mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 09:32:33 +00:00
fix: string conflicts issues
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 0 additions and 126 deletions
@ -676,7 +676,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Světlé téma Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Spravovat uzly",
"etherscan_history": "Historie Etherscanu",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Název šablony",
"support_title_live_chat": "Živá podpora",
"support_description_live_chat": "Zdarma a rychle! K dispozici jsou zástupci vyškolených podpůrných podpory",
@ -686,7 +685,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Připojte se k našim komunitám nebo se k nám oslovte další metody",
"select_destination": "Vyberte cíl pro záložní soubor.",
"save_to_downloads": "Uložit do Stažených souborů"
"template_name": "Název šablony"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "Kontrastreiches Thema",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Green Dark Theme",
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light-Thema",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Cake 2FA-Voreinstellung",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Kuchen 2FA-Voreinstellung",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "Eng",
"normal": "Normal",
"aggressive": "Übereifrig",
@ -688,7 +684,6 @@
"slidable": "Verschiebbar",
"manage_nodes": "Knoten verwalten",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan-Geschichte",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Vorlagenname",
"support_title_live_chat": "Live Support",
"support_description_live_chat": "Kostenlos und schnell! Ausgebildete Mitarbeiter stehen zur Unterstützung bereit, um zu helfen",
@ -698,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Treten Sie unseren Communities bei oder erreichen Sie uns oder unsere Partner über andere Methoden",
"select_destination": "Bitte wählen Sie das Ziel für die Sicherungsdatei aus.",
"save_to_downloads": "Unter „Downloads“ speichern"
"template_name": "Vorlagenname"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "High Contrast Theme",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Green Dark Theme",
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light Theme",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset": "Cake 2FA Preset",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Cake 2FA Preset",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "Narrow",
"normal": "Normal",
"aggressive": "Aggressive",
@ -688,7 +684,6 @@
"slidable": "Slidable",
"manage_nodes": "Manage nodes",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan history",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Template Name",
"support_title_live_chat": "Live support",
"support_description_live_chat": "Free and fast! Trained support representatives are available to assist",
@ -698,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Join our communities or reach us our our partners through other methods",
"select_destination": "Please select destination for the backup file.",
"save_to_downloads": "Save to Downloads"
"template_name": "Template Name"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "Tema de alto contraste",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix verde oscuro tema",
"monero_light_theme": "Tema ligero de Monero",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset": "Pastel 2FA preestablecido",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Pastel 2FA preestablecido",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "Angosto",
"normal": "Normal",
"aggressive": "Demasiado entusiasta",
@ -688,7 +684,6 @@
"slidable": "deslizable",
"manage_nodes": "Administrar nodos",
"etherscan_history": "historia de etherscan",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Nombre de la plantilla",
"support_title_live_chat": "Soporte vital",
"support_description_live_chat": "¡GRATIS y RÁPIDO! Los representantes de apoyo capacitado están disponibles para ayudar",
@ -698,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Únase a nuestras comunidades o comuníquese con nosotros nuestros socios a través de otros métodos",
"select_destination": "Seleccione el destino del archivo de copia de seguridad.",
"save_to_downloads": "Guardar en Descargas"
"template_name": "Nombre de la plantilla"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "Thème à contraste élevé",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Thème Matrix Green Dark",
"monero_light_theme": "Thème de lumière Monero",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset": "Gâteau 2FA prédéfini",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Gâteau 2FA prédéfini",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "Étroit",
"normal": "Normal",
"aggressive": "Trop zélé",
@ -688,7 +684,6 @@
"slidable": "Glissable",
"manage_nodes": "Gérer les nœuds",
"etherscan_history": "Historique d'Etherscan",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Nom du modèle",
"support_title_live_chat": "Support en direct",
"support_description_live_chat": "GRATUIT ET RAPIDE! Des représentants de soutien formé sont disponibles pour aider",
@ -698,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Rejoignez nos communautés ou contactez-nous nos partenaires à travers d'autres méthodes",
"select_destination": "Veuillez sélectionner la destination du fichier de sauvegarde.",
"save_to_downloads": "Enregistrer dans les téléchargements"
"template_name": "Nom du modèle"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -624,11 +624,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "Babban Jigon Kwatance",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Green Dark Jigo",
"monero_light_theme": "Jigon Hasken Monero",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset": "Cake 2FA saiti",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Cake 2FA saiti",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "kunkuntar",
"normal": "Na al'ada",
"aggressive": "Mai tsananin kishi",
@ -666,7 +662,6 @@
"slidable": "Mai iya zamewa",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan tarihin kowane zamani",
"manage_nodes": "Sarrafa nodes",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Sunan Samfura",
"support_title_live_chat": "Tallafi na Live",
"support_description_live_chat": "Kyauta da sauri! An horar da wakilan tallafi na tallafi don taimakawa",
@ -676,7 +671,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Kasance tare da al'ummominmu ko kuma ka kai mu abokanmu ta hanyar wasu hanyoyi",
"select_destination": "Da fatan za a zaɓi wurin da za a yi wa madadin fayil ɗin.",
"save_to_downloads": "Ajiye zuwa Zazzagewa"
"template_name": "Sunan Samfura"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "उच्च कंट्रास्ट थीम",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "मैट्रिक्स ग्रीन डार्क थीम",
"monero_light_theme": "मोनेरो लाइट थीम",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset": "केक 2एफए प्रीसेट",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "केक 2एफए प्रीसेट",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "सँकरा",
"normal": "सामान्य",
"aggressive": "ज्यादा",
@ -688,7 +684,6 @@
"slidable": "फिसलने लायक",
"manage_nodes": "नोड्स प्रबंधित करें",
"etherscan_history": "इथरस्कैन इतिहास",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "टेम्पलेट नाम",
"support_title_live_chat": "लाइव सहायता",
"support_description_live_chat": "मुक्त और तेजी से! प्रशिक्षित सहायता प्रतिनिधि सहायता के लिए उपलब्ध हैं",
@ -698,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "हमारे समुदायों में शामिल हों या अन्य तरीकों के माध्यम से हमारे साथी तक पहुंचें",
"select_destination": "कृपया बैकअप फ़ाइल के लिए गंतव्य का चयन करें।",
"save_to_downloads": "डाउनलोड में सहेजें"
"template_name": "टेम्पलेट नाम"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -646,11 +646,7 @@
"high_contrast_theme": "Tema visokog kontrasta",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Green Dark Theme",
"monero_light_theme": "Monero lagana tema",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"cake_2fa_preset": "Cake 2FA Preset",
"cake_2fa_preset" : "Cake 2FA Preset",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"narrow": "Usko",
"normal": "Normalno",
"aggressive": "Preterano",
@ -688,7 +684,6 @@
"slidable": "Klizna",
"manage_nodes": "Upravljanje čvorovima",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan povijest",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Naziv predloška",
"support_title_live_chat": "Podrška uživo",
"support_description_live_chat": "Besplatno i brzo! Obučeni predstavnici podrške dostupni su za pomoć",
@ -698,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Pridružite se našim zajednicama ili nam dosegnu naše partnere drugim metodama",
"select_destination": "Odaberite odredište za datoteku sigurnosne kopije.",
"save_to_downloads": "Spremi u Preuzimanja"
"template_name": "Naziv predloška"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -673,7 +673,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Tema Cahaya Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Kelola node",
"etherscan_history": "Sejarah Etherscan",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Nama Templat",
"support_title_live_chat": "Dukungan langsung",
"support_description_live_chat": "Gratis dan Cepat! Perwakilan dukungan terlatih tersedia untuk membantu",
@ -683,7 +682,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Bergabunglah dengan komunitas kami atau hubungi kami mitra kami melalui metode lain",
"select_destination": "Silakan pilih tujuan untuk file cadangan.",
"save_to_downloads": "Simpan ke Unduhan"
"template_name": "Nama Templat"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -684,7 +684,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Tema leggero Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Gestisci i nodi",
"etherscan_history": "Storia Etherscan",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Nome modello",
"support_title_live_chat": "Supporto dal vivo",
"support_description_live_chat": "Gratuito e veloce! I rappresentanti di supporto qualificati sono disponibili per assistere",
@ -694,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Unisciti alle nostre comunità o raggiungici i nostri partner attraverso altri metodi",
"select_destination": "Seleziona la destinazione per il file di backup.",
"save_to_downloads": "Salva in Download"
"template_name": "Nome modello"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -684,7 +684,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "モネロ ライト テーマ",
"manage_nodes": "ノードの管理",
"etherscan_history": "イーサスキャンの歴史",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "テンプレート名",
"support_title_live_chat": "ライブサポート",
"support_description_live_chat": "無料で速い!訓練されたサポート担当者が支援することができます",
@ -694,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "私たちのコミュニティに参加するか、他の方法を通して私たちのパートナーに連絡してください",
"select_destination": "バックアップファイルの保存先を選択してください。",
"save_to_downloads": "ダウンロードに保存"
"template_name": "テンプレート名"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -684,7 +684,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "모네로 라이트 테마",
"manage_nodes": "노드 관리",
"etherscan_history": "이더스캔 역사",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "템플릿 이름",
"support_title_live_chat": "실시간 지원",
"support_description_live_chat": "자유롭고 빠릅니다! 훈련 된 지원 담당자가 지원할 수 있습니다",
@ -694,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "다른 방법을 통해 커뮤니티에 가입하거나 파트너에게 연락하십시오.",
"select_destination": "백업 파일의 대상을 선택하십시오.",
"save_to_downloads": "다운로드에 저장"
"template_name": "템플릿 이름"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -682,7 +682,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light အပြင်အဆင်",
"manage_nodes": "ဆုံမှတ်များကို စီမံပါ။",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan သမိုင်း",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "နမူနာပုံစံ",
"support_title_live_chat": "တိုက်ရိုက်ပံ့ပိုးမှု",
"support_description_live_chat": "အခမဲ့နှင့်အစာရှောင်ခြင်း! လေ့ကျင့်ထားသောထောက်ခံသူကိုယ်စားလှယ်များသည်ကူညီနိုင်သည်",
@ -692,7 +691,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "ကျွန်ုပ်တို့၏လူမှုအသိုင်းအဝိုင်းများသို့ 0 င်ရောက်ပါ",
"select_destination": "အရန်ဖိုင်အတွက် ဦးတည်ရာကို ရွေးပါ။",
"save_to_downloads": "ဒေါင်းလုဒ်များထံ သိမ်းဆည်းပါ။"
"template_name": "နမူနာပုံစံ"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -684,7 +684,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light-thema",
"manage_nodes": "Beheer knooppunten",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan-geschiedenis",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Sjabloonnaam",
"support_title_live_chat": "Live ondersteuning",
"support_description_live_chat": "Gratis en snel! Getrainde ondersteuningsvertegenwoordigers zijn beschikbaar om te helpen",
@ -694,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Word lid van onze gemeenschappen of bereik ons onze partners via andere methoden",
"select_destination": "Selecteer de bestemming voor het back-upbestand.",
"save_to_downloads": "Opslaan in downloads"
"template_name": "Sjabloonnaam"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -684,7 +684,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Lekki motyw Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Zarządzaj węzłami",
"etherscan_history": "Historia Etherscanu",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Nazwa szablonu",
"support_title_live_chat": "Wsparcie na żywo",
"support_description_live_chat": "Darmowe i szybkie! Do pomocy są dostępni przeszkoleni przedstawiciele wsparcia",
@ -694,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Dołącz do naszych społeczności lub skontaktuj się z nami naszymi partnerami za pomocą innych metod",
"select_destination": "Wybierz miejsce docelowe dla pliku kopii zapasowej.",
"save_to_downloads": "Zapisz w Pobranych"
"template_name": "Nazwa szablonu"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -683,7 +683,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light Theme",
"manage_nodes": "Gerenciar nós",
"etherscan_history": "história Etherscan",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Nome do modelo",
"support_title_live_chat": "Apoio ao vivo",
"support_description_live_chat": "Livre e rápido! Representantes de suporte treinado estão disponíveis para ajudar",
@ -693,7 +692,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Junte -se às nossas comunidades ou chegue a nós nossos parceiros por meio de outros métodos",
"select_destination": "Selecione o destino para o arquivo de backup.",
"save_to_downloads": "Salvar em Downloads"
"template_name": "Nome do modelo"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -685,7 +685,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Светлая тема Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Управление узлами",
"etherscan_history": "История Эфириума",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Имя Шаблона",
"support_title_live_chat": "Живая поддержка",
"support_description_live_chat": "Бесплатно и быстро! Обученные представители поддержки доступны для оказания помощи",
@ -695,7 +694,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Присоединяйтесь к нашим сообществам или охватите нас наших партнеров с помощью других методов",
"select_destination": "Пожалуйста, выберите место для файла резервной копии.",
"save_to_downloads": "Сохранить в загрузках"
"template_name": "Имя Шаблона"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -682,7 +682,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "ธีมแสง Monero",
"manage_nodes": "จัดการโหนด",
"etherscan_history": "ประวัติอีเธอร์สแกน",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "ชื่อแม่แบบ",
"support_title_live_chat": "การสนับสนุนสด",
"support_description_live_chat": "ฟรีและรวดเร็ว! ตัวแทนฝ่ายสนับสนุนที่ผ่านการฝึกอบรมพร้อมให้ความช่วยเหลือ",
@ -692,7 +691,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "เข้าร่วมชุมชนของเราหรือเข้าถึงเราพันธมิตรของเราผ่านวิธีการอื่น ๆ",
"select_destination": "โปรดเลือกปลายทางสำหรับไฟล์สำรอง",
"save_to_downloads": "บันทึกลงดาวน์โหลด"
"template_name": "ชื่อแม่แบบ"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -682,7 +682,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Hafif Tema",
"manage_nodes": "Düğümleri yönet",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan geçmişi",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "şablon adı",
"support_title_live_chat": "Canlı destek",
"support_description_live_chat": "Ücretsiz ve hızlı! Eğitimli destek temsilcileri yardımcı olmak için mevcuttur",
@ -692,7 +691,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Topluluklarımıza katılın veya ortaklarımıza diğer yöntemlerle bize ulaşın",
"select_destination": "Lütfen yedekleme dosyası için hedef seçin.",
"save_to_downloads": "İndirilenlere Kaydet"
"template_name": "şablon adı"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -684,7 +684,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "Легка тема Monero",
"manage_nodes": "Керуйте вузлами",
"etherscan_history": "Історія Etherscan",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "Назва шаблону",
"support_title_live_chat": "Жива підтримка",
"support_description_live_chat": "Безкоштовно і швидко! Навчені представники підтримки доступні для надання допомоги",
@ -694,7 +693,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "Приєднуйтесь до наших спільнот або досягайте нас нашими партнерами іншими методами",
"select_destination": "Виберіть місце призначення для файлу резервної копії.",
"save_to_downloads": "Зберегти до завантажень"
"template_name": "Назва шаблону"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -677,7 +677,6 @@
"monero_light_theme": "مونیرو لائٹ تھیم",
"manage_nodes": "۔ﮟﯾﺮﮐ ﻢﻈﻧ ﺎﮐ ﺱﮈﻮﻧ",
"etherscan_history": "ﺦﯾﺭﺎﺗ ﯽﮐ ﻦﯿﮑﺳﺍ ﺮﮭﺘﯾﺍ",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"template_name": "ٹیمپلیٹ کا نام",
"support_title_live_chat": "براہ راست مدد",
"support_description_live_chat": "مفت اور تیز! تربیت یافتہ معاون نمائندے مدد کے لئے دستیاب ہیں",
@ -687,7 +686,4 @@
"support_description_other_links": "ہماری برادریوں میں شامل ہوں یا دوسرے طریقوں سے ہمارے شراکت داروں تک پہنچیں",
"select_destination": "۔ﮟﯾﺮﮐ ﺏﺎﺨﺘﻧﺍ ﺎﮐ ﻝﺰﻨﻣ ﮯﯿﻟ ﮯﮐ ﻞﺋﺎﻓ ﭖﺍ ﮏﯿﺑ ﻡﺮﮐ ﮦﺍﺮﺑ",
"save_to_downloads": "۔ﮟﯾﺮﮐ ﻅﻮﻔﺤﻣ ﮟﯿﻣ ﺯﮈﻮﻟ ﻥﺅﺍﮈ"
"template_name": "ٹیمپلیٹ کا نام"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -667,25 +667,18 @@
"manage_nodes": "Ṣakoso awọn apa",
"etherscan_history": "Etherscan itan",
"template_name": "Orukọ Awoṣe",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"support_title_live_chat": "Atilẹyin ifiwe",
"support_description_live_chat": "Free ati sare! Ti oṣiṣẹ awọn aṣoju wa lati ṣe iranlọwọ",
"support_title_guides": "Akara oyinbo Awọn Itọsọna Awọki oyinbo",
"support_description_guides": "Iwe ati atilẹyin fun awọn ọran ti o wọpọ",
"support_title_other_links": "Awọn ọna asopọ atilẹyin miiran",
"support_description_other_links": "Darapọ mọ awọn agbegbe wa tabi de wa awọn alabaṣepọ wa nipasẹ awọn ọna miiran",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"monero_dark_theme": "Monero Dudu Akori",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "Bitcoin Dark Akori",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "Bitcoin Light Akori",
"high_contrast_theme": "Akori Iyatọ giga",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "Matrix Green Dark Akori",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light Akori",
"select_destination": "Jọwọ yan ibi ti o nlo fun faili afẹyinti.",
"save_to_downloads": "Fipamọ si Awọn igbasilẹ"
"monero_light_theme": "Monero Light Akori"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
@ -678,25 +678,18 @@
"manage_nodes": "管理节点",
"etherscan_history": "以太扫描历史",
"template_name": "模板名称",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"support_title_live_chat": "实时支持",
"support_description_live_chat": "免费快速!训练有素的支持代表可以协助",
"support_title_guides": "蛋糕钱包指南",
"support_description_guides": "对常见问题的文档和支持",
"support_title_other_links": "其他支持链接",
"support_description_other_links": "加入我们的社区或通过其他方法与我们联系我们的合作伙伴",
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
"monero_dark_theme": "门罗币深色主题",
"bitcoin_dark_theme": "比特币黑暗主题",
"bitcoin_light_theme": "比特币浅色主题",
"high_contrast_theme": "高对比度主题",
"matrix_green_dark_theme": "矩阵绿暗主题",
<<<<<<< HEAD
"monero_light_theme": "门罗币浅色主题",
"select_destination": "请选择备份文件的目的地。",
"save_to_downloads": "保存到下载"
"monero_light_theme": "门罗币浅色主题"
>>>>>>> origin/linux/password-direct-input
Reference in a new issue