mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 04:50:29 +00:00
Merge pull request #169 from gerlofvanek/wallets-4
ui: Fix cache wallets, Better hide/show (crypto/usd). Removed % on single val. Fixes.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 392 additions and 413 deletions
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<h4 class="text-xl font-bold dark:text-white">{{ w.name }}
<span class="inline-block font-medium text-xs text-gray-500 dark:text-white">({{ w.ticker }})</span>
<p class="text-xs text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-200">Version: {{ w.version }} {% if w.updating %} <span class="inline-block py-1 px-2 rounded-full bg-blue-100 text-xs text-black-500 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-gray-700">Updating..</span></p>
<p class="text-xs text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-200">Version: {{ w.version }} {% if w.updating %} <span class="hidden inline-block py-1 px-2 rounded-full bg-blue-100 text-xs text-black-500 dark:bg-gray-700 dark:hover:bg-gray-700">Updating..</span></p>
{% endif %}
<div class="p-6 bg-coolGray-100 dark:bg-gray-600">
@ -207,93 +207,26 @@
{% include 'footer.html' %}
const MAX_RETRIES = 3;
const BASE_DELAY = 1000;
const api = {
cache: {
data: null,
timestamp: null,
expirationTime: 10 * 60 * 1000, // 10 minutes
isValid() {
console.log('Checking cache validity...');
const isValid = this.data && this.timestamp &&
(Date.now() - this.timestamp < this.expirationTime);
console.log('Cache is valid:', isValid);
return isValid;
set(data) {
console.log('Updating cache with new data...');
this.data = data;
this.timestamp = Date.now();
get() {
console.log('Retrieving data from cache...');
return this.isValid() ? this.data : null;
clear() {
console.log('Clearing cache...');
this.data = null;
this.timestamp = null;
makePostRequest: (url, headers = {}) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
console.log('Making POST request to:', url);
const cachedData = api.cache.get();
if (cachedData) {
console.log('Using cached data');
return resolve(cachedData);
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', '/json/readurl');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
xhr.timeout = 30000;
xhr.ontimeout = () => {
console.error('Request timed out');
reject(new Error('Request timed out'));
xhr.onload = () => {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
try {
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (response.Error) {
console.error('Error in API response:', response.Error);
reject(new Error(response.Error));
} else {
console.log('Caching API response data');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error parsing JSON response:', error.message);
reject(new Error(`Invalid JSON response: ${error.message}`));
} else {
console.error(`HTTP Error: ${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`);
reject(new Error(`HTTP Error: ${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`));
xhr.onerror = () => {
console.error('Network error occurred');
reject(new Error('Network error occurred'));
xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ url, headers }));
const CONFIG = {
CACHE_EXPIRATION: 5 * 60 * 1000,
const coinNameToSymbol = {
const STATE_KEYS = {
LAST_UPDATE: 'last-update-time',
PREVIOUS_TOTAL: 'previous-total-usd',
CURRENT_TOTAL: 'current-total-usd',
BALANCES_VISIBLE: 'balancesVisible'
const COIN_SYMBOLS = {
'Bitcoin': 'bitcoin',
'Particl': 'particl',
'Particl Blind': 'particl',
'Particl Anon': 'particl',
'Monero': 'monero',
'Wownero': 'wownero',
'Litecoin': 'litecoin',
@ -305,250 +238,310 @@ const coinNameToSymbol = {
'Bitcoin Cash': 'bitcoin-cash'
function initializePercentageTooltip() {
if (typeof Tooltip === 'undefined') {
console.warn('Tooltip is not defined. Make sure the required library is loaded.');
console.log('Initializing percentage tooltip...');
const percentageEl = document.querySelector('[data-tooltip-target="tooltip-percentage"]');
const tooltipEl = document.getElementById('tooltip-percentage');
if (percentageEl && tooltipEl) {
console.log('Creating new tooltip instance');
new Tooltip(tooltipEl, percentageEl);
} else {
console.warn('Tooltip elements not found');
let isUpdating = false;
let previousTotalUsd = null;
let currentPercentageChangeColor = 'yellow';
let percentageChangeEl = null;
let currentPercentageChange = null;
async function fetchLatestPrices() {
let prices = null;
let retryAttempt = 0;
while (retryAttempt < MAX_RETRIES) {
try {
console.log(`Attempt ${retryAttempt + 1} of ${MAX_RETRIES} to fetch prices from API`);
prices = await api.makePostRequest(
console.log('Caching fetched prices');
return prices;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error fetching prices:', error);
const cachedPrices = api.cache.get();
if (cachedPrices) {
console.log('Using cached prices');
return cachedPrices;
const delay = Math.min(BASE_DELAY * Math.pow(2, retryAttempt), 10000);
console.log(`Retrying in ${delay / 1000} seconds...`);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
console.log('All retries failed, returning cached prices if available');
return api.cache.get() || null;
async function updatePrices(forceUpdate = false) {
if (isUpdating) {
console.log('Price update already in progress, skipping...');
try {
console.log('Starting price update...');
isUpdating = true;
if (forceUpdate) {
console.log('Clearing price-related data from cache and localStorage');
const keys = Object.keys(localStorage).filter(key => key.endsWith('-usd') || key === 'total-usd' || key === 'total-btc');
keys.forEach(key => localStorage.removeItem(key));
const response = await fetchLatestPrices();
if (localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') !== 'true') {
console.log('Balances not visible, skipping update');
const existingPercentageChangeEl = document.querySelector('.percentage-change');
if (existingPercentageChangeEl) {
console.log('Removing existing percentage change element');
return false;
let total = 0;
let hasMissingPrices = false;
const updates = [];
console.log('Updating individual coin values...');
document.querySelectorAll('.coinname-value').forEach(el => {
const coinName = el.getAttribute('data-coinname');
const amountStr = el.getAttribute('data-original-value');
if (!amountStr) return;
const amount = parseFloat(amountStr.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, ''));
const coinId = coinNameToSymbol[coinName];
const price = response?.[coinId]?.usd;
let usdValue;
if (price && !isNaN(amount)) {
usdValue = (amount * price).toFixed(2);
total += parseFloat(usdValue);
localStorage.setItem(`${coinId}-usd`, usdValue);
} else {
// Use cached price if available
const cachedPrice = api.cache.get()?.[coinId]?.usd || localStorage.getItem(`${coinId}-usd`);
usdValue = cachedPrice ? (amount * cachedPrice).toFixed(2) : '****';
hasMissingPrices = true;
console.log(`Could not find price for coin: ${coinName}`);
const usdEl = el.closest('.flex').nextElementSibling?.querySelector('.usd-value');
if (usdEl) {
updates.push([usdEl, usdValue]);
console.log('Updating total USD and BTC values...');
updates.forEach(([el, value]) => {
el.textContent = value;
el.setAttribute('data-original-value', value);
const totalUsdEl = document.getElementById('total-usd-value');
if (totalUsdEl) {
const totalText = `$${total.toFixed(2)}`;
totalUsdEl.textContent = totalText;
totalUsdEl.setAttribute('data-original-value', totalText);
localStorage.setItem('total-usd', total);
} else {
console.log('Total USD element not found, skipping total USD update');
const btcPrice = response?.bitcoin?.usd;
if (btcPrice) {
const btcTotal = total / btcPrice;
const totalBtcEl = document.getElementById('total-btc-value');
if (totalBtcEl) {
const btcText = `~ ${btcTotal.toFixed(8)} BTC`;
totalBtcEl.textContent = btcText;
totalBtcEl.setAttribute('data-original-value', btcText);
localStorage.setItem('total-btc', btcTotal);
} else {
console.log('Total BTC element not found, skipping total BTC update');
} else {
console.log('Could not find BTC price');
let percentageChangeEl = document.querySelector('.percentage-change');
if (!percentageChangeEl) {
console.log('Creating percentage change elements...');
const tooltipId = 'tooltip-percentage';
const tooltip = document.createElement('div');
tooltip.id = tooltipId;
tooltip.role = 'tooltip';
tooltip.className = 'inline-block absolute invisible z-50 py-2 px-3 text-sm font-medium text-white bg-gray-500 rounded-lg shadow-sm opacity-0 transition-opacity duration-300 tooltip';
tooltip.innerHTML = `
Price change in the last 10 minutes<br>
<span style="color: rgb(34, 197, 94);">▲ Green:</span><span> Price increased</span><br>
<span style="color: rgb(239, 68, 68);">▼ Red:</span><span> Price decreased</span><br>
<span style="color: white;">→ White:</span><span> No change</span>
percentageChangeEl = document.createElement('span');
percentageChangeEl.setAttribute('data-tooltip-target', tooltipId);
percentageChangeEl.className = 'ml-2 text-base bg-gray-500 percentage-change px-2 py-1 rounded-full cursor-help';
console.log('Initializing tooltip...');
let percentageChange = 0;
let percentageChangeIcon = '→';
let currentPercentageChangeColor = 'white';
percentageChangeEl.textContent = `${percentageChangeIcon} 0.00%`;
percentageChangeEl.style.color = currentPercentageChangeColor;
percentageChangeEl.style.display = localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true' ? 'inline' : 'none';
console.log(`Displaying percentage change in total USD: ${percentageChangeEl.textContent}`);
console.log('Price update completed successfully');
return !hasMissingPrices;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Price update failed:', error);
// Only clear price-related data from localStorage
const keys = Object.keys(localStorage).filter(key => key.endsWith('-usd') || key === 'total-usd' || key === 'total-btc');
keys.forEach(key => localStorage.removeItem(key));
return false;
} finally {
isUpdating = false;
function storeOriginalValues() {
console.log('Storing original coin values...');
document.querySelectorAll('.coinname-value').forEach(el => {
if (!el.getAttribute('data-original-value')) {
el.setAttribute('data-original-value', el.textContent.trim());
const toggleIcon = (isVisible) => {
const eyeIcon = document.querySelector("#hide-usd-amount-toggle svg");
if (eyeIcon) {
console.log('Toggling eye icon visibility:', isVisible);
if (isVisible) {
eyeIcon.innerHTML = `
<path d="M23.444,10.239C21.905,8.062,17.708,3,12,3S2.1,8.062,.555,10.24a3.058,3.058,0,0,0,0,3.52h0C2.1,15.938,6.292,21,12,21s9.905-5.062,11.445-7.24A3.058,3.058,0,0,0,23.444,10.239ZM12,17a5,5,0,1,1,5-5A5,5,0,0,1,12,17Z"></path>
} else {
eyeIcon.innerHTML = `
<path d="M23.444,10.239a22.936,22.936,0,0,0-2.492-2.948l-4.021,4.021A5.026,5.026,0,0,1,17,12a5,5,0,0,1-5,5,5.026,5.026,0,0,1-.688-.069L8.055,20.188A10.286,10.286,0,0,0,12,21c5.708,0,9.905-5.062,11.445-7.24A3.058,3.058,0,0,0,23.444,10.239Z"></path>
<path d="M12,3C6.292,3,2.1,8.062,.555,10.24a3.058,3.058,0,0,0,0,3.52h0a21.272,21.272,0,0,0,4.784,4.9l3.124-3.124a5,5,0,0,1,7.071-7.072L8.464,15.536l10.2-10.2A11.484,11.484,0,0,0,12,3Z"></path>
<path data-color="color-2" d="M1,24a1,1,0,0,1-.707-1.707l22-22a1,1,0,0,1,1.414,1.414l-22,22A1,1,0,0,1,1,24Z"></path>
const SHORT_NAMES = {
'Bitcoin': 'BTC',
'Particl': 'PART',
'Monero': 'XMR',
'Wownero': 'WOW',
'Litecoin': 'LTC',
'Litecoin MWEB': 'LTC MWEB',
'Firo': 'FIRO',
'Dash': 'DASH',
'Decred': 'DCR',
'Zano': 'ZANO',
'Bitcoin Cash': 'BCH'
let toggleInProgress = false;
let toggleBalancesDebounce;
const toggleBalances = async (isVisible) => {
console.log('Toggling balance visibility:', isVisible);
const usdText = document.getElementById('usd-text');
const totalUsdEl = document.getElementById('total-usd-value');
if (usdText) {
console.log('Updating USD text visibility:', isVisible);
usdText.style.display = isVisible ? 'inline' : 'none';
class Cache {
constructor(expirationTime) {
this.data = null;
this.timestamp = null;
this.expirationTime = expirationTime;
if (isVisible) {
console.log('Restoring coin amounts...');
isValid() {
return Boolean(
this.data &&
this.timestamp &&
(Date.now() - this.timestamp < this.expirationTime)
set(data) {
this.data = data;
this.timestamp = Date.now();
get() {
if (this.isValid()) {
return this.data;
return null;
clear() {
this.data = null;
this.timestamp = null;
class ApiClient {
constructor() {
this.cache = new Cache(CONFIG.CACHE_EXPIRATION);
this.lastFetchTime = 0;
makeRequest(url, headers = {}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('POST', '/json/readurl');
xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
xhr.timeout = CONFIG.API_TIMEOUT;
xhr.ontimeout = () => {
reject(new Error('Request timed out'));
xhr.onload = () => {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
try {
const response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (response.Error) {
reject(new Error(response.Error));
} else {
} catch (error) {
reject(new Error(`Invalid JSON response: ${error.message}`));
} else {
reject(new Error(`HTTP Error: ${xhr.status} ${xhr.statusText}`));
xhr.onerror = () => {
reject(new Error('Network error occurred'));
xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ url, headers }));
async fetchPrices(forceUpdate = false) {
const now = Date.now();
const timeSinceLastFetch = now - this.lastFetchTime;
if (!forceUpdate && timeSinceLastFetch < CONFIG.CACHE_MIN_INTERVAL) {
const cachedData = this.cache.get();
if (cachedData) {
return cachedData;
let lastError = null;
for (let attempt = 0; attempt < CONFIG.MAX_RETRIES; attempt++) {
try {
const prices = await this.makeRequest(
this.lastFetchTime = now;
return prices;
} catch (error) {
lastError = error;
if (attempt < CONFIG.MAX_RETRIES - 1) {
const delay = Math.min(CONFIG.BASE_DELAY * Math.pow(2, attempt), 10000);
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
const cachedData = this.cache.get();
if (cachedData) {
return cachedData;
throw lastError || new Error('Failed to fetch prices');
class UiManager {
constructor() {
this.api = new ApiClient();
this.toggleInProgress = false;
this.toggleDebounceTimer = null;
this.priceUpdateInterval = null;
this.lastUpdateTime = parseInt(localStorage.getItem(STATE_KEYS.LAST_UPDATE) || '0');
getShortName(fullName) {
return SHORT_NAMES[fullName] || fullName;
storeOriginalValues() {
document.querySelectorAll('.coinname-value').forEach(el => {
const coinName = el.getAttribute('data-coinname');
const value = el.textContent?.trim() || '';
if (coinName) {
const amount = value ? parseFloat(value.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, '')) : 0;
const coinId = COIN_SYMBOLS[coinName];
const shortName = this.getShortName(coinName);
if (coinId) {
if (coinId === 'particl') {
const isBlind = el.closest('.flex')?.querySelector('h4')?.textContent.includes('Blind');
const isAnon = el.closest('.flex')?.querySelector('h4')?.textContent.includes('Anon');
const balanceType = isBlind ? 'blind' : isAnon ? 'anon' : 'public';
localStorage.setItem(`particl-${balanceType}-amount`, amount.toString());
} else if (coinId === 'litecoin') {
const isMWEB = el.closest('.flex')?.querySelector('h4')?.textContent.includes('MWEB');
const balanceType = isMWEB ? 'mweb' : 'public';
localStorage.setItem(`litecoin-${balanceType}-amount`, amount.toString());
} else {
localStorage.setItem(`${coinId}-amount`, amount.toString());
el.setAttribute('data-original-value', `${amount} ${shortName}`);
async updatePrices(forceUpdate = false) {
try {
const prices = await this.api.fetchPrices(forceUpdate);
let newTotal = 0;
const currentTime = Date.now();
localStorage.setItem(STATE_KEYS.LAST_UPDATE, currentTime.toString());
this.lastUpdateTime = currentTime;
if (prices) {
Object.entries(COIN_SYMBOLS).forEach(([coinName, coinId]) => {
if (prices[coinId]?.usd) {
localStorage.setItem(`${coinId}-price`, prices[coinId].usd.toString());
document.querySelectorAll('.coinname-value').forEach(el => {
const coinName = el.getAttribute('data-coinname');
const amountStr = el.getAttribute('data-original-value') || el.textContent?.trim() || '';
if (!coinName) return;
const amount = amountStr ? parseFloat(amountStr.replace(/[^0-9.-]+/g, '')) : 0;
const coinId = COIN_SYMBOLS[coinName];
if (!coinId) return;
const price = prices?.[coinId]?.usd || parseFloat(localStorage.getItem(`${coinId}-price`) || '0');
const usdValue = (amount * price).toFixed(2);
if (coinId === 'particl') {
const isBlind = el.closest('.flex')?.querySelector('h4')?.textContent.includes('Blind');
const isAnon = el.closest('.flex')?.querySelector('h4')?.textContent.includes('Anon');
const balanceType = isBlind ? 'blind' : isAnon ? 'anon' : 'public';
localStorage.setItem(`particl-${balanceType}-last-value`, usdValue);
localStorage.setItem(`particl-${balanceType}-amount`, amount.toString());
} else if (coinId === 'litecoin') {
const isMWEB = el.closest('.flex')?.querySelector('h4')?.textContent.includes('MWEB');
const balanceType = isMWEB ? 'mweb' : 'public';
localStorage.setItem(`litecoin-${balanceType}-last-value`, usdValue);
localStorage.setItem(`litecoin-${balanceType}-amount`, amount.toString());
} else {
localStorage.setItem(`${coinId}-last-value`, usdValue);
localStorage.setItem(`${coinId}-amount`, amount.toString());
newTotal += parseFloat(usdValue);
const usdEl = el.closest('.flex')?.nextElementSibling?.querySelector('.usd-value');
if (usdEl) {
usdEl.textContent = `$${usdValue} USD`;
this.updateTotalValues(newTotal, prices?.bitcoin?.usd);
localStorage.setItem(STATE_KEYS.PREVIOUS_TOTAL, localStorage.getItem(STATE_KEYS.CURRENT_TOTAL) || '0');
localStorage.setItem(STATE_KEYS.CURRENT_TOTAL, newTotal.toString());
return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Price update failed:', error);
return false;
updateTotalValues(totalUsd, btcPrice) {
const totalUsdEl = document.getElementById('total-usd-value');
if (totalUsdEl) {
totalUsdEl.textContent = `$${totalUsd.toFixed(2)}`;
totalUsdEl.setAttribute('data-original-value', totalUsd.toString());
localStorage.setItem('total-usd', totalUsd.toString());
if (btcPrice) {
const btcTotal = btcPrice ? totalUsd / btcPrice : 0;
const totalBtcEl = document.getElementById('total-btc-value');
if (totalBtcEl) {
totalBtcEl.textContent = `~ ${btcTotal.toFixed(8)} BTC`;
totalBtcEl.setAttribute('data-original-value', btcTotal.toString());
async toggleBalances() {
if (this.toggleInProgress) return;
try {
this.toggleInProgress = true;
const balancesVisible = localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true';
const newVisibility = !balancesVisible;
localStorage.setItem('balancesVisible', newVisibility.toString());
if (this.toggleDebounceTimer) {
this.toggleDebounceTimer = window.setTimeout(async () => {
this.toggleInProgress = false;
if (newVisibility) {
await this.updatePrices(true);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to toggle balances:', error);
this.toggleInProgress = false;
updateVisibility(isVisible) {
if (isVisible) {
} else {
const eyeIcon = document.querySelector("#hide-usd-amount-toggle svg");
if (eyeIcon) {
eyeIcon.innerHTML = isVisible ?
'<path d="M23.444,10.239C21.905,8.062,17.708,3,12,3S2.1,8.062,.555,10.24a3.058,3.058,0,0,0,0,3.52h0C2.1,15.938,6.292,21,12,21s9.905-5.062,11.445-7.24A3.058,3.058,0,0,0,23.444,10.239ZM12,17a5,5,0,1,1,5-5A5,5,0,0,1,12,17Z"></path>' :
'<path d="M23.444,10.239a22.936,22.936,0,0,0-2.492-2.948l-4.021,4.021A5.026,5.026,0,0,1,17,12a5,5,0,0,1-5,5,5.026,5.026,0,0,1-.688-.069L8.055,20.188A10.286,10.286,0,0,0,12,21c5.708,0,9.905-5.062,11.445-7.24A3.058,3.058,0,0,0,23.444,10.239Z"></path><path d="M12,3C6.292,3,2.1,8.062,.555,10.24a3.058,3.058,0,0,0,0,3.52h0a21.272,21.272,0,0,0,4.784,4.9l3.124-3.124a5,5,0,0,1,7.071-7.072L8.464,15.536l10.2-10.2A11.484,11.484,0,0,0,12,3Z"></path><path data-color="color-2" d="M1,24a1,1,0,0,1-.707-1.707l22-22a1,1,0,0,1,1.414,1.414l-22,22A1,1,0,0,1,1,24Z"></path>';
showBalances() {
const usdText = document.getElementById('usd-text');
if (usdText) {
usdText.style.display = 'inline';
document.querySelectorAll('.coinname-value').forEach(el => {
const originalValue = el.getAttribute('data-original-value');
if (originalValue) {
@ -556,114 +549,100 @@ const toggleBalances = async (isVisible) => {
console.log('Updating prices...');
const success = await updatePrices(true);
if (!success) {
console.log('Price update failed, restoring previous USD values...');
document.querySelectorAll('.usd-value').forEach(el => {
const storedValue = el.getAttribute('data-original-value');
el.textContent = storedValue || '****';
['total-usd-value', 'total-btc-value'].forEach(id => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
el.textContent = el.getAttribute('data-original-value') || '****';
if (totalUsdEl) {
if (percentageChangeEl) {
percentageChangeEl.style.display = 'inline';
percentageChangeEl.style.color = currentPercentageChangeColor;
} else {
console.log('Hiding all balance values...');
['coinname-value', 'usd-value'].forEach(className => {
document.querySelectorAll('.' + className).forEach(el => {
el.textContent = '****';
document.querySelectorAll('.usd-value').forEach(el => {
const storedValue = el.getAttribute('data-original-value');
if (storedValue) {
el.textContent = `$${parseFloat(storedValue).toFixed(2)} USD`;
el.style.color = 'white';
['total-usd-value', 'total-btc-value'].forEach(id => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) el.textContent = '****';
const originalValue = el?.getAttribute('data-original-value');
if (el && originalValue) {
if (id === 'total-usd-value') {
el.textContent = `$${parseFloat(originalValue).toFixed(2)}`;
} else {
el.textContent = `~ ${parseFloat(originalValue).toFixed(8)} BTC`;
const percentageChangeEl = document.querySelector('.percentage-change');
if (percentageChangeEl) {
console.log('Hiding percentage change element');
percentageChangeEl.style.display = 'none';
hideBalances() {
const usdText = document.getElementById('usd-text');
if (usdText) {
usdText.style.display = 'none';
document.querySelectorAll('.coinname-value, .usd-value').forEach(el => {
el.textContent = '****';
['total-usd-value', 'total-btc-value'].forEach(id => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
el.textContent = '****';
const totalUsdEl = document.getElementById('total-usd-value');
if (totalUsdEl) {
const toggleBalancesDebounced = () => {
if (toggleBalancesDebounce) {
async initialize() {
if (localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === null) {
localStorage.setItem('balancesVisible', 'true');
toggleBalancesDebounce = setTimeout(() => {
toggleInProgress = false;
toggleBalances(localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true');
}, 500);
const hideBalancesToggle = document.getElementById('hide-usd-amount-toggle');
if (hideBalancesToggle) {
hideBalancesToggle.addEventListener('click', () => this.toggleBalances());
const loadBalanceVisibility = async () => {
console.log('Loading balance visibility...');
const balancesVisible = localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true';
await toggleBalancesDebounced();
window.onload = async () => {
console.log('Window loaded, initializing price visualization...');
if (localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === null) {
console.log('Balances visibility not set, setting to true');
localStorage.setItem('balancesVisible', 'true');
const hideBalancesToggle = document.getElementById('hide-usd-amount-toggle');
hideBalancesToggle?.addEventListener('click', async () => {
if (toggleInProgress) {
console.log('Toggle already in progress, skipping...');
await this.loadBalanceVisibility();
if (this.priceUpdateInterval) {
try {
toggleInProgress = true;
console.log('Toggling balance visibility...');
const balancesVisible = localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true';
const newVisibility = !balancesVisible;
localStorage.setItem('balancesVisible', newVisibility);
await toggleBalancesDebounced();
} finally {
toggleInProgress = false;
this.priceUpdateInterval = setInterval(() => {
if (localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true' && !this.toggleInProgress) {
await loadBalanceVisibility();
console.log(`Setting up periodic price updates every ${PRICE_UPDATE_INTERVAL / 1000} seconds...`);
setInterval(async () => {
if (localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true' && !toggleInProgress && !isUpdating) {
console.log('Running periodic price update...');
await updatePrices();
async loadBalanceVisibility() {
const balancesVisible = localStorage.getItem('balancesVisible') === 'true';
if (balancesVisible) {
await this.updatePrices(true);
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => {
const uiManager = window.uiManager;
if (uiManager?.priceUpdateInterval) {
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
const uiManager = new UiManager();
window.uiManager = uiManager;
uiManager.initialize().catch(error => {
console.error('Failed to initialize application:', error);
Reference in a new issue