hinto-janai bec8cc0aa4
helper: add and use cast module (#264)
* helper: add `cast` module

* fix crates

* spacing
2024-09-02 18:09:52 +01:00

375 lines
11 KiB

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
//! Epee Encoding
//! This library contains the Epee binary format found in Monero, unlike other
//! crates this crate does not use serde.
//! See [`epee_object`] for how to easily implement [`EpeeObject`] for your types.
//! example without macro:
//! ```rust
//! # use cuprate_epee_encoding::{EpeeObject, EpeeObjectBuilder, read_epee_value, write_field, to_bytes, from_bytes};
//! # use bytes::{Buf, BufMut};
//! pub struct Test {
//! val: u64
//! }
//! #[derive(Default)]
//! pub struct __TestEpeeBuilder {
//! val: Option<u64>,
//! }
//! impl EpeeObjectBuilder<Test> for __TestEpeeBuilder {
//! fn add_field<B: Buf>(&mut self, name: &str, r: &mut B) -> cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Result<bool> {
//! match name {
//! "val" => {self.val = Some(read_epee_value(r)?);}
//! _ => return Ok(false),
//! }
//! Ok(true)
//! }
//! fn finish(self) -> cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Result<Test> {
//! Ok(
//! Test {
//! val: self.val.ok_or_else(|| cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Error::Format("Required field was not found!"))?
//! }
//! )
//! }
//! }
//! impl EpeeObject for Test {
//! type Builder = __TestEpeeBuilder;
//! fn number_of_fields(&self) -> u64 {
//! 1
//! }
//! fn write_fields<B: BufMut>(self, w: &mut B) -> cuprate_epee_encoding::error::Result<()> {
//! // write the fields
//! write_field(self.val, "val", w)
//! }
//! }
//! let data = [1, 17, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 118, 97, 108, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; // the data to decode;
//! let val: Test = from_bytes(&mut data.as_slice()).unwrap();
//! let data = to_bytes(val).unwrap();
//! ```
extern crate alloc;
use core::{ops::Deref, str::from_utf8 as str_from_utf8};
use bytes::{Buf, BufMut, Bytes, BytesMut};
use cuprate_helper::cast::{u64_to_usize, usize_to_u64};
pub mod container_as_blob;
pub mod error;
mod io;
pub mod macros;
pub mod marker;
mod value;
mod varint;
pub use error::*;
use io::*;
pub use marker::{InnerMarker, Marker};
pub use value::EpeeValue;
pub use varint::{read_varint, write_varint};
/// Header that needs to be at the beginning of every binary blob that follows
/// this binary serialization format.
const HEADER: &[u8] = b"\x01\x11\x01\x01\x01\x01\x02\x01\x01";
/// The maximum length a byte array (marked as a string) can be.
const MAX_STRING_LEN_POSSIBLE: u64 = 2000000000;
/// The maximum depth of skipped objects.
/// The maximum number of fields in an object.
const MAX_NUM_FIELDS: u64 = 1000;
/// A trait for an object that can build a type `T` from the epee format.
pub trait EpeeObjectBuilder<T>: Default + Sized {
/// Called when a field names has been read no other bytes following the field
/// name will have been read.
/// Returns a bool if true then the field has been read otherwise the field is not
/// needed and has not been read.
fn add_field<B: Buf>(&mut self, name: &str, b: &mut B) -> Result<bool>;
/// Called when the number of fields has been read.
fn finish(self) -> Result<T>;
/// A trait for an object that can be turned into epee bytes.
pub trait EpeeObject: Sized {
type Builder: EpeeObjectBuilder<Self>;
/// Returns the number of fields to be encoded.
fn number_of_fields(&self) -> u64;
/// write the objects fields into the writer.
fn write_fields<B: BufMut>(self, w: &mut B) -> Result<()>;
/// Read the object `T` from a byte array.
pub fn from_bytes<T: EpeeObject, B: Buf>(buf: &mut B) -> Result<T> {
/// Turn the object into epee bytes.
pub fn to_bytes<T: EpeeObject>(val: T) -> Result<BytesMut> {
let mut buf = BytesMut::new();
write_head_object(val, &mut buf)?;
fn read_header<B: Buf>(r: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
let buf = checked_read(r, |b: &mut B| b.copy_to_bytes(HEADER.len()), HEADER.len())?;
if buf.deref() != HEADER {
return Err(Error::Format("Data does not contain header"));
fn write_header<B: BufMut>(w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
checked_write(w, BufMut::put_slice, HEADER, HEADER.len())
fn write_head_object<T: EpeeObject, B: BufMut>(val: T, w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
fn read_head_object<T: EpeeObject, B: Buf>(r: &mut B) -> Result<T> {
let mut skipped_objects = 0;
read_object(r, &mut skipped_objects)
fn read_field_name_bytes<B: Buf>(r: &mut B) -> Result<Bytes> {
let len: usize = r.get_u8().into();
checked_read(r, |b: &mut B| b.copy_to_bytes(len), len)
fn write_field_name<B: BufMut>(val: &str, w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
checked_write_primitive(w, BufMut::put_u8, val.len().try_into()?)?;
let slice = val.as_bytes();
checked_write(w, BufMut::put_slice, slice, slice.len())
/// Write an epee field.
pub fn write_field<T: EpeeValue, B: BufMut>(val: T, field_name: &str, w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
if val.should_write() {
write_field_name(field_name, w)?;
write_epee_value(val, w)?;
fn read_object<T: EpeeObject, B: Buf>(r: &mut B, skipped_objects: &mut u8) -> Result<T> {
let mut object_builder = T::Builder::default();
let number_o_field = read_varint(r)?;
if number_o_field > MAX_NUM_FIELDS {
return Err(Error::Format(
"Data has object with more fields than the maximum allowed",
for _ in 0..number_o_field {
let field_name_bytes = read_field_name_bytes(r)?;
let field_name = str_from_utf8(field_name_bytes.deref())?;
if !object_builder.add_field(field_name, r)? {
skip_epee_value(r, skipped_objects)?;
/// Read a marker from the [`Buf`], this function should only be used for
/// custom serialisation based on the marker otherwise just use [`read_epee_value`].
pub fn read_marker<B: Buf>(r: &mut B) -> Result<Marker> {
Marker::try_from(checked_read_primitive(r, Buf::get_u8)?)
/// Read an epee value from the stream, an epee value is the part after the key
/// including the marker.
pub fn read_epee_value<T: EpeeValue, B: Buf>(r: &mut B) -> Result<T> {
let marker = read_marker(r)?;
T::read(r, &marker)
/// Write an epee value to the stream, an epee value is the part after the key
/// including the marker.
fn write_epee_value<T: EpeeValue, B: BufMut>(val: T, w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
checked_write_primitive(w, BufMut::put_u8, T::MARKER.as_u8())?;
/// Write a byte array to `w` with [`write_varint`].
/// This function:
/// - Writes the length of `t`'s bytes into `w` using [`write_varint`]
/// - Writes `t`'s bytes into `w`
/// It is used as the internal [`EpeeValue::write`]
/// implementation of byte-like containers such as:
/// - [`EpeeValue::<Vec<u8>>::write`]
/// - [`EpeeValue::<String>::write`]
/// # Errors
/// This will error if:
/// - [`write_varint`] fails
/// - `w` does not have enough capacity
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let t: [u8; 8] = [3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0];
/// let mut w = vec![];
/// cuprate_epee_encoding::write_bytes(t, &mut w).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(w.len(), 9); // length of bytes + bytes
/// assert_eq!(w[1..], t);
/// ```
pub fn write_bytes<T: AsRef<[u8]>, B: BufMut>(t: T, w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
let bytes = t.as_ref();
let len = bytes.len();
write_varint(usize_to_u64(len), w)?;
if w.remaining_mut() < len {
return Err(Error::IO("Not enough capacity to write bytes"));
/// Write an [`Iterator`] of [`EpeeValue`]s to `w` with [`write_varint`].
/// This function:
/// - Writes the length of the `iterator`, into `w` using [`write_varint`]
/// - [`EpeeValue::write`]s each `T` of the iterator into `w`
/// It is used as the internal [`EpeeValue::write`]
/// implementation of containers such as [`EpeeValue::<Vec<T>>::write`].
/// # Errors
/// This will error if:
/// - [`write_varint`] fails
/// - [`EpeeValue::<T>::write`] fails
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// let t: u64 = 3;
/// let vec: Vec<u64> = vec![t, t];
/// let mut w = vec![];
/// let iter: std::vec::IntoIter<u64> = vec.into_iter();
/// cuprate_epee_encoding::write_iterator(iter, &mut w).unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(w.len(), 17);
/// assert_eq!(w[1..9], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
/// assert_eq!(w[9..], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
/// ```
pub fn write_iterator<T, I, B>(iterator: I, w: &mut B) -> Result<()>
T: EpeeValue,
I: Iterator<Item = T> + ExactSizeIterator,
B: BufMut,
write_varint(usize_to_u64(iterator.len()), w)?;
for item in iterator.into_iter() {
/// A helper object builder that just skips every field.
struct SkipObjectBuilder;
impl EpeeObjectBuilder<SkipObject> for SkipObjectBuilder {
fn add_field<B: Buf>(&mut self, _name: &str, _r: &mut B) -> Result<bool> {
fn finish(self) -> Result<SkipObject> {
/// A helper object that just skips every field.
struct SkipObject;
impl EpeeObject for SkipObject {
type Builder = SkipObjectBuilder;
fn number_of_fields(&self) -> u64 {
panic!("This is a helper function to use when de-serialising")
fn write_fields<B: BufMut>(self, _w: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
panic!("This is a helper function to use when de-serialising")
/// Skip an epee value, should be used when you do not need the value
/// stored at a key.
fn skip_epee_value<B: Buf>(r: &mut B, skipped_objects: &mut u8) -> Result<()> {
let marker = read_marker(r)?;
let mut len = 1;
if marker.is_seq {
len = read_varint(r)?;
if let Some(size) = marker.inner_marker.size() {
let bytes_to_skip = size
.ok_or(Error::Value("List is too big".to_string()))?;
return advance(bytes_to_skip, r);
for _ in 0..len {
match marker.inner_marker {
| InnerMarker::U64
| InnerMarker::F64
| InnerMarker::I32
| InnerMarker::U32
| InnerMarker::I16
| InnerMarker::U16
| InnerMarker::I8
| InnerMarker::U8
| InnerMarker::Bool => unreachable!("These types are constant size."),
InnerMarker::String => {
let len = u64_to_usize(read_varint(r)?);
advance(len, r)?;
InnerMarker::Object => {
*skipped_objects += 1;
if *skipped_objects > MAX_DEPTH_OF_SKIPPED_OBJECTS {
return Err(Error::Format("Depth of skipped objects exceeded maximum"));
read_object::<SkipObject, _>(r, skipped_objects)?;
*skipped_objects -= 1;
fn advance<B: Buf>(n: usize, b: &mut B) -> Result<()> {
checked_read(b, |b: &mut B| b.advance(n), n)