
309 lines
14 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 tecnovert
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or
import json
from .util import (
from .chainparams import (
from .basicswap_util import (
def tickerToCoinId(ticker):
search_str = ticker.upper()
for c in Coins:
if == search_str:
return c.value
raise ValueError('Unknown coin')
def getCoinType(coin_type_ind):
# coin_type_ind can be int id or str ticker
return int(coin_type_ind)
except Exception:
return tickerToCoinId(coin_type_ind)
def validateAmountString(amount, ci):
if type(amount) != str:
ar = amount.split('.')
if len(ar) > 1 and len(ar[1]) > ci.exp():
raise ValueError('Too many decimal places in amount {}'.format(amount))
def inputAmount(amount_str, ci):
validateAmountString(amount_str, ci)
return make_int(amount_str, ci.exp())
def get_data_entry_or(post_data, name, default):
if 'is_json' in post_data:
return post_data.get(name, default)
key_bytes = name.encode('utf-8')
if key_bytes in post_data:
return post_data[key_bytes][0].decode('utf-8')
return default
def get_data_entry(post_data, name):
if 'is_json' in post_data:
return post_data[name]
return post_data[name.encode('utf-8')][0].decode('utf-8')
def have_data_entry(post_data, name):
if 'is_json' in post_data:
return name in post_data
return name.encode('utf-8') in post_data
def setCoinFilter(form_data, field_name):
coin_type = getCoinType(get_data_entry(form_data, field_name))
except Exception:
return -1
if coin_type == -1:
return -1
return Coins(coin_type)
except Exception:
raise ValueError('Unknown Coin Type {}'.format(str(field_name)))
def getTxIdHex(bid, tx_type, suffix):
if tx_type == TxTypes.ITX:
obj = bid.initiate_tx
elif tx_type == TxTypes.PTX:
obj = bid.participate_tx
return 'Unknown Type'
if not obj:
return 'None'
if not obj.txid:
return 'None'
return obj.txid.hex() + suffix
def getTxSpendHex(bid, tx_type):
if tx_type == TxTypes.ITX:
obj = bid.initiate_tx
elif tx_type == TxTypes.PTX:
obj = bid.participate_tx
return 'Unknown Type'
if not obj:
return 'None'
if not obj.spend_txid:
return 'None'
return obj.spend_txid.hex() + ' {}'.format(obj.spend_n)
def listBidStates():
rv = []
for s in BidStates:
rv.append((int(s), strBidState(s)))
return rv
def describeBid(swap_client, bid, xmr_swap, offer, xmr_offer, bid_events, edit_bid, show_txns, view_tx_ind=None, for_api=False, show_lock_transfers=False):
ci_from =
ci_to =
ticker_from = ci_from.ticker()
ticker_to = ci_to.ticker()
state_description = ''
if offer.swap_type == SwapTypes.SELLER_FIRST:
if bid.state == BidStates.BID_SENT:
state_description = 'Waiting for seller to accept.'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVED:
state_description = 'Waiting for seller to accept.'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED:
if not bid.initiate_tx:
state_description = 'Waiting for seller to send initiate tx.'
state_description = 'Waiting for initiate tx to confirm.'
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_INITIATED:
state_description = 'Waiting for participate txn to be confirmed in {} chain'.format(ticker_to)
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_PARTICIPATING:
if bid.was_sent:
state_description = 'Waiting for participate txn to be spent in {} chain'.format(ticker_to)
state_description = 'Waiting for initiate txn to be spent in {} chain'.format(ticker_from)
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_COMPLETED:
state_description = 'Swap completed'
if bid.getITxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED and bid.getPTxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
state_description += ' successfully'
state_description += ', ITX ' + strTxState(bid.getITxState()) + ', PTX ' + strTxState(bid.getPTxState())
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_TIMEDOUT:
state_description = 'Timed out waiting for initiate txn'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_ABANDONED:
state_description = 'Bid abandoned'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_ERROR:
state_description = bid.state_note
elif offer.swap_type == SwapTypes.XMR_SWAP:
if bid.state == BidStates.BID_SENT:
tate_description = 'Waiting for offerer to accept'
if bid.state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVING:
# Offerer receiving bid from bidder
state_description = 'Waiting for bid to be fully received'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVED:
# Offerer received bid from bidder
# TODO: Manual vs automatic
state_description = 'Bid must be accepted'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVING_ACC:
state_description = 'Receiving accepted bid message'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED:
state_description = 'Offerer has accepted bid, waiting for bidder to respond'
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_DELAYING:
last_state = getLastBidState(bid.states)
if last_state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVED:
state_description = 'Delaying before accepting bid'
elif last_state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVING_ACC:
state_description = 'Delaying before responding to accepted bid'
elif last_state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED:
state_description = f'Delaying before spending from {ticker_to} lock tx'
elif last_state == BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED:
state_description = f'Delaying before sending {ticker_from} lock tx'
state_description = 'Delaying before automated action'
elif bid.state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_HAVE_SCRIPT_COIN_SPEND_TX:
state_description = f'Waiting for {ticker_from} lock tx to confirm in chain ({ci_from.blocks_confirmed} blocks)'
elif bid.state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED:
state_description = f'Waiting for {ticker_to} lock tx to confirm in chain ({ci_to.blocks_confirmed} blocks)'
elif bid.state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_COIN_LOCKED:
state_description = f'Waiting for offerer to unlock {ticker_from} lock tx'
elif bid.state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_LOCK_RELEASED:
state_description = f'Waiting for bidder to spend from {ticker_from} lock tx'
elif bid.state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_SCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED:
state_description = f'Waiting for offerer to spend from {ticker_to} lock tx'
elif bid.state == BidStates.XMR_SWAP_NOSCRIPT_TX_REDEEMED:
state_description = f'Waiting for {ticker_to} lock tx spend tx to confirm in chain'
data = {
'coin_from': ci_from.coin_name(),
'coin_to': ci_to.coin_name(),
'amt_from': ci_from.format_amount(bid.amount),
'amt_to': ci_to.format_amount((bid.amount * offer.rate) // ci_from.COIN()),
'bid_rate': ci_to.format_amount(bid.rate),
'ticker_from': ticker_from,
'ticker_to': ticker_to,
'bid_state': strBidState(bid.state),
'state_description': state_description,
'itx_state': strTxState(bid.getITxState()),
'ptx_state': strTxState(bid.getPTxState()),
'offer_id': bid.offer_id.hex(),
'addr_from': bid.bid_addr,
'addr_fund_proof': bid.proof_address,
'created_at': bid.created_at if for_api else format_timestamp(bid.created_at, with_seconds=True),
'expired_at': bid.expire_at if for_api else format_timestamp(bid.expire_at, with_seconds=True),
'was_sent': 'True' if bid.was_sent else 'False',
'was_received': 'True' if bid.was_received else 'False',
'initiate_tx': getTxIdHex(bid, TxTypes.ITX, ' ' + ticker_from),
'initiate_conf': 'None' if (not bid.initiate_tx or not bid.initiate_tx.conf) else bid.initiate_tx.conf,
'participate_tx': getTxIdHex(bid, TxTypes.PTX, ' ' + ticker_to),
'participate_conf': 'None' if (not bid.participate_tx or not bid.participate_tx.conf) else bid.participate_tx.conf,
'show_txns': show_txns,
'can_abandon': True if bid.state not in (BidStates.BID_ABANDONED, BidStates.SWAP_COMPLETED) else False,
'events': bid_events,
if edit_bid:
data['bid_state_ind'] = int(bid.state)
data['bid_states'] = listBidStates()
if show_txns:
if offer.swap_type == SwapTypes.XMR_SWAP:
txns = []
if bid.xmr_a_lock_tx:
confirms = None
if swap_client.coin_clients[ci_from.coin_type()]['chain_height'] and bid.xmr_a_lock_tx.chain_height:
confirms = (swap_client.coin_clients[ci_from.coin_type()]['chain_height'] - bid.xmr_a_lock_tx.chain_height) + 1
txns.append({'type': 'Chain A Lock', 'txid': bid.xmr_a_lock_tx.txid.hex(), 'confirms': confirms})
if bid.xmr_a_lock_spend_tx:
txns.append({'type': 'Chain A Lock Spend', 'txid': bid.xmr_a_lock_spend_tx.txid.hex()})
if bid.xmr_b_lock_tx:
confirms = None
if swap_client.coin_clients[ci_to.coin_type()]['chain_height'] and bid.xmr_b_lock_tx.chain_height:
confirms = (swap_client.coin_clients[ci_to.coin_type()]['chain_height'] - bid.xmr_b_lock_tx.chain_height) + 1
txns.append({'type': 'Chain B Lock', 'txid': bid.xmr_b_lock_tx.txid.hex(), 'confirms': confirms})
if bid.xmr_b_lock_tx and bid.xmr_b_lock_tx.spend_txid:
txns.append({'type': 'Chain B Lock Spend', 'txid': bid.xmr_b_lock_tx.spend_txid.hex()})
if xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_tx:
txns.append({'type': strTxType(TxTypes.XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND), 'txid': xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_tx_id.hex()})
if xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_spend_tx:
txns.append({'type': strTxType(TxTypes.XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK_REFUND_SPEND), 'txid': xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_spend_tx_id.hex()})
for tx_type, tx in bid.txns.items():
txns.append({'type': strTxType(tx_type), 'txid': tx.txid.hex()})
data['txns'] = txns
data['xmr_b_shared_address'] = ci_to.encodeSharedAddress(xmr_swap.pkbv, xmr_swap.pkbs) if xmr_swap.pkbs else None
if show_lock_transfers:
if xmr_swap.pkbs:
data['lock_transfers'] = json.dumps(ci_to.showLockTransfers(xmr_swap.pkbv, xmr_swap.pkbs), indent=4)
data['lock_transfers'] = 'Shared address not yet known.'
data['initiate_tx_refund'] = 'None' if not bid.initiate_txn_refund else bid.initiate_txn_refund.hex()
data['participate_tx_refund'] = 'None' if not bid.participate_txn_refund else bid.participate_txn_refund.hex()
data['initiate_tx_spend'] = getTxSpendHex(bid, TxTypes.ITX)
data['participate_tx_spend'] = getTxSpendHex(bid, TxTypes.PTX)
if bid.initiate_tx and bid.initiate_tx.tx_data is not None:
data['initiate_tx_inputs'] = ci_from.listInputs(bid.initiate_tx.tx_data)
if bid.participate_tx and bid.participate_tx.tx_data is not None:
data['initiate_tx_inputs'] = ci_from.listInputs(bid.participate_tx.tx_data)
if offer.swap_type == SwapTypes.XMR_SWAP:
data['coin_a_lock_refund_tx_est_final'] = 'None'
if bid.xmr_a_lock_tx and bid.xmr_a_lock_tx.block_time:
if offer.lock_type == SEQUENCE_LOCK_TIME:
raw_sequence = ci_from.getExpectedSequence(offer.lock_type, offer.lock_value)
seconds_locked = ci_from.decodeSequence(raw_sequence)
data['coin_a_lock_refund_tx_est_final'] = bid.xmr_a_lock_tx.block_time + seconds_locked
data['coin_a_last_median_time'] = swap_client.coin_clients[offer.coin_from]['chain_median_time']
if view_tx_ind:
data['view_tx_ind'] = view_tx_ind
view_tx_id = bytes.fromhex(view_tx_ind)
if xmr_swap:
if view_tx_id == xmr_swap.a_lock_tx_id and xmr_swap.a_lock_tx:
data['view_tx_hex'] = xmr_swap.a_lock_tx.hex()
data['chain_a_lock_tx_inputs'] = ci_from.listInputs(xmr_swap.a_lock_tx)
if view_tx_id == xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_tx_id and xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_tx:
data['view_tx_hex'] = xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_tx.hex()
if view_tx_id == xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_spend_tx_id and xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_spend_tx:
data['view_tx_hex'] = xmr_swap.a_lock_refund_spend_tx.hex()
if view_tx_id == xmr_swap.a_lock_spend_tx_id and xmr_swap.a_lock_spend_tx:
data['view_tx_hex'] = xmr_swap.a_lock_spend_tx.hex()
if 'view_tx_hex' in data:
data['view_tx_desc'] = json.dumps(ci_from.describeTx(data['view_tx_hex']), indent=4)
return data