mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 08:39:05 +00:00
Refactor participate_tx
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 100 additions and 82 deletions
@ -11,13 +11,11 @@ import datetime as dt
import zmq
import threading
import traceback
import struct
import hashlib
import subprocess
import logging
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from enum import IntEnum, auto
from . import __version__
@ -504,8 +502,8 @@ class BasicSwap():
offer = session.query(Offer).filter_by(offer_id=bid.offer_id).first()
assert(offer), 'Offer not found'
bid.initiate_tx = session.query(SwapTx).filter(sa.and_(SwapTx.bid_id == bid_id, SwapTx.tx_type == TxTypes.ITX)).first()
bid.participate_tx = session.query(SwapTx).filter(sa.and_(SwapTx.bid_id == bid_id, SwapTx.tx_type == TxTypes.PTX)).first()
bid.initiate_tx = session.query(SwapTx).filter(sa.and_(SwapTx.bid_id == bid.bid_id, SwapTx.tx_type == TxTypes.ITX)).first()
bid.participate_tx = session.query(SwapTx).filter(sa.and_(SwapTx.bid_id == bid.bid_id, SwapTx.tx_type == TxTypes.PTX)).first()
self.swaps_in_progress[bid.bid_id] = (bid, offer)
@ -513,13 +511,13 @@ class BasicSwap():
coin_to = Coins(offer.coin_to)
if bid.initiate_tx:
self.addWatchedOutput(coin_from, bid.bid_id, bid.initiate_tx.txid.hex(), bid.initiate_tx.vout, BidStates.SWAP_INITIATED)
if bid.participate_txid:
self.addWatchedOutput(coin_to, bid.bid_id, bid.participate_txid.hex(), bid.participate_txn_n, BidStates.SWAP_PARTICIPATING)
if bid.participate_tx:
self.addWatchedOutput(coin_to, bid.bid_id, bid.participate_tx.txid.hex(), bid.participate_tx.vout, BidStates.SWAP_PARTICIPATING)
if self.coin_clients[coin_from]['last_height_checked'] < 1:
self.coin_clients[coin_from]['last_height_checked'] = bid.initiate_tx.chain_height
if self.coin_clients[coin_to]['last_height_checked'] < 1:
self.coin_clients[coin_to]['last_height_checked'] = bid.participate_txn_height
self.coin_clients[coin_to]['last_height_checked'] = bid.participate_tx.chain_height
@ -1023,7 +1021,6 @@ class BasicSwap():
p2sh = self.callcoinrpc(Coins.PART, 'decodescript', [script.hex()])['p2sh']
#bid.initiate_script = script
bid.pkhash_seller = pkhash_refund
txn = self.createInitiateTxn(coin_from, bid_id, bid, script)
@ -1064,7 +1061,6 @@ class BasicSwap():
accept_msg_id = bytes.fromhex(msg_id)
bid.accept_msg_id = accept_msg_id
#bid.initiate_txid = bytes.fromhex(txid)
self.log.info('Sent BID_ACCEPT %s', accept_msg_id.hex())
@ -1116,9 +1112,9 @@ class BasicSwap():
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.ITX_REDEEM)
if bid.getITxState() != TxStates.TX_REFUNDED:
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.ITX_REFUND)
if bid.participate_txn_state != TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
if bid.getPTxState() != TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.PTX_REDEEM)
if bid.participate_txn_state != TxStates.TX_REFUNDED:
if bid.getPTxState() != TxStates.TX_REFUNDED:
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.PTX_REFUND)
@ -1176,7 +1172,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
lock_value = offer.lock_value // 2
if offer.lock_type < ABS_LOCK_BLOCKS:
sequence = getExpectedSequence(offer.lock_type, lock_value, coin_to)
bid.participate_script = buildContractScript(sequence, secret_hash, pkhash_seller, pkhash_buyer_refund)
participate_script = buildContractScript(sequence, secret_hash, pkhash_seller, pkhash_buyer_refund)
# Lock from the height or time of the block containing the initiate txn
coin_from = Coins(offer.coin_from)
@ -1207,9 +1203,10 @@ class BasicSwap():
self.log.debug('Setting lock value from time of block %s %s', coin_from, initiate_tx_block_hash)
contract_lock_value = initiate_tx_block_time + lock_value
self.log.debug('participate %s lock_value %d %d', coin_to, lock_value, contract_lock_value)
bid.participate_script = buildContractScript(contract_lock_value, secret_hash, pkhash_seller, pkhash_buyer_refund, OpCodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)
participate_script = buildContractScript(contract_lock_value, secret_hash, pkhash_seller, pkhash_buyer_refund, OpCodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY)
return participate_script
def createParticipateTxn(self, bid_id, bid, offer):
def createParticipateTxn(self, bid_id, bid, offer, participate_script):
offer_id = bid.offer_id
@ -1223,10 +1220,10 @@ class BasicSwap():
assert(amount_to == (bid.amount * offer.rate) // COIN)
if self.coin_clients[coin_to]['use_segwit']:
p2wsh = getP2WSH(bid.participate_script)
p2wsh = getP2WSH(participate_script)
addr_to = self.encodeSegwitP2WSH(coin_to, p2wsh)
addr_to = self.getScriptAddress(coin_to, bid.participate_script)
addr_to = self.getScriptAddress(coin_to, participate_script)
txn = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'createrawtransaction', [[], {addr_to: format8(amount_to)}])
options = {
@ -1236,7 +1233,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
txn_funded = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'fundrawtransaction', [txn, options])['hex']
txn_signed = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'signrawtransactionwithwallet', [txn_funded])['hex']
refund_txn = self.createRefundTxn(coin_to, txn_signed, offer, bid, bid.participate_script, tx_type=TxTypes.PTX_REFUND)
refund_txn = self.createRefundTxn(coin_to, txn_signed, offer, bid, participate_script, tx_type=TxTypes.PTX_REFUND)
bid.participate_txn_refund = bytes.fromhex(refund_txn)
chain_height = self.callcoinrpc(coin_to, 'getblockchaininfo')['blocks']
@ -1248,6 +1245,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
vout = getVoutByAddress(txjs, addr_to)
self.addParticipateTxn(bid_id, bid, coin_to, txid, vout, chain_height)
bid.participate_tx.script = participate_script
return txn_signed
@ -1265,9 +1263,9 @@ class BasicSwap():
self.log.debug('createRedeemTxn for coin %s', str(coin_type))
if for_txn_type == 'participate':
prev_txnid = bid.participate_txid.hex()
prev_n = bid.participate_txn_n
txn_script = bid.participate_script
prev_txnid = bid.participate_tx.txid.hex()
prev_n = bid.participate_tx.vout
txn_script = bid.participate_tx.script
prev_amount = bid.amount_to
prev_txnid = bid.initiate_tx.txid.hex()
@ -1478,15 +1476,21 @@ class BasicSwap():
# Seller first mode, buyer participates
self.deriveParticipateScript(bid_id, bid, offer)
participate_script = self.deriveParticipateScript(bid_id, bid, offer)
if bid.was_sent:
self.log.debug('Preparing participate txn for bid %s', bid_id.hex())
coin_to = Coins(offer.coin_to)
txn = self.createParticipateTxn(bid_id, bid, offer)
txn = self.createParticipateTxn(bid_id, bid, offer, participate_script)
txid = self.submitTxn(coin_to, txn)
self.log.debug('Submitted participate txn %s to %s chain for bid %s', txid, chainparams[coin_to]['name'], bid_id.hex())
bid.participate_tx = SwapTx(
# bid saved in checkBidState
@ -1506,16 +1510,21 @@ class BasicSwap():
return tx_height
def addParticipateTxn(self, bid_id, bid, coin_type, txid_hex, vout, tx_height):
bid.participate_txid = bytes.fromhex(txid_hex)
bid.participate_txn_n = vout
# Start checking for spends of participate_txn before fully confirmed
chain_name = chainparams[coin_type]['name']
self.log.debug('Watching %s chain for spend of output %s %d', chain_name, txid_hex, vout)
# TODO: Check connection type
bid.participate_txn_height = self.setLastHeightChecked(coin_type, tx_height)
participate_txn_height = self.setLastHeightChecked(coin_type, tx_height)
if bid.participate_tx is None:
bid.participate_tx = SwapTx(
bid.participate_tx.txid = bytes.fromhex(txid_hex)
bid.participate_tx.vout = vout
bid.participate_tx.chain_height = participate_txn_height
# Start checking for spends of participate_txn before fully confirmed
self.log.debug('Watching %s chain for spend of output %s %d', chainparams[coin_type]['name'], txid_hex, vout)
self.addWatchedOutput(coin_type, bid_id, txid_hex, vout, BidStates.SWAP_PARTICIPATING)
def participateTxnConfirmed(self, bid_id, bid, offer):
@ -1642,25 +1651,25 @@ class BasicSwap():
elif state == BidStates.SWAP_INITIATED:
# Waiting for participate txn to be confirmed in 'to' chain
if self.coin_clients[coin_to]['use_segwit']:
addr = self.encodeSegwitP2WSH(coin_to, getP2WSH(bid.participate_script))
addr = self.encodeSegwitP2WSH(coin_to, getP2WSH(bid.participate_tx.script))
addr = self.getScriptAddress(coin_to, bid.participate_script)
addr = self.getScriptAddress(coin_to, bid.participate_tx.script)
found = self.lookupUnspentByAddress(coin_to, addr, assert_amount=bid.amount_to)
if found:
if bid.participate_txn_conf != found['n_conf']:
if bid.participate_tx.conf != found['n_conf']:
save_bid = True
bid.participate_txn_conf = found['n_conf']
bid.participate_tx.conf = found['n_conf']
index = found['index']
if bid.participate_txid is None:
if bid.participate_tx is None or bid.participate_tx.txid is None:
self.log.debug('Found bid %s participate txn %s in chain %s', bid_id.hex(), found['txid'], coin_to)
self.addParticipateTxn(bid_id, bid, coin_to, found['txid'], found['index'], found['height'])
save_bid = True
if bid.participate_txn_conf is not None:
self.log.debug('participate_txid %s confirms %d', bid.participate_txid.hex(), bid.participate_txn_conf)
if bid.participate_txn_conf >= self.coin_clients[coin_to]['blocks_confirmed']:
if bid.participate_tx.conf is not None:
self.log.debug('participate txid %s confirms %d', bid.participate_tx.txid.hex(), bid.participate_tx.conf)
if bid.participate_tx.conf >= self.coin_clients[coin_to]['blocks_confirmed']:
self.participateTxnConfirmed(bid_id, bid, offer)
save_bid = True
elif state == BidStates.SWAP_PARTICIPATING:
@ -1672,14 +1681,14 @@ class BasicSwap():
if state > BidStates.BID_ACCEPTED:
# Wait for spend of all known swap txns
if (bid.getITxState() is None or bid.getITxState() >= TxStates.TX_REDEEMED) \
and (bid.participate_txn_state is None or bid.participate_txn_state >= TxStates.TX_REDEEMED):
and (bid.getPTxState() is None or bid.getPTxState() >= TxStates.TX_REDEEMED):
self.log.info('Swap completed for bid %s', bid_id.hex())
if bid.getITxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.ITX_REFUND)
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.ITX_REDEEM)
if bid.participate_txn_state == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
if bid.getPTxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.PTX_REFUND)
self.returnAddressToPool(bid_id, TxTypes.PTX_REDEEM)
@ -1701,7 +1710,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
except Exception as ex:
if 'non-BIP68-final (code 64)' not in str(ex) and 'non-final' not in str(ex):
self.log.warning('Error trying to submit initiate refund txn: %s', str(ex))
if (bid.participate_txn_state == TxStates.TX_SENT or bid.participate_txn_state == TxStates.TX_CONFIRMED) \
if (bid.getPTxState() == TxStates.TX_SENT or bid.getPTxState() == TxStates.TX_CONFIRMED) \
and bid.participate_txn_refund is not None:
txid = self.submitTxn(coin_to, bid.participate_txn_refund.hex())
@ -1773,8 +1782,8 @@ class BasicSwap():
bid = self.swaps_in_progress[bid_id][0]
offer = self.swaps_in_progress[bid_id][1]
bid.participate_spend_txid = bytes.fromhex(spend_txid)
bid.participate_spend_n = spend_n
bid.participate_tx.spend_txid = bytes.fromhex(spend_txid)
bid.participate_tx.spend_n = spend_n
spend_in = spend_txn['vin'][spend_n]
coin_from = Coins(offer.coin_from)
@ -1801,7 +1810,7 @@ class BasicSwap():
# TODO: Wait for depth? new state SWAP_TXI_REDEEM_SENT?
self.removeWatchedOutput(coin_to, bid_id, bid.participate_txid.hex())
self.removeWatchedOutput(coin_to, bid_id, bid.participate_tx.txid.hex())
self.saveBid(bid_id, bid)
def checkForSpends(self, coin_type, c):
@ -2075,8 +2084,6 @@ class BasicSwap():
assert(bid.accept_msg_id is None), 'Bid already accepted'
bid.accept_msg_id = bytes.fromhex(msg['msgid'])
#bid.initiate_txid = bid_accept_data.initiate_txid
#bid.initiate_script = bid_accept_data.contract_script
bid.initiate_tx = SwapTx(
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import struct
import time
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
@ -89,22 +88,12 @@ class Bid(Base):
accept_msg_id = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
pkhash_seller = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
initiate_txn_redeem = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
initiate_txn_refund = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
participate_script = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
participate_txid = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
participate_txn_n = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
participate_txn_conf = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
participate_txn_redeem = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
participate_txn_refund = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
participate_spend_txid = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary)
participate_spend_n = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
participate_txn_height = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
participate_txn_state = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
participate_txn_states = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary) # Packed states and times
state = sa.Column(sa.Integer)
state_time = sa.Column(sa.BigInteger) # timestamp of last state change
states = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary) # Packed states and times
@ -134,12 +123,6 @@ class Bid(Base):
self.participate_tx.state = new_state
self.participate_tx.states = (self.participate_tx.states if self.participate_tx.states is not None else bytes()) + struct.pack('<iq', new_state, int(time.time()))
self.participate_txn_state = new_state
if self.participate_txn_states is None:
self.participate_txn_states = struct.pack('<iq', new_state, int(time.time()))
self.participate_txn_states += struct.pack('<iq', new_state, int(time.time()))
def setState(self, new_state):
now = int(time.time())
self.state = new_state
@ -190,4 +173,3 @@ class SentOffer(Base):
__tablename__ = 'sentoffers'
offer_id = sa.Column(sa.LargeBinary, primary_key=True)
@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from .basicswap import (
@ -49,6 +50,36 @@ def getCoinName(c):
return chainparams[c]['name'].capitalize()
def getTxIdHex(bid, tx_type, prefix):
if tx_type == TxTypes.ITX:
obj = bid.initiate_tx
elif tx_type == TxTypes.PTX:
obj = bid.participate_tx
return 'Unknown Type'
if not obj:
return None
if not obj.txid:
return None
return obj.txid.hex() + prefix
def getTxSpendHex(bid, tx_type):
if tx_type == TxTypes.ITX:
obj = bid.initiate_tx
elif tx_type == TxTypes.PTX:
obj = bid.participate_tx
return 'Unknown Type'
if not obj:
return None
if not obj.spend_txid:
return None
obj.spend_txid.hex() + ' {}'.format(obj.spend_n)
def html_content_start(title, h2=None, refresh=None):
content = '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">\n<head>' \
+ '<meta charset="UTF-8">' \
@ -275,7 +306,7 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
bids=[(b.bid_id.hex(), format8(b.amount), strBidState(b.state), strTxState(b.getITxState()), strTxState(b.participate_txn_state)) for b in bids],
bids=[(b.bid_id.hex(), format8(b.amount), strBidState(b.state), strTxState(b.getITxState()), strTxState(b.getPTxState())) for b in bids],
), 'UTF-8')
@ -364,10 +395,10 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
state_description = 'Waiting for initiate txn to be spent in {} chain'.format(ticker_from)
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_COMPLETED:
state_description = 'Swap completed'
if bid.getITxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED and bid.participate_txn_state == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
if bid.getITxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED and bid.getPTxState() == TxStates.TX_REDEEMED:
state_description += ' successfully'
state_description += ', ITX ' + strTxState(bid.getITxState() + ', PTX ' + strTxState(bid.participate_txn_state))
state_description += ', ITX ' + strTxState(bid.getITxState() + ', PTX ' + strTxState(bid.getPTxState()))
elif bid.state == BidStates.SWAP_TIMEDOUT:
state_description = 'Timed out waiting for initiate txn'
elif bid.state == BidStates.BID_ABANDONED:
@ -385,7 +416,7 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
'bid_state': strBidState(bid.state),
'state_description': state_description,
'itx_state': strTxState(bid.getITxState()),
'ptx_state': strTxState(bid.participate_txn_state),
'ptx_state': strTxState(bid.getPTxState()),
'offer_id': bid.offer_id.hex(),
'addr_from': bid.bid_addr,
'addr_fund_proof': bid.proof_address,
@ -393,18 +424,18 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
'expired_at': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(bid.expire_at)),
'was_sent': 'True' if bid.was_sent else 'False',
'was_received': 'True' if bid.was_received else 'False',
'initiate_tx': 'None' if not bid.initiate_tx else (bid.initiate_tx.txid.hex() + ' ' + ticker_from),
'initiate_tx': getTxIdHex(bid, TxTypes.ITX, ' ' + ticker_from),
'initiate_conf': 'None' if (not bid.initiate_tx or not bid.initiate_tx.conf) else bid.initiate_tx.conf,
'participate_tx': 'None' if not bid.participate_tx else (bid.participate_tx.txid.hex() + ' ' + ticker_to),
'participate_conf': 'None' if not bid.participate_txn_conf else bid.participate_txn_conf,
'participate_tx': getTxIdHex(bid, TxTypes.PTX, ' ' + ticker_to),
'participate_conf': 'None' if (not bid.participate_tx or not bid.participate_tx.conf) else bid.participate_tx.conf,
'show_txns': show_txns,
if show_txns:
data['initiate_tx_refund'] = 'None' if not bid.initiate_txn_refund else bid.initiate_txn_refund.hex()
data['participate_tx_refund'] = 'None' if not bid.participate_txn_refund else bid.participate_txn_refund.hex()
data['initiate_tx_spend'] = 'None' if not bid.initiate_spend_txid else (bid.initiate_spend_txid.hex() + ' {}'.format(bid.initiate_spend_n))
data['participate_tx_spend'] = 'None' if not bid.participate_spend_txid else (bid.participate_spend_txid.hex() + ' {}'.format(bid.participate_spend_n))
data['initiate_tx_spend'] = getTxSpendHex(bid, TxTypes.ITX),
data['participate_tx_spend'] = getTxSpendHex(bid, TxTypes.PTX),
old_states = []
num_states = len(bid.states) // 12
@ -416,10 +447,10 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
for i in range(num_states):
up = struct.unpack_from('<iq', bid.initiate_tx.states[i * 12:(i + 1) * 12])
old_states.append((up[1], 'ITX ' + strTxState(up[0])))
if bid.participate_txn_states is not None:
num_states = len(bid.participate_txn_states) // 12
if bid.participate_tx and bid.participate_tx.states is not None:
num_states = len(bid.participate_tx.states) // 12
for i in range(num_states):
up = struct.unpack_from('<iq', bid.participate_txn_states[i * 12:(i + 1) * 12])
up = struct.unpack_from('<iq', bid.participate_tx.states[i * 12:(i + 1) * 12])
old_states.append((up[1], 'PTX ' + strTxState(up[0])))
if len(old_states) > 0:
old_states.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
@ -445,7 +476,7 @@ class HttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
page_type='Sent' if sent else 'Received',
bids=[(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', time.localtime(b.created_at)),
b.bid_id.hex(), b.offer_id.hex(), strBidState(b.state), strTxState(b.getITxState()), strTxState(b.participate_txn_state)) for b in bids],
b.bid_id.hex(), b.offer_id.hex(), strBidState(b.state), strTxState(b.getITxState()), strTxState(b.getPTxState())) for b in bids],
), 'UTF-8')
def page_watched(self, url_split, post_string):
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
bid = swap_client.getBid(bid_id)
if (initiate_state is None or bid.getITxState() == initiate_state) \
and (participate_state is None or bid.participate_txn_state == participate_state):
and (participate_state is None or bid.getPTxState() == participate_state):
raise ValueError('wait_for_bid_tx_state timed out.')
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
except Exception as ex:
logger.warning('tearDownClass %s', str(ex))
super(Test, cls).tearDownClass()
super(Test, self).tearDownClass()
def test(self):
testargs = ['basicswap-prepare', '-datadir=' + test_path]
@ -20,10 +20,8 @@ import sys
import time
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch
from io import StringIO
import logging
import shutil
import json
import threading
import bin.basicswap_prepare as prepareSystem
@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ class Test(unittest.TestCase):
bid = swap_client.getBid(bid_id)
if (initiate_state is None or bid.getITxState() == initiate_state) \
and (participate_state is None or bid.participate_txn_state == participate_state):
and (participate_state is None or bid.getPTxState() == participate_state):
raise ValueError('wait_for_bid_tx_state timed out.')
Reference in a new issue