hinto-janai 4b93dbec4c
Some checks failed
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workspace: enforce crate/directory naming scheme (#164)
* rename all directories and crates

* fix all `use`

* fix doc link

* `dandelion/` -> `dandelion-tower/`

* fix epee-encoding test

* fix `json-rpc`

* fix pruning

* crate import fixes

* fix leftover merge conflicts

* fix `epee-encoding`
2024-06-24 02:30:47 +01:00

231 lines
8.7 KiB

pub use bytes;
pub use paste::paste;
/// Macro to derive [`EpeeObject`](crate::EpeeObject) for structs.
/// ### Basic Usage:
/// ```rust
/// // mod visibility is here because of Rust visibility weirdness, you shouldn't need this unless defined in a function.
/// // see: <>
/// mod visibility {
/// use cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object;
/// struct Example {
/// a: u8
/// }
/// epee_object!(
/// Example,
/// a: u8,
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// ### Advanced Usage:
/// ```rust
/// // mod visibility is here because of Rust visibility weirdness, you shouldn't need this unless defined in a function.
/// // see: <>
/// mod visibility {
/// use cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object;
/// struct Example {
/// a: u8,
/// b: u8,
/// c: u8,
/// d: u8,
/// e_f: Example2
/// }
/// struct Example2 {
/// e: u8
/// }
/// epee_object!(
/// Example2,
/// e: u8,
/// );
/// epee_object!(
/// Example,
/// // `("ALT-NAME")` changes the name of the field in the encoded data.
/// a("A"): u8,
/// // `= VALUE` sets a default value that this field will be set to if not in the data
/// // when encoding this field will be skipped if equal to the default.
/// b: u8 = 0,
/// // `as ALT-TYPE` encodes the data using the alt type, the alt type must impl Into<Type> and From<&Type>
/// c: u8 as u8,
/// // `=> read_fn, write_fn, should_write_fn,` allows you to specify alt field encoding functions.
/// // for the required args see the default functions, which are used here:
/// d: u8 => cuprate_epee_encoding::read_epee_value, cuprate_epee_encoding::write_field, <u8 as cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeValue>::should_write,
/// // `!flatten` can be used on fields which are epee objects, and it flattens the fields of that object into this object.
/// // So for this example `e_f` will not appear in the data but e will.
/// // You can't use the other options with this.
/// !flatten: e_f: Example2,
/// );
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! epee_object {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ internal_try_right_then_left
// All this does is return the second (right) arg if present otherwise the left is returned.
$a:expr, $b:expr
) => {
) => {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ internal_field_name
// Returns the alt_name if present otherwise stringifies the field ident.
$field: tt, $alt_name: tt
) => {
$field: ident,
) => {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ internal_field_type
// All this does is return the second (right) arg if present otherwise the left is returned.
$ty:ty, $ty_as:ty
) => {
) => {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entry Point
$($field: ident $(($alt_name: literal))?: $ty:ty $(as $ty_as:ty )? $(= $default:expr)? $(=> $read_fn:expr, $write_fn:expr, $should_write_fn:expr)?, )*
$(!flatten: $flat_field: ident: $flat_ty:ty ,)*
) => {
mod [<__epee_builder_ $obj>] {
use super::*;
pub struct [<__Builder $obj>] {
$($field: Option<cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_field_type $ty, $($ty_as)?)>,)*
$($flat_field: <$flat_ty as cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeObject>::Builder,)*
impl cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeObjectBuilder<$obj> for [<__Builder $obj>] {
fn add_field<B: cuprate_epee_encoding::macros::bytes::Buf>(&mut self, name: &str, b: &mut B) -> cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Result<bool> {
match name {
$(cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_field_name $field, $($alt_name)?) => {
if core::mem::replace(&mut self.$field, Some(
cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left cuprate_epee_encoding::read_epee_value(b)?, $($read_fn(b)?)?)
)).is_some() {
Err(cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Error::Value(format!("Duplicate field in data: {}", cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_field_name$field, $($alt_name)?))))?;
_ => {
$(if self.$flat_field.add_field(name, b)? {
return Ok(true);
fn finish(self) -> cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Result<$obj> {
$obj {
$field: {
let epee_default_value = cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeValue::epee_default_value(), $({
let _ = $should_write_fn;
.ok_or(cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Error::Value(format!("Missing field in data: {}", cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_field_name$field, $($alt_name)?))))?
$flat_field: self.$flat_field.finish()?,
impl cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeObject for $obj {
type Builder = [<__epee_builder_ $obj>]::[<__Builder $obj>];
fn number_of_fields(&self) -> u64 {
let mut fields = 0;
let field = cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left &self.$field, $(<&$ty_as>::from(&self.$field))? );
if $((field) != &$default &&)? cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeValue::should_write, $($should_write_fn)?)(field )
fields += 1;
fields += self.$flat_field.number_of_fields();
fn write_fields<B: cuprate_epee_encoding::macros::bytes::BufMut>(self, w: &mut B) -> cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Result<()> {
let field = cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left self.$field, $(<$ty_as>::from(self.$field))? );
if $(field != $default &&)? cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left cuprate_epee_encoding::EpeeValue::should_write, $($should_write_fn)?)(&field )
cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_try_right_then_left cuprate_epee_encoding::write_field, $($write_fn)?)((field), cuprate_epee_encoding::epee_object!(@internal_field_name$field, $($alt_name)?), w)?;