map['height'] ?? 0) as int,
direction =
parseTransactionDirectionFromNumber(map['direction'] as String) ??
date = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(
(int.parse(map['timestamp']) ?? 0) * 1000),
isPending = parseBoolFromString(map['isPending']),
amount = map['amount'],
accountIndex = int.parse(map['accountIndex']);
(int.parse(map['timestamp'] as String) ?? 0) * 1000),
isPending = parseBoolFromString(map['isPending'] as String),
amount = map['amount'] as int,
accountIndex = int.parse(map['accountIndex'] as String);
TransactionInfo.fromRow(TransactionInfoRow row)
: id = row.getHash(),
@ -35,12 +29,20 @@ class TransactionInfo {
amount = row.getAmount(),
accountIndex = row.subaddrAccount;
TransactionInfo(, this.height, this.direction,,
this.isPending, this.amount, this.accountIndex);
final String id;
final int height;
final TransactionDirection direction;
final DateTime date;
final int accountIndex;
final bool isPending;
final int amount;
String recipientAddress;
String _fiatAmount;
String amountFormatted() => '${moneroAmountToString(amount: amount)} XMR';
String fiatAmount() => _fiatAmount ?? '';
changeFiatAmount(String amount) => _fiatAmount = amount;
void changeFiatAmount(String amount) => _fiatAmount = amount;

View file

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/enumerable_item.dart';
class TransactionPriority extends EnumerableItem<int> with Serializable<int> {
const TransactionPriority({String title, int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
static const all = [
@ -33,9 +36,6 @@ class TransactionPriority extends EnumerableItem<int> with Serializable<int> {
const TransactionPriority({String title, int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
String toString() {
switch (this) {

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet_type.dart';
class WalletDescription {
WalletDescription({, this.type});
final String name;
final WalletType type;
WalletDescription({, this.type});

View file

@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ part 'wallet_info.g.dart';
class WalletInfo extends HiveObject {
{,, this.type, this.isRecovery, this.restoreHeight});
static const boxName = 'WalletInfo';
String id;
@ -21,7 +24,4 @@ class WalletInfo extends HiveObject {
int restoreHeight;
{,, this.type, this.isRecovery, this.restoreHeight});

View file

@ -15,45 +15,50 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.da
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade_not_created_exeption.dart';
class ChangeNowExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
: super(
pairList: CryptoCurrency.all
.map((i) {
return {
if (i == CryptoCurrency.btc && k == CryptoCurrency.xmr) {
return ExchangePair(from: i, to: k, reverse: false);
if (i == CryptoCurrency.xmr && k == CryptoCurrency.btc) {
return null;
return ExchangePair(from: i, to: k, reverse: true);
}).where((c) => c != null);
.expand((i) => i)
static const apiUri = '';
static const apiKey = secrets.change_now_api_key;
static const _exchangeAmountUriSufix = '/exchange-amount/';
static const _transactionsUriSufix = '/transactions/';
static const _minAmountUriSufix = '/min-amount/';
String get title => 'ChangeNOW';
ExchangeProviderDescription get description =>
ChangeNowExchangeProvider() {
pairList = CryptoCurrency.all
.map((i) {
return {
if (i == CryptoCurrency.btc && k == CryptoCurrency.xmr) {
return ExchangePair(from: i, to: k, reverse: false);
if (i == CryptoCurrency.xmr && k == CryptoCurrency.btc) {
return null;
return ExchangePair(from: i, to: k, reverse: true);
}).where((c) => c != null);
.expand((i) => i)
Future<Limits> fetchLimits({CryptoCurrency from, CryptoCurrency to}) async {
final symbol = from.toString() + '_' + to.toString();
final url = apiUri + _minAmountUriSufix + symbol;
final response = await get(url);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final double min = responseJSON['minAmount'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final min = responseJSON['minAmount'] as double;
return Limits(min: min, max: null);
Future<Trade> createTrade({TradeRequest request}) async {
const url = apiUri + _transactionsUriSufix + apiKey;
final _request = request as ChangeNowRequest;
@ -70,37 +75,44 @@ class ChangeNowExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
if (response.statusCode == 400) {
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final error = responseJSON['message'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final error = responseJSON['message'] as String;
throw TradeNotCreatedException(description, description: error);
throw TradeNotCreatedException(description);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final id = responseJSON['id'] as String;
final inputAddress = responseJSON['payinAddress'] as String;
final refundAddress = responseJSON['refundAddress'] as String;
final extraId = responseJSON['payinExtraId'] as String;
return Trade(
id: responseJSON['id'],
id: id,
from: _request.from,
provider: description,
inputAddress: responseJSON['payinAddress'],
refundAddress: responseJSON['refundAddress'],
extraId: responseJSON["payinExtraId"],
inputAddress: inputAddress,
refundAddress: refundAddress,
extraId: extraId,
amount: _request.amount,
state: TradeState.created);
Future<Trade> findTradeById({@required String id}) async {
final url = apiUri + _transactionsUriSufix + id + '/' + apiKey;
final response = await get(url);
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
if (response.statusCode == 400) {
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final error = responseJSON['message'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final error = responseJSON['message'] as String;
throw TradeNotFoundException(id,
provider: description, description: error);
@ -108,20 +120,31 @@ class ChangeNowExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
throw TradeNotFoundException(id, provider: description);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final fromCurrency = responseJSON['fromCurrency'] as String;
final from = CryptoCurrency.fromString(fromCurrency);
final toCurrency = responseJSON['toCurrency'] as String;
final to = CryptoCurrency.fromString(toCurrency);
final inputAddress = responseJSON['payinAddress'] as String;
final expectedSendAmount = responseJSON['expectedSendAmount'].toString();
final status = responseJSON['status'] as String;
final state = TradeState.deserialize(raw: status);
final extraId = responseJSON['payinExtraId'] as String;
final outputTransaction = responseJSON['payoutHash'] as String;
return Trade(
id: id,
from: CryptoCurrency.fromString(responseJSON['fromCurrency']),
to: CryptoCurrency.fromString(responseJSON['toCurrency']),
from: from,
to: to,
provider: description,
inputAddress: responseJSON['payinAddress'],
amount: responseJSON['expectedSendAmount'].toString(),
state: TradeState.deserialize(raw: responseJSON['status']),
extraId: responseJSON['payinExtraId'],
outputTransaction: responseJSON['payoutHash']);
inputAddress: inputAddress,
amount: expectedSendAmount,
state: state,
extraId: extraId,
outputTransaction: outputTransaction);
Future<double> calculateAmount(
{CryptoCurrency from, CryptoCurrency to, double amount}) async {
final url = apiUri +
@ -132,8 +155,9 @@ class ChangeNowExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
'_' +
final response = await get(url);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final estimatedAmount = responseJSON['estimatedAmount'] as double;
return responseJSON['estimatedAmount'];
return estimatedAmount;

View file

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade_request.dart';
class ChangeNowRequest extends TradeRequest {
CryptoCurrency from;
CryptoCurrency to;
String address;
String amount;
String refundAddress;
{@required this.from,
@required this.address,
@required this.amount,
@required this.refundAddress});
CryptoCurrency from;
CryptoCurrency to;
String address;
String amount;
String refundAddress;

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/crypto_currency.dart';
class ExchangePair {
ExchangePair({this.from,, this.reverse = true});
final CryptoCurrency from;
final CryptoCurrency to;
final bool reverse;
ExchangePair({this.from,, this.reverse = true});

View file

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.dart';
abstract class ExchangeProvider {
String get title;
List<ExchangePair> pairList;
ExchangeProviderDescription description;

View file

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/enumerable_item.dart';
class ExchangeProviderDescription extends EnumerableItem<int>
with Serializable<int> {
const ExchangeProviderDescription({String title, int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);
static const xmrto = ExchangeProviderDescription(title: 'XMR.TO', raw: 0);
static const changeNow =
ExchangeProviderDescription(title: 'ChangeNOW', raw: 1);
@ -16,9 +19,4 @@ class ExchangeProviderDescription extends EnumerableItem<int>
return null;
final String title;
const ExchangeProviderDescription({this.title, int raw})
: super(title: title, raw: raw);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
class Limits {
const Limits({this.min, this.max});
final double min;
final double max;
const Limits({this.min, this.max});

View file

@ -7,6 +7,25 @@ part 'trade.g.dart';
class Trade extends HiveObject {
ExchangeProviderDescription provider,
CryptoCurrency from,
CryptoCurrency to,
TradeState state,
: providerRaw = provider?.raw,
fromRaw = from?.raw,
toRaw = to?.raw,
stateRaw = state?.raw;
static const boxName = 'Trades';
@ -59,38 +78,20 @@ class Trade extends HiveObject {
static Trade fromMap(Map map) {
return Trade(
id: map['id'],
provider: ExchangeProviderDescription.deserialize(raw: map['provider']),
from: CryptoCurrency.deserialize(raw: map['input']),
to: CryptoCurrency.deserialize(raw: map['output']),
id: map['id'] as String,
provider: ExchangeProviderDescription.deserialize(
raw: map['provider'] as int),
from: CryptoCurrency.deserialize(raw: map['input'] as int),
to: CryptoCurrency.deserialize(raw: map['output'] as int),
createdAt: map['date'] != null
? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(map['date'])
? DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(map['date'] as int)
: null,
amount: map['amount'],
walletId: map['wallet_id']);
amount: map['amount'] as String,
walletId: map['wallet_id'] as String);
ExchangeProviderDescription provider,
CryptoCurrency from,
CryptoCurrency to,
TradeState state,
: providerRaw = provider?.raw,
fromRaw = from?.raw,
toRaw = to?.raw,
stateRaw = state?.raw;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
return <String, dynamic>{
'id': id,
'provider': provider.serialize(),
'input': from.serialize(),

View file

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.da
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class TradeNotCreatedException implements Exception {
TradeNotCreatedException(this.provider, {this.description = ''});
ExchangeProviderDescription provider;
String description;
TradeNotCreatedException(this.provider, {this.description = ''});
String toString() {
var text = provider != null

View file

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.da
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class TradeNotFoundException implements Exception {
TradeNotFoundException(this.tradeId, {this.provider, this.description = ''});
String tradeId;
ExchangeProviderDescription provider;
String description;
TradeNotFoundException(this.tradeId, {this.provider, this.description = ''});
String toString() {
var text = tradeId != null && provider != null

View file

@ -2,6 +2,12 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/enumerable_item.dart';
class TradeState extends EnumerableItem<String> with Serializable<String> {
const TradeState({@required String raw, @required String title})
: super(raw: raw, title: title);
bool operator ==(Object other) => other is TradeState && other.raw == raw;
static const pending = TradeState(raw: 'pending', title: 'Pending');
static const confirming = TradeState(raw: 'confirming', title: 'Confirming');
static const trading = TradeState(raw: 'trading', title: 'Trading');
@ -58,11 +64,6 @@ class TradeState extends EnumerableItem<String> with Serializable<String> {
const TradeState({@required String raw, @required String title})
: super(raw: raw, title: title);
operator ==(o) => o is TradeState && o.raw == raw;
int get hashCode => raw.hashCode ^ title.hashCode;

View file

@ -14,6 +14,12 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.da
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade_not_found_exeption.dart';
class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
: super(pairList: [
from: CryptoCurrency.xmr, to: CryptoCurrency.btc, reverse: false)
static const userAgent = 'CakeWallet/XMR iOS';
static const originalApiUri = '';
static const proxyApiUri = '';
@ -35,18 +41,16 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
return _apiUri;
String get title => 'XMR.TO';
ExchangeProviderDescription get description =>
List<ExchangePair> pairList = [
from: CryptoCurrency.xmr, to: CryptoCurrency.btc, reverse: false)
double _rate = 0;
Future<Limits> fetchLimits({CryptoCurrency from, CryptoCurrency to}) async {
final url = await getApiUri() + _orderParameterUriSufix;
final response = await get(url);
@ -55,13 +59,14 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
return Limits(min: 0, max: 0);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final double min = responseJSON['lower_limit'];
final double max = responseJSON['upper_limit'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final min = responseJSON['lower_limit'] as double;
final max = responseJSON['upper_limit'] as double;
return Limits(min: min, max: max);
Future<Trade> createTrade({TradeRequest request}) async {
final _request = request as XMRTOTradeRequest;
final url = await getApiUri() + _orderCreateUriSufix;
@ -74,16 +79,17 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
if (response.statusCode != 201) {
if (response.statusCode == 400) {
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
throw TradeNotCreatedException(description,
description: responseJSON['error_msg']);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final error = responseJSON['error_msg'] as String;
throw TradeNotCreatedException(description, description: error);
throw TradeNotCreatedException(description);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final uuid = responseJSON["uuid"];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final uuid = responseJSON["uuid"] as String;
return Trade(
id: uuid,
@ -95,6 +101,7 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
Future<Trade> findTradeById({@required String id}) async {
const headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
@ -106,8 +113,9 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
if (response.statusCode == 400) {
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final error = responseJSON['error_msg'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final error = responseJSON['error_msg'] as String;
throw TradeNotFoundException(id,
provider: description, description: error);
@ -115,14 +123,14 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
throw TradeNotFoundException(id, provider: description);
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
final address = responseJSON['xmr_receiving_integrated_address'];
final paymentId = responseJSON['xmr_required_payment_id_short'];
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final address = responseJSON['xmr_receiving_integrated_address'] as String;
final paymentId = responseJSON['xmr_required_payment_id_short'] as String;
final amount = responseJSON['xmr_amount_total'].toString();
final stateRaw = responseJSON['state'];
final expiredAtRaw = responseJSON['expires_at'];
final stateRaw = responseJSON['state'] as String;
final expiredAtRaw = responseJSON['expires_at'] as String;
final expiredAt = DateTime.parse(expiredAtRaw).toLocal();
final outputTransaction = responseJSON['btc_transaction_id'];
final outputTransaction = responseJSON['btc_transaction_id'] as String;
final state = TradeState.deserialize(raw: stateRaw);
return Trade(
@ -138,6 +146,7 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
outputTransaction: outputTransaction);
Future<double> calculateAmount(
{CryptoCurrency from, CryptoCurrency to, double amount}) async {
if (from != CryptoCurrency.xmr && to != CryptoCurrency.btc) {
@ -158,9 +167,10 @@ class XMRTOExchangeProvider extends ExchangeProvider {
final url = await getApiUri() + _orderParameterUriSufix;
final response =
await get(url, headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body);
double btcprice = responseJSON['price'];
double price = 1 / btcprice;
final responseJSON = json.decode(response.body) as Map<String, dynamic>;
final btcprice = responseJSON['price'] as double;
final price = 1 / btcprice;
return price;
} catch (e) {

View file

@ -3,16 +3,16 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade_request.dart';
class XMRTOTradeRequest extends TradeRequest {
final CryptoCurrency from;
final CryptoCurrency to;
final String amount;
final String address;
final String refundAddress;
{@required this.from,
@required this.amount,
@required this.address,
@required this.refundAddress});
final CryptoCurrency from;
final CryptoCurrency to;
final String amount;
final String address;
final String refundAddress;

View file

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
import 'package:cw_monero/structs/account_row.dart';
class Account {
final int id;
final String label;
Account({, this.label});
Account.fromMap(Map map)
: = map['id'] == null ? 0 : int.parse(map['id']),
this.label = map['label'] ?? '';
: = map['id'] == null ? 0 : int.parse(map['id'] as String),
this.label = (map['label'] ?? '') as String;
Account.fromRow(AccountRow row)
: = row.getId(),
this.label = row.getLabel();
final int id;
final String label;

View file

@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/account_list.dart' as accountListAPI;
import 'package:cw_monero/account_list.dart' as account_list;
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/account.dart';
class AccountList {
get accounts =>;
BehaviorSubject<List<Account>> _accounts;
bool _isRefreshing;
bool _isUpdating;
AccountList() {
_isRefreshing = false;
_isUpdating = false;
_accounts = BehaviorSubject<List<Account>>();
Observable<List<Account>> get accounts =>;
BehaviorSubject<List<Account>> _accounts;
bool _isRefreshing;
bool _isUpdating;
Future update() async {
if (_isUpdating) {
@ -22,46 +22,47 @@ class AccountList {
try {
_isUpdating = true;
await refresh();
final accounts = getAll();
_isUpdating = false;
} catch (e) {
_isUpdating = false;
throw e;
List<Account> getAll() {
return accountListAPI
return account_list
.map((accountRow) => Account.fromRow(accountRow))
Future addAccount({String label}) async {
await accountListAPI.addAccount(label: label);
await account_list.addAccount(label: label);
await update();
Future setLabelSubaddress({int accountIndex, String label}) async {
await accountListAPI.setLabelForAccount(accountIndex: accountIndex, label: label);
await account_list.setLabelForAccount(
accountIndex: accountIndex, label: label);
await update();
refresh() {
void refresh() {
if (_isRefreshing) {
try {
_isRefreshing = true;
_isRefreshing = false;
} catch (e) {
_isRefreshing = false;
throw e;

View file

@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ int getHeigthByDate({DateTime date}) {
if (endHeight <= 0) {
endHeight = dates.values.toList()[dates.length - 1];
final preLastDate = dateFormat.parse(dates.keys.elementAt(dates.keys.length - 2));
final preLastDate =
dateFormat.parse(dates.keys.elementAt(dates.keys.length - 2));
preLastYear = preLastDate.year;
preLastMonth = preLastDate.month;
} else {
@ -90,12 +91,12 @@ int getHeigthByDate({DateTime date}) {
preLastYear -= 1;
var startRaw = '$preLastYear' + '-' + '$preLastMonth';
var startHeight = dates[startRaw];
var diff = endHeight - startHeight;
var heightPerDay = diff / 30;
var daysHeight = * heightPerDay.round();
var height = endHeight + daysHeight;
final startRaw = '$preLastYear' + '-' + '$preLastMonth';
final startHeight = dates[startRaw];
final diff = endHeight - startHeight;
final heightPerDay = diff / 30;
final daysHeight = * heightPerDay.round();
final height = endHeight + daysHeight;
return height;

View file

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/balance.dart';
class MoneroBalance extends Balance {
MoneroBalance({@required this.fullBalance, @required this.unlockedBalance});
final String fullBalance;
final String unlockedBalance;
MoneroBalance({@required this.fullBalance, @required this.unlockedBalance});

View file

@ -3,11 +3,11 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/transaction_priority.dart';
class MoneroTransactionCreationCredentials
extends TransactionCreationCredentials {
{this.address, this.paymentId, this.priority, this.amount});
final String address;
final String paymentId;
final String amount;
final TransactionPriority priority;
{this.address, this.paymentId, this.priority, this.amount});

View file

@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/transaction_history.dart' as moneroTransactionHistory;
import 'package:cw_monero/transaction_history.dart'
as monero_transaction_history;
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/transaction_history.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/transaction_info.dart';
List<TransactionInfo> _getAllTransactions(_) => moneroTransactionHistory
List<TransactionInfo> _getAllTransactions(dynamic _) => monero_transaction_history
.map((row) => TransactionInfo.fromRow(row))
class MoneroTransactionHistory extends TransactionHistory {
get transactions =>;
BehaviorSubject<List<TransactionInfo>> _transactions;
: _transactions = BehaviorSubject<List<TransactionInfo>>.seeded([]);
Observable<List<TransactionInfo>> get transactions =>;
final BehaviorSubject<List<TransactionInfo>> _transactions;
bool _isUpdating = false;
bool _isRefreshing = false;
bool _needToCheckForRefresh = false;
: _transactions = BehaviorSubject<List<TransactionInfo>>.seeded([]);
Future update() async {
if (_isUpdating) {
@ -38,15 +41,18 @@ class MoneroTransactionHistory extends TransactionHistory {
} catch (e) {
_isUpdating = false;
throw e;
Future<List<TransactionInfo>> getAll({bool force = false}) async =>
Future<int> count() async => moneroTransactionHistory.countOfTransactions();
Future<int> count() async => monero_transaction_history.countOfTransactions();
Future refresh() async {
if (_isRefreshing) {
@ -54,12 +60,12 @@ class MoneroTransactionHistory extends TransactionHistory {
try {
_isRefreshing = true;
_isRefreshing = false;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
_isRefreshing = false;
throw e;

View file

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/wallet.dart' as moneroWallet;
import 'package:cw_monero/transaction_history.dart' as transactionHistory;
import 'package:cw_monero/wallet.dart' as monero_wallet;
import 'package:cw_monero/transaction_history.dart' as transaction_history;
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet_info.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/sync_status.dart';
@ -23,9 +23,25 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/subaddress.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/balance.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/monero_balance.dart';
const monero_block_size = 1000;
const moneroBlockSize = 1000;
class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
MoneroWallet({this.walletInfoSource, this.walletInfo}) {
_cachedBlockchainHeight = 0;
_isSaving = false;
_lastSaveTime = 0;
_lastRefreshTime = 0;
_refreshHeight = 0;
_lastSyncHeight = 0;
_name = BehaviorSubject<String>();
_address = BehaviorSubject<String>();
_syncStatus = BehaviorSubject<SyncStatus>();
_onBalanceChange = BehaviorSubject<MoneroBalance>();
_account = BehaviorSubject<Account>()..add(Account(id: 0));
_subaddress = BehaviorSubject<Subaddress>();
static Future<MoneroWallet> createdWallet(
{Box<WalletInfo> walletInfoSource,
String name,
@ -48,8 +64,8 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
static Future<MoneroWallet> load(
Box<WalletInfo> walletInfoSource, String name, WalletType type) async {
final id = walletTypeToString(type).toLowerCase() + '_' + name;
final walletInfo =
walletInfoSource.values.firstWhere((info) => == id, orElse: () => null);
final walletInfo = walletInfoSource.values
.firstWhere((info) => == id, orElse: () => null);
return await configured(
walletInfoSource: walletInfoSource, walletInfo: walletInfo);
@ -61,29 +77,44 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
walletInfoSource: walletInfoSource, walletInfo: walletInfo);
if (walletInfo.isRecovery) {
await wallet.setRecoveringFromSeed();
if (walletInfo.restoreHeight != null) {
await wallet.setRefreshFromBlockHeight(
height: walletInfo.restoreHeight);
wallet.setRefreshFromBlockHeight(height: walletInfo.restoreHeight);
return wallet;
String get address => _address.value;
String get name => _name.value;
WalletType getType() => WalletType.monero;
bool get isRecovery => walletInfo.isRecovery;
Observable<SyncStatus> get syncStatus =>;
Observable<Balance> get onBalanceChange =>;
Observable<Account> get onAccountChange =>;
Observable<String> get onNameChange =>;
Observable<String> get onAddressChange =>;
Observable<Account> get onAccountChange =>;
Observable<Subaddress> get subaddress =>;
bool get isRecovery => walletInfo.isRecovery;
Account get account => _account.value;
String get address => _address.value;
String get name => _name.value;
Box<WalletInfo> walletInfoSource;
WalletInfo walletInfo;
@ -105,27 +136,11 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
SubaddressList _cachedSubaddressList;
AccountList _cachedAccountList;
{this.walletInfoSource, this.walletInfo}) {
_cachedBlockchainHeight = 0;
_isSaving = false;
_lastSaveTime = 0;
_lastRefreshTime = 0;
_refreshHeight = 0;
_lastSyncHeight = 0;
_name = BehaviorSubject<String>();
_address = BehaviorSubject<String>();
_syncStatus = BehaviorSubject<SyncStatus>();
_onBalanceChange = BehaviorSubject<MoneroBalance>();
_account = BehaviorSubject<Account>()..add(Account(id: 0));
_subaddress = BehaviorSubject<Subaddress>();
Future updateInfo() async {
_name.value = await getName();
final acccountList = getAccountList();
await acccountList.refresh();
_account.value = acccountList.getAll().first;
final subaddressList = getSubaddress();
await subaddressList.refresh(
@ -135,67 +150,48 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
_address.value = await getAddress();
Future<String> getFilename() async => moneroWallet.getFilename();
Future<String> getFilename() async => monero_wallet.getFilename();
Future<String> getName() async => getFilename()
.then((filename) => filename.split('/'))
.then((splitted) => splitted.last);
Future<String> getAddress() async => moneroWallet.getAddress(
Future<String> getAddress() async => monero_wallet.getAddress(
accountIndex:, addressIndex:;
Future<String> getSeed() async => moneroWallet.getSeed();
Future<String> getSeed() async => monero_wallet.getSeed();
Future<String> getFullBalance() async => moneroAmountToString(
amount: moneroWallet.getFullBalance(accountIndex:;
amount: monero_wallet.getFullBalance(accountIndex:;
Future<String> getUnlockedBalance() async => moneroAmountToString(
amount: moneroWallet.getUnlockedBalance(accountIndex:;
Future<int> getCurrentHeight() async => moneroWallet.getCurrentHeight();
Future<int> getCurrentHeight() async => monero_wallet.getCurrentHeight();
Future<int> getNodeHeight() async => moneroWallet.getNodeHeight();
Future<int> getNodeHeight() async => monero_wallet.getNodeHeight();
Future<bool> isConnected() async => monero_wallet.isConnected();
Future<Map<String, String>> getKeys() async => {
'publicViewKey': moneroWallet.getPublicViewKey(),
'privateViewKey': moneroWallet.getSecretViewKey(),
'publicSpendKey': moneroWallet.getPublicSpendKey(),
'privateSpendKey': moneroWallet.getSecretSpendKey()
'publicViewKey': monero_wallet.getPublicViewKey(),
'privateViewKey': monero_wallet.getSecretViewKey(),
'publicSpendKey': monero_wallet.getPublicSpendKey(),
'privateSpendKey': monero_wallet.getSecretSpendKey()
Future close() async {
Future connectToNode(
{Node node, bool useSSL = false, bool isLightWallet = false}) async {
try {
_syncStatus.value = ConnectingSyncStatus();
await moneroWallet.setupNode(
address: node.uri,
login: node.login,
password: node.password,
useSSL: useSSL,
isLightWallet: isLightWallet);
_syncStatus.value = ConnectedSyncStatus();
} catch (e) {
_syncStatus.value = FailedSyncStatus();
Future startSync() async {
try {
_syncStatus.value = StartingSyncStatus();
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
_syncStatus.value = FailedSyncStatus();
throw e;
TransactionHistory getHistory() {
if (_cachedTransactionHistory == null) {
_cachedTransactionHistory = MoneroTransactionHistory();
@ -220,6 +216,45 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
return _cachedAccountList;
Future close() async {
await _name.close();
await _address.close();
await _subaddress.close();
Future connectToNode(
{Node node, bool useSSL = false, bool isLightWallet = false}) async {
try {
_syncStatus.value = ConnectingSyncStatus();
await monero_wallet.setupNode(
address: node.uri,
login: node.login,
password: node.password,
useSSL: useSSL,
isLightWallet: isLightWallet);
_syncStatus.value = ConnectedSyncStatus();
} catch (e) {
_syncStatus.value = FailedSyncStatus();
Future startSync() async {
try {
_syncStatus.value = StartingSyncStatus();
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
_syncStatus.value = FailedSyncStatus();
Future askForSave() async {
final diff = - _lastSaveTime;
@ -238,12 +273,11 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
return _cachedBlockchainHeight;
Future<PendingTransaction> createTransaction(
TransactionCreationCredentials credentials) async {
MoneroTransactionCreationCredentials _credentials =
credentials as MoneroTransactionCreationCredentials;
final transactionDescription = await transactionHistory.createTransaction(
final _credentials = credentials as MoneroTransactionCreationCredentials;
final transactionDescription = await transaction_history.createTransaction(
address: _credentials.address,
paymentId: _credentials.paymentId,
amount: _credentials.amount,
@ -254,13 +288,19 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
setRecoveringFromSeed() =>
moneroWallet.setRecoveringFromSeed(isRecovery: true);
Future rescan({int restoreHeight = 0}) async {
_syncStatus.value = StartingSyncStatus();
setRefreshFromBlockHeight(height: restoreHeight);
_syncStatus.value = StartingSyncStatus();
setRefreshFromBlockHeight({int height}) =>
moneroWallet.setRefreshFromBlockHeight(height: height);
void setRecoveringFromSeed() =>
monero_wallet.setRecoveringFromSeed(isRecovery: true);
Future<bool> isConnected() async => moneroWallet.isConnected();
void setRefreshFromBlockHeight({int height}) =>
monero_wallet.setRefreshFromBlockHeight(height: height);
Future setAsRecovered() async {
walletInfo.isRecovery = false;
@ -285,22 +325,15 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
Future askForUpdateTransactionHistory() async => await getHistory().update();
Future rescan({int restoreHeight = 0}) async {
_syncStatus.value = StartingSyncStatus();
setRefreshFromBlockHeight(height: restoreHeight);
_syncStatus.value = StartingSyncStatus();
changeCurrentSubaddress(Subaddress subaddress) =>
void changeCurrentSubaddress(Subaddress subaddress) =>
_subaddress.value = subaddress;
changeAccount(Account account) {
void changeAccount(Account account) {
.then((_) => getSubaddress().getAll())
.then((dynamic _) => getSubaddress().getAll())
.then((subaddresses) => _subaddress.value = subaddresses[0]);
@ -311,16 +344,16 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
try {
_isSaving = true;;
_isSaving = false;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
_isSaving = false;
throw e;
setListeners() => moneroWallet.setListeners(
void setListeners() => monero_wallet.setListeners(
_onNewBlock, _onNeedToRefresh, _onNewTransaction);
Future _onNewBlock(int height) async {
@ -333,13 +366,13 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
if (isRecovery &&
(_lastSyncHeight == 0 ||
(height - _lastSyncHeight) > monero_block_size)) {
(height - _lastSyncHeight) > moneroBlockSize)) {
_lastSyncHeight = height;
await askForUpdateBalance();
await askForUpdateTransactionHistory();
if (height > 0 && ((nodeHeight - height) < monero_block_size)) {
if (height > 0 && ((nodeHeight - height) < moneroBlockSize)) {
} else {
_syncStatus.add(SyncingSyncStatus(height, nodeHeight, _refreshHeight));
@ -363,15 +396,15 @@ class MoneroWallet extends Wallet {
await askForUpdateBalance();
if (isRecovery) {
await askForUpdateTransactionHistory();
if (isRecovery && (nodeHeight - currentHeight < monero_block_size)) {
if (isRecovery && (nodeHeight - currentHeight < moneroBlockSize)) {
await setAsRecovered();

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/wallet_manager.dart' as moneroWalletManager;
import 'package:cw_monero/wallet_manager.dart' as monero_wallet_manager;
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet_info.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallet_type.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/wallets_manager.dart';
@ -24,54 +24,61 @@ Future<String> pathForWallet({String name}) async {
class MoneroWalletsManager extends WalletsManager {
MoneroWalletsManager({@required this.walletInfoSource});
static const type = WalletType.monero;
Box<WalletInfo> walletInfoSource;
MoneroWalletsManager({@required this.walletInfoSource});
Future<Wallet> create(String name, String password) async {
try {
const isRecovery = false;
final path = await pathForWallet(name: name);
await moneroWalletManager.createWallet(path: path, password: password);
await monero_wallet_manager.createWallet(path: path, password: password);
final wallet = await MoneroWallet.createdWallet(
walletInfoSource: walletInfoSource, name: name, isRecovery: isRecovery)
walletInfoSource: walletInfoSource,
name: name,
isRecovery: isRecovery);
await wallet.updateInfo();
return wallet;
} catch (e) {
print('MoneroWalletsManager Error: $e');
throw e;
Future<Wallet> restoreFromSeed(
String name, String password, String seed, int restoreHeight) async {
try {
const isRecovery = true;
final path = await pathForWallet(name: name);
await moneroWalletManager.restoreFromSeed(
await monero_wallet_manager.restoreFromSeed(
path: path,
password: password,
seed: seed,
restoreHeight: restoreHeight);
return await MoneroWallet.createdWallet(
final wallet = await MoneroWallet.createdWallet(
walletInfoSource: walletInfoSource,
name: name,
isRecovery: isRecovery,
restoreHeight: restoreHeight)
restoreHeight: restoreHeight);
await wallet.updateInfo();
return wallet;
} catch (e) {
print('MoneroWalletsManager Error: $e');
throw e;
Future<Wallet> restoreFromKeys(
String name,
String password,
@ -83,7 +90,7 @@ class MoneroWalletsManager extends WalletsManager {
const isRecovery = true;
final path = await pathForWallet(name: name);
await moneroWalletManager.restoreFromKeys(
await monero_wallet_manager.restoreFromKeys(
path: path,
password: password,
restoreHeight: restoreHeight,
@ -95,40 +102,43 @@ class MoneroWalletsManager extends WalletsManager {
walletInfoSource: walletInfoSource,
name: name,
isRecovery: isRecovery,
restoreHeight: restoreHeight)
restoreHeight: restoreHeight);
await wallet.updateInfo();
return wallet;
} catch (e) {
print('MoneroWalletsManager Error: $e');
throw e;
Future<Wallet> openWallet(String name, String password) async {
try {
final path = await pathForWallet(name: name);
await moneroWalletManager.openWallet(path: path, password: password);
final wallet = await MoneroWallet.load(walletInfoSource, name, type)
monero_wallet_manager.openWallet(path: path, password: password);
final wallet = await MoneroWallet.load(walletInfoSource, name, type);
await wallet.updateInfo();
return wallet;
} catch (e) {
print('MoneroWalletsManager Error: $e');
throw e;
Future<bool> isWalletExit(String name) async {
try {
final path = await pathForWallet(name: name);
return moneroWalletManager.isWalletExist(path: path);
return monero_wallet_manager.isWalletExist(path: path);
} catch (e) {
print('MoneroWalletsManager Error: $e');
throw e;
Future remove(WalletDescription wallet) async {
final dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final root = dir.path.replaceAll('app_flutter', 'files');
@ -153,8 +163,9 @@ class MoneroWalletsManager extends WalletsManager {
final id =
walletTypeToString(wallet.type).toLowerCase() + '_' +;
final info = walletInfoSource.values.firstWhere((info) => == id, orElse: () => null);
final info = walletInfoSource.values
.firstWhere((info) => == id, orElse: () => null);
await info?.delete();

View file

@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
import 'package:cw_monero/structs/subaddress_row.dart';
class Subaddress {
final int id;
final String address;
final String label;
Subaddress({, this.address, this.label});
Subaddress.fromMap(Map map)
: = map['id'] == null ? 0 : int.parse(map['id']),
this.address = map['address'] ?? '',
this.label = map['label'] ?? '';
: = map['id'] == null ? 0 : int.parse(map['id'] as String),
this.address = (map['address'] ?? '') as String,
this.label = (map['label'] ?? '') as String;
Subaddress.fromRow(SubaddressRow row)
: = row.getId(),
this.address = row.getAddress(),
this.label = row.getLabel();
final int id;
final String address;
final String label;

View file

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:cw_monero/subaddress_list.dart' as subaddressListAPI;
import 'package:cw_monero/subaddress_list.dart' as subaddress_list;
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/subaddress.dart';
class SubaddressList {
get subaddresses =>;
BehaviorSubject<List<Subaddress>> _subaddress;
bool _isRefreshing;
bool _isUpdating;
SubaddressList() {
_isRefreshing = false;
_isUpdating = false;
_subaddress = BehaviorSubject<List<Subaddress>>();
Observable<List<Subaddress>> get subaddresses =>;
BehaviorSubject<List<Subaddress>> _subaddress;
bool _isRefreshing;
bool _isUpdating;
Future update({int accountIndex}) async {
if (_isUpdating) {
@ -29,25 +29,26 @@ class SubaddressList {
_isUpdating = false;
} catch (e) {
_isUpdating = false;
throw e;
List<Subaddress> getAll() {
return subaddressListAPI
return subaddress_list
.map((subaddressRow) => Subaddress.fromRow(subaddressRow))
Future addSubaddress({int accountIndex, String label}) async {
await subaddressListAPI.addSubaddress(accountIndex: accountIndex, label: label);
await subaddress_list.addSubaddress(
accountIndex: accountIndex, label: label);
await update(accountIndex: accountIndex);
Future setLabelSubaddress(
{int accountIndex, int addressIndex, String label}) async {
await subaddressListAPI.setLabelForSubaddress(
await subaddress_list.setLabelForSubaddress(
accountIndex: accountIndex, addressIndex: addressIndex, label: label);
await update();
@ -59,12 +60,12 @@ class SubaddressList {
try {
_isRefreshing = true;
subaddressListAPI.refreshSubaddresses(accountIndex: accountIndex);
subaddress_list.refreshSubaddresses(accountIndex: accountIndex);
_isRefreshing = false;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
_isRefreshing = false;
throw e;

View file

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ part 'transaction_description.g.dart';
class TransactionDescription extends HiveObject {
TransactionDescription({, this.recipientAddress});
static const boxName = 'TransactionDescriptions';
@ -11,6 +13,4 @@ class TransactionDescription extends HiveObject {
String recipientAddress;
TransactionDescription({, this.recipientAddress});

View file

@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/secret_store_key.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/encrypt.dart';
class UserService {
UserService({this.sharedPreferences, this.secureStorage});
final FlutterSecureStorage secureStorage;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
UserService({this.sharedPreferences, this.secureStorage});
Future setPassword(String password) async {
final key = generateStoreKeyFor(key: SecretStoreKey.pinCodePassword);

View file

@ -15,21 +15,15 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/monero_wallets_manager.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/services/wallet_service.dart';
class WalletIsExistException implements Exception {
String name;
String name;
String toString() => "Wallet with name $name is already exist!";
class WalletListService {
final FlutterSecureStorage secureStorage;
final WalletService walletService;
final Box<WalletInfo> walletInfoSource;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
WalletsManager walletsManager;
@ -37,6 +31,12 @@ class WalletListService {
@required this.walletService,
@required this.sharedPreferences});
final FlutterSecureStorage secureStorage;
final WalletService walletService;
final Box<WalletInfo> walletInfoSource;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
WalletsManager walletsManager;
Future<List<WalletDescription>> getAll() async => walletInfoSource.values
.map((info) => WalletDescription(name:, type: info.type))
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class WalletListService {
final password = Uuid().v4();
await saveWalletPassword(password: password, walletName: name);
final wallet = await walletsManager.create(name, password);
await onWalletChange(wallet);
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ class WalletListService {
final key = generateStoreKeyFor(
key: SecretStoreKey.moneroWalletPassword, walletName: walletName);
final encodedPassword = await key);
return decodeWalletPassword(password: encodedPassword);

View file

@ -10,17 +10,40 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/pending_transaction.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/node.dart';
class WalletService extends Wallet {
Observable<Wallet> get onWalletChange =>;
WalletService() {
_currentWallet = null;
walletType = WalletType.none;
_syncStatus = BehaviorSubject<SyncStatus>();
_onBalanceChange = BehaviorSubject<Balance>();
_onWalletChanged = BehaviorSubject<Wallet>();
Observable<Balance> get onBalanceChange =>;
Observable<SyncStatus> get syncStatus =>;
Observable<String> get onAddressChange => _currentWallet.onAddressChange;
Observable<String> get onNameChange => _currentWallet.onNameChange;
String get address => _currentWallet.address;
String get name =>;
SyncStatus get syncStatusValue => _syncStatus.value;
WalletType get walletType => _currentWallet.walletType;
get currentWallet => _currentWallet;
Observable<Wallet> get onWalletChange =>;
SyncStatus get syncStatusValue => _syncStatus.value;
Wallet get currentWallet => _currentWallet;
set currentWallet(Wallet wallet) {
_currentWallet = wallet;
@ -44,55 +67,65 @@ class WalletService extends Wallet {
BehaviorSubject<SyncStatus> _syncStatus;
Wallet _currentWallet;
WalletService() {
_currentWallet = null;
walletType = WalletType.none;
_syncStatus = BehaviorSubject<SyncStatus>();
_onBalanceChange = BehaviorSubject<Balance>();
_onWalletChanged = BehaviorSubject<Wallet>();
WalletDescription description;
WalletType getType() => WalletType.monero;
Future<String> getFilename() => _currentWallet.getFilename();
Future<String> getName() => _currentWallet.getName();
Future<String> getAddress() => _currentWallet.getAddress();
Future<String> getSeed() => _currentWallet.getSeed();
Future<Map<String, String>> getKeys() => _currentWallet.getKeys();
Future<String> getFullBalance() => _currentWallet.getFullBalance();
Future<String> getUnlockedBalance() => _currentWallet.getUnlockedBalance();
Future<int> getCurrentHeight() => _currentWallet.getCurrentHeight();
Future<int> getNodeHeight() => _currentWallet.getNodeHeight();
Future<bool> isConnected() => _currentWallet.isConnected();
Future close() => _currentWallet.close();
Future connectToNode({Node node, bool useSSL = false, bool isLightWallet = false}) =>
Future connectToNode(
{Node node, bool useSSL = false, bool isLightWallet = false}) =>
node: node,
useSSL: useSSL,
isLightWallet: isLightWallet);
node: node, useSSL: useSSL, isLightWallet: isLightWallet);
Future startSync() => _currentWallet.startSync();
TransactionHistory getHistory() => _currentWallet.getHistory();
Future<PendingTransaction> createTransaction(
TransactionCreationCredentials credentials) =>
Future updateInfo() async => _currentWallet.updateInfo();
Future rescan({int restoreHeight = 0}) async => _currentWallet.rescan(restoreHeight: restoreHeight);
Future rescan({int restoreHeight = 0}) async =>
_currentWallet.rescan(restoreHeight: restoreHeight);

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:mobx/mobx.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/node.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/sync_status.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/services/wallet_service.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/start_updating_price.dart';
@ -11,7 +12,12 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/price/price_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/authentication/authentication_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/login/login_store.dart';
Timer _reconnectionTimer;
ReactionDisposer _connectToNodeDisposer;
ReactionDisposer _onSyncStatusChangeDisposer;
ReactionDisposer _onCurrentWalletChangeDisposer;
void setReactions(
{@required SettingsStore settingsStore,
@required PriceStore priceStore,
@required SyncStore syncStore,
@ -36,29 +42,44 @@ setReactions(
connectToNode({SettingsStore settingsStore, WalletStore walletStore}) =>
reaction((_) => settingsStore.node,
(node) async => await walletStore.connectToNode(node: node));
void connectToNode({SettingsStore settingsStore, WalletStore walletStore}) {
{SyncStore syncStore,
WalletStore walletStore,
SettingsStore settingsStore}) =>
reaction((_) => syncStore.status, (status) async {
if (status is ConnectedSyncStatus) {
await walletStore.startSync();
_connectToNodeDisposer = reaction((_) => settingsStore.node,
(Node node) async => await walletStore.connectToNode(node: node));
// Reconnect to the node if the app is not started sync after 30 seconds
if (status is StartingSyncStatus) {
await startReconnectionObserver(
syncStore: syncStore, walletStore: walletStore);
void onCurrentWalletChange(
{WalletStore walletStore,
SettingsStore settingsStore,
PriceStore priceStore}) {
Timer _reconnectionTimer;
reaction((_) =>, (String _) {
walletStore.connectToNode(node: settingsStore.node);
startUpdatingPrice(settingsStore: settingsStore, priceStore: priceStore);
startReconnectionObserver({SyncStore syncStore, WalletStore walletStore}) {
void onSyncStatusChange(
{SyncStore syncStore,
WalletStore walletStore,
SettingsStore settingsStore}) {
reaction((_) => syncStore.status, (SyncStatus status) async {
if (status is ConnectedSyncStatus) {
await walletStore.startSync();
// Reconnect to the node if the app is not started sync after 30 seconds
if (status is StartingSyncStatus) {
startReconnectionObserver(syncStore: syncStore, walletStore: walletStore);
void startReconnectionObserver({SyncStore syncStore, WalletStore walletStore}) {
if (_reconnectionTimer != null) {
@ -75,12 +96,3 @@ startReconnectionObserver({SyncStore syncStore, WalletStore walletStore}) {
{WalletStore walletStore,
SettingsStore settingsStore,
PriceStore priceStore}) =>
reaction((_) =>, (_) {
walletStore.connectToNode(node: settingsStore.node);
startUpdatingPrice(settingsStore: settingsStore, priceStore: priceStore);

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/wallet/wallet_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
class AccountListPage extends BasePage {
String get title => S.current.accounts;
@ -21,8 +22,7 @@ class AccountListPage extends BasePage {
width: 28.0,
height: 28.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Theme.of(context).selectedRowColor),
shape:, color: Theme.of(context).selectedRowColor),
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class AccountListPage extends BasePage {
onPressed: () async {
await Navigator.of(context)
await accountListStore.updateAccountList();
child: Offstage()),
@ -53,13 +53,10 @@ class AccountListPage extends BasePage {
return Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 10, bottom: 20),
child: Observer(
builder: (_) {
final accounts = accountListStore.accounts;
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: accounts == null
? 0
: accounts.length,
child: Observer(builder: (_) {
final accounts = accountListStore.accounts;
return ListView.builder(
itemCount: accounts == null ? 0 : accounts.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
final account = accounts[index];
@ -78,7 +75,10 @@ class AccountListPage extends BasePage {
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16.0,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.headline.color),
color: Theme.of(context)
onTap: () {
if (isCurrent) {
@ -102,8 +102,9 @@ class AccountListPage extends BasePage {
icon: Icons.edit,
onTap: () async {
await Navigator.of(context)
.pushNamed(Routes.accountCreation, arguments: account);
await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
arguments: account);
// await accountListStore.updateAccountList().then((_) {
// if (isCurrent) walletStore.setAccount(accountListStore.accounts[index]);
// });
@ -113,8 +114,7 @@ class AccountListPage extends BasePage {

View file

@ -10,22 +10,24 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/account.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class AccountPage extends BasePage {
String get title => 'Account';
final Account account;
String get title => 'Account';
Widget body(BuildContext context) => AccountForm(account);
class AccountForm extends StatefulWidget {
final Account account;
final Account account;
createState() => AccountFormState();
AccountFormState createState() => AccountFormState();
class AccountFormState extends State<AccountForm> {
@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ class AccountFormState extends State<AccountForm> {
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor),
hintText: S.of(context).account,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
BorderSide(color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor, width: 1.0))),
@ -88,7 +90,7 @@ class AccountFormState extends State<AccountForm> {
await accountListStore.addAccount(
label: _textController.text);
Navigator.pop(context, _textController.text);
widget.account != null ? 'Rename' : S.of(context).add,

View file

@ -12,13 +12,18 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/address_book/address_book_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
class AddressBookPage extends BasePage {
bool get isModalBackButton => true;
String get title => S.current.address_book;
AppBarStyle get appBarStyle => AppBarStyle.withShadow;
AddressBookPage({this.isEditable = true});
final bool isEditable;
AddressBookPage({this.isEditable = true});
bool get isModalBackButton => true;
String get title => S.current.address_book;
AppBarStyle get appBarStyle => AppBarStyle.withShadow;
Widget trailing(BuildContext context) {
@ -32,8 +37,7 @@ class AddressBookPage extends BasePage {
width: 28.0,
height: 28.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Theme.of(context).selectedRowColor),
shape:, color: Theme.of(context).selectedRowColor),
child: Stack(
children: <Widget>[
@ -79,16 +83,17 @@ class AddressBookPage extends BasePage {
bool isCopied = await showNameAndAddressDialog(context,, contact.address);
final isCopied = await showNameAndAddressDialog(
context,, contact.address);
if (isCopied) {
Clipboard.setData(ClipboardData(text: contact.address));
await Clipboard.setData(
ClipboardData(text: contact.address));
Text('Copied to Clipboard'),
content: Text('Copied to Clipboard'),
Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 1500),
@ -117,48 +122,51 @@ class AddressBookPage extends BasePage {
return !isEditable ? content
: Slidable(
key: Key('1'),// Key(,
actionPane: SlidableDrawerActionPane(),
child: content,
secondaryActions: <Widget>[
caption: 'Edit',
icon: Icons.edit,
onTap: () async {
await Navigator.of(context)
.pushNamed(Routes.addressBookAddContact, arguments: contact);
await addressBookStore.updateContactList();
caption: 'Delete',
icon: CupertinoIcons.delete,
onTap: () async {
await showAlertDialog(context).then((isDelete) async{
if (isDelete != null && isDelete) {
await addressBookStore.delete(contact: contact);
return !isEditable
? content
: Slidable(
key: Key('${contact.key}'),
actionPane: SlidableDrawerActionPane(),
child: content,
secondaryActions: <Widget>[
caption: 'Edit',
icon: Icons.edit,
onTap: () async {
await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(
arguments: contact);
await addressBookStore.updateContactList();
dismissal: SlidableDismissal(
child: SlidableDrawerDismissal(),
onDismissed: (actionType) async {
await addressBookStore.delete(contact: contact);
await addressBookStore.updateContactList();
onWillDismiss: (actionType) async {
return await showAlertDialog(context);
caption: 'Delete',
icon: CupertinoIcons.delete,
onTap: () async {
await showAlertDialog(context)
.then((isDelete) async {
if (isDelete != null && isDelete) {
await addressBookStore.delete(
contact: contact);
await addressBookStore.updateContactList();
dismissal: SlidableDismissal(
child: SlidableDrawerDismissal(),
onDismissed: (actionType) async {
await addressBookStore.delete(contact: contact);
await addressBookStore.updateContactList();
onWillDismiss: (actionType) async {
return await showAlertDialog(context);
@ -220,42 +228,40 @@ class AddressBookPage extends BasePage {
actions: <Widget>[
onPressed: () =>
Navigator.pop(context, false),
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop( false),
child: const Text('Cancel')),
onPressed: () =>
Navigator.pop(context, true),
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(true),
child: const Text('Remove')),
showNameAndAddressDialog(BuildContext context, String name, String address) async {
Future<bool> showNameAndAddressDialog(
BuildContext context, String name, String address) async {
return await showDialog(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
title: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
content: Text(
actions: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(false),
child: Text('Cancel')),
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(true),
child: Text('Copy'))
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
title: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
content: Text(
actions: <Widget>[
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(false),
child: Text('Cancel')),
onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(true),
child: Text('Copy'))

View file

@ -12,22 +12,24 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class ContactPage extends BasePage {
String get title =>;
final Contact contact;
String get title =>;
Widget body(BuildContext context) => ContactForm(contact);
class ContactForm extends StatefulWidget {
final Contact contact;
final Contact contact;
createState() => ContactFormState();
State<ContactForm> createState() => ContactFormState();
class ContactFormState extends State<ContactForm> {
@ -59,10 +61,11 @@ class ContactFormState extends State<ContactForm> {
_setCurrencyType(BuildContext context) async {
String currencyType = CryptoCurrency.all[0].toString();
CryptoCurrency selectedCurrency = CryptoCurrency.all[0];
await showDialog(
Future<void> _setCurrencyType(BuildContext context) async {
var currencyType = CryptoCurrency.all[0].toString();
var selectedCurrency = CryptoCurrency.all[0];
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -127,8 +130,8 @@ class ContactFormState extends State<ContactForm> {
hintStyle: TextStyle(color: Theme.of(context).hintColor),
hintText: S.of(context).contact_name,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
BorderSide(color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor, width: 1.0))),
@ -153,8 +156,7 @@ class ContactFormState extends State<ContactForm> {
decoration: InputDecoration(
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,
@ -215,13 +217,15 @@ class ContactFormState extends State<ContactForm> {
} else { = _contactNameController.text; = _addressController.text; _selectectCrypto);
.updateCryptoCurrency(currency: _selectectCrypto);
await addressBookStore.update(contact:;
await addressBookStore.update(
} catch (e) {
await showDialog(
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/auth/auth_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/auth/auth_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/pin_code/pin_code.dart';
typedef OnAuthenticationFinished = void Function(bool, AuthPageState);
class AuthPage extends StatefulWidget {
final Function(bool, AuthPageState) onAuthenticationFinished;
final bool closable;
AuthPage({this.onAuthenticationFinished, this.closable = true});
final OnAuthenticationFinished onAuthenticationFinished;
final bool closable;
AuthPageState createState() => AuthPageState();
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class AuthPageState extends State<AuthPage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final authStore = Provider.of<AuthStore>(context);
reaction((_) => authStore.state, (state) {
reaction((_) => authStore.state, (AuthState state) {
if (state is AuthenticatedSuccessfully) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
if (widget.onAuthenticationFinished != null) {
@ -60,7 +61,24 @@ class AuthPageState extends State<AuthPage> {
if (state is AuthenticationFailure || state is AuthenticationBanned) {
if (state is AuthenticationFailure) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
content: Text(S.of(context).failed_authentication(state.error)),
if (widget.onAuthenticationFinished != null) {
widget.onAuthenticationFinished(false, this);
if (state is AuthenticationBanned) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ abstract class BasePage extends StatelessWidget {
return null;
ThemeChanger _themeChanger = Provider.of<ThemeChanger>(context);
final _themeChanger = Provider.of<ThemeChanger>(context);
Image _closeButton, _backButton;
if (_themeChanger.getTheme() == Themes.darkTheme) {
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ abstract class BasePage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget floatingActionButton(BuildContext context) => null;
Widget appBar(BuildContext context) {
ObstructingPreferredSizeWidget appBar(BuildContext context) {
final _themeChanger = Provider.of<ThemeChanger>(context);
final _isDarkTheme = _themeChanger.getTheme() == Themes.darkTheme;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:date_range_picker/date_range_picker.dart' as DateRagePicker;
import 'package:date_range_picker/date_range_picker.dart' as date_rage_picker;
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
@ -86,24 +86,19 @@ class DashboardPage extends BasePage {
child: Image.asset('assets/images/exchange_icon.png',
color: Colors.white, height: 26, width: 22),
backgroundColor: Palette.floatingActionButton,
onPressed: () async {
final actionListStore = Provider.of<ActionListStore>(context);
await Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true)
onPressed: () async => await Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true)
void _presentWalletMenu(BuildContext bodyContext) {
final walletMenu = WalletMenu(bodyContext);
builder: (_) => Picker(
items: walletMenu.items,
selectedAtIndex: -1,
title: S.of(bodyContext).wallet_menu,
pickerHeight: 510,
onItemSelected: (item) =>
onItemSelected: (String item) =>
context: bodyContext);
@ -136,8 +131,9 @@ class DashboardPageBodyState extends State<DashboardPageBody> {
return Observer(
key: _listObserverKey,
builder: (_) {
final items =
actionListStore.items == null ? [] : actionListStore.items;
final items = actionListStore.items == null
? <String>[]
: actionListStore.items;
final itemsCount = items.length + 2;
return ListView.builder(
@ -225,19 +221,17 @@ class DashboardPageBodyState extends State<DashboardPageBody> {
builder: (_) {
final savedDisplayMode =
final displayMode =
? (savedDisplayMode ==
? BalanceDisplayMode
: BalanceDisplayMode
: savedDisplayMode;
var title = displayMode.toString();
final displayMode = balanceStore
? (savedDisplayMode ==
? BalanceDisplayMode.fullBalance
: BalanceDisplayMode
: savedDisplayMode;
return Text(title,
return Text(displayMode.toString(),
style: TextStyle(
color: Palette.violet,
fontSize: 16));
@ -248,16 +242,15 @@ class DashboardPageBodyState extends State<DashboardPageBody> {
final savedDisplayMode =
var balance = '---';
final displayMode =
? (savedDisplayMode ==
? BalanceDisplayMode
: BalanceDisplayMode
: savedDisplayMode;
final displayMode = balanceStore
? (savedDisplayMode ==
? BalanceDisplayMode.fullBalance
: BalanceDisplayMode
: savedDisplayMode;
if (displayMode ==
BalanceDisplayMode.availableBalance) {
@ -499,7 +492,7 @@ class DashboardPageBodyState extends State<DashboardPageBody> {
onSelected: (item) async {
if (item == 2) {
final List<DateTime> picked =
await DateRagePicker.showDatePicker(
await date_rage_picker.showDatePicker(
context: context,
.subtract(Duration(days: 1)),

View file

@ -4,19 +4,21 @@ import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class DateSectionRaw extends StatelessWidget {
static final dateSectionDateFormat = DateFormat("d MMM");
static final nowDate =;
final DateTime date;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final diffDays = date.difference(nowDate).inDays;
final isToday = == && nowDate.month == date.month && nowDate.year == date.year;
final isToday = == &&
nowDate.month == date.month &&
nowDate.year == date.year;
var title = "";
if (isToday) {
title = S.of(context).today;
} else if (diffDays == 0) {

View file

@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.dart';
class TradeRow extends StatelessWidget {
final VoidCallback onTap;
final ExchangeProviderDescription provider;
final CryptoCurrency from;
final CryptoCurrency to;
final String createdAtFormattedDate;
final String formattedAmount;
@ -19,6 +12,13 @@ class TradeRow extends StatelessWidget {
@required this.onTap});
final VoidCallback onTap;
final ExchangeProviderDescription provider;
final CryptoCurrency from;
final CryptoCurrency to;
final String createdAtFormattedDate;
final String formattedAmount;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final amountCrypto = provider == ExchangeProviderDescription.xmrto
@ -48,7 +48,10 @@ class TradeRow extends StatelessWidget {
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.subhead.color)),
color: Theme.of(context)
formattedAmount != null
? Text(formattedAmount + ' ' + amountCrypto,
style: const TextStyle(

View file

@ -4,13 +4,6 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/transaction_direction.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class TransactionRow extends StatelessWidget {
final VoidCallback onTap;
final TransactionDirection direction;
final String formattedDate;
final String formattedAmount;
final String formattedFiatAmount;
final bool isPending;
@ -19,6 +12,13 @@ class TransactionRow extends StatelessWidget {
@required this.onTap});
final VoidCallback onTap;
final TransactionDirection direction;
final String formattedDate;
final String formattedAmount;
final String formattedFiatAmount;
final bool isPending;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return InkWell(
@ -53,7 +53,10 @@ class TransactionRow extends StatelessWidget {
(isPending ? S.of(context).pending : ''),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.subhead.color)),
color: Theme.of(context)
style: const TextStyle(
fontSize: 16, color: Palette.purpleBlue))

View file

@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/routes.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/wallet/wallet_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/wallet/wallet_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/auth/auth_page.dart';
class WalletMenu {
final List<String> items = [
@ -14,9 +17,8 @@ class WalletMenu {
final BuildContext context;
final BuildContext context;
void action(int index) {
switch (index) {
@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ class WalletMenu {
case 3:
arguments: (isAuthenticatedSuccessfully, auth) =>
arguments: (bool isAuthenticatedSuccessfully, AuthPageState auth) =>
? Navigator.of(auth.context).popAndPushNamed(Routes.seed)
: null);
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ class WalletMenu {
case 4:
arguments: (isAuthenticatedSuccessfully, auth) =>
arguments: (bool isAuthenticatedSuccessfully, AuthPageState auth) =>
? Navigator.of(auth.context)
@ -57,10 +59,10 @@ class WalletMenu {
Future _presentReconnectAlert(BuildContext context) async {
Future<void> _presentReconnectAlert(BuildContext context) async {
final walletStore = Provider.of<WalletStore>(context);
await showDialog(
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/primary_button.dart';
class DisclaimerPage extends BasePage {
final bool isReadOnly;
DisclaimerPage({this.isReadOnly = false});
final bool isReadOnly;
bool get isModalBackButton => false;
@ -23,25 +23,25 @@ class DisclaimerPage extends BasePage {
class DisclaimerPageBody extends StatefulWidget {
final bool isReadOnly;
DisclaimerPageBody({this.isReadOnly = true});
final bool isReadOnly;
createState() => DisclaimerBodyState(false);
DisclaimerBodyState createState() => DisclaimerBodyState(false);
class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
static const xmrto_url = '';
static const changenow_url = '';
bool _isAccepted;
static const xmrtoUrl = '';
static const changenowUrl = '';
final bool _isAccepted;
bool _checked = false;
String _fileText = '';
launchUrl(String url) async {
Future<void> launchUrl(String url) async {
if (await canLaunch(url)) await launch(url);
@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
setState(() {});
_showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) async {
await showDialog(
Future<void> _showAlertDialog(BuildContext context) async {
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
actions: <Widget>[
onPressed: () {
child: Text('OK')),
@ -74,9 +74,7 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
_afterLayout(_) {
void _afterLayout(Duration _) => _showAlertDialog(context);
void initState() {
@ -87,7 +85,6 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
SizedBox(height: 10.0),
@ -166,9 +163,9 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
children: <Widget>[
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () => launchUrl(xmrto_url),
onTap: () => launchUrl(xmrtoUrl),
child: Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
style: TextStyle(
@ -187,17 +184,17 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
children: <Widget>[
child: GestureDetector(
onTap: () => launchUrl(changenow_url),
child: Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
decoration: TextDecoration.underline),
onTap: () => launchUrl(changenowUrl),
child: Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14.0,
fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,
decoration: TextDecoration.underline),
@ -288,8 +285,14 @@ class DisclaimerBodyState extends State<DisclaimerPageBody> {
child: PrimaryButton(
onPressed: _checked ? () {} : null,
text: 'Accept',
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.button.backgroundColor,
borderColor: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.button.decorationColor,
color: Theme.of(context)
borderColor: Theme.of(context)
: Offstage(),

View file

@ -6,8 +6,9 @@ import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/routes.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/crypto_currency.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/exchange_provider_description.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/xmrto/xmrto_exchange_provider.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/exchange/exchange_trade_state.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/exchange/limits_state.dart';
@ -20,15 +21,14 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/picker.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
class ExchangePage extends BasePage {
String get title =>;
bool get isModalBackButton => true;
final Image arrowBottomPurple = Image.asset(
height: 8,
final Image arrowBottomPurple =
Image.asset('assets/images/arrow_bottom_purple_icon.png', height: 8);
Widget middle(BuildContext context) {
@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ class ExchangePage extends BasePage {
final items = exchangeStore.providersForCurrentPair();
final selectedItem = items.indexOf(exchangeStore.provider);
builder: (_) => Picker(
items: items,
selectedAtIndex: selectedItem,
title: S.of(context).change_exchange_provider,
onItemSelected: (provider) =>
onItemSelected: (ExchangeProvider provider) =>
exchangeStore.changeProvider(provider: provider)),
context: context);
@ -253,8 +253,9 @@ class ExchangeFormState extends State<ExchangeForm> {
builder: (_) => LoadingPrimaryButton(
text: S.of(context).exchange,
onPressed: () {
if (_formKey.currentState.validate())
if (_formKey.currentState.validate()) {
color: Theme.of(context)
@ -327,34 +328,38 @@ class ExchangeFormState extends State<ExchangeForm> {
(_) =>,
(_) => _onWalletNameChange(
(String _) => _onWalletNameChange(
walletStore, store.receiveCurrency, receiveKey));
(_) =>,
(_) => _onWalletNameChange(
(String _) => _onWalletNameChange(
walletStore, store.depositCurrency, depositKey));
reaction((_) => store.receiveCurrency,
(currency) => _onCurrencyChange(currency, walletStore, receiveKey));
(_) => store.receiveCurrency,
(CryptoCurrency currency) =>
_onCurrencyChange(currency, walletStore, receiveKey));
reaction((_) => store.depositCurrency,
(currency) => _onCurrencyChange(currency, walletStore, depositKey));
(_) => store.depositCurrency,
(CryptoCurrency currency) =>
_onCurrencyChange(currency, walletStore, depositKey));
reaction((_) => store.depositAmount, (amount) {
reaction((_) => store.depositAmount, (String amount) {
if (depositKey.currentState.amountController.text != amount) {
depositKey.currentState.amountController.text = amount;
reaction((_) => store.receiveAmount, (amount) {
reaction((_) => store.receiveAmount, (String amount) {
if (receiveKey.currentState.amountController.text !=
store.receiveAmount) {
receiveKey.currentState.amountController.text = amount;
reaction((_) => store.provider, (provider) {
reaction((_) => store.provider, (ExchangeProvider provider) {
final isReversed = provider is XMRTOExchangeProvider;
if (isReversed) {
@ -373,10 +378,10 @@ class ExchangeFormState extends State<ExchangeForm> {
reaction((_) => store.tradeState, (state) {
reaction((_) => store.tradeState, (ExchangeTradeState state) {
if (state is TradeIsCreatedFailure) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -397,7 +402,7 @@ class ExchangeFormState extends State<ExchangeForm> {
reaction((_) => store.limitsState, (state) {
reaction((_) => store.limitsState, (LimitsState state) {
final isXMRTO = store.provider is XMRTOExchangeProvider;
String min;
String max;
@ -444,7 +449,7 @@ class ExchangeFormState extends State<ExchangeForm> {
reaction((_) => walletStore.address, (address) {
reaction((_) => walletStore.address, (String address) {
if (store.depositCurrency == CryptoCurrency.xmr) {
depositKey.currentState.changeAddress(address: address);

View file

@ -7,18 +7,6 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/picker.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/address_text_field.dart';
class ExchangeCard extends StatefulWidget {
final List<CryptoCurrency> currencies;
final Function(CryptoCurrency) onCurrencySelected;
final CryptoCurrency initialCurrency;
final String initialWalletName;
final String initialAddress;
final bool initialIsAmountEditable;
final bool initialIsAddressEditable;
final bool isAmountEstimated;
final Image imageArrow;
final FormFieldValidator<String> currencyValueValidator;
final FormFieldValidator<String> addressTextFieldValidator;
{Key key,
@ -34,8 +22,20 @@ class ExchangeCard extends StatefulWidget {
: super(key: key);
final List<CryptoCurrency> currencies;
final Function(CryptoCurrency) onCurrencySelected;
final CryptoCurrency initialCurrency;
final String initialWalletName;
final String initialAddress;
final bool initialIsAmountEditable;
final bool initialIsAddressEditable;
final bool isAmountEstimated;
final Image imageArrow;
final FormFieldValidator<String> currencyValueValidator;
final FormFieldValidator<String> addressTextFieldValidator;
createState() => ExchangeCardState();
ExchangeCardState createState() => ExchangeCardState();
class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(22, 15, 22, 30),
width: double.infinity,
@ -150,7 +149,10 @@ class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
fontSize: 24,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.title.color)),
color: Theme.of(context)
_walletName != null
@ -173,7 +175,10 @@ class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
textAlign: TextAlign.right,
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(
signed: false, decimal: false),
inputFormatters: [BlacklistingTextInputFormatter(new RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))],
inputFormatters: [
RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintStyle: TextStyle(
color: Theme.of(context).cardTheme.color,
@ -182,15 +187,14 @@ class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
hintText: '0.00000000',
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: _isAmountEditable
? Palette.deepPurple
: Theme.of(context).focusColor,
width: 1.0))),
validator: widget.currencyValueValidator),
validator: widget.currencyValueValidator),
SizedBox(height: 5),
height: 15,
@ -201,21 +205,29 @@ class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
children: <Widget>[
_min != null
? Text(
S.of(context).min_value(_min, _selectedCurrency.toString()),
_min, _selectedCurrency.toString()),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 10,
height: 1.2,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.subtitle.color),
color: Theme.of(context)
: SizedBox(),
_min != null ? SizedBox(width: 10) : SizedBox(),
_max != null
? Text(
S.of(context).max_value(_max, _selectedCurrency.toString()),
_max, _selectedCurrency.toString()),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 10,
height: 1.2,
color: Theme.of(context).primaryTextTheme.subtitle.color))
color: Theme.of(context)
: SizedBox(),
@ -248,14 +260,15 @@ class ExchangeCardState extends State<ExchangeCard> {
void _presentPicker(BuildContext context) {
builder: (_) => Picker(
items: widget.currencies,
selectedAtIndex: widget.currencies.indexOf(_selectedCurrency),
title: S.of(context).change_currency,
onItemSelected: (item) => widget.onCurrencySelected != null
? widget.onCurrencySelected(item)
: null),
onItemSelected: (CryptoCurrency item) =>
widget.onCurrencySelected != null
? widget.onCurrencySelected(item)
: null),
context: context);

View file

@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/exchange/trade.dart';
class ExchangeConfirmPage extends BasePage {
String get title => S.current.copy_id;
final Trade trade;
String get title => S.current.copy_id;
Widget body(BuildContext context) {

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/primary_button.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
class ExchangeTradePage extends BasePage {
String get title =>;
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ class ExchangeTradePage extends BasePage {
class ExchangeTradeForm extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => ExchangeTradeState();
ExchangeTradeState createState() => ExchangeTradeState();
class ExchangeTradeState extends State<ExchangeTradeForm> {
@ -330,10 +331,10 @@ class ExchangeTradeState extends State<ExchangeTradeForm> {
final sendStore = Provider.of<SendStore>(context);
reaction((_) => sendStore.state, (state) {
reaction((_) => sendStore.state, (SendingState state) {
if (state is SendingFailed) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ class ExchangeTradeState extends State<ExchangeTradeForm> {
if (state is TransactionCreatedSuccessfully) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -2,29 +2,29 @@ import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class CopyButton extends StatelessWidget {
const CopyButton(
{@required this.onPressed,
@required this.text,
@required this.color,
@required this.borderColor});
final VoidCallback onPressed;
final Color color;
final Color borderColor;
final String text;
const CopyButton({
@required this.onPressed,
@required this.text,
@required this.color,
@required this.borderColor});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ButtonTheme(
minWidth: double.infinity,
height: 44.0,
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: onPressed,
color: color,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(side: BorderSide(color: borderColor), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0)),
child: Text(text, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0)),
minWidth: double.infinity,
height: 44.0,
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: onPressed,
color: color,
shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
side: BorderSide(color: borderColor),
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0)),
child: Text(text, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0)),

View file

@ -3,24 +3,24 @@ import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class TimerWidget extends StatefulWidget {
TimerWidget(this.expiratedAt, {this.color =});
final DateTime expiratedAt;
final Color color;
TimerWidget(this.expiratedAt, {this.color =});
createState() => TimerWidgetState();
TimerWidgetState createState() => TimerWidgetState();
class TimerWidgetState extends State<TimerWidget> {
int _leftSeconds;
int _minutes;
int _seconds;
bool _isExpired;
Timer _timer;
void initState() {
@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ class TimerWidgetState extends State<TimerWidget> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return _isExpired
? Text(S.of(context).expired, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0, color:
? Text(S.of(context).expired,
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0, color:
: Text(
S.of(context).time(_minutes.toString(), _seconds.toString()),
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 14.0, color: widget.color),

View file

@ -7,14 +7,16 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/settings/settings_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
class FaqPage extends BasePage {
String get title => S.current.faq;
Widget body(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
builder: (context, snapshot) {
var faqItems = json.decode(;
final faqItems = (json.decode(
as List<Map<String, String>>) ??
<Map<String, String>>[];
return ListView.separated(
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
@ -22,34 +24,24 @@ class FaqPage extends BasePage {
final itemChild = faqItems[index]["answer"];
return ExpansionTile(
title: Text(
title: Text(itemTitle),
children: <Widget>[
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(
left: 15.0,
right: 15.0
child: Text(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 15.0, right: 15.0),
child: Text(itemChild),
separatorBuilder: (_, __) => Divider(
color: Theme.of(context).dividerTheme.color,
height: 1.0,
itemCount: faqItems == null ? 0 : faqItems.length,
separatorBuilder: (_, __) =>
Divider(color: Theme.of(context).dividerTheme.color, height: 1.0),
itemCount: faqItems.length,
future: rootBundle.loadString(getFaqPath(context)),
@ -86,5 +78,4 @@ class FaqPage extends BasePage {
return 'assets/faq/faq_en.json';

View file

@ -15,24 +15,25 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class NewWalletPage extends BasePage {
final WalletListService walletsService;
final WalletService walletService;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
String get title => S.current.new_wallet;
{@required this.walletsService,
@required this.walletService,
@required this.sharedPreferences});
final WalletListService walletsService;
final WalletService walletService;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
String get title => S.current.new_wallet;
Widget body(BuildContext context) => WalletNameForm();
class WalletNameForm extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => _WalletNameFormState();
_WalletNameFormState createState() => _WalletNameFormState();
class _WalletNameFormState extends State<WalletNameForm> {
@ -43,14 +44,14 @@ class _WalletNameFormState extends State<WalletNameForm> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final walletCreationStore = Provider.of<WalletCreationStore>(context);
reaction((_) => walletCreationStore.state, (state) {
reaction((_) => walletCreationStore.state, (WalletCreationState state) {
if (state is WalletCreatedSuccessfully) {
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
if (state is WalletCreationFailure) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -88,8 +89,8 @@ class _WalletNameFormState extends State<WalletNameForm> {
fontSize: 24.0, color: Theme.of(context).hintColor),
hintText: S.of(context).wallet_name,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
BorderSide(color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,

View file

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class NewNodePage extends BasePage {
class NewNodePageForm extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => NewNodeFormState();
NewNodeFormState createState() => NewNodeFormState();
class NewNodeFormState extends State<NewNodePageForm> {

View file

@ -2,18 +2,16 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class NodeIndicator extends StatelessWidget {
final color;
NodeIndicator({this.color =});
final Color color;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
width: 10.0,
height: 10.0,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: color),
decoration: BoxDecoration(shape:, color: color),

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
class NodeListPage extends BasePage {
String get title => S.current.nodes;
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ class NodeListPage extends BasePage {
minWidth: double.minPositive,
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () async {
await showDialog(
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -76,10 +77,8 @@ class NodeListPage extends BasePage {
height: 28.0,
child: FlatButton(
shape: CircleBorder(),
onPressed: () async {
await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(Routes.newNode);
onPressed: () async =>
await Navigator.of(context).pushNamed(Routes.newNode),
child: Offstage()),
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ class NodeListPage extends BasePage {
class NodeListPageBody extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => NodeListPageBodyState();
NodeListPageBodyState createState() => NodeListPageBodyState();
class NodeListPageBodyState extends State<NodeListPageBody> {
@ -141,7 +140,7 @@ class NodeListPageBodyState extends State<NodeListPageBody> {
switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
case ConnectionState.done:
return NodeIndicator(
color: as bool
@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ class NodeListPageBodyState extends State<NodeListPageBody> {
onTap: () async {
if (!isCurrent) {
await showDialog(
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -6,19 +6,20 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/settings/settings_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
abstract class PinCodeWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final Function(List<int> pin, PinCodeState state) onPinCodeEntered;
final bool hasLengthSwitcher;
PinCodeWidget({Key key, this.onPinCodeEntered, this.hasLengthSwitcher})
: super(key: key);
final Function(List<int> pin, PinCodeState state) onPinCodeEntered;
final bool hasLengthSwitcher;
class PinCode extends PinCodeWidget {
final Function(List<int> pin, PinCodeState state) onPinCodeEntered;
final bool hasLengthSwitcher;
PinCode(this.onPinCodeEntered, this.hasLengthSwitcher, Key key)
: super(key: key);
PinCode(Function(List<int> pin, PinCodeState state) onPinCodeEntered,
bool hasLengthSwitcher, Key key)
: super(
key: key,
onPinCodeEntered: onPinCodeEntered,
hasLengthSwitcher: hasLengthSwitcher);
PinCodeState createState() => PinCodeState();
@ -30,27 +31,22 @@ class PinCodeState<T extends PinCodeWidget> extends State<T> {
static const fourPinLength = 4;
static final deleteIconImage = Image.asset('assets/images/delete_icon.png');
static final backArrowImage = Image.asset('assets/images/back_arrow.png');
GlobalKey _gridViewKey = GlobalKey();
final _gridViewKey = GlobalKey();
int pinLength = defaultPinLength;
List<int> pin = List<int>.filled(defaultPinLength, null);
String title = S.current.enter_your_pin;
double _aspectRatio = 0;
void setTitle(String title) {
setState(() => this.title = title);
void setTitle(String title) => setState(() => this.title = title);
void clear() {
setState(() => pin = List<int>.filled(pinLength, null));
void clear() => setState(() => pin = List<int>.filled(pinLength, null));
void onPinCodeEntered(PinCodeState state) {
widget.onPinCodeEntered(, this);
void onPinCodeEntered(PinCodeState state) =>
widget.onPinCodeEntered(, this);
void changePinLength(int length) {
List<int> newPin = List<int>.filled(length, null);
final newPin = List<int>.filled(length, null);
setState(() {
pinLength = length;
@ -58,19 +54,23 @@ class PinCodeState<T extends PinCodeWidget> extends State<T> {
setDefaultPinLength() {
void setDefaultPinLength() {
final settingsStore = Provider.of<SettingsStore>(context);
pinLength = settingsStore.defaultPinLength;
getCurrentAspectRatio() {
final RenderBox renderBox = _gridViewKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
void calculateAspectRatio() {
final renderBox =
_gridViewKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
final cellWidth = renderBox.size.width / 3;
final cellHeight = renderBox.size.height / 4;
if (cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0) {
_aspectRatio = cellWidth / cellHeight;
double cellWidth = renderBox.size.width / 3;
double cellHeight = renderBox.size.height / 4;
if (cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0) _aspectRatio = cellWidth / cellHeight;
setState(() {});
@ -80,15 +80,13 @@ class PinCodeState<T extends PinCodeWidget> extends State<T> {
afterLayout(_) {
void afterLayout(dynamic _) {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(body: body(context));
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(body: body(context));
Widget body(BuildContext context) {
return SafeArea(
@ -196,7 +194,7 @@ class PinCodeState<T extends PinCodeWidget> extends State<T> {
void _push(int num) {
if (_pinLength() >= pinLength) {
if (currentPinLength() >= pinLength) {
@ -207,13 +205,15 @@ class PinCodeState<T extends PinCodeWidget> extends State<T> {
if (_pinLength() == pinLength) {
final _currentPinLength = currentPinLength();
if (_currentPinLength == pinLength) {
void _pop() {
if (_pinLength() == 0) {
if (currentPinLength() == 0) {
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class PinCodeState<T extends PinCodeWidget> extends State<T> {
int _pinLength() {
int currentPinLength() {
return pin.fold(0, (v, e) {
if (e != null) {
return v + 1;

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class QrImage extends StatelessWidget {
Color foregroundColor =,
int version = 7,
int errorCorrectionLevel = QrErrorCorrectLevel.L,
}) : _painter = new QrPainter(data, foregroundColor, version, errorCorrectionLevel);
}) : _painter = QrPainter(data, foregroundColor, version, errorCorrectionLevel);
final QrPainter _painter;
final Color backgroundColor;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class QrImage extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Container(
return Container(
width: size,
height: size,
color: backgroundColor,

View file

@ -3,31 +3,32 @@ import 'package:qr/qr.dart';
class QrPainter extends CustomPainter {
String data,
) : this._qr = new QrCode(version, errorCorrectionLevel) {
String data,
) : this._qr = QrCode(version, errorCorrectionLevel) {
_p.color = this.color;
final QrCode _qr;
final _p = new Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill;
final int version;
final int errorCorrectionLevel;
final Color color;
final QrCode _qr;
final _p = Paint() = PaintingStyle.fill;
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
final squareSize = size.shortestSide / _qr.moduleCount;
for (int x = 0; x < _qr.moduleCount; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < _qr.moduleCount; y++) {
if (_qr.isDark(y, x)) {
final squareRect = new Rect.fromLTWH(x * squareSize, y * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
final squareRect = Rect.fromLTWH(
x * squareSize, y * squareSize, squareSize, squareSize);
canvas.drawRect(squareRect, _p);
@ -37,9 +38,11 @@ class QrPainter extends CustomPainter {
bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
if (oldDelegate is QrPainter) {
return this.color != oldDelegate.color || this.errorCorrectionLevel != oldDelegate.errorCorrectionLevel ||
return this.color != oldDelegate.color ||
this.errorCorrectionLevel != oldDelegate.errorCorrectionLevel ||
this.version != oldDelegate.version;
return false;

View file

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/receive/qr_image.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
class ReceivePage extends BasePage {
bool get isModalBackButton => true;
String get title => S.current.receive;
@ -31,7 +34,10 @@ class ReceivePage extends BasePage {
padding: EdgeInsets.all(0),
onPressed: () => Share.text(
'Share address', walletStore.subaddress.address, 'text/plain'),
child: Icon(Icons.share, size: 30.0,)),
child: Icon(
size: 30.0,
@ -43,7 +49,7 @@ class ReceivePage extends BasePage {
class ReceiveBody extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => ReceiveBodyState();
ReceiveBodyState createState() => ReceiveBodyState();
class ReceiveBodyState extends State<ReceiveBody> {
@ -67,8 +73,9 @@ class ReceiveBodyState extends State<ReceiveBody> {
amountController.addListener(() {
if (_formKey.currentState.validate()) {
} else
} else {
return SafeArea(
@ -152,7 +159,7 @@ class ReceiveBodyState extends State<ReceiveBody> {
TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: true),
inputFormatters: [
new RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14.0,
@ -163,8 +170,7 @@ class ReceiveBodyState extends State<ReceiveBody> {
hintText: S.of(context).amount,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,

View file

@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class RestoreOptionsPage extends BasePage {
static const _aspectRatioImage = 2.086;
String get title => S.current.restore_restore_wallet;
Color get backgroundColor => Palette.creamyGrey;
final _imageSeedKeys = Image.asset('assets/images/seedKeys.png');
@ -26,7 +29,8 @@ class RestoreOptionsPage extends BasePage {
child: RestoreButton(
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, Routes.restoreWalletOptionsFromWelcome);
context, Routes.restoreWalletOptionsFromWelcome);
image: _imageSeedKeys,
aspectRatioImage: _aspectRatioImage,

View file

@ -17,24 +17,25 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class RestoreWalletFromKeysPage extends BasePage {
final WalletListService walletsService;
final WalletService walletService;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
String get title => S.current.restore_title_from_keys;
{@required this.walletsService,
@required this.sharedPreferences,
@required this.walletService});
final WalletListService walletsService;
final WalletService walletService;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
String get title => S.current.restore_title_from_keys;
Widget body(BuildContext context) => RestoreFromKeysFrom();
class RestoreFromKeysFrom extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => _RestoreFromKeysFromState();
_RestoreFromKeysFromState createState() => _RestoreFromKeysFromState();
class _RestoreFromKeysFromState extends State<RestoreFromKeysFrom> {
@ -49,14 +50,14 @@ class _RestoreFromKeysFromState extends State<RestoreFromKeysFrom> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final walletRestorationStore = Provider.of<WalletRestorationStore>(context);
reaction((_) => walletRestorationStore.state, (state) {
reaction((_) => walletRestorationStore.state, (WalletRestorationState state) {
if (state is WalletRestoredSuccessfully) {
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
if (state is WalletRestorationFailure) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -97,8 +98,7 @@ class _RestoreFromKeysFromState extends State<RestoreFromKeysFrom> {
hintText: S.of(context).restore_wallet_name,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,
@ -127,8 +127,7 @@ class _RestoreFromKeysFromState extends State<RestoreFromKeysFrom> {
hintText: S.of(context).restore_address,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,
@ -155,8 +154,7 @@ class _RestoreFromKeysFromState extends State<RestoreFromKeysFrom> {
hintText: S.of(context).restore_view_key_private,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,
@ -183,8 +181,7 @@ class _RestoreFromKeysFromState extends State<RestoreFromKeysFrom> {
hintText: S.of(context).restore_spend_key_private,
focusedBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
width: 2.0)),
color: Palette.cakeGreen, width: 2.0)),
enabledBorder: UnderlineInputBorder(
borderSide: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).focusColor,

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/primary_button.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class RestoreWalletFromSeedDetailsPage extends BasePage {
String get title => S.current.restore_wallet_restore_description;
@ -21,7 +22,8 @@ class RestoreWalletFromSeedDetailsPage extends BasePage {
class RestoreFromSeedDetailsForm extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => _RestoreFromSeedDetailsFormState();
_RestoreFromSeedDetailsFormState createState() =>
class _RestoreFromSeedDetailsFormState
@ -34,14 +36,14 @@ class _RestoreFromSeedDetailsFormState
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final walletRestorationStore = Provider.of<WalletRestorationStore>(context);
reaction((_) => walletRestorationStore.state, (state) {
reaction((_) => walletRestorationStore.state, (WalletRestorationState state) {
if (state is WalletRestoredSuccessfully) {
Navigator.of(context).popUntil((route) => route.isFirst);
if (state is WalletRestorationFailure) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -14,24 +14,25 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/wallet_restoration/wallet_restoration_sto
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/seed_widget.dart';
class RestoreWalletFromSeedPage extends BasePage {
final WalletListService walletsService;
final WalletService walletService;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
String get title => S.current.restore_title_from_seed;
{@required this.walletsService,
@required this.walletService,
@required this.sharedPreferences});
final WalletListService walletsService;
final WalletService walletService;
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences;
String get title => S.current.restore_title_from_seed;
Widget body(BuildContext context) => RestoreFromSeedForm();
class RestoreFromSeedForm extends StatefulWidget {
createState() => _RestoreFromSeedFormState();
_RestoreFromSeedFormState createState() => _RestoreFromSeedFormState();
class _RestoreFromSeedFormState extends State<RestoreFromSeedForm> {
@ -46,9 +47,8 @@ class _RestoreFromSeedFormState extends State<RestoreFromSeedForm> {
(_) => _setReactions(context, walletRestorationStore));
return GestureDetector(
onTap: () {
onTap: () =>
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 20.0, right: 20.0, bottom: 20.0),
child: Column(
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ class _RestoreFromSeedFormState extends State<RestoreFromSeedForm> {
reaction((_) => store.errorMessage, (errorMessage) {
reaction((_) => store.errorMessage, (String errorMessage) {
if (errorMessage == null || errorMessage.isEmpty) {
} else {

View file

@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class RestoreWalletOptionsPage extends BasePage {
static const _aspectRatioImage = 2.086;
String get title => S.current.restore_seed_keys_restore;
Color get backgroundColor => Palette.creamyGrey;
final _imageSeed = Image.asset('assets/images/seedIco.png');
@ -29,8 +32,8 @@ class RestoreWalletOptionsPage extends BasePage {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, Routes.restoreWalletFromSeed),
image: _imageSeed,
aspectRatioImage: _aspectRatioImage,
titleColor: Palette.lightViolet,
color: Palette.lightViolet,
titleColor: Palette.lightViolet,
color: Palette.lightViolet,
title: S.of(context).restore_title_from_seed,
description: S.of(context).restore_description_from_seed,
textButton: S.of(context).restore_next,
@ -41,8 +44,8 @@ class RestoreWalletOptionsPage extends BasePage {
Navigator.pushNamed(context, Routes.restoreWalletFromKeys),
image: _imageKeys,
aspectRatioImage: _aspectRatioImage,
titleColor: Palette.cakeGreen,
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
titleColor: Palette.cakeGreen,
color: Palette.cakeGreen,
title: S.of(context).restore_title_from_keys,
description: S.of(context).restore_description_from_keys,
textButton: S.of(context).restore_next,

View file

@ -2,15 +2,6 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/palette.dart';
class RestoreButton extends StatelessWidget {
final VoidCallback onPressed;
final Image image;
final double aspectRatioImage;
final Color color;
final Color titleColor;
final String title;
final String description;
final String textButton;
const RestoreButton(
{@required this.onPressed,
@required this.image,
@ -21,9 +12,17 @@ class RestoreButton extends StatelessWidget {
this.description = '',
this.textButton = ''});
final VoidCallback onPressed;
final Image image;
final double aspectRatioImage;
final Color color;
final Color titleColor;
final String title;
final String description;
final String textButton;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.only(top: 20.0, bottom: 20.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
@ -71,11 +70,11 @@ class RestoreButton extends StatelessWidget {
child: Text(
color: Theme.of(context).accentTextTheme.subhead.color,
fontSize: 14.0,
height: 1.4),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 14.0,
height: 1.4),
@ -88,7 +87,10 @@ class RestoreButton extends StatelessWidget {
decoration: BoxDecoration(
border: Border(
top: BorderSide(
color: Theme.of(context).accentTextTheme.headline.decorationColor,
color: Theme.of(context)
width: 1.15)),
color: Colors.transparent,

View file

@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/welcome/create_welcome_page.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_mobx/flutter_mobx.dart';
import 'package:hive/hive.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/routes.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/router.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/authentication/authentication_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/price/price_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/settings/settings_store.dart';
@ -19,6 +17,8 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/monero/transaction_description.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/auth/create_login_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/seed/create_seed_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/dashboard/create_dashboard_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/auth/auth_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/welcome/create_welcome_page.dart';
class Root extends StatefulWidget {
Root({Key key}) : super(key: key);
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class RootState extends State<Root> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
arguments: (isAuthenticatedSuccessfully, auth) {
arguments: (bool isAuthenticatedSuccessfully, AuthPageState auth) {
if (!isAuthenticatedSuccessfully) {

View file

@ -11,14 +11,19 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/wallet_seed/wallet_seed_store.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/base_page.dart';
class SeedPage extends BasePage {
static final image = Image.asset('assets/images/seed_image.png');
bool get isModalBackButton => true;
String get title => S.current.seed_title;
final VoidCallback onCloseCallback;
void onClose(BuildContext context) =>
onCloseCallback != null ? onCloseCallback() : Navigator.of(context).pop();

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/auth/auth_page.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/widgets/scollable_with_bottom_section.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
@ -23,8 +24,13 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/src/domain/common/sync_status.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/stores/sync/sync_store.dart';
class SendPage extends BasePage {
String get title => S.current.send_title;
bool get isModalBackButton => true;
bool get resizeToAvoidBottomPadding => false;
@ -212,7 +218,7 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
signed: false, decimal: false),
inputFormatters: [
new RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
decoration: InputDecoration(
prefixIcon: Padding(
@ -272,7 +278,7 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
signed: false, decimal: false),
inputFormatters: [
new RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
RegExp('[\\-|\\ |\\,]'))
decoration: InputDecoration(
prefixIcon: Padding(
@ -353,7 +359,7 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
if (_formKey.currentState.validate()) {
await showDialog(
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (dialogContext) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -364,12 +370,11 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
child: Text(S.of(context).send),
onPressed: () async {
auth) {
await Navigator.of(dialogContext)
arguments: (bool
AuthPageState auth) {
if (!isAuthenticatedSuccessfully) {
@ -408,13 +413,13 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
final sendStore = Provider.of<SendStore>(context);
reaction((_) => sendStore.fiatAmount, (amount) {
reaction((_) => sendStore.fiatAmount, (String amount) {
if (amount != _fiatAmountController.text) {
_fiatAmountController.text = amount;
reaction((_) => sendStore.cryptoAmount, (amount) {
reaction((_) => sendStore.cryptoAmount, (String amount) {
if (amount != _cryptoAmountController.text) {
_cryptoAmountController.text = amount;
@ -436,10 +441,10 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
reaction((_) => sendStore.state, (state) {
reaction((_) => sendStore.state, (SendingState state) {
if (state is SendingFailed) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -457,7 +462,7 @@ class SendFormState extends State<SendForm> {
if (state is TransactionCreatedSuccessfully) {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ const Map<String, String> _languages = {
class ChangeLanguage extends BasePage {
get title => S.current.settings_change_language;
String get title => S.current.settings_change_language;
Widget body(BuildContext context) {
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ class ChangeLanguage extends BasePage {
onTap: () async {
if (!isCurrent) {
await showDialog(
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(

View file

@ -7,39 +7,41 @@ import 'package:cake_wallet/theme_changer.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/themes.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/generated/i18n.dart';
class EnterPinCode extends StatefulWidget{
class EnterPinCode extends StatefulWidget {
const EnterPinCode(this.currentPinLength, this.currentPin);
final int currentPinLength;
final List<int> currentPin;
const EnterPinCode(this.currentPinLength, this.currentPin);
createState() => EnterPinCodeState(currentPinLength, currentPin);
EnterPinCodeState createState() =>
EnterPinCodeState(currentPinLength, currentPin);
class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode>{
GlobalKey _gridViewKey = GlobalKey();
class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode> {
EnterPinCodeState(this.pinLength, this.currentPin);
final _gridViewKey = GlobalKey();
final _closeButtonImage = Image.asset('assets/images/close_button.png');
final _closeButtonImageDarkTheme = Image.asset('assets/images/close_button_dark_theme.png');
final _closeButtonImageDarkTheme =
static final deleteIconImage = Image.asset('assets/images/delete_icon.png');
final int pinLength;
final List<int> currentPin;
List<int> pin;
double _aspectRatio = 0;
EnterPinCodeState(this.pinLength, this.currentPin);
void _calcualteCurrentAspectRatio() {
final renderBox =
_gridViewKey.currentContext.findRenderObject() as RenderBox;
final cellWidth = renderBox.size.width / 3;
final cellHeight = renderBox.size.height / 4;
final RenderBox renderBox = _gridViewKey.currentContext.findRenderObject();
if (cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0) {
_aspectRatio = cellWidth / cellHeight;
double cellWidth = renderBox.size.width/3;
double cellHeight = renderBox.size.height/4;
if (cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0) _aspectRatio = cellWidth/cellHeight;
setState(() {
setState(() {});
@ -49,130 +51,125 @@ class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode>{
_afterLayout(_) {
void _afterLayout(dynamic _) => _calcualteCurrentAspectRatio();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
ThemeChanger _themeChanger = Provider.of<ThemeChanger>(context);
bool _isDarkTheme;
if (_themeChanger.getTheme() == Themes.darkTheme) _isDarkTheme = true;
else _isDarkTheme = false;
final _themeChanger = Provider.of<ThemeChanger>(context);
final _isDarkTheme = _themeChanger.getTheme() == Themes.darkTheme;
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
appBar: CupertinoNavigationBar(
leading: ButtonTheme(
minWidth: double.minPositive,
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: (){ Navigator.pop(context, false); },
child: _isDarkTheme ? _closeButtonImageDarkTheme : _closeButtonImage
leading: ButtonTheme(
minWidth: double.minPositive,
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () {
Navigator.pop(context, false);
child: _isDarkTheme
? _closeButtonImageDarkTheme
: _closeButtonImage),
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
border: null,
backgroundColor: Theme.of(context).backgroundColor,
border: null),
body: SafeArea(
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 40.0, right: 40.0, bottom: 40.0),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Spacer(flex: 2),
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 24,
color: Palette.wildDarkBlue
child: Container(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 40.0, right: 40.0, bottom: 40.0),
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
Spacer(flex: 2),
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, color: Palette.wildDarkBlue)),
Spacer(flex: 3),
width: 180,
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: List.generate(pinLength, (index) {
const size = 10.0;
final isFilled = pin[index] != null;
return Container(
width: size,
height: size,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
isFilled ? Palette.deepPurple : Colors.transparent,
border: Border.all(color: Palette.wildDarkBlue),
Spacer(flex: 3),
width: 180,
child: Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: List.generate(pinLength, (index) {
const size = 10.0;
final isFilled = pin[index] != null;
Spacer(flex: 3),
flex: 24,
child: Container(
key: _gridViewKey,
child: _aspectRatio > 0
? GridView.count(
crossAxisCount: 3,
childAspectRatio: _aspectRatio,
physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
children: List.generate(12, (index) {
if (index == 9) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: _isDarkTheme
? PaletteDark.darkThemePinButton
: Palette.darkGrey,
} else if (index == 10) {
index = 0;
} else if (index == 11) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () {
color: _isDarkTheme
? PaletteDark.darkThemePinButton
: Palette.darkGrey,
shape: CircleBorder(),
child: deleteIconImage,
} else {
return Container(
width: size,
height: size,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: isFilled ? Palette.deepPurple : Colors.transparent,
border: Border.all(color: Palette.wildDarkBlue),
Spacer(flex: 3),
flex: 24,
child: Container(
key: _gridViewKey,
child: _aspectRatio > 0 ? GridView.count(
crossAxisCount: 3,
childAspectRatio: _aspectRatio,
physics: const NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
children: List.generate(12, (index) {
if (index == 9) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: _isDarkTheme ? PaletteDark.darkThemePinButton
: Palette.darkGrey,
} else if (index == 10) {
index = 0;
} else if (index == 11) {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () { _pop(); },
color: _isDarkTheme ? PaletteDark.darkThemePinButton
: Palette.darkGrey,
shape: CircleBorder(),
child: deleteIconImage,
} else {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () { _push(index); },
color: _isDarkTheme ? PaletteDark.darkThemePinDigitButton
: Palette.creamyGrey,
shape: CircleBorder(),
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 23.0,
color: Palette.blueGrey
) : null
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.all(5.0),
child: FlatButton(
onPressed: () {
color: _isDarkTheme
? PaletteDark.darkThemePinDigitButton
: Palette.creamyGrey,
shape: CircleBorder(),
child: Text('$index',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 23.0,
color: Palette.blueGrey)),
: null))
_showIncorrectPinDialog(BuildContext context) async {
await showDialog(
void _showIncorrectPinDialog(BuildContext context) async {
await showDialog<void>(
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) {
return AlertDialog(
@ -186,8 +183,7 @@ class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode>{
void _push(int num) {
@ -202,20 +198,16 @@ class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode>{
if (_pinLength() == pinLength) {
if (listEquals<int>(pin, currentPin)){
final currentPinLength = _pinLength();
if (currentPinLength == pinLength) {
if (listEquals<int>(pin, currentPin)) {
Navigator.pop(context, true);
} else {
Navigator.pop(context, false);
@ -226,7 +218,7 @@ class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode>{
for (var i = pin.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (pin[i] != null) {
setState(() => pin[i] = null);
setState(() => pin[i] = null);
@ -241,5 +233,4 @@ class EnterPinCodeState extends State<EnterPinCode>{
return v;

View file

@ -2,6 +2,15 @@ import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:cake_wallet/src/screens/settings/attributes.dart';
class SettingsItem {
final VoidCallback onTaped;
final String title;
final String link;
@ -9,12 +18,4 @@ class SettingsItem {
final Widget widget;
final Attributes attribute;
final WidgetBuilder widgetBuilder;

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