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synced 2025-03-06 08:44:35 +00:00
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import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:convert/convert.dart';
import "package:ed25519_hd_key/ed25519_hd_key.dart";
import 'package:libcrypto/libcrypto.dart';
import 'package:nanodart/nanodart.dart';
import 'package:decimal/decimal.dart';
class NanoUtil {
// standard:
static String seedToPrivate(String seed, int index) {
return NanoKeys.seedToPrivate(seed, index);
static String seedToAddress(String seed, int index) {
return NanoAccounts.createAccount(
NanoAccountType.NANO, privateKeyToPublic(seedToPrivate(seed, index)));
static String seedToMnemonic(String seed) {
return NanoMnemomics.seedToMnemonic(seed).join(" ");
static Future<String> mnemonicToSeed(String mnemonic) async {
return NanoMnemomics.mnemonicListToSeed(mnemonic.split(' '));
static String privateKeyToPublic(String privateKey) {
// return NanoHelpers.byteToHex(Ed25519Blake2b.getPubkey(NanoHelpers.hexToBytes(privateKey))!);
return NanoKeys.createPublicKey(privateKey);
static String addressToPublicKey(String publicAddress) {
return NanoAccounts.extractPublicKey(publicAddress);
// universal:
static String privateKeyToAddress(String privateKey) {
return NanoAccounts.createAccount(NanoAccountType.NANO, privateKeyToPublic(privateKey));
static String publicKeyToAddress(String publicKey) {
return NanoAccounts.createAccount(NanoAccountType.NANO, publicKey);
// standard + hd:
static bool isValidSeed(String seed) {
// Ensure seed is 64 or 128 characters long
if (seed == null || (seed.length != 64 && seed.length != 128)) {
return false;
// Ensure seed only contains hex characters, 0-9;A-F
return NanoHelpers.isHexString(seed);
// // hd:
static Future<String> hdMnemonicListToSeed(List<String> words) async {
// if (words.length != 24) {
// throw Exception('Expected a 24-word list, got a ${words.length} list');
// }
final Uint8List salt = Uint8List.fromList(utf8.encode('mnemonic'));
final Pbkdf2 hasher = Pbkdf2(iterations: 2048);
final String seed = await hasher.sha512(words.join(' '), salt);
return seed;
static Future<String> hdSeedToPrivate(String seed, int index) async {
List<int> seedBytes = hex.decode(seed);
KeyData data = await ED25519_HD_KEY.derivePath("m/44'/165'/$index'", seedBytes);
return hex.encode(data.key);
static Future<String> hdSeedToAddress(String seed, int index) async {
return NanoAccounts.createAccount(
NanoAccountType.NANO, privateKeyToPublic(await hdSeedToPrivate(seed, index)));
static Future<String> uniSeedToAddress(String seed, int index, String type) {
if (type == "standard") {
return Future<String>.value(seedToAddress(seed, index));
} else if (type == "hd") {
return hdSeedToAddress(seed, index);
} else {
throw Exception('Unknown seed type');
static Future<String> uniSeedToPrivate(String seed, int index, String type) {
if (type == "standard") {
return Future<String>.value(seedToPrivate(seed, index));
} else if (type == "hd") {
return hdSeedToPrivate(seed, index);
} else {
throw Exception('Unknown seed type');
static bool isValidBip39Seed(String seed) {
// Ensure seed is 128 characters long
if (seed.length != 128) {
return false;
// Ensure seed only contains hex characters, 0-9;A-F
return NanoHelpers.isHexString(seed);
// number util:
static const int maxDecimalDigits = 6; // Max digits after decimal
static BigInt rawPerNano = BigInt.parse("1000000000000000000000000000000");
static BigInt rawPerNyano = BigInt.parse("1000000000000000000000000");
static BigInt rawPerBanano = BigInt.parse("100000000000000000000000000000");
static BigInt rawPerXMR = BigInt.parse("1000000000000");
static BigInt convertXMRtoNano = BigInt.parse("1000000000000000000");
// static BigInt convertXMRtoNano = BigInt.parse("1000000000000000000000000000");
/// Convert raw to ban and return as BigDecimal
/// @param raw 100000000000000000000000000000
/// @return Decimal value 1.000000000000000000000000000000
static Decimal getRawAsDecimal(String? raw, BigInt? rawPerCur) {
rawPerCur ??= rawPerNano;
final Decimal amount = Decimal.parse(raw.toString());
final Decimal result = (amount / Decimal.parse(rawPerCur.toString())).toDecimal();
return result;
static String truncateDecimal(Decimal input, {int digits = maxDecimalDigits}) {
Decimal bigger = input.shift(digits);
bigger = bigger.floor(); // chop off the decimal: 1.059 -> 1.05
bigger = bigger.shift(-digits);
return bigger.toString();
/// Return raw as a NANO amount.
/// @param raw 100000000000000000000000000000
/// @returns 1
static String getRawAsUsableString(String? raw, BigInt rawPerCur) {
final String res =
truncateDecimal(getRawAsDecimal(raw, rawPerCur), digits: maxDecimalDigits + 9);
if (raw == null || raw == "0" || raw == "00000000000000000000000000000000") {
return "0";
if (!res.contains(".")) {
return res;
final String numAmount = res.split(".")[0];
String decAmount = res.split(".")[1];
// truncate:
if (decAmount.length > maxDecimalDigits) {
decAmount = decAmount.substring(0, maxDecimalDigits);
// remove trailing zeros:
decAmount = decAmount.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'0+$'), (Match match) => '');
if (decAmount.isEmpty) {
return numAmount;
return "$numAmount.$decAmount";
static String getRawAccuracy(String? raw, BigInt rawPerCur) {
final String rawString = getRawAsUsableString(raw, rawPerCur);
final String rawDecimalString = getRawAsDecimal(raw, rawPerCur).toString();
if (raw == null || raw.isEmpty || raw == "0") {
return "";
if (rawString != rawDecimalString) {
return "~";
return "";
/// Return readable string amount as raw string
/// @param amount 1.01
/// @returns 101000000000000000000000000000
static String getAmountAsRaw(String amount, BigInt rawPerCur) {
final Decimal asDecimal = Decimal.parse(amount);
final Decimal rawDecimal = Decimal.parse(rawPerCur.toString());
return (asDecimal * rawDecimal).toString();