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synced 2025-03-12 09:32:33 +00:00
Merge branch 'main' of github.com:cake-tech/cake_wallet
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 68 additions and 31 deletions
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@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ abstract class SupportViewModelBase with Store {
title: 'Email',
linkTitle: 'support@cakewallet.com',
link: 'mailto:support@cakewallet.com'),
title: 'Website',
linkTitle: 'cakewallet.com',
link: 'https://cakewallet.com'),
title: 'GitHub',
icon: 'assets/images/github.png',
linkTitle: S.current.apk_update,
link: 'https://github.com/cake-tech/cake_wallet/releases'),
title: 'Telegram',
icon: 'assets/images/Telegram.png',
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ packages:
path: "."
ref: cake
resolved-ref: "02fef082f20af13de00b4e64efb93a2c1e5e1cf2"
url: "git@github.com:cake-tech/bech32.git"
url: "https://github.com/cake-tech/bech32.git"
source: git
version: "0.2.0"
@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ packages:
path: "."
ref: cake
resolved-ref: b3ab2926c665f0e68b74a4a5f31059f7fcd817b7
url: "git@github.com:cake-tech/bitcoin_flutter.git"
resolved-ref: cbabfd87b6ce3cae6051a3e86ddb56e7a934e188
url: "https://github.com/cake-tech/bitcoin_flutter.git"
source: git
version: "2.0.2"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "Derzeit unterstützen wir nur den Kauf von Bitcoin. Um Bitcoin zu kaufen, erstellen Sie bitte Ihre Bitcoin-Brieftasche oder wechseln Sie zu dieser",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Neue Bitcoin-Geldbörsen, die in Cake erstellt wurden, haben jetzt einen Startwert von 24 Wörtern. Es ist obligatorisch, dass Sie eine neue Bitcoin-Brieftasche erstellen, Ihr gesamtes Geld in die neue 24-Wörter-Brieftasche überweisen und keine Brieftaschen mit einem 12-Wörter-Startwert mehr verwenden. Bitte tun Sie dies sofort, um Ihr Geld zu sichern.",
"understand" : "Ich verstehe",
"apk_update" : "APK Update"
@ -474,5 +474,7 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "Currently we only support the purchase of Bitcoin. To buy Bitcoin, please create or switch to your Bitcoin wallet",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"understand" : "I understand",
"apk_update" : "APK update"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "Actualmente solo apoyamos la compra de Bitcoin. Para comprar Bitcoin, cree o cambie a su billetera Bitcoin",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Las nuevas carteras de Bitcoin creadas en Cake ahora tienen una semilla de 24 palabras. Es obligatorio que cree una nueva billetera de Bitcoin y transfiera todos sus fondos a la nueva billetera de 24 palabras, y deje de usar billeteras con una semilla de 12 palabras. Haga esto de inmediato para asegurar sus fondos.",
"understand" : "Entiendo",
"apk_update" : "Actualización de APK"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "वर्तमान में हम केवल बिटकॉइन की खरीद का समर्थन करते हैं। बिटकॉइन खरीदने के लिए, कृपया अपना बिटकॉइन वॉलेट बनाएं या स्विच करें",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "केक में बनाए गए नए बिटकॉइन वॉलेट में अब 24-शब्द का बीज है। यह अनिवार्य है कि आप एक नया बिटकॉइन वॉलेट बनाएं और अपने सभी फंड को नए 24-शब्द वाले वॉलेट में स्थानांतरित करें, और 12-शब्द बीज वाले वॉलेट का उपयोग करना बंद करें। कृपया अपने धन को सुरक्षित करने के लिए इसे तुरंत करें।",
"understand" : "मुझे समझ",
"apk_update" : "APK अद्यतन"
@ -471,8 +471,10 @@
"submit_request" : "podnesi zahtjev",
"buy_alert_content" : "Currently we only support the purchase of Bitcoin. To buy Bitcoin, please create or switch to your Bitcoin wallet",
"buy_alert_content" : "Trenutno podržavamo samo kupnju Bitcoina. Da biste kupili Bitcoin, izradite ili prijeđite na svoj Bitcoin novčanik",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Novi Bitcoin novčanici stvoreni u Cakeu sada imaju sjeme od 24 riječi. Obavezno je stvoriti novi Bitcoin novčanik i prenijeti sva svoja sredstva u novi novčanik od 24 riječi te prestati koristiti novčanike s sjemenkom od 12 riječi. Učinite to odmah kako biste osigurali svoja sredstva.",
"understand" : "Razumijem",
"apk_update" : "APK ažuriranje"
@ -471,8 +471,10 @@
"submit_request" : "invia una richiesta",
"buy_alert_content" : "Currently we only support the purchase of Bitcoin. To buy Bitcoin, please create or switch to your Bitcoin wallet",
"buy_alert_content" : "Attualmente supportiamo solo l'acquisto di Bitcoin. Per acquistare Bitcoin, crea o passa al tuo portafoglio Bitcoin",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "I nuovi portafogli Bitcoin creati in Cake ora hanno un seme di 24 parole. È obbligatorio creare un nuovo portafoglio Bitcoin e trasferire tutti i fondi nel nuovo portafoglio di 24 parole e smettere di usare portafogli con un seme di 12 parole. Ti preghiamo di farlo immediatamente per proteggere i tuoi fondi.",
"understand" : "Capisco",
"apk_update" : "Aggiornamento APK"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "現在、ビットコインの購入のみをサポートしています。 ビットコインを購入するには、ビットコインウォレットを作成するか切り替えてください",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Cakeで作成された新しいビットコインウォレットには、24ワードのシードがあります。 新しいビットコインウォレットを作成し、すべての資金を新しい24ワードのウォレットに転送し、12ワードのシードを持つウォレットの使用を停止することが必須です。 あなたの資金を確保するためにこれをすぐに行ってください。",
"understand" : "わかります",
"apk_update" : "APKアップデート"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "현재 우리는 비트 코인 구매 만 지원합니다. 비트 코인을 구매하려면 비트 코인 지갑을 생성하거나 전환하십시오",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Cake에서 생성 된 새로운 비트 코인 지갑에는 이제 24 단어 시드가 있습니다. 새로운 비트 코인 지갑을 생성하고 모든 자금을 새로운 24 단어 지갑으로 이체하고 12 단어 시드가있는 지갑 사용을 중지해야합니다. 자금을 확보하려면 즉시이 작업을 수행하십시오.",
"understand" : "이해 했어요",
"apk_update" : "APK 업데이트"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "Momenteel ondersteunen we alleen de aankoop van Bitcoin. Om Bitcoin te kopen, moet u uw Bitcoin-portemonnee aanmaken of naar uw Bitcoin-portemonnee overschakelen",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Nieuwe Bitcoin-portefeuilles die in Cake zijn gemaakt, hebben nu een zaadje van 24 woorden. Het is verplicht dat u een nieuwe Bitcoin-portemonnee maakt en al uw geld overmaakt naar de nieuwe portemonnee van 24 woorden, en stopt met het gebruik van wallets met een seed van 12 woorden. Doe dit onmiddellijk om uw geld veilig te stellen.",
"understand" : "Ik begrijp het",
"apk_update" : "APK-update"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "Obecnie obsługujemy tylko zakup Bitcoinów. Aby kupić Bitcoin, utwórz lub przełącz się na swój portfel Bitcoin",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Nowe portfele Bitcoin utworzone w Cake mają teraz ziarno składające się z 24 słów. Konieczne jest utworzenie nowego portfela Bitcoin i przeniesienie wszystkich środków do nowego portfela na 24 słowa oraz zaprzestanie korzystania z portfeli z zalążkiem na 12 słów. Zrób to natychmiast, aby zabezpieczyć swoje fundusze.",
"understand" : "Rozumiem",
"apk_update" : "Aktualizacja APK"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "Atualmente, apoiamos apenas a compra de Bitcoin. Para comprar Bitcoin, crie ou mude para sua carteira Bitcoin",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "As novas carteiras Bitcoin criadas no Cake agora têm uma semente de 24 palavras. É obrigatório que você crie uma nova carteira Bitcoin e transfira todos os seus fundos para a nova carteira de 24 palavras, e pare de usar carteiras com semente de 12 palavras. Faça isso imediatamente para garantir seus fundos.",
"understand" : "Entendo",
"apk_update" : "Atualização de APK"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "В настоящее время мы поддерживаем только покупку Bitcoin. Чтобы купить Bitcoin, создайте или переключитесь на ваш Bitcoin кошелек",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Новые биткойн-кошельки, созданные в Cake, теперь содержат мнемоническую фразу из 24 слов. Вы обязательно должны создать новый биткойн-кошелек и перевести все свои средства в новый кошелек из 24 слов, а также прекратить использование кошельков с мнемонической фразой из 12 слов. Пожалуйста, сделайте это немедленно, чтобы обезопасить свои средства.",
"understand" : "Понятно",
"apk_update" : "Обновление APK"
@ -473,6 +473,8 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "На даний час ми підтримуємо тільки покупку Bitcoin. Щоб купити Bitcoin, будь ласка, створіть або переключіться на ваш Bitcoin гаманець",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "New Bitcoin wallets created in Cake now have a 24-word seed. It is mandatory that you create a new Bitcoin wallet and transfer all of your funds to the new 24-word wallet, and stop using wallets with a 12-word seed. Please do this immediately to secure your funds.",
"understand" : "I understand"
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "Нові біткойн-гаманці, створені в Cake, тепер містять мнемонічну фразу з 24 слів. Обов’язково стовріть новий біткойн-гаманець, переведіть всі кошти на новий гаманець із 24 слів і припиніть використання гаманців із мнемонічною фразою з 12 слів. Зробіть це негайно, щоб убезпечити свої кошти.",
"understand" : "Зрозуміло",
"apk_update" : "Оновлення APK"
@ -474,5 +474,7 @@
"buy_alert_content" : "目前,我们仅支持购买比特币。要购买比特币,请创建或切换到您的比特币钱包",
"outdated_electrum_wallet_desceription" : "在Cake创建的新比特币钱包现在有一个24字的种子。你必须创建一个新的比特币钱包,并将你所有的资金转移到新的24字钱包,并停止使用12字种子的钱包。请立即这样做以保证你的资金安全。",
"understand" : "我已知晓"
"understand" : "我已知晓",
"apk_update" : "APK更新"
Reference in a new issue