diff --git a/basicswap/basicswap.py b/basicswap/basicswap.py
index cb84cae..19d0b90 100644
--- a/basicswap/basicswap.py
+++ b/basicswap/basicswap.py
@@ -632,7 +632,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
                 self.callcoinrpc(coin_type, 'getwalletinfo', [], self.wallet)
             except Exception as ex:
-                logging.warning('Can\'t connect to %s RPC: %s.  Trying again in %d second/s.', coin_type, str(ex), (1 + i))
+                self.log.warning('Can\'t connect to %s RPC: %s.  Trying again in %d second/s.', coin_type, str(ex), (1 + i))
                 time.sleep(1 + i)
         self.log.error('Can\'t connect to %s RPC, exiting.', coin_type)
         self.stopRunning(1)  # systemd will try restart if fail_code != 0
@@ -724,9 +724,11 @@ class BasicSwap():
             assert(self.coin_clients[coin_from]['use_csv'] and self.coin_clients[coin_to]['use_csv']), 'Both coins need CSV activated.'
         elif lock_type == ABS_LOCK_TIME:
             # TODO: range?
+            assert(not self.coin_clients[coin_from]['use_csv'] or not self.coin_clients[coin_to]['use_csv']), 'Should use CSV.'
             assert(lock_value >= 4 * 60 * 60 and lock_value <= 96 * 60 * 60), 'Invalid lock_value time'
         elif lock_type == ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS:
             # TODO: range?
+            assert(not self.coin_clients[coin_from]['use_csv'] or not self.coin_clients[coin_to]['use_csv']), 'Should use CSV.'
             assert(lock_value >= 10 and lock_value <= 1000), 'Invalid lock_value blocks'
             raise ValueError('Unknown locktype')
@@ -1153,7 +1155,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
                 lock_value = self.callcoinrpc(coin_from, 'getblockchaininfo')['blocks'] + offer.lock_value
                 lock_value = int(time.time()) + offer.lock_value
-            logging.debug('initiate %s lock_value %d %d', coin_from, offer.lock_value, lock_value)
+            self.log.debug('initiate %s lock_value %d %d', coin_from, offer.lock_value, lock_value)
             script = buildContractScript(lock_value, secret_hash, bid.pkhash_buyer, pkhash_refund, OpCodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)
         p2sh = self.callcoinrpc(Coins.PART, 'decodescript', [script.hex()])['p2sh']
@@ -1302,11 +1304,35 @@ class BasicSwap():
             sequence = getExpectedSequence(offer.lock_type, lock_value, coin_to)
             bid.participate_script = buildContractScript(sequence, secret_hash, pkhash_seller, pkhash_buyer_refund)
+            # Lock from the height or time of the block containing the initiate txn
+            coin_from = Coins(offer.coin_from)
+            initiate_tx_block_hash = self.callcoinrpc(coin_from, 'getblockhash', [bid.initiate_txn_height,])
+            initiate_tx_block_time = int(self.callcoinrpc(coin_from, 'getblock', [initiate_tx_block_hash,])['time'])
             if offer.lock_type == ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS:
-                contract_lock_value = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'getblockchaininfo')['blocks'] + lock_value
+                # Walk the coin_to chain back until block time matches
+                blockchaininfo = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'getblockchaininfo')
+                cblock_hash = blockchaininfo['bestblockhash']
+                cblock_height = blockchaininfo['blocks']
+                max_tries = 1000
+                for i in range(max_tries):
+                    self.log.debug('wtf %d', i)
+                    prev_block = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'getblock', [cblock_hash,])
+                    self.log.debug('prev_block %s', str(prev_block))
+                    if prev_block['time'] <= initiate_tx_block_time:
+                        break
+                    # cblock_hash and height are out of step unless loop breaks
+                    cblock_hash = prev_block['previousblockhash']
+                    cblock_height = prev_block['height']
+                assert(prev_block['time'] <= initiate_tx_block_time), 'Block not found for lock height'
+                self.log.debug('Setting lock value from height of block %s %s', coin_to, cblock_hash)
+                contract_lock_value = cblock_height + lock_value
-                contract_lock_value = int(time.time()) + lock_value
-            logging.debug('participate %s lock_value %d %d', coin_to, lock_value, contract_lock_value)
+                self.log.debug('Setting lock value from time of block %s %s', coin_from, initiate_tx_block_hash)
+                contract_lock_value = initiate_tx_block_time + lock_value
+            self.log.debug('participate %s lock_value %d %d', coin_to, lock_value, contract_lock_value)
             bid.participate_script = buildContractScript(contract_lock_value, secret_hash, pkhash_seller, pkhash_buyer_refund, OpCodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)
     def createParticipateTxn(self, bid_id, bid, offer):
@@ -2156,11 +2182,16 @@ class BasicSwap():
         assert(len(scriptvalues[0]) == 64), 'Bad secret_hash length'
         assert(bytes.fromhex(scriptvalues[1]) == bid.pkhash_buyer), 'pkhash_buyer mismatch'
+        script_lock_value = int(scriptvalues[2])
         if use_csv:
             expect_sequence = getExpectedSequence(offer.lock_type, offer.lock_value, coin_from)
-            assert(int(scriptvalues[2]) == expect_sequence), 'sequence mismatch'
+            assert(script_lock_value == expect_sequence), 'sequence mismatch'
-            self.log.warning('TODO: validate absolute lock values')
+            if offer.lock_type == ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS:
+                self.log.warning('TODO: validate absolute lock values')
+            else:
+                assert(script_lock_value <= bid.created_at + offer.lock_value + INITIATE_TX_TIMEOUT), 'script lock time too high'
+                assert(script_lock_value >= bid.created_at + offer.lock_value), 'script lock time too low'
         assert(len(scriptvalues[3]) == 40), 'pkhash_refund bad length'
diff --git a/basicswap/chainparams.py b/basicswap/chainparams.py
index aa5bf41..2ad7827 100644
--- a/basicswap/chainparams.py
+++ b/basicswap/chainparams.py
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ chainparams = {
         'name': 'particl',
         'ticker': 'PART',
         'message_magic': 'Bitcoin Signed Message:\n',
+        'blocks_target': 60 * 2,
         'mainnet': {
             'rpcport': 51735,
             'pubkey_address': 0x38,
@@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ chainparams = {
         'name': 'bitcoin',
         'ticker': 'BTC',
         'message_magic': 'Bitcoin Signed Message:\n',
+        'blocks_target': 60 * 10,
         'mainnet': {
             'rpcport': 8332,
             'pubkey_address': 0,
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ chainparams = {
         'name': 'litecoin',
         'ticker': 'LTC',
         'message_magic': 'Litecoin Signed Message:\n',
+        'blocks_target': 60 * 1,
         'mainnet': {
             'rpcport': 9332,
             'pubkey_address': 48,
@@ -124,6 +127,7 @@ chainparams = {
         'name': 'namecoin',
         'ticker': 'NMC',
         'message_magic': 'Namecoin Signed Message:\n',
+        'blocks_target': 60 * 10,
         'mainnet': {
             'rpcport': 8336,
             'pubkey_address': 52,
diff --git a/basicswap/http_server.py b/basicswap/http_server.py
index d39907d..089d432 100644
--- a/basicswap/http_server.py
+++ b/basicswap/http_server.py
@@ -187,7 +187,13 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
                 lock_seconds = int(form_data[b'lockhrs'][0]) * 60 * 60
                 # TODO: More accurate rate
                 # assert(value_to == (value_from * rate) // COIN)
-                offer_id = swap_client.postOffer(coin_from, coin_to, value_from, rate, min_bid, SwapTypes.SELLER_FIRST, auto_accept_bids=autoaccept, lock_value=lock_seconds)
+                if swap_client.coin_clients[coin_from]['use_csv'] and swap_client.coin_clients[coin_to]['use_csv']:
+                    lock_type = SEQUENCE_LOCK_TIME
+                else:
+                    lock_type = ABS_LOCK_TIME
+                offer_id = swap_client.postOffer(coin_from, coin_to, value_from, rate, min_bid, SwapTypes.SELLER_FIRST, auto_accept_bids=autoaccept, lock_type=lock_type, lock_value=lock_seconds)
                 content += '<p><a href="/offer/' + offer_id.hex() + '">Sent Offer ' + offer_id.hex() + '</a><br/>Rate: ' + format8(rate) + '</p>'
         coins = []
diff --git a/tests/test_nmc.py b/tests/test_nmc.py
index ebfb834..08b5d94 100644
--- a/tests/test_nmc.py
+++ b/tests/test_nmc.py
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
                and (participate_state is None or bid.participate_txn_state == participate_state):
         raise ValueError('wait_for_bid_tx_state timed out.')
+    """
     def test_02_part_ltc(self):
         swap_clients = self.swap_clients
@@ -454,16 +454,14 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
         assert(js_0['num_swapping'] == 0 and js_0['num_watched_outputs'] == 0)
         assert(js_1['num_swapping'] == 0 and js_1['num_watched_outputs'] == 0)
+    """
     def test_05_refund(self):
         # Seller submits initiate txn, buyer doesn't respond
         swap_clients = self.swap_clients
         logging.info('---------- Test refund, NMC to BTC')
-        # Note the lock value is absolute.
         offer_id = swap_clients[0].postOffer(Coins.NMC, Coins.BTC, 10 * COIN, 0.1 * COIN, 10 * COIN, SwapTypes.SELLER_FIRST,
-                                             ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS, 20)
+                                             ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS, 10)
         self.wait_for_offer(swap_clients[1], offer_id)
         offers = swap_clients[1].listOffers()