Update sqlalchemy from v1.4 to 2.0.

This commit is contained in:
tecnovert 2024-10-11 21:34:45 +02:00
parent 9017710cb5
commit ea269d9691
5 changed files with 216 additions and 186 deletions

View file

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import concurrent.futures
from typing import Optional
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import close_all_sessions
@ -1113,7 +1114,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
coin_id = int(coin_type)
info_type = 1 # wallet
query_str = f'DELETE FROM wallets WHERE coin_id = {coin_id} AND balance_type = {info_type}'
@ -1176,7 +1177,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def clearStringKV(self, str_key: str, session=None) -> None:
use_session = self.openSession(session)
use_session.execute('DELETE FROM kv_string WHERE key = :key', {'key': str_key})
use_session.execute(text('DELETE FROM kv_string WHERE key = :key'), {'key': str_key})
if session is None:
@ -1280,10 +1281,10 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
use_session = self.openSession(session)
# Remove any delayed events
query: str = 'DELETE FROM actions WHERE linked_id = x\'{}\' '.format(bid.bid_id.hex())
if self.debug:
use_session.execute('UPDATE actions SET active_ind = 2 WHERE linked_id = x\'{}\' '.format(bid.bid_id.hex()))
use_session.execute('DELETE FROM actions WHERE linked_id = x\'{}\' '.format(bid.bid_id.hex()))
query = 'UPDATE actions SET active_ind = 2 WHERE linked_id = x\'{}\' '.format(bid.bid_id.hex())
reverse_bid: bool = self.is_reverse_ads_bid(offer.coin_from)
# Unlock locked inputs (TODO)
@ -1407,7 +1408,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
event_data=bytes(json.dumps(event_data), 'UTF-8'),
use_session.execute(f'DELETE FROM notifications WHERE record_id NOT IN (SELECT record_id FROM notifications WHERE active_ind=1 ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT {self._keep_notifications})')
use_session.execute(text(f'DELETE FROM notifications WHERE record_id NOT IN (SELECT record_id FROM notifications WHERE active_ind=1 ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT {self._keep_notifications})'))
if show_event:
self._notifications_cache[now] = (event_type, event_data)
@ -1421,7 +1422,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def buildNotificationsCache(self, session):
q = session.execute(f'SELECT created_at, event_type, event_data FROM notifications WHERE active_ind = 1 ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT {self._show_notifications}')
q = session.execute(text(f'SELECT created_at, event_type, event_data FROM notifications WHERE active_ind = 1 ORDER BY created_at ASC LIMIT {self._show_notifications}'))
for entry in q:
self._notifications_cache[entry[0]] = (entry[1], json.loads(entry[2].decode('UTF-8')))
@ -1439,12 +1440,12 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
now: int = self.getTime()
session = self.openSession()
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM knownidentities WHERE address = :address', {'address': address}).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM knownidentities WHERE address = :address'), {'address': address}).first()
if q[0] < 1:
session.execute('INSERT INTO knownidentities (active_ind, address, created_at) VALUES (1, :address, :now)', {'address': address, 'now': now})
session.execute(text('INSERT INTO knownidentities (active_ind, address, created_at) VALUES (1, :address, :now)'), {'address': address, 'now': now})
if 'label' in data:
session.execute('UPDATE knownidentities SET label = :label WHERE address = :address', {'address': address, 'label': data['label']})
session.execute(text('UPDATE knownidentities SET label = :label WHERE address = :address'), {'address': address, 'label': data['label']})
if 'automation_override' in data:
new_value: int = 0
@ -1465,7 +1466,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
raise ValueError('Unknown automation_override type')
session.execute('UPDATE knownidentities SET automation_override = :new_value WHERE address = :address', {'address': address, 'new_value': new_value})
session.execute(text('UPDATE knownidentities SET automation_override = :new_value WHERE address = :address'), {'address': address, 'new_value': new_value})
if 'visibility_override' in data:
new_value: int = 0
@ -1486,10 +1487,10 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
raise ValueError('Unknown visibility_override type')
session.execute('UPDATE knownidentities SET visibility_override = :new_value WHERE address = :address', {'address': address, 'new_value': new_value})
session.execute(text('UPDATE knownidentities SET visibility_override = :new_value WHERE address = :address'), {'address': address, 'new_value': new_value})
if 'note' in data:
session.execute('UPDATE knownidentities SET note = :note WHERE address = :address', {'address': address, 'note': data['note']})
session.execute(text('UPDATE knownidentities SET note = :note WHERE address = :address'), {'address': address, 'note': data['note']})
@ -1519,7 +1520,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if offset is not None:
query_str += f' OFFSET {offset}'
q = session.execute(query_str)
q = session.execute(text(query_str))
rv = []
for row in q:
identity = {
@ -1543,7 +1544,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def vacuumDB(self):
session = self.openSession()
return session.execute('VACUUM')
return session.execute(text('VACUUM'))
@ -2180,7 +2181,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def getNewContractId(self, session):
self._contract_count += 1
session.execute('UPDATE kv_int SET value = :value WHERE KEY="contract_count"', {'value': self._contract_count})
session.execute(text('UPDATE kv_int SET value = :value WHERE KEY="contract_count"'), {'value': self._contract_count})
return self._contract_count
def getProofOfFunds(self, coin_type, amount_for: int, extra_commit_bytes):
@ -2281,7 +2282,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
self.logEvent(Concepts.BID, bid_id, event_type, event_msg, session)
def countBidEvents(self, bid, event_type, session):
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eventlog WHERE linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x\'{}\' AND event_type = {}'.format(int(Concepts.BID), bid.bid_id.hex(), int(event_type))).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM eventlog WHERE linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x\'{}\' AND event_type = {}'.format(int(Concepts.BID), bid.bid_id.hex(), int(event_type)))).first()
return q[0]
def getEvents(self, linked_type: int, linked_id: bytes):
@ -2316,7 +2317,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def getLinkedMessageId(self, linked_type: int, linked_id: int, msg_type: int, msg_sequence: int = 0, session=None) -> bytes:
use_session = self.openSession(session)
q = use_session.execute('SELECT msg_id FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :linked_type AND linked_id = :linked_id AND msg_type = :msg_type AND msg_sequence = :msg_sequence',
q = use_session.execute(text('SELECT msg_id FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :linked_type AND linked_id = :linked_id AND msg_type = :msg_type AND msg_sequence = :msg_sequence'),
{'linked_type': linked_type, 'linked_id': linked_id, 'msg_type': msg_type, 'msg_sequence': msg_sequence}).first()
return q[0]
@ -2326,7 +2327,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def countMessageLinks(self, linked_type: int, linked_id: int, msg_type: int, msg_sequence: int = 0, session=None) -> int:
use_session = self.openSession(session)
q = use_session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :linked_type AND linked_id = :linked_id AND msg_type = :msg_type AND msg_sequence = :msg_sequence',
q = use_session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :linked_type AND linked_id = :linked_id AND msg_type = :msg_type AND msg_sequence = :msg_sequence'),
{'linked_type': linked_type, 'linked_id': linked_id, 'msg_type': msg_type, 'msg_sequence': msg_sequence}).first()
return q[0]
@ -2587,14 +2588,14 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def list_bid_events(self, bid_id: bytes, session):
query_str = 'SELECT created_at, event_type, event_msg FROM eventlog ' + \
'WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_type = {} AND linked_id = x\'{}\' '.format(Concepts.BID, bid_id.hex())
q = session.execute(query_str)
q = session.execute(text(query_str))
events = []
for row in q:
events.append({'at': row[0], 'desc': describeEventEntry(row[1], row[2])})
query_str = 'SELECT created_at, trigger_at FROM actions ' + \
'WHERE active_ind = 1 AND linked_id = x\'{}\' '.format(bid_id.hex())
q = session.execute(query_str)
q = session.execute(text(query_str))
for row in q:
events.append({'at': row[0], 'desc': 'Delaying until: {}'.format(format_timestamp(row[1], with_seconds=True))})
@ -4473,7 +4474,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
use_session = self.openSession(session)
q = use_session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM checkedblocks WHERE block_hash = :block_hash', {'block_hash': previousblockhash}).first()
q = use_session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM checkedblocks WHERE block_hash = :block_hash'), {'block_hash': previousblockhash}).first()
if q[0] > 0:
return True
@ -4495,7 +4496,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
query = '''INSERT INTO checkedblocks (created_at, coin_type, block_height, block_hash, block_time)
VALUES (:now, :coin_type, :block_height, :block_hash, :block_time)'''
use_session.execute(query, {'now': now, 'coin_type': int(ci.coin_type()), 'block_height': block_height, 'block_hash': bytes.fromhex(block['hash']), 'block_time': int(block['time'])})
use_session.execute(text(query), {'now': now, 'coin_type': int(ci.coin_type()), 'block_height': block_height, 'block_hash': bytes.fromhex(block['hash']), 'block_time': int(block['time'])})
if session is None:
@ -4647,7 +4648,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
query_str = 'SELECT bid_id FROM bids ' + \
'WHERE active_ind = 1 AND state = :accepted_state AND expire_at + :grace_period <= :now '
q = session.execute(query_str, {'accepted_state': int(BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED), 'now': now, 'grace_period': grace_period})
q = session.execute(text(query_str), {'accepted_state': int(BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED), 'now': now, 'grace_period': grace_period})
for row in q:
bid_id = row[0]
self.log.info('Timing out bid {}.'.format(bid_id.hex()))
@ -4728,10 +4729,10 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
bid.setState(BidStates.BID_ERROR, err_msg)
self.saveBidInSession(bid_id, bid, session)
query: str = 'DELETE FROM actions WHERE trigger_at <= :now'
if self.debug:
session.execute('UPDATE actions SET active_ind = 2 WHERE trigger_at <= :now', {'now': now})
session.execute('DELETE FROM actions WHERE trigger_at <= :now', {'now': now})
query = 'UPDATE actions SET active_ind = 2 WHERE trigger_at <= :now'
session.execute(text(query), {'now': now})
except Exception as ex:
self.handleSessionErrors(ex, session, 'checkQueuedActions')
@ -4749,7 +4750,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = self.openSession()
q = session.query(Bid).filter(Bid.state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVING)
for bid in q:
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x\'{}\' AND msg_type = {}'.format(bid.bid_id.hex(), XmrSplitMsgTypes.BID)).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x\'{}\' AND msg_type = {}'.format(bid.bid_id.hex(), XmrSplitMsgTypes.BID))).first()
num_segments = q[0]
if num_segments > 1:
@ -4769,7 +4770,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
q = session.query(Bid).filter(Bid.state == BidStates.BID_RECEIVING_ACC)
for bid in q:
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x\'{}\' AND msg_type = {}'.format(bid.bid_id.hex(), XmrSplitMsgTypes.BID_ACCEPT)).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x\'{}\' AND msg_type = {}'.format(bid.bid_id.hex(), XmrSplitMsgTypes.BID_ACCEPT))).first()
num_segments = q[0]
if num_segments > 1:
@ -4860,7 +4861,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if msg['to'] != self.network_addr:
# Double check active_ind, shouldn't be possible to receive message if not active
query_str = 'SELECT COUNT(addr_id) FROM smsgaddresses WHERE addr = "{}" AND use_type = {} AND active_ind = 1'.format(msg['to'], AddressTypes.RECV_OFFER)
rv = session.execute(query_str).first()
rv = session.execute(text(query_str)).first()
if rv[0] < 1:
raise ValueError('Offer received on incorrect address')
@ -4962,7 +4963,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
def getCompletedAndActiveBidsValue(self, offer, session):
bids = []
total_value = 0
q = session.execute(
q = session.execute(text(
'''SELECT bid_id, amount, state FROM bids
JOIN bidstates ON bidstates.state_id = bids.state AND (bidstates.state_id = {1} OR bidstates.in_progress > 0)
WHERE bids.active_ind = 1 AND bids.offer_id = x\'{0}\'
@ -4970,7 +4971,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
SELECT bid_id, amount, state FROM bids
JOIN actions ON actions.linked_id = bids.bid_id AND actions.active_ind = 1 AND (actions.action_type = {2} OR actions.action_type = {3})
WHERE bids.active_ind = 1 AND bids.offer_id = x\'{0}\'
'''.format(offer.offer_id.hex(), BidStates.SWAP_COMPLETED, ActionTypes.ACCEPT_XMR_BID, ActionTypes.ACCEPT_BID))
'''.format(offer.offer_id.hex(), BidStates.SWAP_COMPLETED, ActionTypes.ACCEPT_XMR_BID, ActionTypes.ACCEPT_BID)))
for row in q:
bid_id, amount, state = row
bids.append((bid_id, amount, state))
@ -6199,7 +6200,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if msg_data.msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes.BID or msg_data.msg_type == XmrSplitMsgTypes.BID_ACCEPT:
session = self.openSession()
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x\'{}\' AND msg_type = {} AND msg_sequence = {}'.format(msg_data.msg_id.hex(), msg_data.msg_type, msg_data.sequence)).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xmr_split_data WHERE bid_id = x\'{}\' AND msg_type = {} AND msg_sequence = {}'.format(msg_data.msg_id.hex(), msg_data.msg_type, msg_data.sequence))).first()
num_exists = q[0]
if num_exists > 0:
self.log.warning('Ignoring duplicate xmr_split_data entry: ({}, {}, {})'.format(msg_data.msg_id.hex(), msg_data.msg_type, msg_data.sequence))
@ -6503,11 +6504,11 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
SELECT 2, offer_id, expire_at FROM offers WHERE active_ind = 1 AND state IN (:offer_received, :offer_sent) AND expire_at <= :check_time
q = session.execute(query, {'bid_received': int(BidStates.BID_RECEIVED),
'offer_received': int(OfferStates.OFFER_RECEIVED),
'bid_sent': int(BidStates.BID_SENT),
'offer_sent': int(OfferStates.OFFER_SENT),
'check_time': now + self.check_expiring_bids_offers_seconds})
q = session.execute(text(query), {'bid_received': int(BidStates.BID_RECEIVED),
'offer_received': int(OfferStates.OFFER_RECEIVED),
'bid_sent': int(BidStates.BID_SENT),
'offer_sent': int(OfferStates.OFFER_SENT),
'check_time': now + self.check_expiring_bids_offers_seconds})
for entry in q:
record_id = entry[1]
expire_at = entry[2]
@ -6523,7 +6524,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
for bid_id in bids_to_expire:
query = 'SELECT expire_at, states FROM bids WHERE bid_id = :bid_id AND active_ind = 1 AND state IN (:bid_received, :bid_sent)'
query = text('SELECT expire_at, states FROM bids WHERE bid_id = :bid_id AND active_ind = 1 AND state IN (:bid_received, :bid_sent)')
rows = session.execute(query, {'bid_id': bid_id,
'bid_received': int(BidStates.BID_RECEIVED),
'bid_sent': int(BidStates.BID_SENT)}).fetchall()
@ -6531,18 +6532,18 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
new_state: int = int(BidStates.BID_EXPIRED)
states = (bytes() if rows[0][1] is None else rows[0][1]) + pack_state(new_state, now)
query = 'UPDATE bids SET state = :new_state, states = :states WHERE bid_id = :bid_id'
session.execute(query, {'bid_id': bid_id, 'new_state': new_state, 'states': states})
session.execute(text(query), {'bid_id': bid_id, 'new_state': new_state, 'states': states})
bids_expired += 1
for offer_id in offers_to_expire:
query = 'SELECT expire_at, states FROM offers WHERE offer_id = :offer_id AND active_ind = 1 AND state IN (:offer_received, :offer_sent)'
rows = session.execute(query, {'offer_id': offer_id,
'offer_received': int(OfferStates.OFFER_RECEIVED),
'offer_sent': int(OfferStates.OFFER_SENT)}).fetchall()
rows = session.execute(text(query), {'offer_id': offer_id,
'offer_received': int(OfferStates.OFFER_RECEIVED),
'offer_sent': int(OfferStates.OFFER_SENT)}).fetchall()
if len(rows) > 0:
new_state: int = int(OfferStates.OFFER_EXPIRED)
states = (bytes() if rows[0][1] is None else rows[0][1]) + pack_state(new_state, now)
query = 'UPDATE offers SET state = :new_state, states = :states WHERE offer_id = :offer_id'
session.execute(query, {'offer_id': offer_id, 'new_state': new_state, 'states': states})
session.execute(text(query), {'offer_id': offer_id, 'new_state': new_state, 'states': states})
offers_expired += 1
@ -6940,32 +6941,35 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
num_watched_outputs += len(v['watched_outputs'])
now: int = self.getTime()
q_str = '''SELECT
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_sent THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_sent AND (s.in_progress OR (s.swap_ended = 0 AND b.expire_at > {} AND o.expire_at > {})) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent_active,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_received THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_received,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_received AND b.state = {} AND b.expire_at > {} AND o.expire_at > {} THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_available,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_received AND (s.in_progress OR (s.swap_ended = 0 AND b.expire_at > {} AND o.expire_at > {})) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_recv_active
FROM bids b
JOIN offers o ON b.offer_id = o.offer_id
JOIN bidstates s ON b.state = s.state_id
WHERE b.active_ind = 1'''.format(now, now, BidStates.BID_RECEIVED, now, now, now, now)
q = self.engine.execute(q_str).first()
bids_sent = q[0]
bids_sent_active = q[1]
bids_received = q[2]
bids_available = q[3]
bids_recv_active = q[4]
q_bids_str = '''SELECT
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_sent THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_sent AND (s.in_progress OR (s.swap_ended = 0 AND b.expire_at > {} AND o.expire_at > {})) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent_active,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_received THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_received,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_received AND b.state = {} AND b.expire_at > {} AND o.expire_at > {} THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_available,
COUNT(CASE WHEN b.was_received AND (s.in_progress OR (s.swap_ended = 0 AND b.expire_at > {} AND o.expire_at > {})) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_recv_active
FROM bids b
JOIN offers o ON b.offer_id = o.offer_id
JOIN bidstates s ON b.state = s.state_id
WHERE b.active_ind = 1'''.format(now, now, BidStates.BID_RECEIVED, now, now, now, now)
q_str = '''SELECT
COUNT(CASE WHEN expire_at > {} THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_active,
COUNT(CASE WHEN was_sent THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent,
COUNT(CASE WHEN was_sent AND expire_at > {} THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent_active
FROM offers WHERE active_ind = 1'''.format(now, now)
q = self.engine.execute(q_str).first()
num_offers = q[0]
num_sent_offers = q[1]
num_sent_active_offers = q[2]
q_offers_str = '''SELECT
COUNT(CASE WHEN expire_at > {} THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_active,
COUNT(CASE WHEN was_sent THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent,
COUNT(CASE WHEN was_sent AND expire_at > {} THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS count_sent_active
FROM offers WHERE active_ind = 1'''.format(now, now)
with self.engine.connect() as conn:
q = conn.execute(text(q_bids_str)).first()
bids_sent = q[0]
bids_sent_active = q[1]
bids_received = q[2]
bids_available = q[3]
bids_recv_active = q[4]
q = conn.execute(text(q_offers_str)).first()
num_offers = q[0]
num_sent_offers = q[1]
num_sent_active_offers = q[2]
rv = {
'network': self.chain,
@ -7050,7 +7054,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
now: int = self.getTime()
session.add(Wallets(coin_id=coin, balance_type=info_type, wallet_data=json.dumps(wi), created_at=now))
query_str = f'DELETE FROM wallets WHERE (coin_id = {coin_id} AND balance_type = {info_type}) AND record_id NOT IN (SELECT record_id FROM wallets WHERE coin_id = {coin_id} AND balance_type = {info_type} ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 3 )'
except Exception as e:
self.log.error(f'addWalletInfoRecord {e}')
@ -7116,7 +7120,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
inner_str = f'SELECT coin_id, balance_type, MAX(created_at) as max_created_at FROM wallets {where_str} GROUP BY coin_id, balance_type'
query_str = 'SELECT a.coin_id, a.balance_type, wallet_data, created_at FROM wallets a, ({}) b WHERE a.coin_id = b.coin_id AND a.balance_type = b.balance_type AND a.created_at = b.max_created_at'.format(inner_str)
q = session.execute(query_str)
q = session.execute(text(query_str))
for row in q:
coin_id = row[0]
@ -7130,7 +7134,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
wallet_data['updating'] = self._updating_wallets_info.get(coin_id, False)
# Ensure the latest addresses are displayed
q = session.execute('SELECT key, value FROM kv_string WHERE key = "receive_addr_{0}" OR key = "stealth_addr_{0}"'.format(chainparams[coin_id]['name']))
q = session.execute(text('SELECT key, value FROM kv_string WHERE key = "receive_addr_{0}" OR key = "stealth_addr_{0}"'.format(chainparams[coin_id]['name'])))
for row in q:
if row[0].startswith('stealth'):
@ -7166,9 +7170,9 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = self.openSession()
if offer_id:
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} AND offer_id = x\'{}\''.format(BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED, offer_id.hex())).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {} AND offer_id = x\'{}\''.format(BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED, offer_id.hex()))).first()
q = session.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {}'.format(BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED)).first()
q = session.execute(text('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bids WHERE state >= {}'.format(BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED))).first()
return q[0]
self.closeSession(session, commit=False)
@ -7296,7 +7300,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if offset is not None:
query_str += f' OFFSET {offset}'
q = session.execute(query_str, {'ads_swap': SwapTypes.XMR_SWAP, 'itx_type': TxTypes.ITX, 'ptx_type': TxTypes.PTX, 'al_type': TxTypes.XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK, 'bl_type': TxTypes.XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK})
q = session.execute(text(query_str), {'ads_swap': SwapTypes.XMR_SWAP, 'itx_type': TxTypes.ITX, 'ptx_type': TxTypes.PTX, 'al_type': TxTypes.XMR_SWAP_A_LOCK, 'bl_type': TxTypes.XMR_SWAP_B_LOCK})
for row in q:
result = [x for x in row]
coin_from = result[9]
@ -7387,7 +7391,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
use_session = self.openSession(session)
rv = []
q = use_session.execute(query_str, query_data)
q = use_session.execute(text(query_str), query_data)
for row in q:
'id': row[0],
@ -7416,7 +7420,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = self.openSession()
rv = []
q = session.execute('SELECT sa.addr, ki.label FROM smsgaddresses AS sa LEFT JOIN knownidentities AS ki ON sa.addr = ki.address WHERE sa.use_type = {} AND sa.active_ind = 1 ORDER BY sa.addr_id DESC'.format(use_type))
q = session.execute(text('SELECT sa.addr, ki.label FROM smsgaddresses AS sa LEFT JOIN knownidentities AS ki ON sa.addr = ki.address WHERE sa.use_type = {} AND sa.active_ind = 1 ORDER BY sa.addr_id DESC'.format(use_type)))
for row in q:
rv.append((row[0], row[1]))
return rv
@ -7446,7 +7450,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
if offset is not None:
query_str += f' OFFSET {offset}'
q = session.execute(query_str)
q = session.execute(text(query_str))
for row in q:
return rv
@ -7476,7 +7480,7 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
query_str = 'SELECT links.strategy_id, strats.label FROM automationlinks links' + \
' LEFT JOIN automationstrategies strats ON strats.record_id = links.strategy_id' + \
' WHERE links.linked_type = {} AND links.linked_id = x\'{}\' AND links.active_ind = 1'.format(int(linked_type), linked_id.hex())
q = session.execute(query_str).first()
q = session.execute(text(query_str)).first()
return q
self.closeSession(session, commit=False)
@ -7560,10 +7564,10 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
query_str += ', note = :note'
query_str += ' WHERE addr = :addr'
rv = use_session.execute(query_str, values)
rv = use_session.execute(text(query_str), values)
if rv.rowcount < 1:
query_str: str = 'INSERT INTO smsgaddresses (addr, active_ind, use_type) VALUES (:addr, :active_ind, :use_type)'
use_session.execute(query_str, values)
use_session.execute(text(query_str), values)
if session is None:
@ -7784,6 +7788,6 @@ class BasicSwap(BaseApp):
session = self.openSession()
key_str = 'saved_filters_' + prefix
query_str = 'DELETE FROM kv_string WHERE key = :key_str'
session.execute(query_str, {'key_str': key_str})
session.execute(text(query_str), {'key_str': key_str})

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import time
import sqlalchemy as sa
from enum import IntEnum, auto
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
import json
import time
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session
from .db import (
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ def upgradeDatabaseData(self, data_version):
in_error = isErrorBidState(state)
swap_failed = isFailingBidState(state)
swap_ended = isFinalBidState(state)
session.execute('UPDATE bidstates SET in_error = :in_error, swap_failed = :swap_failed, swap_ended = :swap_ended WHERE state_id = :state_id', {'in_error': in_error, 'swap_failed': swap_failed, 'swap_ended': swap_ended, 'state_id': int(state)})
session.execute(text('UPDATE bidstates SET in_error = :in_error, swap_failed = :swap_failed, swap_ended = :swap_ended WHERE state_id = :state_id', {'in_error': in_error, 'swap_failed': swap_failed, 'swap_ended': swap_ended, 'state_id': int(state)}))
if data_version > 0 and data_version < 4:
for state in (BidStates.BID_REQUEST_SENT, BidStates.BID_REQUEST_ACCEPTED):
@ -112,16 +113,16 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
current_version = db_version
if current_version == 6:
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN security_token BLOB')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN security_token BLOB')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN security_token BLOB'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN security_token BLOB'))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 7:
session.execute('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN block_hash BLOB')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN block_height INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN block_time INTEGER')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN block_hash BLOB'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN block_height INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN block_time INTEGER'))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 8:
CREATE TABLE wallets (
coin_id INTEGER,
@ -129,30 +130,30 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
wallet_data VARCHAR,
balance_type INTEGER,
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 9:
session.execute('ALTER TABLE wallets ADD COLUMN wallet_data VARCHAR')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE wallets ADD COLUMN wallet_data VARCHAR'))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 10:
session.execute('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN active_ind INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN created_at INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN note VARCHAR')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN pubkey VARCHAR')
session.execute('UPDATE smsgaddresses SET active_ind = 1, created_at = 1')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN active_ind INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN created_at INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN note VARCHAR'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE smsgaddresses ADD COLUMN pubkey VARCHAR'))
session.execute(text('UPDATE smsgaddresses SET active_ind = 1, created_at = 1'))
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN addr_to VARCHAR')
session.execute(f'UPDATE offers SET addr_to = "{self.network_addr}"')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN addr_to VARCHAR'))
session.execute(text(f'UPDATE offers SET addr_to = "{self.network_addr}"'))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 11:
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN chain_a_height_start INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN chain_b_height_start INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN protocol_version INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN protocol_version INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN tx_data BLOB')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN chain_a_height_start INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN chain_b_height_start INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN protocol_version INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN protocol_version INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE transactions ADD COLUMN tx_data BLOB'))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 12:
CREATE TABLE knownidentities (
address VARCHAR,
@ -167,15 +168,15 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
updated_at BIGINT,
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN reject_code INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN rate INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN amount_negotiable INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN rate_negotiable INTEGER')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN reject_code INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN rate INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN amount_negotiable INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN rate_negotiable INTEGER'))
db_version += 1
elif current_version == 13:
db_version += 1
CREATE TABLE automationstrategies (
active_ind INTEGER,
@ -187,9 +188,9 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
CREATE TABLE automationlinks (
active_ind INTEGER,
@ -204,9 +205,9 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
CREATE TABLE history (
concept_type INTEGER,
@ -215,9 +216,9 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
CREATE TABLE bidstates (
active_ind INTEGER,
@ -227,31 +228,31 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
session.execute('ALTER TABLE wallets ADD COLUMN active_ind INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN active_ind INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE eventqueue RENAME TO actions')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE actions RENAME COLUMN event_id TO action_id')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE actions RENAME COLUMN event_type TO action_type')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE actions RENAME COLUMN event_data TO action_data')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE wallets ADD COLUMN active_ind INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN active_ind INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE eventqueue RENAME TO actions'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE actions RENAME COLUMN event_id TO action_id'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE actions RENAME COLUMN event_type TO action_type'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE actions RENAME COLUMN event_data TO action_data'))
elif current_version == 14:
db_version += 1
session.execute('ALTER TABLE xmr_swaps ADD COLUMN coin_a_lock_release_msg_id BLOB')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE xmr_swaps RENAME COLUMN coin_a_lock_refund_spend_tx_msg_id TO coin_a_lock_spend_tx_msg_id')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE xmr_swaps ADD COLUMN coin_a_lock_release_msg_id BLOB'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE xmr_swaps RENAME COLUMN coin_a_lock_refund_spend_tx_msg_id TO coin_a_lock_spend_tx_msg_id'))
elif current_version == 15:
db_version += 1
CREATE TABLE notifications (
active_ind INTEGER,
event_type INTEGER,
event_data BLOB,
created_at BIGINT,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
elif current_version == 16:
db_version += 1
CREATE TABLE prefunded_transactions (
active_ind INTEGER,
@ -261,25 +262,25 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
tx_type INTEGER,
tx_data BLOB,
used_by BLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
elif current_version == 17:
db_version += 1
session.execute('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN automation_override INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN visibility_override INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN data BLOB')
session.execute('UPDATE knownidentities SET active_ind = 1')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN automation_override INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN visibility_override INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE knownidentities ADD COLUMN data BLOB'))
session.execute(text('UPDATE knownidentities SET active_ind = 1'))
elif current_version == 18:
db_version += 1
session.execute('ALTER TABLE xmr_split_data ADD COLUMN addr_from STRING')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE xmr_split_data ADD COLUMN addr_to STRING')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE xmr_split_data ADD COLUMN addr_from STRING'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE xmr_split_data ADD COLUMN addr_to STRING'))
elif current_version == 19:
db_version += 1
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bidstates ADD COLUMN in_error INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bidstates ADD COLUMN swap_failed INTEGER')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bidstates ADD COLUMN swap_ended INTEGER')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bidstates ADD COLUMN in_error INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bidstates ADD COLUMN swap_failed INTEGER'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bidstates ADD COLUMN swap_ended INTEGER'))
elif current_version == 20:
db_version += 1
CREATE TABLE message_links (
active_ind INTEGER,
@ -291,18 +292,18 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
msg_type INTEGER,
msg_sequence INTEGER,
msg_id BLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN bid_reversed INTEGER')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN bid_reversed INTEGER'))
elif current_version == 21:
db_version += 1
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN proof_utxos BLOB')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN proof_utxos BLOB')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN proof_utxos BLOB'))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN proof_utxos BLOB'))
elif current_version == 22:
db_version += 1
session.execute('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN amount_to INTEGER')
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE offers ADD COLUMN amount_to INTEGER'))
elif current_version == 23:
db_version += 1
CREATE TABLE checkedblocks (
created_at BIGINT,
@ -310,8 +311,8 @@ def upgradeDatabase(self, db_version):
block_height INTEGER,
block_hash BLOB,
block_time INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))''')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN pkhash_buyer_to BLOB')
PRIMARY KEY (record_id))'''))
session.execute(text('ALTER TABLE bids ADD COLUMN pkhash_buyer_to BLOB'))
if current_version != db_version:
self.db_version = db_version
self.setIntKV('db_version', db_version, session)

View file

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2023 The BSX Developers
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 The BSX Developers
# Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
# file LICENSE or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from .db import (
@ -21,38 +22,38 @@ def remove_expired_data(self, time_offset: int = 0):
num_offers = 0
num_bids = 0
offer_rows = session.execute(query_str, {'expired_at': now - time_offset})
offer_rows = session.execute(text(query_str), {'expired_at': now - time_offset})
for offer_row in offer_rows:
num_offers += 1
bid_rows = session.execute('SELECT bids.bid_id FROM bids WHERE bids.offer_id = :offer_id', {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
bid_rows = session.execute(text('SELECT bids.bid_id FROM bids WHERE bids.offer_id = :offer_id'), {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
for bid_row in bid_rows:
num_bids += 1
session.execute('DELETE FROM transactions WHERE transactions.bid_id = :bid_id', {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM eventlog WHERE eventlog.linked_type = :type_ind AND eventlog.linked_id = :bid_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM automationlinks WHERE automationlinks.linked_type = :type_ind AND automationlinks.linked_id = :bid_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM prefunded_transactions WHERE prefunded_transactions.linked_type = :type_ind AND prefunded_transactions.linked_id = :bid_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM history WHERE history.concept_type = :type_ind AND history.concept_id = :bid_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM xmr_swaps WHERE xmr_swaps.bid_id = :bid_id', {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM actions WHERE actions.linked_id = :bid_id', {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM addresspool WHERE addresspool.bid_id = :bid_id', {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM xmr_split_data WHERE xmr_split_data.bid_id = :bid_id', {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM bids WHERE bids.bid_id = :bid_id', {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :type_ind AND linked_id = :linked_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'linked_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM transactions WHERE transactions.bid_id = :bid_id'), {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM eventlog WHERE eventlog.linked_type = :type_ind AND eventlog.linked_id = :bid_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM automationlinks WHERE automationlinks.linked_type = :type_ind AND automationlinks.linked_id = :bid_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM prefunded_transactions WHERE prefunded_transactions.linked_type = :type_ind AND prefunded_transactions.linked_id = :bid_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM history WHERE history.concept_type = :type_ind AND history.concept_id = :bid_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM xmr_swaps WHERE xmr_swaps.bid_id = :bid_id'), {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM actions WHERE actions.linked_id = :bid_id'), {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM addresspool WHERE addresspool.bid_id = :bid_id'), {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM xmr_split_data WHERE xmr_split_data.bid_id = :bid_id'), {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM bids WHERE bids.bid_id = :bid_id'), {'bid_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :type_ind AND linked_id = :linked_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.BID), 'linked_id': bid_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM eventlog WHERE eventlog.linked_type = :type_ind AND eventlog.linked_id = :offer_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM automationlinks WHERE automationlinks.linked_type = :type_ind AND automationlinks.linked_id = :offer_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM prefunded_transactions WHERE prefunded_transactions.linked_type = :type_ind AND prefunded_transactions.linked_id = :offer_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM history WHERE history.concept_type = :type_ind AND history.concept_id = :offer_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM xmr_offers WHERE xmr_offers.offer_id = :offer_id', {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM sentoffers WHERE sentoffers.offer_id = :offer_id', {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM actions WHERE actions.linked_id = :offer_id', {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM offers WHERE offers.offer_id = :offer_id', {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute('DELETE FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :type_ind AND linked_id = :offer_id', {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM eventlog WHERE eventlog.linked_type = :type_ind AND eventlog.linked_id = :offer_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM automationlinks WHERE automationlinks.linked_type = :type_ind AND automationlinks.linked_id = :offer_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM prefunded_transactions WHERE prefunded_transactions.linked_type = :type_ind AND prefunded_transactions.linked_id = :offer_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM history WHERE history.concept_type = :type_ind AND history.concept_id = :offer_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM xmr_offers WHERE xmr_offers.offer_id = :offer_id'), {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM sentoffers WHERE sentoffers.offer_id = :offer_id'), {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM actions WHERE actions.linked_id = :offer_id'), {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM offers WHERE offers.offer_id = :offer_id'), {'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM message_links WHERE linked_type = :type_ind AND linked_id = :offer_id'), {'type_ind': int(Concepts.OFFER), 'offer_id': offer_row[0]})
if num_offers > 0 or num_bids > 0:
self.log.info('Removed data for {} expired offer{} and {} bid{}.'.format(num_offers, 's' if num_offers != 1 else '', num_bids, 's' if num_bids != 1 else ''))
session.execute('DELETE FROM checkedblocks WHERE created_at <= :expired_at', {'expired_at': now - time_offset})
session.execute(text('DELETE FROM checkedblocks WHERE created_at <= :expired_at'), {'expired_at': now - time_offset})

View file

@ -68,20 +68,41 @@ pyzmq==26.2.0 \
--hash=sha256:e6fa2e3e683f34aea77de8112f6483803c96a44fd726d7358b9888ae5bb394ec \
--hash=sha256:ea7f69de383cb47522c9c208aec6dd17697db7875a4674c4af3f8cfdac0bdeae \
SQLAlchemy==1.4.39 \
--hash=sha256:1745987ada1890b0e7978abdb22c133eca2e89ab98dc17939042240063e1ef21 \
--hash=sha256:26146c59576dfe9c546c9f45397a7c7c4a90c25679492ff610a7500afc7d03a6 \
--hash=sha256:365b75938049ae31cf2176efd3d598213ddb9eb883fbc82086efa019a5f649df \
--hash=sha256:50e7569637e2e02253295527ff34666706dbb2bc5f6c61a5a7f44b9610c9bb09 \
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--hash=sha256:8b773c9974c272aae0fa7e95b576d98d17ee65f69d8644f9b6ffc90ee96b4d19 \
--hash=sha256:91d2b89bb0c302f89e753bea008936acfa4e18c156fb264fe41eb6bbb2bbcdeb \
--hash=sha256:b0538b66f959771c56ff996d828081908a6a52a47c5548faed4a3d0a027a5368 \
--hash=sha256:c6d00cb9da8d0cbfaba18cad046e94b06de6d4d0ffd9d4095a3ad1838af22528 \
--hash=sha256:d1f665e50592caf4cad3caed3ed86f93227bffe0680218ccbb293bd5a6734ca8 \
--hash=sha256:e7a7667d928ba6ee361a3176e1bef6847c1062b37726b33505cc84136f657e0d \
SQLAlchemy==2.0.35 \
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--hash=sha256:042622a5306c23b972192283f4e22372da3b8ddf5f7aac1cc5d9c9b222ab3ff6 \
--hash=sha256:0f9f3f9a3763b9c4deb8c5d09c4cc52ffe49f9876af41cc1b2ad0138878453cf \
--hash=sha256:1b56961e2d31389aaadf4906d453859f35302b4eb818d34a26fab72596076bb8 \
--hash=sha256:22b83aed390e3099584b839b93f80a0f4a95ee7f48270c97c90acd40ee646f0b \
--hash=sha256:25b0f63e7fcc2a6290cb5f7f5b4fc4047843504983a28856ce9b35d8f7de03cc \
--hash=sha256:2a275a806f73e849e1c309ac11108ea1a14cd7058577aba962cd7190e27c9e3c \
--hash=sha256:2ab3f0336c0387662ce6221ad30ab3a5e6499aab01b9790879b6578fd9b8faa1 \
--hash=sha256:4668bd8faf7e5b71c0319407b608f278f279668f358857dbfd10ef1954ac9f90 \
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--hash=sha256:69683e02e8a9de37f17985905a5eca18ad651bf592314b4d3d799029797d0eb3 \
--hash=sha256:6a93c5a0dfe8d34951e8a6f499a9479ffb9258123551fa007fc708ae2ac2bc5e \
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