#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2023 tecnovert # Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying # file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. """ Create offers """ __version__ = '0.1' import os import json import signal import urllib import logging import argparse import threading from urllib.request import urlopen delay_event = threading.Event() def post_json_req(url, json_data): req = urllib.request.Request(url) req.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8') post_bytes = json.dumps(json_data).encode('utf-8') req.add_header('Content-Length', len(post_bytes)) return urlopen(req, post_bytes, timeout=300).read() def read_json_api(port, path=None, json_data=None): url = f'{port}/json' if path is not None: url += '/' + path if json_data is not None: return json.loads(post_json_req(url, json_data)) return json.loads(urlopen(url, timeout=300).read()) def signal_handler(sig, frame) -> None: logging.info('Signal {} detected.'.format(sig)) delay_event.set() def findCoin(coin: str, known_coins) -> str: for known_coin in known_coins: if known_coin['name'].lower() == coin.lower() or known_coin['ticker'].lower() == coin.lower(): if known_coin['active'] is False: raise ValueError(f'Inactive coin {coin}') return known_coin['name'] raise ValueError(f'Unknown coin {coin}') def readTemplates(known_coins): offer_templates = [] with open('offer_rules.csv', 'r') as fp: for i, line in enumerate(fp): if i < 1: continue line = line.strip() if line[0] == '#': continue row_data = line.split(',') try: if len(row_data) < 6: raise ValueError('missing data') offer_template = {} offer_template['coin_from'] = findCoin(row_data[0], known_coins) offer_template['coin_to'] = findCoin(row_data[1], known_coins) offer_template['amount'] = row_data[2] offer_template['minrate'] = float(row_data[3]) offer_template['ratetweakpercent'] = float(row_data[4]) offer_template['amount_variable'] = row_data[5].lower() in ('true', 1) offer_template['address'] = row_data[6] offer_templates.append(offer_template) except Exception as e: print(f'Warning: Skipping row {i}, {e}') continue return offer_templates def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s {version}'.format(version=__version__)) parser.add_argument('--port', dest='port', help='RPC port (default=12700)', type=int, default=12700, required=False) args = parser.parse_args() if not os.path.exists('offer_rules.csv'): with open('offer_rules.csv', 'w') as fp: # Set address to -1 to use new addresses fp.write('coin from,coin to,offer value,min rate,rate tweak percent,amount variable,address') known_coins = read_json_api(args.port, 'coins') coins_map = {} for known_coin in known_coins: coins_map[known_coin['name']] = known_coin signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) while not delay_event.is_set(): # Read templates each iteration so they can be modified without restarting offer_templates = readTemplates(known_coins) try: recieved_offers = read_json_api(args.port, 'offers', {'active': 'active', 'include_sent': False}) print('recieved_offers', recieved_offers) sent_offers = read_json_api(args.port, 'sentoffers', {'active': 'active'}) for offer_template in offer_templates: offers_found = 0 for offer in sent_offers: if offer['coin_from'] == offer_template['coin_from'] and offer['coin_to'] == offer_template['coin_to']: offers_found += 1 if offers_found > 0: continue coin_from_data = coins_map[offer_template['coin_from']] coin_to_data = coins_map[offer_template['coin_to']] rates = read_json_api(args.port, 'rates', {'coin_from': coin_from_data['id'], 'coin_to': coin_to_data['id']}) print('Rates', rates) coingecko_rate = float(rates['coingecko']['rate_inferred']) use_rate = coingecko_rate if offer_template['ratetweakpercent'] != 0: print('Adjusting rate {} by {}%.'.format(use_rate, offer_template['ratetweakpercent'])) tweak = offer_template['ratetweakpercent'] / 100.0 use_rate += use_rate * tweak if use_rate < offer_template['minrate']: print('Warning: Clamping rate to minimum.') use_rate = offer_template['minrate'] print('Creating offer for: {} at rate: {}'.format(offer_template, use_rate)) offer_data = { 'addr_from': offer_template['address'], 'coin_from': coin_from_data['ticker'], 'coin_to': coin_to_data['ticker'], 'amt_from': offer_template['amount'], 'amt_var': offer_template['amount_variable'], 'rate': use_rate, 'swap_type': 'adaptor_sig', 'lockhrs': '24', 'automation_strat_id': 1} new_offer = read_json_api(args.port, 'offers/new', offer_data) print('New offer: {}'.format(new_offer)) except Exception as e: print('Error: Clamping rate to minimum.') print('Looping indefinitely, ctrl+c to exit.') delay_event.wait(60) print('Done.') if __name__ == '__main__': main()